Every little thing you do to brighten another's life journey does not go unnoticed, in so doing you are a reflection of Me. As you do a kindness, a favor, a gentle rebuke, an encouraging word spoken or written, you are extending a part of Me. As you are, as you live, I am reflected in you. For in you, My love, My dear one, are all of My reflected attributes, I am loving, gentle, and kind. I am caring, compassionate and merciful, you reflect Me when you extend yourself in these ways. Every fleeting thought of acts of kindness you have, pay close attention to. For in taking heed to them you are in My perfect will at that moment. Life is moments of opportunities to express Me, don't miss your moments, heed these gentle unctions of My spirit and reflect Me.
This is a blog to live life in this present moment and spread a little sunshine to others by sharing ideas and thoughts...on stuff...
Monday, July 14, 2014
Hearing God in the eventide - July 11, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
Hearing God in the morning - July 11, 2014
I am here My love, My dear one. Come sit with Me. Listen to the stillness of the day. Listen to My heartbeat. Breathe in, Breathe out, I am here. I am in all life. I surround you daily with My goodness. Daily I load you up with My benefits. I give you air. I give you breezes. I give you water. I give you food. I give you the warmth of kisses from My sun. I give you cool breezes in the evening to shade your house and all who dwell therein. I give you green grasses and fertile trees, stretched high, I branch them out and give you ample shade. I send My breezes to cool you, and yes, I play with your hair, you smell good to Me. I enjoy the fruit of your lips, for they are pleasing to Me. Your words bring life and health and an abundance of My love. A you journey through your day My peace and My presence shall go with you. Your life is an echo down My corridors of time. I have drawn you from the darkness, I have removed your stains and now look how beautiful you are to Me. You shine as a jewel in My Kingdom, for you are endeavoring to live your life in Me. This pleases Me child, this pleases Me. For you and I are one. Your heart has a beautiful melody and sings to Me constantly in the night. My love, My dear one, you are walking in the Kingdom. For you have to think but for a moment and I am here with you. Oh beloved, trust Me in everything that is to come. Do not be surprised at the multiple turn of events coming, but, TRUST Me and do not doubt My hand of protection upon you, for I am here and I never leave your side. Change is upon the whole world now. Lift up your eyes and behold My hand in the change.
Hearing God in the eventide - July 10, 2014
It's a beautiful thing to steal away the hours in the presence of your King. A fully surrendered heart is a wealth of information, for in yielding all to Me you surrender control of everything you are aware of. To place your life into My unseen hands is faith in action. Beloved it is no small thing that I have captured your heart. For as I have opened Myself up to you and shown you My love, you have not spurned Me. You have allowed yourself to sink deeper and deeper into Me. You are secure in My presence. You are steadfast in your focus and you are patient in your endurance. You are content to wait on Me. You easily submit to My lead, and you humbly follow Me day after day and night after night. Stay diligent in your pursuit of Me. My eyes are ever upon you My love.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Hearing God in the morning - July 10, 2014
Oh, My love, the language of the heart is universal. You have to but look inward and I am here. As you seek to know Me and spend time in My presence We connect in sweet communion. We are truly never separated. I have much to share with you. As My light shines through you, it dispels the darkness around you. You shine, through out the world you are a witness of Me. You live in a fallen world where much is askew and many are so accustomed to chaos they are uncomfortable in the presence of My peace. For in My peace there is calm, there is quiet and there is serenity. All is well in My peace. You, dwell in My peace. For you have learned through every fiery storm to press in and push through to the eye of the storm, for I am in the storm and you must come up to the eye of the storm where all is calm. I test every heart in the storm, only the hearts that are connected to Me and are one with Me are aware of the eye, and to go to the eye and shelter in My peace. For the one's connected to Me have learned that I am their way-maker, and I am their shelter where they can come under My wings and truly be protected. I am the protector of My people. My people know Me, and I know My people. Trust Me in every storm. I am here. I am near. I am in the storm, look for Me in the storm. Focus on Me, cast off fear, and look to Me, I am here. There is a message in the storm.
