Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hearing God - April 1, 2013

My child, you should always put Me first, other things can wait.  I am what you need most of all.  Only I can fill you with My Ruach Ha Kodesh = Holy Spirit, only I can make you strong.  Do Not allow your flesh to separate you from ME now.  In this present hour you need to know Me.  You need to Rest in Me.  You need to be molded into My image so that My Father will be pleased with you.  Yield My child, yield, you can sleep later but when you hear the call to "come away with Me My child" - you must arise.  I will not force you to come.  You have to make your own choice to come and be with Us. For We are always here waiting for you.  It's all up to you child.

 The question is:  How deeply do you drink?  Are you a sipper? Are you a gulper? Or, will you drain the glass? It's up to you.  I will give you as much of Me as you truly want.  But, you must do your part, do not be lazy and slack off, or I will pass you by.  I see you child, I always see you, but I will pass you by if you are not looking for Me.

 This is your training ground, your time with Me is your most profitable.  I am pouring into you more than you know.  I am strengthening your spirit and your heart.  Do Not be dismayed over what you see happening around you in the world.  Stand strong and focus on Me alone.  I will lead you by the hand, eat Me and drink Me, do not let your oil drain out.  You must replenish your oil = trim your lamp daily. This is crucial to your life now.

Be diligent in your pursuit of Me.  I love it when you chase after Me, hoping to get a glimpse of Me.  This shows Me your heart and your desire.  Have you realized I have opened your eyes more and you are viewing the world through My eyes.  You see differently now.

  This world has lost it's hold on you, child.  No longer are you attached to the things of this world or the people around you.  You are focused on Me and I am focused on you, I am still testing you child - Remember that.

 You have not  "arrived", there is much to be delivered from.  I am at work in you now.  I am busy purging your vessel of all unrighteousness.  I am cleaning you deeply and thoroughly. As you yield to Me, I will remove the layers, remove the veils, separate the darkness from the light in you.  There is not much darkness in you now.  For as I expose it, you are quick to repent and this allows Me to purge it from you and clean you deeply.  This is why repentance is so important.  Unrepentance is a gate that keeps many locked-up in despair and hopelessness.  Unrepented sin will keep ME separated from you.

  But, I will not abandon you, I will always expose your sin if you are willing to hear Me, and as you repent I will draw you closer to Me, each time I cleanse you I am giving you a thorough scrubbing for you must be holy to come into My presence.  I am holy, so you must be holy.  Do Not allow sin to linger and separate you from Me.  Stay clean, Repent quickly.

  Stay focused on Me and I will show you the way.  I am willing to do a mighty work in you, but you must allow Me access to you.  Submit to Me in all things pertaining to your life.  Submission is a key to unlocking My heart.  Humble yourself before Me and allow Me free reign in your life.  Look to Me I am the author and finisher of your life.

 You can do nothing of value without Me.  I must be at the center, everything flows from Me.  I am the door, I am the way, I am the power source.  Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.  Shelter under My wing, My precious one, My little dove.  Stay humble, stay meek, be kind, be loving, be patient, endure, persevere no matter what - persevere in all things.

 I am watching.  Behold, I come quickly, stay prepared.  I will protect you.  I will provide for you.  Do Not Worry, Do Not Fear.  I AM here.  Stand strong in Me, I am all you need.  You are loved.

Hearing God - April 2, 2013

You did not put Me first today.  But, you have thought on Me and prayed since you arose this morning and that is good, but, I must caution you child to come to Me first, wait before ME first, I have much to download into your spirit, but, I can only do this as you wait upon ME.

You are in a battle now dear one, you need to Rest in Me, come arise early and come to Me, I will renew your strength, come, even when your flesh is very sleepy, come your enemy has sent a heavy spirit of slumber to draw you away from out time together, you must fight this child.  You will win, get back to fasting soon, My child, My precious one, the enemy is trying to weaken you, stay strong in Me.  I am your strength, I am your source.  I am your all sufficient one.

We are one, you and I, We cannot be separated come child come to Me often during the day and in the evening.  I want to be with you often, separate yourself from your family and come, come to Me child.  I have much I wish to share with you.

You are My little dove and I love you.  But you are a lioness on the inside and you will roar with Me soon.  Never underestimate the inside of a man by looking at the outside of a man.  The outside will tell you nothing.  But, the inside of a man will tell you everything.  I can see all.  I read the inside of a man clearly.  I am the discerner of hearts, and you will be too, for I have put My Spirit in you and you will be able to discern the heart of man.  You have always had this ability within you, you can see things in the eyes of people that most cannot see, you see much, but you understand little.  But, I will reveal to you what you are seeing, I am unlocking your abilities.  Be careful child, for whom much is given, much will be required.

 Stay close to Me now, I am your source.  I alone have the keys to your destiny.  I am the key master and I alone will reveal when it is time to unlock your abilities, do not worry, TRUST ME.  I will lead you step by step, I will train your hands to war for Me.

 Humble yourself, surrender all to Me and I will reveal My mysteries to you.  Your destiny is just ahead and I will guide you, invite Me into your life daily, and I will come and we will do great things together.

 Time is short.  Behold, I come.  Stay ready, be prepared to act when I tell you to.  Don't re-act to something.  Act as I do, speak as I do.  Follow My lead.  Your future is at the door.  I am calling your "man-child" to come forth.  It's a new day.  It's a new season in My Kingdom.  All is well, come forth child, come forth.

Close your eyes and listen.  What do you Hear?

I answer:  "I hear the shofar's blowing.

What do you see?


  I see a small child wearing a red superhero child costume, hiding behind a wall and I see an adult male dressed in a mature red superhero costume standing behind the little child (boy) and there are other adult people (possibly angels) wanting to help the small child in the battle but the adult male says "No...Wait..., let's see what he can do".
This is the man-child you have given birth to.  He will talk like Me (I am the adult male).  He will walk like Me, He will act like Me.  Keep your focus forever strong on Me.  The child will grow, you have given birth to a seven year old, he will grow rapidly and progress in My Kingdom.  Do not fear.  TRUST Me.

What do you see child?


 I see a large fresh water pond or lake with trees and birds, the water is clear and still, and there is a bird flying over the water.

Yes, you have seen clearly, the bird is you My love, My little dove, you will soar with Me, the still water is Me and represents My presence in you, in the form of My peace.  Rest in Me child, as the storms come you will rest in Me, I will keep you in perfect peace as you keep your mind stayed and focused on Me.  I am here child.  I am with you always.  Stay with Me child.

