Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hearing God - April 7, 2013

I am the light of the world and there is no darkness in Me.  If you seek after Me and you seek after truth you will find Me and I will reveal the absolute truth.  Those who will be deceived Do Not want to follow Me with their whole heart, they do not want truth.  They want to follow their own desires and lusts.  These are the ones who will follow the broad road.  They will follow the lies.  They will follow the excitement of something new - "aliens" because they want adventure - BUT this is one of the snares that have been set to catch them.  This will lead to their destruction.  Weeping and Wailing, and gnashing of teeth are their lot.  They choose the promise of pleasure and reject sound instruction.  So, they will willingly follow the lies.

 You are not one of these dear child, you will follow Me, you will learn of Me.  Do not desire every gift I have given your brothers and sisters.  Some are very difficult to bear.  Be content with what I reveal to you in My timing.  Keep Watching for Me.  Keep your ear tuned to My voice.  Keep studying My word.  Keep taking communion.  Keep praying My word out loud.  I am here, I will protect you.  I will guide you in all things.  I am your source of truth.  I will never lead you astray, follow Me, learn of Me.  TRUST Only Me.

 You should pray for the people who will be encountering this wicked deception.  Pray My word over them, plead the blood over them. Pray that they will be awakened and not be deceived.  Pray for Me to remove the blinders, scales and layers from their eyes.  Pray that I will remove the stoppers from their ears.  Pray that I will route the enemy from their lives and expose the darkness with My light.  I am the only one who can save them. I alone can rescue them.  But, they must come to Me, they must repent, they must ask Me for My help.  Pray that they will turn their free-will over to My will, so that I can help them.

 Remember, everyone has been given free-will, and I will not take that from them.  Everyone has to choose Me or the devil and his deceptions.  We cannot choose for them.  We can only show them the way and let them choose.  Be careful child, do not be consumed trying to understand this "alien" deception.  Focus on Me.  Learn as much as you can about Me.  This is the path I want you on now.  I want you consumed with getting to know Me and My Ways.  I want our relationship to deepen and grow.  You are Mine, and I am filling you with My Spirit, My Love, My Light.   Keep your lamp full and trimmed in My Holy Spirit.  Read My word constantly.  Follow My lead.  Do not fear.  I am here.  Learn of Me and My love.  The more you learn of Me the more you grow stronger in Me.  The more you read My word the stronger My Holy Spirit becomes in you.  For Me to guide you in absolute truth requires diligence on your part: Waiting on Me, Reading My word, Praying, taking Communion, praising and singing to Me, all of these will strengthen our relationship and help it grow.

 You must be alert and on guard at all times now.  Guard your gates, plead the blood, put on My whole armor daily.  This is how you will be protected.  Do not lose heart.  Do not fear.  I have revealed these things so that you will know the truth and not follow the lies.  You are My Beloved Bride.  I am coming for you.  Stay ready, be watchful, for you do not know when I will come.  So, until then learn as much as you can about Me.  Know that I am at the door, behold I come quickly.  Stay ready.

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