Hearing God in the eventide - July 9, 2014
Beloved, I see you, quietly lingering, waiting patiently for Me to speak. I am here. My love, you are with Me all the time. I may not feel tangible to you, but I am. You must endeavor to focus all of your attention on Me. As you focus and shut the world out, behold, I appear. I am always as close as your very breath. Breathe in, Breathe out, feel Me breathing, participating in this moment with you. Oh, My love, you are dear to Me, for you journey ever deeper into Me. As you dig in the darkness more and more of My light, My life giving light shines through. As you travel down your life's journey you are constantly thinking upon Me, for I am here. I am enthroned in your heart and oh, My love, We shall never be apart. You are My forever dove. I have great plans for you. Soon, My child, soon.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Hearing God in the morning - July 9, 2014
Song: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...all of heaven and earth proclaim...kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there's something about that name..."
Beloved I wish above all things that thou would prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. There is so much meaning in these words. To prosper is to flourish in My courts. To be in health is to have everything working in harmony inside your body, inside your mind and outside your body in the circle of sphere of influence that I have given you. It is well with thee My beloved. For you are centered in Me. Your foundation is strong and secure and you shall stand in My courts forever. For you have found the treasure, you have dug and dug until you discovered Me and I shall never be taken from you. You are now unearthing more of My jewels and gemstones of Truth, these are yours forever. For the more you know, the more you grow in My Kingdom. I would not have you to remain ignorant. For as you seek the answers I give, you are strengthened in Me.
I am the anchor on which everything is tethered. When the storms come in, you may feel the wind, you may feel the waves, but, they shall not harm you for you are safely anchored to Me. Dwelling in Me and with Me is My eternal plan for you. My love covers you. My love flows through you. My love rests upon you for you are Mine. As in the days of Elisha, so it shall be with you. For you are strong in Me. As you have understanding, so you shall speak and it shall be done according to your faith.
It is time for your faith to be manifesting reality. Nothing hidden, all shall be brought to light.
Beloved I wish above all things that thou would prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. There is so much meaning in these words. To prosper is to flourish in My courts. To be in health is to have everything working in harmony inside your body, inside your mind and outside your body in the circle of sphere of influence that I have given you. It is well with thee My beloved. For you are centered in Me. Your foundation is strong and secure and you shall stand in My courts forever. For you have found the treasure, you have dug and dug until you discovered Me and I shall never be taken from you. You are now unearthing more of My jewels and gemstones of Truth, these are yours forever. For the more you know, the more you grow in My Kingdom. I would not have you to remain ignorant. For as you seek the answers I give, you are strengthened in Me.
I am the anchor on which everything is tethered. When the storms come in, you may feel the wind, you may feel the waves, but, they shall not harm you for you are safely anchored to Me. Dwelling in Me and with Me is My eternal plan for you. My love covers you. My love flows through you. My love rests upon you for you are Mine. As in the days of Elisha, so it shall be with you. For you are strong in Me. As you have understanding, so you shall speak and it shall be done according to your faith.
It is time for your faith to be manifesting reality. Nothing hidden, all shall be brought to light.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Hearing God at eventide - July 8, 2014
My child you are learning so much at My knee daily now. Trust Me to help you retain all of My wisdom that I am pouring into you now. Oh, the season of change is upon you. So many new truths and concepts. You have entered behind the veil. As you are casting off the doctrines of men and humbly submit and allow Me to be your true teacher you have broken down the walls of religion and dug a deep well into My Spirit of Truth. You are My beloved dove, gentle and quiet, you are meek and I shall give you wings. I shall release you into the air and you shall gather unto Me many precious dreamers who are looking for the TRUTH. To dream is to imagine and I am come on the wings of imagination for I cannot be contained in a simple box. No, I am uncontainable, but, I am obtainable to each dreamer who dares to reach out to Me. I shall satisfy every thirsty soul who comes to be watered at My well. Your words quickly penned are establishing a solid bread crumb trail. I am well pleased with your diligence in this, for My dear one as you follow after Me others find a crumb or two from My table to help them on their journey as well. This is TRUTH, I am willing to feed every hungry soul on this life's journey. I am willing to provide water to the dry and parched lands and turn them into an oasis to water other weary travelers as well. Oh, My love is deeper than these words can express, but, know this, I am here to help you. I love you all, you are beautiful to Me. I invite you all to enter in to Me and I will give you rest.