Hearing God - April 3, 2013

I am here child.  Trust in Me.  I will never leave you or forsake you.  Make yourself strong in Me.  Read My word.   Remember My Ways.  I Am TRUTH.  All else is a lie.  Think on pure things, do not allow your thoughts to wander down paths of unrighteousness, for these are evil seeds sent to do you harm.  Stay on the paths of love, purity, peace and harmony in your thoughts and in your re-actions to things.  I am your peace-maker.  My children should always walk in paths of peace and righteousness.  This sets you apart from the unrighteous ones on the earth.  By keeping a guard at your gates:  Mind, Eyes, Ears, Mouth...you are awake and alert to the enemies tactics.

  For the battle is fierce and he is sending an onslaught of negativity to you to drain your oil, and to zap your strength.  Be wise, be on guard, be alert, be vigilent.  These are serious times.  Do not stray from Me child, stay close, even closer if you can.  Press into Me.  Come to Me for understanding.  Bring all your questions to Me.  I am willing to help you in all things, nothing is hidden from Me, many things are hidden from you, for it is not needful for you to know everything.  It is harmful and burdensome to know everything.

 I will reveal to you what I want you to know, when I want you to know it.  Trust Me, do not stray off of this path with Me.  I will warm your heart and strengthen your soul.  My light will burn out the darkness in you and around you.  Focus on Me and all will go well with you.  I am the light of the world.  You need Me to survive in the days ahead.  I will keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me.  Purity is a choice and will take effort on your part to maintain.  Keep all your gates guarded.  Be diligent, be strong in ME.

 Use My name, use My word.  Lift your voice and command the darkness (whatever you encounter that is not of Me) to flee and it will.  Your words have power.  You're a creative force to be reckoned with.  Feed your man-child, he is growing, he needs to be strong in Me, for I will use him in the coming days.

You are a mighty warrior in My Kingdom.  You have great abilities within you.  DO NOT shrink back from the battle, I chose you to live in this end-time day you will lead many others to Me.  Let your life shine with Me illuminating your paths.  Your light will draw others to Me, for they will want, they will hunger for your peace, for your love, for your perspective on what is going on around them.  For what they see in you is Me, they will be drawn to you, like a moth to a flame.  When they ask you, tell them about your personal relationship with ME.  Show them the way to get to Me.  Show them the way home.

 We are on this journey together.  We are going to find the lost souls, the deceived souls, and the discouraged elect.  Do not look for them on your own, I will send them to you.  I will make it clear who I want you to minister to, how I want you to minister to them, and when I want you to minister to them.  I will light your way.

 Do nothing apart from ME.  I am the way maker, pay attention to My voice, pay attention to My unctions, pay attention to what you see.  Live with your eyes wide open and your ears attuned to My voice.  We will do much together, follow Me child, I alone know the way.  

Hearing God - April 4, 2013

I love you child.  Come to Me child during your day, find time to come away with Me more.  You need to be spending more time with Me now.  Do not be distracted with the cares of this world.  Keep your focus on Me.  You have much to learn about Me and My kingdom.  I am your teacher.  You must come and allow Me to teach you.  You have need of only one teacher - Me.  Bits and pieces of the puzzle are falling into place now.  I have given different pieces to different people.  No one person knows all that I am doing, you have to come together in unity and share what I have given you, in this way, you are working together to understand My Way and My Truth.  I am pouring out much information and much truth.  Listen to the sound of abundance of rain.  It's a sign that I am here.  Watching over you, through much drought, I was here, and now, I am sending My rain to quench your thirsty ground and fill your water tables.  My healing water is coming to you now.  I am sending you My life giving waters.  Eat Me and drink Me, take communion often today and thank Me for healing you, I am healing your toe and teeth, it will go well with thee, as long as you stay close to Me and shelter in Me under My wing.  Beloved, I go before you in all things.  Listen to Me now.

Hearing God - April 5, 2013

The narrow road is the only way child.  Stay close child.  The cold and the darkness come to test you.  Do not draw back.  Do not draw away from Me.  Press into Me.  Read My word, eat Me and drink Me, I will give you life, I will restore you, I will heal you, I will protect you, I will speak to you in My word.  I am your light in this present darkness.  You must read My word, I have empowered My word to empower you, but, it cannot endue you with it's power unless you read it.  You have to do your part in our relationship.

I speak, you listen.  You read My word, I speak.  You pray, I listen.  As you are filled with My word it brings change into you.  It starts your transformation process.  As you live and encounter things, My word in you rises up out of you to combat the evil of the day and these days are full of evil.  As you wait on Me I pour My Holy Spirit into you, but, you must feed My Spirit My word and let Him grow in you.  The man-child needs to be fed too.  My word brings life and strength to you all.  It is a necessary nourishment for you all.  Do not neglect this.  For you grow weaker by the minute when you do not read My word.  You need to make yourself strong in Me.  You make yourself strong in Me.  You make yourself strong in Me by Waiting on Me, praying, taking communion and reading My word, you should not neglect any of these.  For this is your calling and duty.  I am preparing you to work with Me, but you must do your part.  Do not grow weary or lazy.  Do not become distracted by the cares of this world.  Come to Me child.  Come away with Me.  Lean into Me.  Do not let the spirits of this world draw you away from Me.  This is the final hour.  You need Me to get you through.  You need My guidance.  You need My resources.  Seek Me child, do not neglect Me.  I see you child.  I am watching you.  I see all you are doing and all you are not doing.  You MUST stay close.  You MUST be filled with My oil, My Holy Spirit.  You MUST feed, feed, feed yourself on My word.  Do not starve My Holy Spirit or our man-child.  Stay pure and clean.  Remember Me, when you think of stopping your actions and reading My word - THAT IS ME TRYING TO TELL YOU - STOP, read My word, there is a reason why I am drawing you back to My word.  I have much work to do in you.

