Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hearing God - April 23, 2014

You are My beloved dove.  I love you My little one.  Your faith is growing more day by day as you meditate on Me and My Word.  You are becoming strong in Me.  Child to hear Me clearly you must stay focused on Me.

Song:  "Yes Lord, yes Lord...from the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul I say yes Lord..."

You are beautiful to Me, My dear one.  I long to be with My Bride.  I will soon come for you, stay ready.  Keep putting these words up, you are doing well.  I am with you child.  I see all you do.  Keep praying for your family.  Keep praying for the lost.  Keep praying for the Lukewarm.  Keep praying for the church.  Keep praying for your government.  I am listening.  Be it unto you according to your faith. As you ask, as you believe, so be it.  Pray in tongues as much as you can now.  It will strengthen you.  Much is going on inside of you that you cannot see, but I see.  I tell you the Truth, it is well with thee.  Your life is in My hands, for you have yielded to Me and surrendered your will to Me.  Now I ask you to pray My will be done, so be it, so be it.  You are in the calm before the storm.  I will rescue you.  I am coming.  Stay Alert and Watchful.  Stay sheltered in Me, in My Ark of protection.  Stay close dear one.

Hearing God - May 21, 2013

I have called you out of darkness into My marvelous light.  Yea, were Oklahoma's tornadoes yesterday bad, but you have seen nothing yet, this is nothing compared to what is coming, but fear not child, stay sheltered in Me, I am your only hope, I am your refuge.  Remember, what I've told you in My Word, men's hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming upon the earth.  I am not a man that I should lie.  I have already told you before it happens, so that when it happens you will not be taken over by fear and you will know that I speak Truth only.

 You must TRUST me only child.  Nothing, absolutely nothing is stable on this earth now.  I am bringing everything down.  I will be exalted, I will topple every idol.  I alone am the Most High and everyone will now see the TRUTH.

 I will expose every heart, I will expose every desire, I will give "ALL" the desires of their hearts.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  All the evil that people thrill over, Behold, I will give them a double portion, all the good and holy things that My people thrill over, Behold, I will give them a double portion.  I will give "ALL" their hearts desires.  Woe to those who are not right with Me.  I know ALL.  I am not a respecter of persons.  I am a rewarder.  I will bring recompense to "ALL".  The good, the bad, and the ugly.

  It is My hearts desire to bring everyone into My sheepfold and watch over them and protect them.  For I am the good shepherd.  But, not everyone is Mine.  I will only protect My sheep, the one's My Father has given Me.  Only the sheep of My fold will be protected.  My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they know Me.  They know My voice and they will follow Me Only.  A stranger they will not follow.  Do not fear, My love, I am here.

 I heard you yesterday.  I heard what you told our enemy and it pleased Me child.  You are recognizing the enemies voice now and will not follow him or allow him to trample and run rampant in your mind, this is very good, My dear one.  Stay close to Me.  Stay alert. Be vigilant for your enemies are prowling around you, seeking an open door.  Stay prepared, keep praying, keep your armour on, keep pleading the blood, keep taking communion, keep eating and drinking from My Well, keep waiting on Me.  Keep your focus on Me child.  Do not take your eyes off of Me, as you see things unfolding on the earth.

Do not allow fear to reign in you.  Trample fear with My word.  Keep your mind stayed on Me.  I will protect you, for you are Mine.  You are sheltering in Me.  I will not leave you.  I am here My love.  Make yourself strong in Me, read My word to feed My spirit in you, pray in tongues to release My power through you.  Believe Me in all I tell you for surely I will bring all to pass that I have spoken.  For I am not a man that I should lie.

 Remember, you are being tested.  I test, test, test My dear ones.   I am purging the dross out of you, as you have asked Me to.  I am placing you in the refining fires, as you have asked Me to purge you and bring My fire, as you have asked, that I am doing.  I am pleased with you, My dear one, stay yielded, humble, and submitted to Me.  Repent constantly as I reveal things to you, your repentance allows Me to cleanse quickly. I will restore you.  You will have no lack.  Keep your oil lamp full and trimmed as you wait patiently for Me.  Keep your garments clean and white.  Keep yourself pure before Me.  Stay alert and prepared, for Behold, I come quickly.