Hearing God in the morning - July 8, 2014
I see you My love, I see every pain, every thought, every tear, every smile, every heartfelt gratitude I see all about you. I see your eagerness to come and sit at My table, hungry to be hand-fed by Me, your soon coming King. Oh, My little one, I am pleased with thee for you are so eager to hear. You are so eager to learn more of Me, you do not tire in your pursuit of Me. Beloved, you are rare, a rare jewel you are to Me. With each passing day, you draw Me close and We dwell together in our abode. Oh, the beautiful music your heart makes to Me brings Me such joy. I know you love Me with all that you are. Know this beloved, I love you with all that I AM. You are living in the Kingdom now. Earthly cares and struggles are miniscule now for you are constantly abiding in Me and therefore the Kingdom is manifesting in your life. Much is to come for you now. I shall lead you safely through each change. Keep your focus on Me, ask before you do anything, no matter how small. I need you laser-sharp focused on Me and My command. I am leading you and your brothers and sisters into the promised land. But, alas, many will not be crossing over with you, for they still have much to learn and they still have not found their true teacher. All is not lost for them. They can still find Me if they look for Me. I am the treasure hidden in plain view. I am the pearl of great price. You My child are a city on a hill. Casting your light upon the waves to rescue and save the perishing, your light is penetrating much darkness. It's not you, it's Me in you, shining through you, that is the beacon in the night, as you are obedient the bread crumb trail grows, and I am gathering the fruit.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Hearing God at Eventide - July 7, 2014
Oh, the beauty of holiness My love, My dear one. It pleases Me, it perfumes the air all around. I am Holy, and I seek a holy people, consecrated, set apart and sanctified to Me. Who will heed My call. I call all who have an ear to seek My wisdom for it is the principle thing. I am not a foreigner to you. I may feel distant, but I tell you the truth, for I AM TRUTH - I AM HERE. Come, come all who dare to seek Me out for yourself. Come now, quickly, while I may be found. You were not created to go through your life alone. You were created to go through your own personal life with Me, for I am your friend. I can help you through every difficulty you face. I alone can help you navigate the rocky paths, narrow bridges, and sharp twists and turns your life takes. You were not created to go it alone. You are not a speed bump on this road, yes, you have been slammed, repeatedly, and faced many hard things. But, know this, I can help you. I AM REAL. I AM HERE. Call out to Me, truly seek Me out, and I will reveal Myself to you. I am your personal God, I created every part of you, I know how you work. I see the future , you can't, but, I do. I can help you, but, I won't force Myself on any of you. I am willing to help you, to guide you, to counsel you, to comfort you, to just listen, I am here. You don't have to be alone in life. Reach out to Me, call upon Me, talk to Me, ask Me "IF" I'm real, then ask Me "to show you how to interact with Me". I'm not afraid of your questions child, I'm waiting for you. You need Me child, you may not know it, but you do. I am here. The true question is "Do you want to know Me personally for yourself?
Hearing God in the morning - July 7, 2014
Oh My love, rest in Me now. Be still, and linger here with Me. Oh the beauty of the rain brings such refreshing and cleansing. As I pour out My spirit as rain now it is barely drenching all the parched and thirsty lands. There is such dryness ever present in the land of man. They are thirsty and in much need of a drink. Their tongues are parched and their spirit ebbs away quietly in decay. They pay little mind to the things that truly matter, the things that their soul longs for and their spirit could so easily receive, and soar upon My wings in renewed strength and vigor, but, alas, they neglect the things of the spirit, the eternal things that will last and endure through the ages. Oh, the folly of men who follow after their own deceitful hearts. They do not stop for a moment and listen for My voice, My call, My song, no, they rush foolishly ahead to the newest and greatest thrill they can find. They follow hard after their lusts of their own eyes. Dear one, it saddens Me when so many, do not take time for Me, they do not see the value, the inestimable value of spending time with Me. Oh, that they would turn from all their foolish gain and look to Me the author and finisher of their lives. So little time left, many heavily hanging in the balance. If only...
Hearing God in the Eventide - July 6, 2014
You were tested today. You were severely tested. The battle in your mind raged and raged. But, you kept a bridle on your tongue, and held back the tide of sin and ugliness that tried again and again to enter into your gates, but, you held the gate. You stood firm on the shore and withstood the beasties as they tried to break the gate. With the onslaught of battering rams they came again and again. Oh, the battle raged, but, you stood your ground, you would not buckle, under the onslaught of ugly thoughts, oh, the words, the stinging ugly words wanted to spew like venom, but, lo, you would not give them and inch.
You stood firm, and now in the quiet and in the stillness you come to Me, weary, fatigued and exhausted from the battle. You stood firm. You did not surrender. I saw everything. Oh, you were never alone. I was right there with you, just as I am here now with you.