 You should obey Me when I lead you, if you obey My still small voice it will go well with you.  But if you ignore it and push it aside, how can I bless you, how can I reveal Myself or manifest Myself to you.  The thoughts that come to you that tell you to stop and read My word or take communion now ARE MY THOUGHTS, it's MY still small voice you are hearing, not your own thoughts and desires.  These thoughts are Mine, they are My desires for you, and when you push them aside and keep doing your worldly things like cleaning, and organizing your craft room, you are disobeying Me.  You are not putting Me first.  This does not please Me child.  This does not honor Me.  I MUST be first in your life.  I WILL be first.  You are in a battle.  This is a battle that you must win.  The enemy is trying to distract you from Me, to disengage your hearing from Me, he is turning My voice into your voice and trying to stop up your ears from hearing Me.  Repent, you MUST engage in this battle, you MUST hear Me and obey immediately, the time for not obeying My voice is over.  You MUST hear Me and immediately obey.  Separate yourself unto Me.  Hear Me child and Obey immediately, and it will go well with you.  This is a serious battle and you MUST be diligent and alert to win this.  I am with you child.  Take heed to My warning.

Hearing God - April 6, 2013

Do not be alarmed dear one, this fast will pass quickly.  I want you to do the Daniel fast and take communion often.  The less you eat the stronger you will be in the spirit for Me.  I still have much work to do in you and this fast will quicken your deliverance and prepare you for your end-time ministry.

 You are a part of My Bride and you are one of My 144,000.  You are one of My end-time army.  your life of prayer and fasting is part of your preparation.  This will make you strong in Me.  I need you strong.  I need to build you up more in My word.  Ask Me for My gifts of the spirit.  Believe all that I am showing you through your brothers and sisters.  I am giving you discernment now and wisdom is coming to dwell in you.  TRUST Me child.  I am going to do a mighty work in you and then through you.

 Allow Me to purge you, allow Me to flow through you.  Yield to Me, surrender all to Me.  I have heard your prayers.  I have seen your diligence in waiting on Me, I have seen you persevere in reading My word.  I have seen you child, and it pleases Me when you quickly repent and obey when I reveal the hidden things of your heart.  This allows Me to do a deeper cleansing, and truly purge the darkness from your heart and soul.  As you continue to invite Me and My Ruach Ha Kodesh into your daily life, it allows Me to work freely in you now.  As you submit your life as a living sacrifice to Me I am able to do My work in you and cast off the old garment and wineskin and put on you the new garments and wineskin to hold even more of My Spirit now.  You are going to illuminate Me and they will see Me on your face, it is time to reveal the real you, do not be afraid of the change.  I am the one who is transforming you into My Son's image and you are becoming more beautiful to Me as I behold My Son in you.

 Your life is in My hands, I will never let go of you, My dear one.  I am your true King, I am your Elohim, I and My Son are One and We desire to reveal Ourselves in you now.  You are awakening to your gifts and calling.  You will be seen by many, and shunned by most.  I will truly use you now.  You must desire My spiritual gifts.  You must press into Me and lean on Me more and more each day.  I will keep you hidden and sheltered under My wing.  Make yourself strong in Me.  For one day soon I will call you out of your comfort zone and you will have to be ready, strong and yielded to My perfect will for your life.  But the time is not yet.  I will lead you, I will test you, TRUST Me child, for only I know what is best for you, to form My Son's character within you.

You have asked for Me to etch My word in you.  I am doing a deep work in you and I will truly etch My Son, My Yehushua Ha Mashiach in you now.  My word will live and grow bigger in you now.  My heart is becoming one with your heart more and more with each passing day that you draw closer and closer to Me.  Our bond is becoming stronger My love, My dove.  My Spirit is growing strong in you.  You are reflecting Me more each day, soon My manifestation in you will be apparent for all to see.

 Do not be alarmed at their words, some will be in awe of what they see, some will be fearful, some will grow angry.  This will expose the true condition of their hearts.  My presence exposes evil, nothing is hidden from Me.  Read how they (the dark ones) re-acted to My Son, this is how they are going to re-act to you, for they will not see you, they will see My Son in you for the man-child you have birthed is soon coming forth.  The dark ones know they have no power over My Son.  They will have no power over you,  for what will be operating in you is the man-child = a union of you and My Son coming forth on the earth to wage war.  You are becoming a force to be reckoned with.  For the force in you is My Son.

  Oh, how We love our faithful, chosen ones, come forth My Beloved, come forth.  Arise and shine for your light has come.  I am the light of the world.  Follow Me child.  Love Me with all of your heart.  Seek Me now more than ever.  I long to be with you face to face, but for now be content that I am dwelling in you.  Blessed, I say blessed are those who have not seen Me (their invisible God) and yet have believed Me.  I am calling My warriors to arise and come to Me now.  I will speak more on this battle plan, but for now, tune your ear to hear Me through-out the day and night.  Dwell deeply in Me now.  Do Not back off in your search for Me, for I am here, I never leave, I see all that is happening to you.  Your life is in My hands.  I love you child.  My peace I give you.

Hearing God - April 7, 2013

I am the light of the world and there is no darkness in Me.  If you seek after Me and you seek after truth you will find Me and I will reveal the absolute truth.  Those who will be deceived Do Not want to follow Me with their whole heart, they do not want truth.  They want to follow their own desires and lusts.  These are the ones who will follow the broad road.  They will follow the lies.  They will follow the excitement of something new - "aliens" because they want adventure - BUT this is one of the snares that have been set to catch them.  This will lead to their destruction.  Weeping and Wailing, and gnashing of teeth are their lot.  They choose the promise of pleasure and reject sound instruction.  So, they will willingly follow the lies.

 You are not one of these dear child, you will follow Me, you will learn of Me.  Do not desire every gift I have given your brothers and sisters.  Some are very difficult to bear.  Be content with what I reveal to you in My timing.  Keep Watching for Me.  Keep your ear tuned to My voice.  Keep studying My word.  Keep taking communion.  Keep praying My word out loud.  I am here, I will protect you.  I will guide you in all things.  I am your source of truth.  I will never lead you astray, follow Me, learn of Me.  TRUST Only Me.

 You should pray for the people who will be encountering this wicked deception.  Pray My word over them, plead the blood over them. Pray that they will be awakened and not be deceived.  Pray for Me to remove the blinders, scales and layers from their eyes.  Pray that I will remove the stoppers from their ears.  Pray that I will route the enemy from their lives and expose the darkness with My light.  I am the only one who can save them. I alone can rescue them.  But, they must come to Me, they must repent, they must ask Me for My help.  Pray that they will turn their free-will over to My will, so that I can help them.

