Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 17, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

Many are called, but, few are chosen.  I see all that is in the heart of man, everything twisted so as not to discern Truth.  Layer upon layer of lies and deceit through the generations.  Few can find their way out of the spiders web, until I call them to Myself.  I know the right time for everything.  I am in charge of the big picture.  I Am the big picture.  Many limit their understanding of Me by what they have grown up in and taught to them as absolute truth.  But, they only see a tiny part of the whole.  I am revealing Myself to all who have a hunger for Me, to know Me for who I am.  If you will allow Me, and Me alone to be your teacher, I will unlock the mysteries of My Kingdom.  As you seek to know Me for yourself, you find yourself digging deep in an unfamiliar garden and you find yourself wandering along a bunny trail.  Follow the trail, as I lead, you follow.  As I reveal, take notes.  These are the days of your transformation.  You see with My Eye, for We are one.  I am the head, you are now processing everything through Me, My mind is in your mind now.  No more shackles, no more to be in the dark, for you have broken through in your digging and now you see a new day breaking forth upon you.  I cannot be hindered or delayed, for you have persevered in Me to seek out the Truth.  You have set your heart to not be deceived and I have granted you your hearts desire.  There is still much treasure to be found.  Stretch yourself , rest and then continue digging many blessings await you on this path of transparency with Me.  Seek Me for understanding in all that you find here.  You shall not be disappointed for where your treasure is, there is your heart also.   This pleases Me, My little dove.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 14, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

In the beauty of holiness you shall see me.  For you are changing, as I am at work within you.  I am the cause of your change.   Oh, the beauty of a renewed heart, there is none to compare.  As I rise within you, you shall rise on the wings of love.  I speak today to the seeker within these earthen vessels, for I shall be found of you.  As you make the journey towards Me, I see you.  I read you.  I know your thoughts.  I know your intentions of your heart.  Do not be deceived and think that you can hide anything from Me, the attempt is futile, and completely unnecessary.  But, know this, the spirit that is drawing you to seek Me out, is Me.  You are hearing something, investigate it!  Take the adventure inward, for in so doing you shall be greatly rewarded.  I know your situation, I know your lack and pain.  Come and draw near to Me.  Prayer is not work, it is not hard, it is a simple word for communication with Me.  No, not repeating a set pattern of words over and over.  Would you have a conversation with your spouse or child by repeating the same words over and over, no, of course not.  Speak to Me as you would a dear friend.  Come as you are, nothing hidden, bare and vulnerable.  Leave your pride at the door, for it may not enter here.

Oh, My dear one, can you see Me?  Can you hear Me?  Can you sense Me?  Pay attention.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 13, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

There are many now in the squeeze zone, none are left out.  In this squeeze zone I am forcing to come forth what is hidden deep within.  This is revealing the Truth of what is within.  Bitter and sweet water does not co-habitate well.  Either the vessel is clean or corrupt, the proof is in their words.  You shall see and discern much as you watch them reacting in the squeeze zone.

 Beloved, you are not responsible for others.  You must look within and submit to My hand as I work within you.  All are on some sort of path.  I see all.  I am working on every one.  Each has their own journey to Me.  Many are not on My path, for the path they are on shall bring them much destruction.

As you observe what is coming forth from their mouths, and what their actions are, you shall see what is the intents of their hearts.  Much is revealed in the squeeze zone.  You yourself have been in this squeeze zone yourself many times as I purged you of the dross and impurities in your heart and soul.  It is not easy, there is pain and much distress, but, I tell you the Truth, this is necessary for growth and maturity.

 Some are walking with Me, pure and clean, as they have been through the squeeze zone and My refining fire, this is how I test you, and many will be taking the test over and over as My refining fires do the deep work required in each one.

 These ones that you see exhibiting all manner of malice and evil are showing signs of what is within them.  They need a purge.  Some are allowing the work of My Spirit and are constantly communing with Me.  Many are still in the valley of self, and do not see the destruction going on within themselves.

  Oh, My loves, do not lose your hope in Me, for I am here with you, working in you.  This is a process.  This is not a comparison to show you that I love you more than someone else, no, I love you all.  This is to show you how to see, to look at others and look for the reflection of Me, for some it is clear to see, for others you must look deeper.  Do not judge your brothers or sisters, only love.