The battles are strategically placed before you. The snares are set to catch you unaware, but, they will not succeed, for you My love, My dear one have spent time alone with Me. Your faithful pursuit has prepared you for each battle, before it even comes into view. Oh, beloved, I know you, you are ready for the battle. You are strong, you are equipped with My armor and no fiery dart can penetrate through My shield. Waiting on Me is the most precious place to dwell, for in so doing, you are completely sheltered and protected through out all that you come in contact with. Oh, beloved sing, sing Me a song let Me hear you.
***note: so I sang: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...like the fragrance after the rain....kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but there's something about that name..."
You stood firm, and now in the quiet and in the stillness you come to Me, weary, fatigued and exhausted from the battle. You stood firm. You did not surrender. I saw everything. Oh, you were never alone. I was right there with you, just as I am here now with you.
The battles are strategically placed before you. The snares are set to catch you unaware, but, they will not succeed, for you My love, My dear one have spent time alone with Me. Your faithful pursuit has prepared you for each battle, before it even comes into view. Oh, beloved, I know you, you are ready for the battle. You are strong, you are equipped with My armor and no fiery dart can penetrate through My shield. Waiting on Me is the most precious place to dwell, for in so doing, you are completely sheltered and protected through out all that you come in contact with. Oh, beloved sing, sing Me a song let Me hear you.
***note: so I sang: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...like the fragrance after the rain....kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but there's something about that name..."
Hearing God in the morning - July 6, 2014
Oh My love you are beautiful to Me.
Song: "You are beautiful My sweet, sweet Psalm..."
My days are filled with praise. Beloved draw near now and lend Me your ear. You have come once again to My banqueting table. I invite you My beloved, come and dine. Eat your fill at My table. For taste and see that I am good and I satisfy every longing in your heart. The deeper you go into Me, the deeper you grow in Me. I am the never ending vine with power and healing divine. You are plugged in. You are receiving all of My frequency. I love you My little one. You are dear to Me. For I am first in you. You have been tested again, and My beloved you have come through as gold. You are becoming strong, as a pillar in My house. Oh, the days are fleeting, but you are strong My love, fully anchored in your place in Me. I lead, you follow. Oh, it is My good pleasure to give you your hearts desires. As you enter My gates, I watch you come, as you cross through My courtyard I draw you in. Nothing hinders you here, for you are free to move about in Me. The channel is open and I move freely through you. You are not distant from Me for you are here with Me right now. As you focus on Me and what I want to say, you draw Me closer to you. Our bond is strong and secure. Fully tested in My furnace, the flames have raged and pulled and burned out all the dross from you. Dear one, you are clean and pure of spirit and you are not defiled with the lower, dirty things of this world. You live in a world of sin, filth and decay and as you move through your days you do pick up some of the dirt and particles of decay, this is natural, but, when you come into My presence and begin to wait, it is here in our quiet abode that I examine you. As you wait before Me I gently cleanse and purge you from the daily dust and particles you have picked up, and you are made once again perfect, clean and pure for I personally remove every spot, every blemish and every wrinkle. As you submit yourself to Me daily, daily I examine you, your heart, your mind, your soul, your flesh, your garments. As I examine, I work, to create in you a newness in Me. I tell you the truth My love. You glow. You are shining now, and when I come into you, in your total and complete transformation, you shall shine like the sun in brilliance and fiery flames. You are a reflection of Me, oh, My little one, I can see Myself in you. Oh, My dear one, I love you with such a love it cannot be measured. I enjoy being in your presence as you "will" yourself to soak up more and more of Me. This is your place, this is your portion, to ever go deeper and deeper into Me. I avail Myself to you My love. You may eat and drink your fill, for in Me there is no end, and always, always more to discover for I am the never ending God and I love you.
Song: "You are beautiful My sweet, sweet Psalm..."