 Remember, everyone has been given free-will, and I will not take that from them.  Everyone has to choose Me or the devil and his deceptions.  We cannot choose for them.  We can only show them the way and let them choose.  Be careful child, do not be consumed trying to understand this "alien" deception.  Focus on Me.  Learn as much as you can about Me.  This is the path I want you on now.  I want you consumed with getting to know Me and My Ways.  I want our relationship to deepen and grow.  You are Mine, and I am filling you with My Spirit, My Love, My Light.   Keep your lamp full and trimmed in My Holy Spirit.  Read My word constantly.  Follow My lead.  Do not fear.  I am here.  Learn of Me and My love.  The more you learn of Me the more you grow stronger in Me.  The more you read My word the stronger My Holy Spirit becomes in you.  For Me to guide you in absolute truth requires diligence on your part: Waiting on Me, Reading My word, Praying, taking Communion, praising and singing to Me, all of these will strengthen our relationship and help it grow.

 You must be alert and on guard at all times now.  Guard your gates, plead the blood, put on My whole armor daily.  This is how you will be protected.  Do not lose heart.  Do not fear.  I have revealed these things so that you will know the truth and not follow the lies.  You are My Beloved Bride.  I am coming for you.  Stay ready, be watchful, for you do not know when I will come.  So, until then learn as much as you can about Me.  Know that I am at the door, behold I come quickly.  Stay ready.

Hearing God - April 8, 2013

Song:  "Hallelujah, He lives in Me..." (Holy Spirit was singing to me to wake me up this morning)
"...He set the captives free...Hallelujah, He lives in Me..."

I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one who comes to Me will be turned away.  I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me.  If you seek Me, you shall find Me.  If you knock the door shall be opened unto you.  I am the I AM.  There is no other.  I alone am King.  I alone am worthy of all praise and thanksgiving.  I alone can save you.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  Men's hearts shall fail them now, for what is coming on the earth is like nothing they have ever seen.  It is like a fictional movie come to life, and they can't handle it without Me.  Without Me as your constant source, as your constant refuge in times of fear and distress all hope is lost.  Man needs to know Me.  For I am the way out of any horrible situation they may be in.  Much is being "piped" into man now to throw him off course from finding Me.  Deception abounds in TV, Movies, You Tube, Internet, the News, and the pulpits.  Beware, take heed lest you find yourself trapped in a snare.

 Stay close to Me child.  I am your only Way.  I will never leave you, or deceive you.  I will lead you home.  Do not fear, what you see coming upon the earth.  I have told you in advance many things coming upon it now.

 Gird up the loins of your mind in My Truth.  I alone can show you the absolute Truth.  I will light your way.  Follow Me, follow My righteous paths, guard your heart with all diligence for out of it will flow the issues of life.  Keep your heart focused on Me.  Repent of all unrighteousness that I reveal to you.  I am cleansing you.  I am purging you of all darkness and uncleanness.  I am continually transforming you into My image.  Be ye holy, for I am holy.  Renew your mind in Me, and keep your focus on Me.  Make yourself strong in Me.  Come to Me child with all your questions and concerns I will give you rest.  Lean into Me and stay in My peace.  Nothing shall by any means harm you child.  I have marked you, you are sealed and anointed for Me alone.  Take heed child, don't let anyone or anything deceive you in this blessed assurance that you are Mine.  Shelter in Me child.

Song:  "Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine"  (played in my head just now)

I will watch over you and protect you.  Do not stray off the path that I have put you on.  Keep diligently seeking after Me in all things.  The door is open to you My Bride, come and see Me.  Come and dwell with Me.  Be Ready, Watch for Me.  Watch Jerusalem - for this is the battle ground where everything hinges.  Stay alert, do not fall asleep now.  You have much to learn from Me.  I am your only teacher.  I am your only Rabbi.  Draw closer to Me child.  You need Me more each day.  Whole heart, whole mind, whole will, whole life, I want all of you, hold nothing back from Me now.  Surrender everything to Me and I will fill you with My presence and show you things, unspeakable things in Me that I have not revealed to you before.  I am all you need, My precious one.  I am pleased that you long for Me, I am pleased that you are so willing to take up My fast and draw closer to Me.  No matter what happens to you - I am here.  Testing is coming.  Lean into Me.  Let My Spirit guide you.  I am the way.  Be constant in prayer, be constant in repenting, be constant in praising Me, be constant in thanksgiving to Me, be constant in worshiping Me, be constant in reading My Word and learning as much as you can about Me.  Dwell deeply in Me.  Learn My ways and you will be able to lead others to Me.  I am what the world needs.

Remember the vision of the piece of bread with the tube of medicine in it and the demon possessed man in the clear plastic box that told the pastor  "Stop feeding them, we're hungry".

The bread is My word, the medicine is in My word and will heal and deliver them from all evil.  This is why you need to know My word, it is alive, it is My life-force for those who believe, be ready to share My word as I send people to you.  The day of this vision is here.  I am anointing you in My word and I am anointing you with healing.  Your words will be My words.  The demons and fallen angels cannot touch My people who are truly in Me and are full of My word.  This is your protection.  You are in this world, but you are not of this world.  You are of Me.  My word is a lamp unto your feet.  You must know My word, for the evil ones know My word and will try to twist it and deceive you if possible.  Take heed child, the battle is raging, but I have placed you in Goshen, for now.  Shelter in Me, under My wing you shall be protected.  I am your source for every need you have.  TRUST Me, TRUST ONLY ME.  

Hearing God - April 9, 2013

As far as the east is from the west I love you.  There is no end to My love for you.  You are My treasure and delight.  I delight in all who dwell in Me.  When you seek My ways it brings Me honor and pleases Me.  I delight in the praises of My people.  I delight in the conversations of My people when I am the focus of their conversation.  My light shines forth when you speak of Me.  Keep Me ever present in your focus, in your words, in your thoughts, in your deeds.  I love to hear from you child.  I am here with you.  I never leave you dear one.  Everything is in place now for My return.  Much has to take place before I bring you home permanently, I need to prepare you to go back and forth with Me now.  I will use you in My Kingdom.  TRUST Me child.  I know what's best for you.  Learn and take heed from others that are bringing you My messages, use your discerning heart and be wise, test the spirits, compare their words to scripture.  When you are unsure of something, come to Me and ask.  I will help you.  I am here.  Come and let us reason together.  I will not let you go astray.