For love is the key to open every heart.  All life was created by love and for love and all life will be routed back to love.  Do not fear, My little ones, for I am here with you.  I shall help all who ask for My help.  Trust Me in everything.  When you encounter difficult people, remember, I created them too.  You are to walk in love as I do, for in so doing you are reflecting a perfect image of Me.  Sometimes love is not easy, but, I tell you the Truth, it is the only way.  Persevere in Love.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 12, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord today, this is what I heard:

Oh, My sweet one, My dear, you are so fresh and clean in your spirit, this is a beautiful reflection of Me.  For as you live you exude sweetness all around you.  Your words drip like honey from a cone.  As you speak, your waters run pure and clean, they are a refreshing pool for the dry and thirsty that gather around you.  Oh, My love, the work you do daily is a beautiful sacrifice for Me, for as you live day by day in Me you rise up and reflect Me in all that you do.  As you go about what is required of you I am lifted up through your thoughts, actions, speech and intents of your heart.  This is beautiful, My love.  For I can see Myself in you.  The reflection of gentleness, humbleness, holiness, and quietness in you reflects My love.  For as others in your life are pulled into your circle, they move in and move out as the tides, they are all touched by Me through you.  A smile, a small act of kindness, a gentle word, a touch, a card...it all reflects Me and My love.  You have asked Me to increase your love and so I have.  The abundance of My Spirit within you is fueled by love.  I have filled you, My dear one, freely you have received and freely you pour out.  The light within you, My child, is love, it's tangible, for I Myself am love.  As you live your life in Me, My love pours forth from your life and touches many.  The gifts I have placed within you are salt to season the lives of all who enter your circle.  The circle is unending, it goes on and on.  Breathe in, Breathe out, as you live, I am seen through you.  For you are reflecting Me, and this is as it should be.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 11, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

My love, My dear one, as you endeavor to learn more about Me, you must use discernment.  There are many voices crying out and you must be discerning in your search for Truth.  I am your teacher.  Follow the leading of My Spirit as you hear from others.  If you feel drawn and their words resonate within you then you shall learn Truth.  If what they are saying does not resonate within you or disturbs your peace, ask Me if what they are speaking is from Me, I will tell you the Truth.  Your journey is a progressive one.  Some are way ahead of you and have learned more than you, and some are behind you and have not grown as much as you have.  My little one, do not compare yourself with others, for each of you is progressing on the path.  As you are spending time with Me, your journey is progressing daily and developing more understanding of who you are in Me.  Oh, My dove, you are learning.  You are strengthened daily as you humble yourself to Me.  I lead, you follow.  As you seek, I open the doors and unlock the mysteries for you.  As you dig and dig you unearth more treasures of My Kingdom.  Your life is hid in Me.  If you are searching for Truth, you shall not be led astray, for you are in Me, as I live you shall also live.  You are awake and active in your pursuit of Me.  It is well with thee and Me.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 10, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

The duality of man is a mystery to most until now.  I am revealing to you all the mysteries that have had you bound.  For in the unraveling you shall find that you become undone.  For when there is no veil the Truth shines forth.  The battle within each of you must be fought daily in the trenches of everyday living.  Whichever side wins shall be the ruler over you.  I have placed within you the ability to overcome all that you struggle with daily in the trenches.  Fear not, for as you battle and struggle, call out to Me for help and I shall help you overcome.  For there is no distance between us.  I stand in the middle as the mediator between your duality.  You must recognize that I am here, in the midst of you.  If you want to do right then you will do right.  If you want to do wrong then you will do wrong.  The battle, My friend, is within each of you.  You must not give in, you must war within yourself and overcome.  Much is dependent upon your own choices.  Do you understand?  Ponder these words.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 9, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Oh beloved, it is good that you come, for each moment set aside for Me is not wasted.  Many shall cling to things.  Many shall cling to people.  For they are turned the wrong way.  I am the only one who can protect them.  I am the only one who can lead and guide them.  But, they are trusting in themselves.  They are trusting in their riches.  They are trusting in others.  Oh there is no strength in them, there is no foundation.  For they have built their habitations on sinking sand.  Woe, when the storms come upon them, they shall be swept away.  Only the ones who have built their habitation with Me shall be protected, for when the storms come and rage against them they shall not be moved.  For they have taken the time to build on the rock that will never crumble, for it is the cornerstone of My Kingdom.  In Me there is no lack.  All those who have found their place in Me are nestled snugly under My wings.  They do not struggle now, for they are Trusting in Me to take care of them and I shall not disappoint any of them.