My days are filled with praise. Beloved draw near now and lend Me your ear. You have come once again to My banqueting table. I invite you My beloved, come and dine. Eat your fill at My table. For taste and see that I am good and I satisfy every longing in your heart. The deeper you go into Me, the deeper you grow in Me. I am the never ending vine with power and healing divine. You are plugged in. You are receiving all of My frequency. I love you My little one. You are dear to Me. For I am first in you. You have been tested again, and My beloved you have come through as gold. You are becoming strong, as a pillar in My house. Oh, the days are fleeting, but you are strong My love, fully anchored in your place in Me. I lead, you follow. Oh, it is My good pleasure to give you your hearts desires. As you enter My gates, I watch you come, as you cross through My courtyard I draw you in. Nothing hinders you here, for you are free to move about in Me. The channel is open and I move freely through you. You are not distant from Me for you are here with Me right now. As you focus on Me and what I want to say, you draw Me closer to you. Our bond is strong and secure. Fully tested in My furnace, the flames have raged and pulled and burned out all the dross from you. Dear one, you are clean and pure of spirit and you are not defiled with the lower, dirty things of this world. You live in a world of sin, filth and decay and as you move through your days you do pick up some of the dirt and particles of decay, this is natural, but, when you come into My presence and begin to wait, it is here in our quiet abode that I examine you. As you wait before Me I gently cleanse and purge you from the daily dust and particles you have picked up, and you are made once again perfect, clean and pure for I personally remove every spot, every blemish and every wrinkle. As you submit yourself to Me daily, daily I examine you, your heart, your mind, your soul, your flesh, your garments. As I examine, I work, to create in you a newness in Me. I tell you the truth My love. You glow. You are shining now, and when I come into you, in your total and complete transformation, you shall shine like the sun in brilliance and fiery flames. You are a reflection of Me, oh, My little one, I can see Myself in you. Oh, My dear one, I love you with such a love it cannot be measured. I enjoy being in your presence as you "will" yourself to soak up more and more of Me. This is your place, this is your portion, to ever go deeper and deeper into Me. I avail Myself to you My love. You may eat and drink your fill, for in Me there is no end, and always, always more to discover for I am the never ending God and I love you.
Hearing God at Eventide - July 5, 2014
I am here. I have been with you child. You shall awaken refreshed and renewed. You have been greatly attacked in your spirit today which is manifesting in your body. But this too shall pass. You were quick to reject the attack on your vision, you battled and pressed in and won. This pleases Me. Your headache has persevered for you have given in saying to yourself "Oh, it's just a headache", so you have allowed it to persist and linger. AS you have rested in Me you have renewed your strength. This headache shall leave. When you are bothered again in this way be quick to stand your ground and command it to leave. Nothing has a legal right to bother you in any way. Stand your ground, do not give it an inch and it shall leave you. Nothing shall harm you or be allowed to linger at your door. But you must stand your ground and command it to leave, I shall do the rest. I have told you to arise and walk in your dominion. You must do so daily. My love, now is the time.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Hearing God in the morning 0 July 5, 2014
Oh My love, the storm clouds gather now. I am in the clouds and thunder. Thick darkness is My covering. Oh, I come in so many forms. Can you not see Me. Do you not know Me. I shall reveal My hand. I shall open the floodgates. I shall release the tempest to blow across your lands. I shall level all the false temples. All shall know that I am here. No one shall escape My hand of judgment. Ready or not, here I come. The games people play while wasting the hours of the day shall all come to naught. The river shall overflow it's banks in you My love. For I shall come forth in the good, as well as the bad and the ugly. As you are today, great shall be your increase, whether of good, bad or ugly. All have chosen their lot. I have seen each "will" as they have chosen their way. Some shall arise to more strength and power in Me and shall walk in their dominion, for I alone have been grooming them, in My chambers. I alone have trimmed their candlesticks and filled their lamps. I alone shall they reflect with great power, love and authority. Nothing shall by any means harm them. For they have been through My refining fires and they are golden and sparkling in Me. Some shall meet the tempest in the darkness that they seek. They shall travail and weep as they are tossed about in the raging sea. Their plans shall not prevail , they shall be undone, they shall feel their loss and when they come to the end of themselves, they shall seek after another for refuge. But they shall find no refuge in others. They shall lose hope in man. Then they shall see ME. They shall see Me reflected in My people. They shall long for Me as they see Me resting upon My chosen ones, walking in their dominion, fully resting in ME. Oh, what a glorious day it shall be when My creation longs to be with Me. I shall then complete My reconciliation with all of My creation. For it is not My will to remain distant, far-off, and separated from any of My creation. But, know this, I have given each of you your own free will, I will not take it from you. You, yourself must choose who you "will" to surrender to, yield to, and willingly obey. This is not My will for you to walk after the flesh or beastly nature of "self" which will not watch over you, nurture you or protect you. Your flesh does not look after your best interests. That can only come from Me. For I alone know what is best for you and what path will yield the best kind of fruits for you on your journey. You must choose for yourself whom you will follow. Self or Me. You alone must choose, choose wisely My dear ones for your fate lies in the balance of these choices. No one escapes having to make the choice themselves. All must choose. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Choose wisely My dear ones, I am watching you. I am here. I live.