Hearing God - May 13, 2014

Many people claim to know Me, but they only know that I exist.  They don't know Me personally like you do child.  They could, if they would come and sit at My feet and patiently wait upon Me as you do.  I created man to have fellowship with me.  I love and enjoy spending time with all My true children.  They are the ones who seek Me out and are hungry to know more about Me.  Trials are a blessing, for they drive you to Me.  They bring the realization that you need help.  This draws you closer to Me and when you truly find Me, you do not want to let Me go.  For with Me is strength.  For in Me is Love.  I am the source of all life.  I am the key and destination of each life's journey.  You were created to seek Me out and to develop a relationship with Me.  I am not distant, but just as a person draws to another and gets to know them and builds a relationship with them, this is what I want from each of you.  I want to build a relationship.  I want to spend time with you.  I want you to spend time with Me.  Do not let your life pass by without Me.  Only I know.  But, know this, death is a door, an entry into the next stage of life.  I council you to get to know Me for yourself, you need Me.  Wake Up and seek Me out, while I may be found.  Draw close, I am here.

Hearing God - May 12, 2014

Song:  "The Lord thy God X2, in the midst of theeX2, is Mighty X2, and I saw Him high and lifted up in power and grace and authority, and He shall reign, in the midst of thee forever and ever..."

Song:  "You are so beautiful to Me.... Can't you see....you're everything I hoped for, you're everything I need...."

Give no account for wrongs done to you, I am a rewarder.  I see all My dear one.  You keep walking in love.  Keep rejecting the thoughts that pop in, keep casting out discord and revenge for this is not My Way.  This is not your Way either.  You are of Me.  Keep your focus on Me at all times and it will go well with you.  Oh My Love, We are never distant from each other.  You are Mine and I am yours forever and always.  I am coming for you.  Stay close.  Stay ready.  For in such an hour as you think not, I come.  Living and abiding in Me is security and safety.  I will protect you, I see all of your life, do not fear.  Continue on your journey with Me.  Dwell, Abide and Rest in Love, I Am Love.  My dear one, great are the plans I have for you.  Keep coming, I'm testing you.  I shall have what I desire.  Keep coming.  I am drawing you closer and closer.  Do you truly want more, show Me by your continual coming, by your faithfulness, I shall surely give you the desires of your heart.  Oh My beloved, it pleases Me that you come.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hearing God - April 10, 2013

I am for you, not against you.  I desire that you live in the fullness of Me.  You were created for Me, to have fellowship with Me.  The closer you stay to Me, the more protected you are.  I go before you child.  I never leave you.  Do not worry about tomorrow for you know who holds today.  Dwell in Me child.  TRUST Me.  Close your eyes child, what do you see?

Vision:  I see you sitting down in the garden talking to me

I am all you need.  Nothing is impossible to those who believe.  No matter how dark the battle rages, you live in Goshen - the place of protection.  The place of light and were no plagues can enter.  I am your healer.  I am your provider.  I am your deliverer.  No weapon formed against you shall by any means prosper.  Be let by My spirit.  Don't compare yourself to others.  Each of My children is very precious to Me, and each one has a special work to do for Me.  Glean from each other, share what I am revealing to you with others.  Let Me use you to light the way to relationship with Me.  People need to come to Me, but they don't know how.  Show them how you come to Me.  Show them how to wait on Me, show them how I speak to you.  Light the way child.  Time is short.  I love you child.  Seek Me first and all will go well with you I am your way maker.

Hearing God - May 11, 2014

Song:  "...and all the people said amen, wh o o o o oa, and all the people said amen, give thanks to the Lord for all He has done...and all the people said amen..."

Focus on Me child, I am here.  I am in the world, but I am not of the world.  I created the world and everything in it, it is a reflection of Me.  You can see Me in the water, in the wind, in the tree's, in the sky, in the animals, in the insects, in mankind, each has an attribute that reflects Me.  I desire to see My Reflection in all things.  It's there, if you look for Me you shall surely see Me.  I am in all things for I am the breath of all things.  I am limitless.  Remember the scriptures that tell you, you see through the glass darkly.  Well, the glass is a mirror, My word is the glass, when your spiritual eyes are closed you can't see much.  But as you come and come and come and peer through the mirror, the darkness is broken and light begins to break in as I open your spiritual eyes, it's a process.  As you journey inward you "see" more of Me.  You begin to experience Me on a whole new level.  To see Me, you must persevere, it's an act of due diligence.  I am a rewarder of those who seek Me, who look for Me, who search for the Pearl of a Great Price, I shall not disappoint My true seekers.  For I shall show Myself to each one.  As you draw closer, I become more and more clear.  Draw closer dear one.  I love you.  It is well with thee.  As you discover the faults in others, do not judge.  Only walk in love, for love is the key to break through the darkness and rescue the perishing.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hearing God - April 11, 2013

I am here child, I am here.  My Kingdom is within you and I will manifest My Kingdom on the earth.  I will protect you always, I will never leave you alone.  You are Mine and I love you.  You need to be ready, for in such an hour as you think not I come.  Stay full of Me, keep your lamp trimmed and full of My oil, do not let your oil drain out, stay full.   Study My word child, I am downloading much into you now.  Time is short.  Do not delay or tarry in the ways I have shown you to draw close to Me.  Wait on Me, pray, take communion, fast, eat and drink Me-feed the holy spirit and the man-child daily - daily - do not tarry in this - it is very important.  I must have you strong NOW !  There is great change coming in the earth.  TRUST Me child, I will always take care of you.  You are Mine.  Use your faith to remain strong in Me.  I am your source.  My strength is shown in your weakness.  Press into Me, and you will be refreshed and renewed and made strong.  Do not doubt My love for you, DO NOT doubt My faithfulness, TRUST Me child, in all things give thanks, in everything praise Me.  I am watching you, I will deliver you, I will protect and reward you for your faithfulness.  I Am the I AM.  Shelter in Me, in the midst of every storm.  You are not alone child, I am here.  TRUST in Me and all will go well for you.  Nothing is impossible for Me, for I am the God of "I'm Possible".

