***Note: As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:
Beloved, you must Trust Me to carry you through whatever difficulty you face. Much is going to take place in rapid succession, do not fear or become unsettled. Remain quiet on the inside, look within, not without, focus on Me. Don't fight your circumstances. Go with the flow, let the waves flow over you, do not block the current, let it flow all around you, for I am with you. Be steadfast and remain strong in Me. Help who you can, be loving, be kind, do not become bitter or allow anger to rise up within you. For there are many who will rise up in anger in the land and re-act in destructive ways, for they shall give in to panic and fear. I tell you now, My love, to prepare you for what lies ahead. Do not fear, for I am with you. Trust Me child, I will take care of your every need. But, many, many souls shall be weighed in the balance of My scales and shall be cast out into outer darkness. For their own selfish and sinful choices. Do not let yourself become bitter. Hold fast to Me and let Me guide you through everything you shall be facing. My love for you is limitless, but, Remember, My ways are higher than your ways. Simply Trust Me with all of your life. You can only see in part right now, and I will only tell you little by little, on a need to know basis, so as to not overwhelm your beautiful and tender heart. My love, you shall begin to see more and more of your family and friends lose their loved ones, lose their things, lose their jobs. I am the God of today, I am the God of yesterday, and I am the God of tomorrow. When it looks like all is lost, fear not, for I am with you. I shall never leave you, My little one. I have a plan and purpose for everything that is unfolding now. Stay close and cleave to Me.
Beloved, you must Trust Me to carry you through whatever difficulty you face. Much is going to take place in rapid succession, do not fear or become unsettled. Remain quiet on the inside, look within, not without, focus on Me. Don't fight your circumstances. Go with the flow, let the waves flow over you, do not block the current, let it flow all around you, for I am with you. Be steadfast and remain strong in Me. Help who you can, be loving, be kind, do not become bitter or allow anger to rise up within you. For there are many who will rise up in anger in the land and re-act in destructive ways, for they shall give in to panic and fear. I tell you now, My love, to prepare you for what lies ahead. Do not fear, for I am with you. Trust Me child, I will take care of your every need. But, many, many souls shall be weighed in the balance of My scales and shall be cast out into outer darkness. For their own selfish and sinful choices. Do not let yourself become bitter. Hold fast to Me and let Me guide you through everything you shall be facing. My love for you is limitless, but, Remember, My ways are higher than your ways. Simply Trust Me with all of your life. You can only see in part right now, and I will only tell you little by little, on a need to know basis, so as to not overwhelm your beautiful and tender heart. My love, you shall begin to see more and more of your family and friends lose their loved ones, lose their things, lose their jobs. I am the God of today, I am the God of yesterday, and I am the God of tomorrow. When it looks like all is lost, fear not, for I am with you. I shall never leave you, My little one. I have a plan and purpose for everything that is unfolding now. Stay close and cleave to Me.