Hearing God in the eventide - July 4, 2014
Anything and anyone who is not following Me will not be under My protection. I am the author and finisher of all life. No one but Me knows how long they shall live. Some live years, some live months, some live weeks, some live days, some live hours, some live seconds, some live only a moment. Only I know the length of life for each thing that I have created. I alone have a purpose and a plan for how and why I do things or allow things. You are not to know everything. You are to trust Me in everything. You may ask Me anything and I will answer you as I wish. I lead, you follow. It is good to seek wisdom. But it is fruitless to question My ways. As you follow and progress, I will reveal things to you as I see that you are ready to receive. This process you are going through cannot be rushed, for if We rush through the process you will not grasp the fruit that you are ready to receive. As you eat at My table, you are consuming My delicacies that I provide in My right time. It is not profitable for you to be rushed through your maturing process. For this journey is producing much fruit in you now, and the abundance of My fruit will overflow in you to reach others. For the well in you runs deep, and still you keep digging deeper into My eternal springs. This is good. For out of your abundance, I shall water many dry and thirsty lands. My life in you shall flow out of you to feed and water the desolate, waste places within the hearts of men. For they shall long to drink from the well that you drink from. They shall seek to eat the crumbs from your table. You shall freely feed and water My people and you My child, shall never go hungry or thirst again for you are feeding from My table and have food that they know not of, and your spring is from My eternal well and shall never run dry. I speak, and you My love, hear. You run to Me and eagerly await My words, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me. Beloved, do not be alarmed in the change. For it must come, and I am in the change. Rest in Me, be still thy heart, I am here.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Hearing God in the morning - July 4, 2014
To rise early and seek My face is where you should always endeavor to dwell. For I am able to express Myself to you as you come and wait upon Me. My dear one this endeavor of yours is not wasted time. For each day brings change. Each day you learn and grow. To be My disciple is to change day by day more and more into My likeness. You are now a reflection of Me. As you live I live within you. I am enthroned in your heart. I am the one who is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or think for I am not limited. I am limitless. The more you learn of Me the more you want to see and experience. For I am not boring. I am vibrant and life changing. I give all life and I take it away. There is none like Me. I feed all. I send the sun and the rain. I am in the gentle breezes and mighty storms. I created all that you see. Your life is a gift, spend it wisely My dear one. Live in My peace and love. Let love light your way. See Me in everyone, every animal, every plant for I am the living cell that everything is connected to. YOU live in a circle. The circle of life connects all back to Me the creator, the giver of life. I am the source of it all. To know this is TRUTH. To know Me is life and life more abundant. You shall see Me today. Look closely, as you go about your day. I am all around you, as well as within you. I guard and protect you all the time. As you live, breathe, move I am with you through it all. I am your source. Rest in Me. Peace, be still and know Me. The journey within is the most rewarding. For within you shall find what you are looking for. Keep looking within. As you live today, look out and see Me all around you and enter into My Glory today. I love you little one. You are Mine.
Hearing God in the evening - July 3, 2014
You will not miss Me child, for I am here with you. You see Me well. You hear Me. I shall not pass you by. Stay alert, be ready. I will call you and when I do you shall hear Me, obey Me in all things. Keep your diligent watch for Me, for I see you dear one, I see you. You are not asleep. You are ready to go to the next level in your assignment in Me. Just rest in Me, patiently listening for Me, patiently resting in My vine, fully assured, now once again that I will not pass you by. We have come a long way together My love. I would not leave you or separate Myself from you. Breathe in, Breathe out beloved I am with thee. Wherever you go I go. We are connected, Trust Me, We shall never be separated or distant. I love and care for you. I daily inspect you, I listen to your beautiful heartbeat as you wait before Me. I hear the gentle melody of your breathing as you wait before Me. Did you know when you come and start to wait before Me your heartbeat slows and the rhythm of your breathing becomes soft and shallow for you enter into the spirit of Me and you lose your focus of the world and the pull of earthly things loses it's grip on you. It's just you and Me quietly spending a few fleeting moments together. Sometimes I breathe upon you and you know I'm here and you laugh, this makes Me laugh too, for We are intimate together, you are comfortable with Me in this. I also want to show you more of My Glory and My Power. I shall soon call you