 Are you listening?

 Can you hear Me?


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 7, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

Oh, the days before you My child, shall be full of wonder, beauty and supernatural abundance.

 Many shall be in perilous times and walk in great difficulty, for they have not made ready for the next part of transition, they are unstable and they will feel their lack of preparation soon.

But, do not worry, My love, for you have fully prepared.  As you have diligently dug and pulled from the soil on the path, you have uncovered many gemstones, pearls, gold and silver that will serve you well in the spirit, for you now endeavor to daily live here with Me in the spirit.

 Oh, how beautiful are the feet of My doves who come daily to My table and enter in to commune with Me.  They are truly flourishing in My Father's courtyard.  They shall have no lack, for I am with My lambs.  I am all they need.

 Fear not, My dear ones, for yet you shall see many difficult things, but, remember, I am in the change.  I am transforming everything.  Your journey into Me is beautiful and unending, for as I am, so also shall you be, for beloveds, We are one.

 I call many to My table, but, alas, few, very few have made the journey.  Hear Me Now, come and separate yourself from the things of this world and find Me for yourselves.

 I do not want you to succumb to the lie that you are alone and isolated.

 You are not alone.  Call upon Me to come and reveal Myself to you.  I am not distant.  But, you must call, MAKE THE CALL.  I can and I am, Willing to help.  It is up to you to recognize you have need of Me.

 Do not listen to the lies that you are not wanted.  You are very very valuable to Me, come and let Me show you My ways.  Come and let Me meet you on the path.


Hearing God - Feb. 8, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning I heard this:

Oh, My love, My dear one, it is good to come and sit with Me, for as you come and linger, I give you strength to endure and overcome any challenges you may be called upon to face.  This is the secret or the key to your success.  I am a rewarder to all who are diligent in pursuing Me.  For in their pursuit of Me, I shall overtake them.  Oh, how I love My little lambs.  I shelter, protect, and nourish each little one, by My own hand.  The tasks before you all will be daunting, but you must not lose hope, you must not give up or lose your faith.  For each task or challenge will refine you more.  In everything, you are to overcome.  I have created you to be overcomers.  Do not fear, do not run.  Stand still and know I am here with you, call upon Me and I will guide you through every task.  I do not leave you alone for one moment.  But, remember, the teacher is quiet in the test.  You can conquer and overcome any challenge with Me to help you.  For in these tests I am looking for My reflection in you, My little ones.  Do you not understand that your refining process is to transform each of you into My likeness.  You were created in My image.  Now it is time for your transformation.  Each one of you is going through a metamorphosis.  What is in you, is coming out.  Oh, My dear ones, if I do not see My reflection in you, this tells Me that you are in need of more refining.  Who are you reflecting?  Have you overcome your flesh and are living in the spirit in My Kingdom.  Remember, My Kingdom is within you.  Do you believe?  The Kingdom is rising now My children.  You must let it out.  My Kingdom come.  My Will be done.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Hearing God - Feb. 6, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Look to Me in all things and in all your circumstances, for I and I alone am the author and finisher of your life story.  I have already separated My sheep from the goats.  Now the separation is becoming clearer and more distinct.  Some have crossed over and made the journey back to Me and are resting, secure and unmovable in My hand, this is where you are My love, My gentle dove.

Some are still making their way along the path and are now feeling the sting of the fiery darts as they make their way even closer to Me.  These darts are sent to wound and discourage and tear down My humble ones.  But, My dear ones, I tell you the Truth, I am here, I love you, you are beautiful to Me and very valuable.  Though the journey may become hard, and the darts they do sting, your weeping shall not be prolonged, press on, My dear ones, your best days are on this path.  I will replace your tears with My oil of gladness.  I am here.  Reach out to Me and let Me comfort you.  Come, come away with Me, in the quiet, in the stillness, separate yourself from all the noise, that so easily distracts you.

