Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hearing God - April 8, 2013

Song:  "Hallelujah, He lives in Me..." (Holy Spirit was singing to me to wake me up this morning)
"...He set the captives free...Hallelujah, He lives in Me..."

I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one who comes to Me will be turned away.  I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me.  If you seek Me, you shall find Me.  If you knock the door shall be opened unto you.  I am the I AM.  There is no other.  I alone am King.  I alone am worthy of all praise and thanksgiving.  I alone can save you.  Nothing is impossible for Me.  Men's hearts shall fail them now, for what is coming on the earth is like nothing they have ever seen.  It is like a fictional movie come to life, and they can't handle it without Me.  Without Me as your constant source, as your constant refuge in times of fear and distress all hope is lost.  Man needs to know Me.  For I am the way out of any horrible situation they may be in.  Much is being "piped" into man now to throw him off course from finding Me.  Deception abounds in TV, Movies, You Tube, Internet, the News, and the pulpits.  Beware, take heed lest you find yourself trapped in a snare.

 Stay close to Me child.  I am your only Way.  I will never leave you, or deceive you.  I will lead you home.  Do not fear, what you see coming upon the earth.  I have told you in advance many things coming upon it now.

 Gird up the loins of your mind in My Truth.  I alone can show you the absolute Truth.  I will light your way.  Follow Me, follow My righteous paths, guard your heart with all diligence for out of it will flow the issues of life.  Keep your heart focused on Me.  Repent of all unrighteousness that I reveal to you.  I am cleansing you.  I am purging you of all darkness and uncleanness.  I am continually transforming you into My image.  Be ye holy, for I am holy.  Renew your mind in Me, and keep your focus on Me.  Make yourself strong in Me.  Come to Me child with all your questions and concerns I will give you rest.  Lean into Me and stay in My peace.  Nothing shall by any means harm you child.  I have marked you, you are sealed and anointed for Me alone.  Take heed child, don't let anyone or anything deceive you in this blessed assurance that you are Mine.  Shelter in Me child.

Song:  "Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine"  (played in my head just now)

I will watch over you and protect you.  Do not stray off the path that I have put you on.  Keep diligently seeking after Me in all things.  The door is open to you My Bride, come and see Me.  Come and dwell with Me.  Be Ready, Watch for Me.  Watch Jerusalem - for this is the battle ground where everything hinges.  Stay alert, do not fall asleep now.  You have much to learn from Me.  I am your only teacher.  I am your only Rabbi.  Draw closer to Me child.  You need Me more each day.  Whole heart, whole mind, whole will, whole life, I want all of you, hold nothing back from Me now.  Surrender everything to Me and I will fill you with My presence and show you things, unspeakable things in Me that I have not revealed to you before.  I am all you need, My precious one.  I am pleased that you long for Me, I am pleased that you are so willing to take up My fast and draw closer to Me.  No matter what happens to you - I am here.  Testing is coming.  Lean into Me.  Let My Spirit guide you.  I am the way.  Be constant in prayer, be constant in repenting, be constant in praising Me, be constant in thanksgiving to Me, be constant in worshiping Me, be constant in reading My Word and learning as much as you can about Me.  Dwell deeply in Me.  Learn My ways and you will be able to lead others to Me.  I am what the world needs.

Remember the vision of the piece of bread with the tube of medicine in it and the demon possessed man in the clear plastic box that told the pastor  "Stop feeding them, we're hungry".

The bread is My word, the medicine is in My word and will heal and deliver them from all evil.  This is why you need to know My word, it is alive, it is My life-force for those who believe, be ready to share My word as I send people to you.  The day of this vision is here.  I am anointing you in My word and I am anointing you with healing.  Your words will be My words.  The demons and fallen angels cannot touch My people who are truly in Me and are full of My word.  This is your protection.  You are in this world, but you are not of this world.  You are of Me.  My word is a lamp unto your feet.  You must know My word, for the evil ones know My word and will try to twist it and deceive you if possible.  Take heed child, the battle is raging, but I have placed you in Goshen, for now.  Shelter in Me, under My wing you shall be protected.  I am your source for every need you have.  TRUST Me, TRUST ONLY ME.  

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