to Me, for you are ready to see and ponder more of Me. You Trust Me now, more than ever before. This is good for in so doing, I shall always take care of you. You are not to know everything. But, what I do reveal to you is yours forever, I count you as My child, My lover and My friend. For you have entered deep into My abode. As you stretch out your hand to grasp hold of more of Me I shall never let you go. I love the smell of your hair, for your spirit is clean and pure and the fragrance of you is beautiful to Me. You are one My soul loves. For you have busied yourself in putting Me first. You are alive and well, living in My Kingdom. My Kingdom comes from within you. Nothing can stop My Kingdom from expanding. More and more with each passing day. Soon your transformation shall be complete. Do not worry or fret over what happens next. For you My beloved, are in the season of the spirit. I shall not lead you astray. You are exactly where I want you to be. Your steadfast devotion to Me is unmovable. You are beautiful as a psalm to Me. You have awakened to righteousness and truth. You shall sleep no more. For you have tasted of My fruit and you will never be satisfied by any other. This is good. You are My dove and you are gentle, quiet, and kind. I love you. You are patient, and long suffering, it is well with your soul. Keep watching My love.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Hearing God in the morning - July 3, 2014
Oh how good and pleasant it is to dwell together in unity. My peace is upon you My love and My peace will carry you through any storm that comes your way. As you begin each new day focus on the good. There is always some form of good in every situation. As you look to Me and lean on My understanding I shall bring forth the good. For I am good. Whatever you think upon is what you will become. Whatever you think upon will effect what's going on around you. Whatever you think upon will manifest in your life. This is why it is so important to control your thoughts and to be vigilant in being constantly on guard with what you allow to come in and feed your mind. Thoughts have power. Thoughts are seeds trying to take root in you by entering your mind and dwelling there without challenge. All thoughts that enter in are not your own. They can be inspired by Me. They can also be fiery darts sent to slip in behind the gate, catching the watchman unaware and seeding itself within you, totally cloaked and hidden under the guise of "I". This is a very dangerous and perplexing battlefield that you must be ever vigilant in your duty. You must stand guard and route the enemy quickly, do not allow yourself to be deceived. Whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart so is he.
Your heart has an ear in the middle of it, so you can hear what's going on in the spirit inside of you. Thoughts can be heard by you. Do not dwell on any negative thoughts, cast them out and give them to Me to deal with and destroy. I can see the root of every thought. I must train you in this as well for you shall not be deceived. As you go about your day and carry Me with you I show you My way to do everything. As you invite Me in daily into every moment, I intervene for you and lead you down paths of safety. I dispel the darkness for you so that it cannot touch you. This is part of My protective hand. I have been protecting you and guiding you every step that you have allowed Me to. Even though you may stumble, you cling to Me and I come and set you back on My path. As you endeavor to stay on My path I come daily unto you for you My dear one come daily unto Me to seek Me out. You feed daily at My table and drink deeply from My well. You are mine. You dwell in Me. I shall feed you from My hand. I am your commander and chief, you shall only follow Me and a stranger shall never separate you from Me for you are strong in Me. You know Me and I know you. You can never be satisfied going a day without interacting with Me, Oh My love, this pleases Me, this pleases Me.
Your heart has an ear in the middle of it, so you can hear what's going on in the spirit inside of you. Thoughts can be heard by you. Do not dwell on any negative thoughts, cast them out and give them to Me to deal with and destroy. I can see the root of every thought. I must train you in this as well for you shall not be deceived. As you go about your day and carry Me with you I show you My way to do everything. As you invite Me in daily into every moment, I intervene for you and lead you down paths of safety. I dispel the darkness for you so that it cannot touch you. This is part of My protective hand. I have been protecting you and guiding you every step that you have allowed Me to. Even though you may stumble, you cling to Me and I come and set you back on My path. As you endeavor to stay on My path I come daily unto you for you My dear one come daily unto Me to seek Me out. You feed daily at My table and drink deeply from My well. You are mine. You dwell in Me. I shall feed you from My hand. I am your commander and chief, you shall only follow Me and a stranger shall never separate you from Me for you are strong in Me. You know Me and I know you. You can never be satisfied going a day without interacting with Me, Oh My love, this pleases Me, this pleases Me.
Hearing God in the evening - July 2, 2014
Song: "In the evening, when I come, give me Jesus...just give me Jesus..."
