Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hearing God in the eventide - July 9, 2014

Beloved, I see you, quietly lingering, waiting patiently for Me to speak.  I am here.   My love, you are with Me all the time.  I may not feel tangible to you, but I am.  You must endeavor to focus all of your attention on Me.  As you focus and shut the world out, behold, I appear.  I am always as close as your very breath.  Breathe in, Breathe out, feel Me breathing, participating in this moment with you.  Oh, My love, you are dear to Me, for you journey ever deeper into Me.  As you dig in the darkness more and more of My light, My life giving light shines through.  As you travel down your life's journey you are constantly thinking upon Me, for I am here.  I am enthroned in your heart and oh, My love, We shall never be apart.  You are My forever dove.  I have great plans for you.  Soon, My child, soon.

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