  Do not be distracted by the cares of this world.  Keep your focus on Me.  Lean into Me.  Learn all you can about Me.  TRUST no one but Me.  I am your light.  I see your struggles.  Come to Me and give Me everything that burdens you.  My child, My little one all will go well with you, for you are Mine and you shelter in Me now.  I alone am your source of shelter.  No matter what befalls the earth, you shall be protected, for you are sheltering in Me.  The world has been in the calm before the storm, but now they shall get a glimpse of My power.

I am the all powerful one, there is none like Me.  I am Great and Mighty, I shall not be ignored.  Everyone will know that I am the God of ALL.  They shall concede that I am REAL and they shall bow and acknowledge that I alone am God.  They shall realize that they are nothing.  Apart from Me, they are nothing.  I am the creator of ALL.  I will be acknowledged and exalted above all.

 Everyone has had time to prepare, everyone has had time to repent and seek Me.  I will now harvest My fruit, My "first fruits".  I have separated you from the world.  I have brought you into the sheepfold, now shelter in Me, while I recompense the world with the desires of their heart, great fear will grip their hearts now.  Great terror will come upon everyone who is not found in Me.

All shall not be lost, all shall not be destroyed.  I will bless and protect My own sheep.  I have separated My sheep from the goats.  I will feed My sheep, I will provide for My own.  Nothing shall befall you child that I do not allow.  I will go with you in everything you have to encounter.  Strengthen yourself in Me.  I alone will carry you through all that you must endure. You are never alone.  I am here, I see you.

 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord God will deliver them out of them all.  I am limitless.  Trust Me in everything.  Carry Me with you, invite Me into your daily life to participate with you and help you.  Listen to all My instructions.  Obey Me in all things.  I love you, I am here.  Have no fear.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hearing God - May 22, 2013

As far as the East is from the West, I love you.  I created you to have fellowship = a relationship with Me.  I am your source, your all-sufficient one.  Great is your need for Me.  Behold, I come.  Be watchful.  Be watching for Me.  Be ready.  For the day approaches where I come to bring you home to Me, but for now, stay alert and ever mindful of Me.

I want to show you something in My word.  Pick up My word today and through it I will reveal Myself more to you.  There is much to learn about Me, My love.  You will never grow bored.  I have much to share with you.  Be alert, the hour approaches when the Bridegroom comes and you will have no more time to prepare.  That is why it is so important to prepare now, to be diligent in your pursuit of Me and be pleasing to Me alone.  For when I come, if I find you sleeping, I will pass you by, and when I shut the door to the Bridegrooms chambers, you will not be allowed in.

 Many are sleeping now, even though the hour is late, I have called, but, they have not awakened to Me.  I will have to pass them by.  But, you My dear one, have awakened to Me and now you come eagerly seeking Me.  You are hungry to hear from Me and you shall hear.  You shall be filled with abundance.  I watch over you My child, for you are Mine and I take care of My own.

 More sinkholes are coming, more calamities, more terrorists attacks, utter chaos will ensue, DO NOT FEAR these things must come to pass.  I have warned you ahead of time so that you will not fear.  Aliens are here on earth and in your atmosphere now, do not fear.  They are revealing themselves more and more, do not interact with them, command them to go in My Name and they will flee.  Your enemies are many and they are afraid of you, for you have the power of Me = God inside of you and it is coming forth.  Let God = Me arise in you and your enemies will scatter.

 Much is coming to pass now, in rapid succession.  Be not alarmed, be not worried, for what you are called to endure, I will help you endure.  I will be with you.  My light will guide you ever homeward.  Trust in Me, I alone will lead you home.  Behold I come, I stand at the door and knock, will you open to Me?  Don't allow your emotions to rule you in the middle of your tests, be still and know, listen, hear Me in the storm, pay attention to My still small voice, I will comfort you, I will guide you, Trust Me child, I will not let you fall, for you are Mine.

 Pay attention to Memorial Day.  Much will be revealed to you.  There is not much time left.  Whatever you're going to do for Me, do quickly.  Love everyone, do not hold a grudge against anyone for any reason.  Forgive all, and walk in love, love is the Key in My Kingdom.