Song:  "Great and Mighty is He (clap 3X), Great and Mighty is He (clap 3X), Clothed in Glory arrayed in Splendor, Great and Mighty is He (clap 3X)"

Nothing can stop My plans, and nothing can pluck you out of My hand, for you are Mine, My Beloved little dove, My Bride, My holy one, I am pleased with you child.  You are beautiful to Me.  The more you grow in knowing Me, the more beautiful you become.  Your light is shining now.  You are reflecting Me, and that pleases Me.  Your life is changing now.  You are like a caterpillar about to cocoon (for a little while) and then emerging into a beautiful butterfly.  The process is breathtaking.  I rejoice in seeing My precious Son in you.  Hold fast child, no matter how difficult or painful the process is, it's almost done.  Persevere child, seek Me in your pain.  Come to Me in your confusion, I will show you the path.  I am all you need.  Your journey with Me is beautiful to Me.  I love you child, for you are Mine - Marked and Sealed in Me, and I will not lose you.  Believe Me.  Your constant struggles allow your character to be shaped and conformed into My Son's image.  Your reactions to your circumstances allow Me to see your reflection.  You are a mirror child Remember that, and what you are reflecting shows forth what you truly are.  If you see anything negative or ugly - Repent immediately and cast it down.  Remember My Son's Ways, study how He reacted and what His reflection of Me looked like, learn from Him, He is your constant source of instruction.  The narrow road is not easy, but it is truly the only way.  Stay on this narrow road, stay the course, do not step one foot off of this path that I alone have put you on.  I alone will guide you, I alone know the way.  Lean into Me child in all things let Me direct your way.  Not all paths will lead you home.  Many turns and detours will lead you to hell, you must choose wisely child, beware, heed, My warning - do not step one foot off the path I have placed you on.  I am here, but you must stay yielded to Me.  I am your light in the darkness, follow My light, hold My hand, let Me cover you with the kisses of My mouth, let Me shelter you under the protection of My wing.  I am with you child.  

Hearing God - April 12, 2013

My child come to Me often today I am here for you.  I know the things that are required of you , you must try everyday to put Me first before the cares of this world start crowding in and demand your time.  Seek Me early My little one.  I am here.  I love you.  You need to hear from Me first everyday, do not neglect our time together.  This is important for your development and strengthening.  Be ready, watch for Me, for you do not know when I will come, do not let Me find you sleeping (neglecting our relationship), stay close to Me child, live in Me.  Dwell deeply in Me.  Stay on the path of obedience and humility to Me.  The narrow road is narrowing.  TRUST Me child.  TRUST Me Only.  I will lead you by the hand.  Let My light guide you, let My light in you shine forth for all the world to see.  You are Mine.  You are reflecting Me now, as in a mirror.  Stand firm in your faith.  Put on your spiritual armor everyday.  Keep doing what your doing, remain strong.  Pray more, read My word more.  Live in Me child, live richly in Me.  I am going to lift you up in the spirit and take you to another level soon. Stay ready, focus on Me, My dear one, I am here.

Hearing God - April 13, 2013

Song started playing in my head:  "The Lord thy God, the Lord thy God, in the midst of thee, in the midst of thee, is Mighty, is Mighty, the Lord thy God, the Lord thy God, in the midst of thee, in the midst of thee is Mighty is Mighty, and I saw Him high and lifted up, in power and grace and authority....and He shall reign in the midst of thee, in the midst of thee forever and ever..."

I am strong and mighty to save.  I will protect and save all of My people in My time.  Some of My people will be saved immediately, and some will be saved later in My time.  I alone will tell you when I'm coming for you.  Take heed to My words.  Do Not fear.  TRUST in Me alone.  My plans are different from your plans.  You just need to follow Me day by day.  It's a daily walk, a habit, a custom that is developed over time.  Submission is key in your daily walking with Me.  This is a simple task, not easy, but simple to understand.  Do not be concerned with all the you-tube Christians, they are not given all of My information.  They do not know all, lest they be puffed up in pride and fall.  I reveal My secrets to different ones, here a little, there a little.  No man can truly hold and comprehend everything, only I God Yeshua can do that.  Man is limited in his comprehending.  You My child, Remember, you are not to judge, just love and listen to Me.  What I have told you about the man-child is TRUTH, it is in My Word, it is Me replicating Myself in My people.  I am pouring Myself in you, the birthing process comes at different times of development for each one.  My children who are seeking Me are truly sold-out to Me, but, they do not know everything, so they still miss the mark on My information, they miss My meaning, because I have not revealed all to one single person.  Only I Yeshua Know All.  Only I Know everything.  You have to come to Me yourself and get your information from Me and Me alone.  You may disagree with some of what My children are saying, but, do not argue or debate or judge, just come to Me, I am the judge not you.  I will correct them and adjust their perception not you.  You are to trust Me.  I am your leader and the things I have revealed to you are TRUTH.  Trust Me.  Allow Me to correct My children not you, but you, do not be double minded and shift your believing back and forth between what I have told you and what someone else has said I have told them.  You must believe Me above all the other voices that are talking now.  Do not be deceived, do not be caught in a snare, and pulled away from your obedient walk with Me.  I will not feed you lies.  I do not lie.  I speak only the Truth.  I reveal to you My mysteries as I want to reveal them.  You must stay in unity and seek common ground and oneness with My True Children.  Remember, I reveal different things to different people, My Ways are not your ways.  You do not know everything, and you never will.  But, what I want to reveal to you, that I reveal so that you will know.  AS I reveal things to you, you must TRUST that it is Truth.  I will not lie to you.  Do not doubt what you have heard Me tell you.  TRUST Me child.  Come to Me with your concerns and what you have heard someone else tell you they heard Me say.  I will guide you in the TRUTH.  I alone know.  

Hearing God - May 10, 2014

Song:  "We believe in the cruxcifiction, We believe in Jesus Christ, We believe in the Resurrection, cuz He's given us new life....We believe...We believe..."

Song:  "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day..."

Oh, how beautiful when I hear praise and worship coming out of you.  It pleases Me to see you fully resting in Me.  Cast off all shackles that try to bind you now, for you are free in Me.  I alone am your leader, I alone am your guide.  Our journey together is a beautiful thing.  You draw close to Me, as I draw close to you.  You come fully knowing I'll meet you as you wait.  I wait for you fully knowing that you'll come.  Your life My love is in My hands.  You are safe and secure in Me, We shall soon be together.  I shall reach for you and draw you higher into Me for you are faithful in the little things, so now I shall show you much more.  Keep your eyes upon Me, focus on Me. I am your source, as you center all your attention on Me our bond grows stronger.  Our spirits connect more and more.  We are moving in sync with one another.  I love you child.  I love how you love Me.  I love how you are quick to be obedient to Me.  You are surrendered to Me.  I love you, you are a true vessel of honor.  Behold, My Bride, I do a new thing upon the earth, many shall see Me now.

VISION: I am out in space and I can see the whole earth,  I see the earth completely dark and there is a light ray in an arc shape around the top half of the earth, then I see darkness on the other side of the sky it's as if the light is watching the darkness and the darkness cannot quench or penetrate the light

Many shall run in terror seeking help in the darkness that is coming.  I shall transform many in the darkness and send them out to lead others to seek after Me in the darkness, for I am in the darkness as well as the light.  As they cry out to Me for help, I will help them.