Oh your heart is full of Me My dear one. Now, in the quiet stillness of the evening you come to sit and wait. I see you My love and I come. As you make time for Me I reveal more of Me for you to see. You have been diligent in your pursuit of Me today My child, this pleases Me. You are understanding more of Me and My Kingdom and how to truly rest. My ways are not difficult. I do not ask the impossible of you, I only require all of you day by day. Breathing in, Breathing out, as your breath unfolds, I am. For I am all in all. I am in everything. I want you to notice Me, do not allow a day to slip past you without you turning to Me. For I am in all that you can see. It pleases Me when you are mindful of Me. When you are seeking to know Me more intimately My heart sings, for I truly enjoy spending time with you. My heart fills with love as I think upon My beautiful creation. As I gaze upon My lands I take in every thought, every word, every action, every glance, every heartbeat, every smile, every laugh, and every tear, nothing escapes Me child. For know this, I am your God, I am the only God-creator of all, and there is no other. As you rest in Me, fully persuaded that I will take care of you, it pleases Me, little one, it pleases Me. Are you truly ready for Me to come fully now. For I shall change you once again as I come and fill you to completion. Oh, My love, ask of Me your hearts desire and I shall come. It is not greedy to want more of Me, to linger at My well and drink from My cup is a gift I am willing to give to all who will enter in and yield to Me. I am not a hard taskmaster, I only require all of a willing heart and in exchange I shall give you the desires of your heart. Do not be timid My love, My dove for I know what you desire, but I want you to ask, for it pleases Me when you ask. I am willing to reveal more, are you willing to ask for more. I desire to reveal to you abundantly now My dove. This is the hour of My great outpouring of My Spirit. Ask for more and I shall surely answer thee.
Oh your heart is full of Me My dear one. Now, in the quiet stillness of the evening you come to sit and wait. I see you My love and I come. As you make time for Me I reveal more of Me for you to see. You have been diligent in your pursuit of Me today My child, this pleases Me. You are understanding more of Me and My Kingdom and how to truly rest. My ways are not difficult. I do not ask the impossible of you, I only require all of you day by day. Breathing in, Breathing out, as your breath unfolds, I am. For I am all in all. I am in everything. I want you to notice Me, do not allow a day to slip past you without you turning to Me. For I am in all that you can see. It pleases Me when you are mindful of Me. When you are seeking to know Me more intimately My heart sings, for I truly enjoy spending time with you. My heart fills with love as I think upon My beautiful creation. As I gaze upon My lands I take in every thought, every word, every action, every glance, every heartbeat, every smile, every laugh, and every tear, nothing escapes Me child. For know this, I am your God, I am the only God-creator of all, and there is no other. As you rest in Me, fully persuaded that I will take care of you, it pleases Me, little one, it pleases Me. Are you truly ready for Me to come fully now. For I shall change you once again as I come and fill you to completion. Oh, My love, ask of Me your hearts desire and I shall come. It is not greedy to want more of Me, to linger at My well and drink from My cup is a gift I am willing to give to all who will enter in and yield to Me. I am not a hard taskmaster, I only require all of a willing heart and in exchange I shall give you the desires of your heart. Do not be timid My love, My dove for I know what you desire, but I want you to ask, for it pleases Me when you ask. I am willing to reveal more, are you willing to ask for more. I desire to reveal to you abundantly now My dove. This is the hour of My great outpouring of My Spirit. Ask for more and I shall surely answer thee.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Hearing God in the morning - July 2, 2014
Oh My love, My dove, the days are fleeting now, time is drawing to a close. Much is happening in the physical and spiritual all around you. Many claim they are ready for Me, but I tell you, they are not. You are to examine yourself daily. Look closely at your habits, at your daily offerings and make sure you are spending your time wisely. You are not guaranteed tomorrow, therefore live each day as if it were your last. How you act, re-act to circumstances, think and talk all reflect what's on the inside of you. Careful examination of these things will show you what is going on, on the inside of you. This is a simple key to allow you to see yourself unveiled. Much is revealed if you will examine yourself. I allow truth to be revealed, you can see it, if you are honest with yourself. As you see clearly truth, you can change, ask for My help to change your ways. I am not distant, I am here with thee. I am Lord of the change. Everyone is in a constant state of change, most don't even realize this, but, truly all are changing. Some are attaining holiness step by step and are ascending on the staircase of sanctification into My everlasting Kingdom. Others are sinking lower and lower step by step into despair and ruin and hardship and suffering. If only they would ask Me to help them, I am here, I can help. Life is a process of constant change, you each are presented obstacles daily to overcome to help you develop more and more into My image and likeness. As you are growing in your knowledge of Me you are changing more and more into My image and likeness. Remember child, I am in the change.
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