Hearing God - May 23, 2013

I love you My child, I am here.  I will heal your body.  I go before you and I am here beside you in your journey.  It pleases Me when you make time for Me.  Trust Me, the Lord, with all your heart now child, and lean not on your own understanding.  Keep seeking Me, keep doing what you're doing in your pursuit of Me, for it pleases Me.  Your life is in My hands and I will not allow you to fall or be plucked out of My hand.

 Great shall be your reward if you continue on course with Me.  I see you and watch over you My beloved, behold We come quickly.  I will take My Bride.  As you have just read in Deuteronomy I will come in My glory.  Dark, clouds, fire, thunders, hail, behold I come and it shall not go well with the inhabitants of the earth who are not Mine.  My presence is Holy and My fire will consume all that is not holy, it is time to set everything in order now.  I will rule My land, the earth is Mine and everything in it.  I will rule with a rod of iron now, therefore come quickly to Me, My dear one, shelter in Me.  Rest in Me.  I am here.

 The whole earth will see My power and My coming, everything, will tremble in fear before Me.  All who are not Mine shall drink of the cup of trembling, many, many things are being unleashed now.  Chaos will ensue, do not fear child, for I cover you with My feathers and under My wings you are safe.  Shelter in Me as things unfold.  Be not dismayed or afraid by what you see happening on the earth, in the people or the animals.  The demons in them are rising up.  I have told you I will give them the desires of their hearts, and now they will manifest what is in their hearts.

  You must be ready to engage in the battle.  You must stand in your authority = My Authority, I have given you.  Use My Name, Use My Word, Use My Hand.  You have always known this was coming, this is why you were born, this is your destiny, to engage the enemy at the gates, to drive back the evil and to show forth My power, My Mercy, My Love.  I will deliver many through you.  The days of reckoning have begun.  Do Not shrink back from the battle.   Keep your armour on, stand firm and fight.  Do Not Run Away.  Live for Me, yield to Me, let Me manifest in you and through you now, My little one.  Much is coming against you now.  But stand firm, I will deliver you out of all your troubles.  I am your strength.  Draw close to Me child.  Come near to hear and I will reveal much to you.

Hearing God - May 24, 2013

It begins now, My child.  Your faith shall be tested.  Trust Me, trust only Me for I alone am your source, I will provide everything for you.  Do not doubt My provision, and do not fear.  Stay close to Me your source, your all sufficient one.  I will make a way for you in all your circumstances.  You must listen carefully and follow all of My instructions as I lead you day by day.  Keep your tongue, do not release the 'Crackin', just because things pop into your mind to say, does not mean it's your own thoughts, it's the enemy sowing seeds of strife, hate and division, you must recognize and fight and cast down these thoughts.  This is where the battle rages most.  Only when you release them with your mouth do they become a part of you.

 You must desire to fight the good fight of faith.  You must keep your guard up and be vigilant at all your gates.  I need you to stay strong in Me so that you are prepared for every battle.  Remember My word that says My people are not able to be offended.  Look it up and meditate on it, let it sink in, live in it now.  You must be full of My word to stand in battle as a soldier in My army now.  I need you strong in Me.  There will be more tests coming in rapid succession.  Remember, the battle rages in your mind, and everywhere you go the battle rages, the enemy is lurking everywhere.  They are constantly setting snares and traps for you.  You must be vigilant of all their devices.

 Everywhere you go now you pick-up something, it attaches to you and tries to gain entrance into you.  BE aware, you must cast off constantly, ask Me to remove any uncleanness from among you at all times constantly, be diligent in your pursuit of holiness.

Watch carefully your words.  Watch carefully who you listen to.  Watch carefully where you go.  Raise up the standard of righteousness and holiness as your banner to live under.

You must put your pursuit of Me above all else.  There is much danger and difficulties coming your way, stay close to Me, My little one, I have already gone before you, and now I will hold you by the hand and lead you through every trap and snare.  Listen only to Me.  Separate yourself from all uncleanness.  The wolves are at the door, wolves in sheep's clothing.  Beware, test every spirit.  All are not from Me.  Guard yourself, My dear one, much is coming.  Stay sheltered in Me.  I alone am your source, I alone am your protection.  Do not stray from the path I have placed you on.  Do not wander off.  Look to Me in all things.  Trust Me child, I will protect you.