Behold, a new adventure is upon you child, wait patiently for it My love, I shall lead you and you My dear one shall follow.  Your hope is in Me.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Hearing God - April 14, 2013

Song:  "Listen to the trumpet of Jesus, while the world hears a different sound..."

I am coming.  Be ready, stay the course, life is short.  Time is running out.  I will soon take you home with Me, for you are Mine, I love you child, stay close to Me, do not tarry, drink from My well, Eat Me daily.  Commune with Me often during the day.

 Heed My instructions, I warn you child all is not as it appears on your earth.  Great deception is coming.  Many who are not focused on Me and do not know My voice, will be snared by the evil one.  Many will be lost, and snared.  Take heed that you follow and stay close to Me child, as close as you can for time is short, I am coming SOON !  Be ready, Be vigilant, Watch and Wait for ME.  I draw near, I am at the door.  Seek Me child, first, above all else.

 Don't stop coming child you need Me desperately in these evil days.  Much has been set into motion on earth, but, DO NOT fear, I will deliver you from it all, I will not leave you alone.  I am here.  You must stay prepared and diligent as you wait for Me.  Put on your armor, plead My Blood, commune with Me, pray, read My word and let Me grow bigger in you.  The man-child is growing.  We are one with you child.  We will never let you go, or leave you alone to fend for yourself.  For We, My Father and I are your source.  Our Spirit the Ruach Ha Kodesh will direct you in your steps.  We are here to help you.  Do not hesitate to ask for our help.  Invite us into your day, often and We will help, lean not on your own understanding, or resources, let us help, cry out to Us and We will answer you.  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye We will come.  We will always protect you, We will always provide for you, We will always come to your aid, for We love you child, and you love Us.  We are one with you child. you are ours and no one, nothing can pluck you out of My Father's hand.  You are secure in Us.  Abide in Us only.

 Stay out of Babylon child.  Shelter in Me, Babylon is falling and destruction and judgement is happening now.  So, stay out of Babylon, so, you won't get caught in the fall - out or snares set to trap and deceive My chosen ones, My Elect, My children need to take heed to all My instructions now.  There is no time left to delay.  Come quickly to Me now child, come often, keep Me at the forefront of your mind.  Lean into Me, press into getting to know Me more.  Praise and worship Me with your whole heart.  Lean not on your own understanding, lean on Me, let Me drive, I will keep you, for I never slumber or sleep.  I am always watching over you, I read every thought, I see every act you do, nothing is hidden from Me.  I am taking My light, My candle and shining it into you now, I am inspecting your inward parts, your secret places that even you don't realize you have, I am looking for leaven.  I am looking for any seed sprouting that is not of Me.  Keep you house (temple) clean.  Be diligent in this My child, My little one, take heed, lest anyone deceive you.

 I am your only guide, I am your only teacher.  Stay close, do not stray far from Me on any given day now.  Focus on Me, if you remove your focus you cannot hear Me clearly.  My still small voice is the key to Me and My instructions for you.  I will not force you to listen.  You choose to listen and quiet yourself to hear Me.  Be still and know that I am God.  If you seek Me with your whole heart and come and wait before Me I will come.  You must participate in Our relationship.  I did not create puppets.  I created people with free-wills to commune with and fellowship with.  It's My hearts desire to have fellowship with My creation.

 But, few, sadly few, want to come and fellowship with Me.  Few heed My call, few take the time to come and wait before Me, few truly want to hear from Me.  Few are bold enough to come and hear from Me themselves.  Only I know what is coming, I reveal the future in My timing, I instruct My people to safety.  I love, I protect, I prepare, I cover My Own.  Not everyone will be protected and provided for.  I only protect and provide for My Own.  I know who are Mine.  Each person, must choose Me, must find Me, must build their relationship with Me on their own, no one can do this for you, you have to come to Me for yourself.  No one can share their oil, you must get your own oil from Me, from spending time with Me and by reading My word and meditating on Me.  This relationship is personal, like a husband and wife, there is intimacy, no one can do this for you.  You, each one of you have to search for Me, seek Me with your whole heart, be diligent in your search and I will come.

 You cannot get to Me through another.  You cannot hear Me through another.  You must come and hear from Me for yourself.  I am not difficult to find.  But, you alone must find Me for yourself, I bid you now, to come while I may be found.  Come, come now My children and let Me guide you home.

  There is a place inside of you that I created for Me.  It is a void you feel if you don't have a relationship with Me.  Only I can fill this void, not money, not sex, not the worldly things you run after.  No, only Me, you need Me, you just don't realize it, you are blind and you are deaf and you don't realize the day of your visitation is here.  I long to gather you all to Me, but, I will not force anyone.  I just beckon you, each one of you to come.  Come to Me as you are, don't wait to clean yourself up, I will clean you, just come to Me, it's easy, I do not make it hard, it's simple come to Me now, say "Jesus, I am a sinner, come and cleanse me from my sins, I believe that you come from God, I need your help, come and show me the way home", and I will come and help you.

 Speak My name for My name calls forth good and dispels evil.  I am the light of the world.  I am coming for My Bride.

Hearing God - Apirl 15, 2013

You must trust Me child and only Me.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Listen to My voice and obey Me immediately.  Stay the course that you are on and do not stray or change direction, until I tell you to.  You will be protected, I have placed you in Goshen, I have provided a hedge of protection for you.  Do not doubt that you have heard Me.  My still small voice is TRUE.  I am talking to you.  I am your Lord and Savior Yahushua Ha Mashiach.  I will never leave you alone.

  Your life is in My hands.  I am your source and provider in all things.  I am your deliverer.  Shelter in Me child, I am your only hope.  This world is not your home.  I will take you home with Me soon, I come quickly for you child. Stay close and do not stray from the path you are on.  I will tell you when to change your course.  Each of you has a different journey.  Each of you has an individual path with Me, that is why you must be diligent to hear Me for yourself, you must get your own oil from Me personally.  I require different things and acts of obedience from each one of My precious children.  No two journeys are the same.  Each journey is unique to the individual.  No one can take your journey from you and no one can do it for you.

