Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hearing God - May 13, 2014

Many people claim to know Me, but they only know that I exist.  They don't know Me personally like you do child.  They could, if they would come and sit at My feet and patiently wait upon Me as you do.  I created man to have fellowship with me.  I love and enjoy spending time with all My true children.  They are the ones who seek Me out and are hungry to know more about Me.  Trials are a blessing, for they drive you to Me.  They bring the realization that you need help.  This draws you closer to Me and when you truly find Me, you do not want to let Me go.  For with Me is strength.  For in Me is Love.  I am the source of all life.  I am the key and destination of each life's journey.  You were created to seek Me out and to develop a relationship with Me.  I am not distant, but just as a person draws to another and gets to know them and builds a relationship with them, this is what I want from each of you.  I want to build a relationship.  I want to spend time with you.  I want you to spend time with Me.  Do not let your life pass by without Me.  Only I know.  But, know this, death is a door, an entry into the next stage of life.  I council you to get to know Me for yourself, you need Me.  Wake Up and seek Me out, while I may be found.  Draw close, I am here.

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