Hearing God - May 25, 2013

I am yours and you, My beloved, are Mine.  I see you My dear, I see you.  Trust in Me for  everything.  I will Keep you in everything. You are Mine, you are righteous before Me.  I am pleased with your heart, you have come through many tests rapidly last night, My dear one, you are learning to recognize Me in the midst of the battle.  I know who you are, I know what's in the inside of you, better than you do.  I have been actively cleaning you and delivering you from all unrighteousness.  My dear one I know your heart and trust Me, you are dearly loved.  You must endure every test and trial now, you are a soldier in My army now, you must be prepared for battle at all times.  The enemy is constantly trying to gain entrance into you now, you are a prime target for attack now, but, do not fear, for I am here and I have equipped you with everything you will need.  Stay close My dear one, keep your focus on Me.  You are in My eyesight now, you will be used by Me to set many captives free.  Believe everything I tell you.  Trust no one but Me, I alone am your source.  I alone am all you need.  Only believe, all things are possible, only believe.

Hearing God - April 22, 2014

Song:  "Bless the Lord oh my soul, ooooooooooooh my soul, worship His Holy Name, sing like never before ooooooooooooh my soul, worship His Holy Name...and I will worship His Holy Name..."

Sing, sing, sing to Me child.  I can hear your heart, I can hear your soul singing to Me.  It blesses Me when you come.  It strengthens you when you come.  Many children do not come for they are asleep, they know not the lateness of the hour.  Only the wise, only the awakened ones are coming to draw from Me.  As you come and draw close you find My peace and rest.  In Me, in My Ark you are safe and secure, do not venture out of the Ark.  Stay sheltered in Me daily.  I am unleashing much upon the earth to awaken the sleepers.  I am doing a new thing.  Can you not see it.  Do you not know.  I am here in the midst of you all.  Now is the time to draw close, closer if you can.  Be aware I am watching all of you.  Nothing is hidden from Me.  I know your deeds and I will recompense all.  I keep accurate books.  I am a rewarder.  I am the just judge.  I am the All Mighty God.  Be aware, "SUDDENLY" is about to be upon you.  I will reveal much to My Chosen, and Elect.  My Bride is awake and watching.  Oh, but the sleepers need to arise and awaken to Me and prepare.  Behold, I come quickly.  Do not let Me find you sleeping.  Do not judge others.  Prepare yourself, look to Me to help you prepare.  All must take inventory of themselves, not others.  This is an inward journey, one on one. 

Hearing God - May 28, 2013

Many choose not to listen to Me, they hear Me, but still, they choose not to listen and obey.  I speak to all, but only a few are willing to hear Me.  That is the way it has always been.  If you are willing to hear Me, then you will hear.  If you are not willing then you will not hear.  If you are willing to see, then you will see, if you are not willing to see then you will not see.

 I alone am God, I alone am your source, I alone am the only one you should be listening to and trying to please.  You should be daily working on your relationship with Me.  You should be daily growing deeper and developing in Me.  I should be your only concern, do not be distracted by your family or the cares of this world.  Focus on Me daily.  The most important thing you should be concerned with now is your relationship with Me.  You are growing and developing in Me, your spirit is getting stronger, your heart is now discerning where the battle is and where the attacks are coming from.  Your discernment is getting stronger and you shall not be easily deceived now.

  Stay the course, stay alert, be on guard, listen only to Me, keep your guards up and in place.  Recognize the tactics and schemes of your enemy.  Do not get talked into believing his lies.  These thoughts are not your own, they are his, sent to undo you and cause you to fall and draw you away from Me.  You must keep resisting him and keep battling him.  Your battle in the mind is fierce.  Stay alert, stay focused on Me, give no thought to the evil thoughts trampling through your mind, your enemy wants to cause you to take his thoughts as your own.  He is realizing that you are recognizing his tactics, thoughts and schemes.  He has not given up trying to deceive you My dear one.  But he will not succeed.  You must persevere and overcome all of his attacks, do not grow weary in the fight.

 Stay covered under My wing, stay clean before Me, Repent quickly, lean on Me, call on Me often.  I am here, you are not alone.  Remember, I test, test, test.  I am teaching you about love.  Love is the key.

  The world will soon be in chaos and raging now in the uncertainty of their lives, but you My child, My dear one, My daughter have been placed in Goshen.  I will send many things upon the earth now.  Many afflictions have been set in motion, but it will not come nigh you.  I will deliver you.  Only with your eyes will you behold the reward of the wicked.  Only those who truly trust in Me, will be spared.  Only those who are truly Mine, will go untouched.