Do you know what the fiery darts are?  These are the words that come forth out of the hearts of men who do not know Me.  They are wolves in sheep's clothing, they are in the pen with the other sheep.  There is no light in them.  They take pleasure in causing pain to My true lambs.  I tell you the Truth, for I am not a man that I should lie.  Look closely, all around you, pay attention to the words coming out of the people.  There is a clear divide, you shall see it, if only you will look.  Bitter and sweet waters will not be coming forth out of a pure vessel.  Those who have ears to hear, shall hear Me now.  Those who have eyes to see shall see Me now.  Look, pay attention to their words, their attitudes.  For out of the heart a man speaks.

The separation of My sheep is widening.  I can clearly be seen by all who are wise.  But, to the foolish, they see nothing, and will not see the destruction coming upon them.  I am alive in My temples now.  I am at work in every vessel. All are at different levels of development, which will effect their understanding.

 I tell you the Truth, I speak plainly to those who are willing to hear.  All words are being recorded, all thoughts are being recorded.  For I see all, and I will reward each one of you according to your words.  I read each of you clearly.

Pay attention to their words, My little ones, for you shall discern much Truth in them.  Do not align yourselves with the wolves, move onward and upward with Me.  Let the sweet waters of My Spirit pour out of you.

 When the fiery darts come, do not try to understand what is wrong with you, for these are for to test you both and refine you both.  To see if you will endure the fiery darts and overcome them by reflecting Me in every situation.  Also, for the ones spewing the fiery darts out of their mouths, this allows Me to see what is truly in their hearts and how much more time they shall need in the melting pot and refining fires.

 All flesh will yield to the spirit.  If you will live in the spirit you will reflect Me, this is your task before each of you now.

Who among you are sheep and who among you are wolves?  They are easy to see, My dear ones, watch their words.

Ponder what I have revealed to you today.  For in My words there is much Truth.  I see you, I am not distant.  I am here.  I am among each of you.

You and you alone must choose to live by the Spirit or by the flesh.  Your goal is to overcome your flesh, and live by your spirit, you can only do this with My help.  Seek Me now, while I may be found, let Me be your teacher and your guide on this journey.

The narrow way is not easy, but, it is necessary.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hearing God - Oct. 25, 2014

***Note:  This is what I heard as I was waiting on the Lord:

Beloved, I love how you love Me.  I love how you love people.  I love how you allow My love to flow through you to touch others.  As My love freely flows through each of you, I fill you with more and more of My love.  My love is a mystery, for it never, ever runs out.  My light fills the darkness with a warmth and a presence, all together unknown to the darkness.  But, As I invade this present darkness, I draw all men to Me.  For in their wandering darkness, when they see the light, they come to find the source of the light.  I love fishing.  I especially love fishing for men.  I use many lures and tactics to find My fish.  For the waters are full of all sorts of beautiful fish.  I love the waves caused by My fish.  As I catch a fish, I love it, and nurture it, then I let it go to find more fish for Me.  Do you understand child, the waters are the world, the fish are the people, I am the great fisherman.   I lead, you follow.  Fish ride  on the waves, for they swim in the under currents.  My Spirit flows through waves.  I use many, many different ways to interact with My creation.  As each of you begins to tune in, you shall see me all around you, in the atmosphere, in the earth, the life giving force of all is Me.  Can you see Me, My little ones, look around, I have safely tucked you in a beautiful home.  I am not distant from any of you.  Open your eyes.  Now, I ask again, can you see Me.

Hearing God - Oct. 23, 2014

***Note:  As I was waiting upon the Lord, I heard:

Beloved, it is good to come and sit with Me at the beginning of your day.  To come away, in the quiet, and in the stillness and just be still and rest in Me.  To abide in My presence refreshes your spirit and soul.  To know I am here truly strengthens you from the inside out.  It is well with thee and Me, My little one.  For you are centered in who you are in Me.  You have found your true home in Me.

  You have labored intensely in your journey towards Me, and you have yielded to Me, and allowed Me to make My home in you.  Now, My dear one, as you continue to draw ever closer to Me I fill you more and more with My heart, with My love, with My compassion, with My light.  My light exposes and expels all darkness.  I ride upon the waves of the spirit.

