***Note: As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:
My peace I leave with you, to comfort you when you mourn. When you are bruised and broken by circumstances. When you are cut and bleeding from words spoken to you. When your heart and body aches in pain beyond measure, My peace is here with you. Turn your attention and focus on Me in the midst of the storm. While emotions and circumstances rage all around you, Remember, My dear ones, I may seem silent, but, I am here with you, turn your focus and attention on Me. Do not lash out in your words, be quiet, abide in Me, though you may be trembling and scared and deeply wounded, Remember, you are anchored to Me, Christ in you, the hope of glory. I am here with you, My peace, My peace, washes over you as you turn to Me. I am your friend and a very present help in time of trouble. Focus on Me. This is the hour of testing. I shall show you your own heart. I shall reveal the hidden things, tucked away, deep down inside, and We shall deal with it, you and I. Do not run from Me in this, run to Me, for I am your helper, I am your healer, I am your deliverer, I AM here, do not doubt this. There are many voices saying I am not here, saying I have forsaken you, do not listen to these lies. Trust Me, I am here with you, I am not distant. I am your helper. I love you deeply.
***Note: As His words were ending I heard this song: "Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this place..."
My peace I leave with you, to comfort you when you mourn. When you are bruised and broken by circumstances. When you are cut and bleeding from words spoken to you. When your heart and body aches in pain beyond measure, My peace is here with you. Turn your attention and focus on Me in the midst of the storm. While emotions and circumstances rage all around you, Remember, My dear ones, I may seem silent, but, I am here with you, turn your focus and attention on Me. Do not lash out in your words, be quiet, abide in Me, though you may be trembling and scared and deeply wounded, Remember, you are anchored to Me, Christ in you, the hope of glory. I am here with you, My peace, My peace, washes over you as you turn to Me. I am your friend and a very present help in time of trouble. Focus on Me. This is the hour of testing. I shall show you your own heart. I shall reveal the hidden things, tucked away, deep down inside, and We shall deal with it, you and I. Do not run from Me in this, run to Me, for I am your helper, I am your healer, I am your deliverer, I AM here, do not doubt this. There are many voices saying I am not here, saying I have forsaken you, do not listen to these lies. Trust Me, I am here with you, I am not distant. I am your helper. I love you deeply.
***Note: As His words were ending I heard this song: "Surely, the presence of the Lord is in this place..."