  You must be obedient in all things I tell you to do.  Do not shrink back.  There is much I still need to do in you and to deliver you from.  Keep repenting and asking for Me to examine you and cleanse you daily and often through out the day.  I am doing a mighty work within you.  You are Mine, My dear one and I will never let you go.  Soon We will be together forever.  Behold, I come.   Hold fast to what I have taught you.  Do not listen to another teacher.  I am all you need.  Watch for me, Wait for Me, for surely I come, do not let Me find you sleeping child.

 Stay ready, keep your lamp filled.  Keep Me ever before your eyes, Keep your focus on Me.  My light in you must be your guide.  You were created to be a living epistle of My word.  The word come to life.  As the world sees you, they should see Me in you, for you are called to be a reflection of Me.  Walk out your days reflecting Me your King.  I must increase and you must decrease.  I will give you as much of Me as you are able to take.  Your life is hidden in Me.  I am your covering.  I am your way maker, light your world with Me.  Keep your focus on Me.  I will direct your steps, I will show you who to talk to and what to say.  Ask Me to lead you through your day.  The light of the world is in you now, My dear one, let Me shine, for all to see, and you will draw others to Me.

 Time is short My beloved little dove, do not allow yourself to be drawn away from Me.  Stay close, even closer than you have been before.  I will guide you through the darkness, I alone can lead you home.  Trust Me child.  Trust Me in everything.   I will provide for you.  I will take care of you.  I love you My child, My dear one.  Home is closer now, but, there is still much work to be done.  Will you enter in with Me?  The best is yet to be.  Light your world.  Let Me shine forth in you.  Greater am I that is in you, than he that is in the world.

 Trust no one but Me.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hearing God - May 29, 2013

I love you My child.  I am growing in you mightily now.  My Ruach Ha Kodesh is flowing strong in you, but, do not neglect feeding My Ruach or he will become weak.  Remember, make yourself strong in Me by praying in tongues and reading My word daily, daily, daily.  Do not neglect the little things.  Remember, it's a simple daily walk with Me child.

 Do not deviate from the path I have placed you on now.  Do not get too busy with the cares of this life and neglect Me.  I want My portion first.  I will be first.  Do not push your time with Me aside and think I don't notice.  Show Me how much you love Me, show Me how much you want to have communion with me, show Me where your heart is.  

What is your true desire, My dear one I see you, I see all.  I am watching you.  When you think upon Me, when you come to Me, when you quiet yourself and be still and wait upon Me, it pleases Me child, it pleases Me.  I don't want to quench your desire for Me.  I want your desire to grow, I want you over hungry for more of Me.  I want you to long for more of My revelations, secrets and presence.  I am the invisible God.

Why have you neglected to get rid of that picture.  I have already warned you about.  Take care of it today.  I require absolute obedience, I will have no slackers in My company, My army is vigilant, determined, and quick to obey.  You have asked Me to be a part of My end-time army, well, do your part, be obedient, and be quick about it.  You must truly hear Me and then obey Me, My daughter everything is a test.  You must realize that by now.

 My eyes are upon you all the time.  I read every thought and I watch you in the battle, some battles you win, and some you lose, you lose when you take your focus off of Me and onto your flesh.  You win every time when you keep your focus on Me and recognize Me in the battle.  I am always here watching.  Remember invite Me into your day often and I will step in to help, but I must be invited.  I love you My little one, stay the course, stay strong in Me.  My plans for you are amazing, stay with Me, the best days of your life are before you.  Keep yourself sheltered under My wing.  Stay strong in Me.  

Hearing God - April 21, 2014

My child you are dear to Me, very dear.  I love you and I will always take care of you, for you are faithful to Me.  As you come and draw near to Me it blesses Me.  No one is guaranteed tomorrow.  That is why I call all to come to Me today.  Now is the time to come to Me while I may be found.  Much change is to come, all must be ready to meet their maker.  Many will die soon and it will be too late.  I am here for all who wish to draw near.   Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow is not guaranteed.  I love you all, but you must come to Me quickly while you still have today.  Seek Me now, while I may be found.  So be it.  "Suddenly" is about to be upon you all.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hearing God - May 30, 2013

Wait, Be Still and know that I am God.  Listen to My still small voice in every circumstance, I will speak, I will guide and direct you in everything if you allow Me too.  I am the only one who truly knows what is best for you.  Besides Me, there is no other.  My desire for you is to have you close to Me forever, to shelter you and abide with you for always.