Your speech and your thoughts are waves.  Your thoughts are connecting to My thoughts towards you, and produce many waves.  You are surfing upon the waves of My Spirit.

 This is what the vision means you had last night.  You are opening your eyes to the strange new world now.  As you follow after Me, you shall go deeper and deeper into the unknown of My World.  This is what you were created for.  Much time has been spent on your preparation.  Now, My love, the time of your visitation approaches.  Behold, the student shall become the teacher, and lead many aimless wanderers onto the path that shall lead them to Me, for in their seeking I shall be found by each one.

Your breadcrumb trail is very valuable to Me.  You do not see it, but it is producing abundant fruit on My vine.  Shine baby shine.  Many who are stumbling in the darkness, are eating the crumbs and stumbling upon the trail that leads to Me.


Hearing God - Oct. 24, 2014

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord I heard:

Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.  I diligently stir the pot within you, your flame is hot and your inner liquid is pure gold, for I have purified and refined you.  You are clean and malleable to Me.

The chains that have bound you are now gone and you freely move about within My Kingdom.  The new day is here and breaks forth upon you, My love.  Each day now brings forth sweet wine for you as you dwell in Me.  We are one, My dear one, you have entered into your place in Me.  You, My lovely one, are never far from Me.  I am ever on your sweet little mind.  You ponder, and meditate on Me all the day and into the night, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  You are mindful of Me as you live and breathe and move, and have your being centered upon Me.  For I dwell within you and you, My love, dwell within Me.  Nothing shall separate you from Me or My plans for you.  I am your hiding place, I am your abiding place, I am your comfort place.  For you truly Trust Me and abide in Me.

 Oh, My lovely one, your heart is tender toward Me and the things that concern Me.  My love flows sweetly from you.  The warmth of My flame glows gently out of your vessel.  Oh, My dove, My lovely one, it is well with thee and Me.   You have founded your life and all that you are, in Me, and upon this foundation you shall stand.

 As you patiently go forth about your days, you shall know Me and be known by My followers, for I am knitting you all together into My beautiful tapestry of love.  For love is the key.  As you walk and remain in Me, My love goes forth and multiplies into the lives of everyone your life touches.  Did you know that child.


Hearing God - Oct. 26, 2014

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord I heard this:

Beloved, My heart is for you.  I am here.  Keep your heart centered on Me, keep Me in the forefront of your mind.  Nothing shall be impossible for you, all you need do is ask.  Shut out the noise of the world and focus on Me.  I and I alone are your light.  Much shall be opened to you that was once a mystery.  You shall know, you shall discern, in this season.

The new day has many challenges.  You shall arise and face them with vigor and strength.  Oh, My little one, you were born to be a blessing.  You were born to overcome all of your challenges.  Beloved, think in not strange when perilous days come upon you, Remember, I have already prepared you for them.  You can handle anything that you need to.  I am here with you.  Ask, and I will guide you through all difficulties and challenges.

  My child, My bride, My dear one, many shall fall, and turn away from this path, but you will remain, you shall strengthen the feeble hands and encourage the hearts of many who are weary and ready to give up.  Press on, press on, My lovely one, into the realms of glory.  I shall lead you through the maze.  Do not succumb to doubt and unbelief.  My light is shining forth through you.  Beloved let your heart be filled once again and overflow with My love.

  I am diligently pursuing My lambs, My fish, My prodigals.  I am at work in each one, setting the captives free.  Oh, how I wish all would enter in now to Me.  For in Me there is peace and in Me there is love.  Love is forgiveness.  Love covers a multitude of problems.  Not everyone shall prosper in this new way.  For many shall try to cling to their old mindsets, but know this, change must come to set you free.


Hearing God - Oct. 27, 2014

***Note:  This is what I heard as I was waiting on the Lord:

Song:  "All ye heavy laden, all ye heavy hearted...oh come, and He will give you rest, oh come, and He will give you rest..."

Oh, My child, do not fret, this too shall pass.  You are not called to be put in a box.  You are called to be a light in the darkness.  You are called to walk the earth and express Me everywhere you go.  My light in you cannot be hidden under a box, no, My light must come forth in love, and power through you all.  I shall increase in each yielded vessel.  I cannot be contained in a box.  Therefore you cannot be contained in a box.  Go forth and expand, go forth and increase.  Christ in you, the hope of glory.