 You must TRUST Me with All your heart, will All your soul and with all your mind.  I will not fail you.  I go before you.  I am your leader.  Hold My hand, I alone know the way, lean into Me, press into Me, do not fear and stray off of your path to leap onto someone else's path that I have placed them on, because their path will not work for you.  My will for you is the path you are on, will you be obedient and drink from the cup that My Father has given you?  The choice is yours, and yours alone.  If you are obedient nothing can pluck you out of My Fathers hand.  We love you child.  Your life in the flesh is so short.  But, your life in the spirit will live forever.  We want you to stay with Us and live with Us.  Your choices now will determine your destiny.

 Stay close to Me, Abide in Me, dwell deeply in Me, I love you, I cast out fear, DO NOT fear, fear has no place in Me.  I am love,  TRUST Me child, I will take care of you and your family.  Stay strong in Me, Do Not doubt My words to you, DO NOT  doubt that I will provide for you.  You are being tested again.  These thoughts that are troubling you are not from Me.  The enemy is trying to use fear and scare tactics to pull you off of your path with Me.  Stand firm and rebuke them in My name, command them to go.  I am dwelling in you.  Arise and use My words, imitate Me, what have you learned in My word, act like Me.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.  There is much in you now child, much of Me is in you, use Me, call on Me, act as I act - these are your weapons of war.  This battle will intensify child.  DO NOT grow weary in the battle.  DO NOT fear or give in to fear.  Raise up your faith as a shield and use My word as your sword and make war !

You are not weak, you are strong in Me, you are not feeble, you are strong in Me.  You do not turn to the left or the right.  You stay the course in Me, you climb higher in Me.  I have equipped you for this war, and you are well able to be victorious in Me.  Stand firm now My child, do not waver.  Stay strong.  I am coming for you.  Let My light light the way for you, put your hand in My hand, and put your feet in My footprints, We will do this together, We will not be deterred. 

Hearing God - April 16, 2013

I am here child.  You need only to quiet yourself and ask for Me and I will answer you.  My ways are not your ways child.  Let Me lead you.  Allow Me to guide your footsteps.  Focus on Me child, do not let your mind wander to other things.  To hear Me clearly, you must make a choice to listen.  I require your full attention.  As you focus on Me I will speak clearly.  But, as your mind wanders to other things you break communication with Me and you lose your hearing.  Do Not grow weary in paying attention to Me when I am speaking to you.  You need to hear Me clearly.  So, listen carefully, be focused on Me.  My intent is to train your ear to hear Me and to train your heart to obey Me and to train your feet to stay on My paths of righteousness, peace and love.

 Every time you come to wait on Me, you make a choice to hear Me.  You make a choice to draw close to Me and listen, and I will reward your efforts.  Draw close to Me and I will draw close to you.  If you seek Me, you shall find Me.  I am King and Lord of all.  I love you child, I love that you love Me and take time to develop our relationship.  We are becoming strong together.  My friend, I know you.  I am pleased with you.  Are you pleased with Me? Yes, I know you want more of Me, and I will reveal more to you as I see fit.  Hold fast our relationship.  Keep Me ever before you as your first love.  Do not tarry from coming to Me child.  I love to speak to you and I love to hear from you as well.

You are a child of the King and it will go well with you in the coming days.  Keep doing what your doing, keep filling yourself up with Me, keep reading My word, keep taking communion, keep waiting on Me, keep praying and NEVER doubt My love for you, NEVER doubt that I am here, even if I'm silent, I am still here, I will never leave you.  I am coming for you child.  Remember, I test, test, test My true children.  My daughter you were created for Me.  My daughter arise to your calling, search for Me in your daily activities.  Seek to find Me in all your tasks, for I am here with you.  Ask Me to reveal Myself to you during your day.

 Do not fear the things you hear about happening in the world.  I have already told you many things are coming to the land now.  You keep your eyes on Me.  You press into Me and let Me lead you.  I will always protect you.  I am your source.  I am your light in the darkness.  Let My light shine in you now.  Let My love shine through you now.  No one, no nothing can pluck you out of My Father's hand.  You are Mine, My Beloved, you are Mine and I take care of My Own.  TRUST ME child.  Gross darkness is about to cover the earth, but, Remember, I have placed you in Goshen, these things will not affect you.  You are sealed in Me.  You are protected.  I am your source.  Do not stray from Me child.  Daughter arise, your hour is almost come, arise into your destiny with Me.  I love you, I will never let you go, for you are Mine.  I have written you on the tablet of My heart and We will soon be together.

  Encourage your brothers and sisters in the faith.  Strengthen the feeble hands and the weak knees.  Many hearts will fail for fear of what is coming upon the land.  You must teach them to hear Me for themselves. You must teach them to use My name and word to fight the enemy onslaught.  This battle is real.  This battle is deadly, anyone not sheltering in Me now is fair game for the enemy.

Remember My love, My perfect love casts out all fear.  Dwell deeply in My love.  Abide in Me, I will bring across your path the ones I want you to teach, ask Me who I want you to talk to and ask Me what to say each day.  I will show you the way.

 You are My friend, and I will speak plainly to you, for you have chosen to hear Me.  Many will come to you for protection.  But, only I can protect them, these you must teach how to come to Me themselves, teach them how to hear Me, they each need Me personally.  I'm the invisible and personal God.  I require intimacy with each one of My children, only I know the way home for each one.  Only I can reveal the plans I have for each individual life.  I am the life giver.  I am their source, as they come to you, lead them to Me, show them the way you found Me and I will do the rest.

I will put a hunger in these to find Me, for I will be the only constant in the storms.  Ready yourself child you will soon be called upon.  I will go with you, you are not alone.   Abide in Me.  Let your light shine.  Let My love wash over you again.  Drink in My living water, refresh yourself child, the road is narrowing.  Do not stray from this path.  Call upon Me child, when you reach a fork in the road, I will show you the way.  All roads do not lead home.  You need discernment, I am now giving you a discerning spirit.  Let My Ruach Ha Kodesh show you the way in all things and help you discern people and their motives so you will not be deceived.

 Pray diligently for discernment in all decisions you have to make.  Listen to the checks in your spirit, when you encounter people.  My Ruach Ha Kodesh will reveal to you, in the checks in your spirit, who is of Me and who is sent to deceive you.  You must listen carefully to the Ruach Ha Kodesh, He will guide you, and make your way clear.  Heed the Ruach in all things.  He will never mislead you.  He will confirm everything I'm telling you here and in My word.  You must TRUST Us dear one.  My daughter, My Bride, I'm coming for you.  Stay alert.  Watch for Me.  Soon I come.