  My heart longs to be with you and bring you home with Me, but for a little while longer you must linger here.  My Fathers perfect will is unfolding and you have much work to do with Me as it unfolds.  Do not grow weary in well doing, just be persistent and persevere in all I ask you to do.  Time is short, and your time spent in Me is well spent.  Look to Me in everything.  Let Me come forth in you.  Do not fear, cast out fear every time it trys to come upon you and manipulate you.  Call out My name and rely on Me in all things.  I must become stronger in you.  Let Me shine forth out of you.  Your life is in My hands.  You are in good hands.  The perfect place for you is in Me.  Abide in Me, stay close.

Hearing God - May 31, 2013

Song:  "Great and Mighty is He, (clap, clap, clap)...Great and Mighty is He, (clap, clap,clap)
clothed in glory, arrayed in splendor, Great and Mighty is He"

I am the ALL powerful and ALL Mighty God.  My life force flows through you, yield to Me child, always yield.  I am your source.  I will provide all you need.  Do not worry, Do not fear, for I am here with you.  I will always take care of you.  You are in My plan.  I made room for you, before time began.  Yield child, yield to Me in everything I ask of you.  Look for Me in everything.  Invite Me into your day.  Live and abide in Me, and My abundance.  You shall have no lack in your life.

I asked:  Why is it so hard to hear today?
answer:  It is hard to hear because you are not drawing near to Me as much as you were, you are becoming distracted by the cares of this world.  Remember, you must stay close to Me, under My wing at all times, humble and yielded, it is the only safe place for you now.

Hearing God - April 20, 2014

I am the Resurrection and the life.   No one comes to the Father except through Me.  I gave My life, I laid it down for you.  I paid the price for you.  All must give an account for what they do.  If you believe in Me, and what I did for you and accept it as reality you shall be saved.  I am Truth, I am not fiction.  I created all that you see.  I created all that you do not see.  I have given you My word to reveal many of My attributes.  I am so much more than you understand today.  As you grow closer to Me I expand your wisdom in the Knowledge of Me.  As you continue to pursue Me, I increase your measure of faith for you truly believe.

 I shed My blood for your salvation.  It is a free gift to be received with Thanksgiving.  My Blood has power.  You must wield it in all that you encounter.  My name has power.  You must wield it in all that you encounter.  Be it unto you, according to your faith as you Believe so be it.  Your understanding of Faith and how it works is transforming you.  As you shelter in Me, I am increasing your understanding, then as you go out into the world you carry Me with you.  This is how you walk in your authority.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper now, for you are walking in your authority, for the eyes of your understanding have been opened.  My word is infusing you with My power.  Breathe in Me, Breathe out Me, I am etching Myself in you just as you have asked.  Most of what you have asked for I have already done.

 Keep praying.  I have given you an open window, be it unto thee according to your faith or what you are willing to believe.  AS you believe you increase your level of authority.  Your authority is already given to you.  But, your understanding of your authority and how to walk in it is progressive.  As your understanding grows you will be able to wield your authority.

 Keep coming, keep listening, keep seeking Me I am here with thee.  I WILL, that you walk in your authority.  Keep studying My word, you're getting it.  As you get it your understanding grows.

 Pray in tongues more, it is edifying you and it is breaking down the walls that are built all around you to separate you from Me.

 I am with you always.  I am coming soon.  Stay ready, stay pure, be careful what your eyes look upon.  Keep asking Me to purify you and help you cleanse your garments.  This pleases Me child for in so doing you are making all the necessary preparations for your soon coming King.  Keep yourself clean for your Bridegroom comes.  Do not allow yourself to be lulled back to sleep.  Stay alert.  Much is happening now.  I am watching.  I have searched you child, your lamp is full, your garments are clean.   Your wedding gown is beautiful and glowing.  It glistens with pearls and I am excited about the wedding.  Whatsoever I tell you to do, do it quickly.  Get My words up quickly child.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hearing God - June 2, 2013