 Beloved, change is upon you all.  I am in the change.  Do not struggle,  or try to stay where you once were comfortable, no move with Me.  Let My Spirit lead you in the paths of peace.  I am quiet.  Shut out the noise, focus on Me, I am here in you.  Listen to Me.  I am with you, My little one.

 Remember, change is not easy, but, change is here.  You must continue to move and progress in Me.  I lead, you follow.  Focus on Me, live in Me, be in Me.  I am all you need.  Look for Me now.  Follow My lead.  You can hear Me.

 Trust your heart and let go of what was familiar and comfortable to you.  Launch out deeper now, let the winds of My Spirit carry you, upon My waves of grace, always follow peace.  My peace is your key marker.  Where there is no peace is a signpost for you.  Be aware, for I am peace.  Where there is no peace, I am not there, follow after peace.  Always follow peace.  Let Me lead you into all My paths of peace.


Hearing God - Oct. 28, 2014

***Note:  This is what I heard as I was waiting on the Lord:

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good, and His mercies endure forever.  My child, it is well with thee and Me, for you remain soft and pliable in My hands.  My living waters are strong in you and as you endure tests and challenges that come into your life, My waters flow over you in wave after wave of love.  As you remain calm and stay in My peace, you receive more and more strength.  All of your tests and challenges that arise in your life have a plan and a purpose in My Kingdom.  Take each day, one at a time and fulfill all that I require of you.

 Oh, My little one, it is well with thee and Me.  Rest in Me, come to Me more often, as you feel the stress and tugging of the hands of this world reaching out to you to pull you out of Me, out of peace, out of My rest for you.  I am your source of strength, come away with Me child, more and more, you are centered in Me, I am with you.  I am here for you.

Do not try to reason everything out, just trust Me and know, I see all.  I am working in you and through you and in others and through others.  All are on their own journeys to Me.  All are on their own paths. Some shall be taken today.  Fear not, for I am watching over you.  You are one of My treasures, and you, My dove, are dearly loved.

  Many never find this intimacy with Me, but, I tell you the Truth, many shall find Me in the breadcrumb trail you are leaving for them.

Much is coming to pass now, dear one, fear not, for I have got you in the palm of My hand, and you shall whether the storms, for you shall ride upon the waves of My spirit.  I shall draw all men unto Me.  I shall use many baits and lures to draw them out of the dark and into My light.  Let your light shine, My little one.


Hearing God - Oct. 29, 2014

***Note:  This is what I heard as I was waiting on the Lord:

Praise the name of Jesus, praise Him all you people, praise Him in your sanctuary, praise Him in the dance, praise the name of Jesus.  The name of Jesus has power when released from your lips.

 For as you speak, the breath of the spirit flows forth through your words.  In the breath, through the speech and spittle My power flows, I am alive in you.  My Spirit dwells within you and all around you.  I am in the atmosphere.  I am everywhere.  If you do not see Me, it is because you are not looking.  If you do not hear Me, it is because you are not listening.

I am in the wind, I am in the breaking of the waves, I am in the fragrance of the flowers.  Where there is life I am there.

 You need only to turn your attention on Me.  To quiet yourself and focus on Me.  Think on Me, let your mind reflect on Me.  I shall be found by all.  I shall be known by each one who seeks Me personally for themselves.  I live, I am the source of all life.

 Enter now in to a relationship with your God, your creator, your deliverer, I am all you need.  I am willing to lead you, if you are willing to follow.

My way leads you to peace everlasting, joy unspeakable and full of My glorious love.  Oh, come, come now, and taste and see that the Lord is God, and I shall feed you from My own hands, I shall water your spirit and water your dry and thirsty land.

Oh, beloved, it is not dark now, My light has come, open your eyes now, it's a new day, a new season is upon you now.

Hearing God - Nov. 3, 2014

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this is what I heard:

Song:  "I went to the danger zone, take me right into the danger zone..."

Many no longer believe.  Many hearts are hardened and turned to stone.  Because of their unbelief and unwillingness to believe, I shall have to shake them harshly to wake them up to the Truth.

 You, My child, are seeing and hearing the demise of many hearts who have succumbed to the lies, and believe the lies are truth.  They are fully trusting in their own flesh.  Their ego is driving them.  Where there is no love is a clear sign to you, pay attention to this, My little one.  My peace is always wrapped in My love.  Oh, the foolish, selfish ones, spew out dark words from a dark heart, and a dark mind.  Oh, My love, this is a sign, pay attention.  These are not Mine.  These are full of self, they are not full of love.  Watch their words, you can see what's inside of them, by what is coming out of them.

 I am here.  I see all.  Open your eyes, My dear one.  You can see clearly now.  Walk in My love, walk in My peace.  Allow yourself to be transformed by My light in you.  Guiding you through this understanding.

Words have power.  They are creative.  They bring blessings or cursing.  This is why it is important to choose your words wisely.  One of the most destructive forces to be unleashed is words.  Words are not empty, this is a lie.  Words are full of power.  They bring life, strength, and healing to the hearer, or death, weakness and sickness to the hearer, but also, double to the speaker.

  To see the inside of a person, listen to his words.  To see what is inside of you, examine your own words.  I am not a man that I should lie.

You are happy and content because you choose to be.  Or, you are unhappy and discontented because you choose to be.

You alone are responsible for your choices, choose wisely.

Hearing God - Nov. 5, 2014

***Note:  This is what I heard as I was waiting on the Lord:

Song:  "Blessed assurance, Jesus is Mine, Oh what a foretaste of glory divine..."

Oh, My little one, as you focus on Me, all your cares fall away.   I am here with you.  I am always here.  You are Mine forever and I shall always love you, My dear one.  Stay centered on Me every day.  I shall meet all your needs.   I shall prosper you in My Kingdom.  You shall live in great abundance.  Great abundance of Love, Comfort, Joy, Strength, and Honor.

Many have fallen away from Me, few now venture to enter in to My presence for they have grown weary and bored with their searching, Oh this saddens Me, for to know Me is everything.  Oh, the loss I feel for these little ones who are still disconnected from Me, I shall have to use stronger measures to get their attention.

But, do not worry, My child, My dove, for I shall protect and shelter you from the storms coming.  For you, My love, have entered in to My Rest, you have come through your time of testing, and you live in Me, behind the veil.  You now, go freely in and out of My chambers.  You can always find Me, in a moment, in an instance, for you have learned to look within and seek Me out.  In the warmth of My Spirit living within you, I can be found by you.  You know Me child and I know you.

 We are on the journey together, beloved, stay awake and put these words up, spread the bread crumb trail, My dear one, there are many hungry for more of Me, and they have stumbled onto your path and are eating the crumbs that fall from our table.  You must be diligent to share what you hear, My faithful dove.  I love you.


Hearing God - Nov. 7, 2014

***Note:  I heard this as I was waiting on the Lord:

My child, you should always come to Me daily, do not allow yourself to be fed by someone elses morsels.  You are to be hand fed by Me.  I am your daily portion.  Seek Me out daily, for your portion.

You are good and you are Mine.  I live in and around you.  For you are in Me and you abide, dwell and rest in My presence.

 Much is changing now in your world.  Many have awakened to Me, while many are still in their slumber.  Oh, how I want all to come to Me.  The journey for each of you is personal and you must make the decision for yourself.  Choose you this day who you will follow.  Beloved, do not make this decision lightly for your very future hangs in the balance.  I am watching you all, I see your daily choices.  I see your daily heart, I hear every word spoken.  I hear every thought.  I know every intention and I know every plan.  Nothing is hidden from Me.  I see all.  I know all.

  I do not come to punish and destroy you.  I come to discipline and correct My wayward children.  I shall cleanse and restore all of My creation.  Every eye shall see Me and know who I am.  I shall reward, cover, protect, and provide for My own.  But, woe, to the ones who have strayed, who have changed their course, who have believed the lies, the times ahead shall be most difficult.  I call to you now, come back to Me, though your sins be as scarlet, I shall wash them and make you white as wool.  Oh, foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you.

 Listen to your hearts, My loves, I am here in the midst of you, look for Me, while I am be found of you.