My child, My little one, seek Me first, everyday, for guidance and protection.  We are coming into complete fruition of all things now.  My plans for your life are rapidly unfolding, that is why you are sensing "DE-JA-VU" in everything, each day now.  You are strong and becoming stronger in Me, soon you will be unflappable, TRUST Me child.   The good, the bad and the ugly will all be released on your life and world now, only the strong of Mine will be protected, shelter in Me, stay close, I am near, I am here, I will lead you, I will guide you.  I have already made a way for you, you are Mine.  Change is here, rapid succession of change, change, change
Fear no one
Fear nothing
Seek My Face
Seek My Way

I AM for you, My little one, great things are ahead for you in Me

Hearing God - June 3, 2013

I love you My child, you must be prepared for what is coming upon the earth.  Many shakings are taking place now, many kingdoms will topple now.  Men's hearts will fail them for what is coming upon the earth, My Kingdom comes!  My will be done!

Now!  I alone will search and reward every heart.  Some will awaken to everlasting joy and peace and carry out My desires in this specific time frame.  Most will awaken to terror and fear will grip their hearts.  You My child, have already awakened to Me, I am your reality now.  I am your desire and all your needs will be met in Me.  You My dear one I know, and you know Me.

 My ways are being revealed to you, so you are not surprised at what's coming upon the earth now.  Do not be alarmed or allow yourself to be afraid.  Fear not for I am with you in everything.  Stay close to Me child, do not fall back into your old ways.

Come before Me daily, come close and hear Me child, My still small voice you can discern easily now.  My heart is connecting with your heart.  You are ruling over your flesh.  My Kingdom comes into you now, more than ever before.  Make yourself strong in Me.  Put on My whole armour now.  Stay ready at all times.

  The battle is before you and the battle is all around you.  Fear not, for I am with you always.  Your life My dear one is found in Me, you I will protect and cover with My wings.  We shall soar together.  Nothing shall be impossible for you now.  Expect the impossible to be possible now.  Nothing is too hard for Me.  Nothing shall by any means hinder you, My love.

You have made your bed with Me and We are one now.  I am in you more than ever before, allow Me to increase more in you now.  Be attentive and pay close attention to Me now.  I am ever present, ever walking in you, and your life.  Your life is in My hands.  You have chosen "Me" the best thing for you, and the best use of your time.  Draw closer now My dear one and let Me fill you with more of Me.

Hearing God - June 5, 2013

My child, My child why have you forsaken Me.  You are not coming to Me as diligently as you were.

 Now is not the time to back off, now is the time to press in.  Press in to Me to know what is coming, press into Me to know what is your part in My plan.  I am here, I am ready to reveal much to you.  But, you must be ready and willing to hear Me.

 You are becoming distracted from Me with the cares of this world.  Yes, you live in this world, but you must keep your focus on Me, do not stray from Me child.  I and I alone should be your constant focus.  Everything also will fall into place as I lead you.  TRUST Me child, I am all you need, I am coming for a spotless and prepared Bride.  You must be ready, or I will leave you behind and use another willing vessel.

Repent of your neglect of Me, your first love and come back to Me with a diligent, purposeful heart.  Enter into My Rest.  Put on My holiness and righteousness.  Walk with Me now child, do not delay.

Hearing God - June 6, 2013

I was here before the world began, I know the beginning and the end of all things.  Nothing is beyond Me or My control.   The all seeing eye is a mockery of Me, because I alone can see all, some of My fallen ones like to think they can see and try to fool the masses.   I pity the fool who follows a fool.  Many are led down the paths of destruction, because they don't seek to know Me.  They don't get their instructions from Me.  I alone can guide you in the paths of righteousness.  I alone can teach you the truth, because I am TRUTH.  There is no gile in Me.  I love all of My creation.  But My creation has been deceived, and follows lies, I have had enough.  I am coming.  I will take back My earth.  I will rescue My children and seek the lost.  I will find all who truly want to be found.

Hearing God - June 8, 2013

I love you My child, My dear one.  Do not grow weary in seeking Me.  The hour is late, and you truly have no time left.  Keep Me ever before you.  Keep your FOCUS on Me.  Stay close, talk about Me with your friends and family continually.  I am the light of the world and I desire to show Myself through you.  Let My light consume you.  Let My light flow out of you now.  I must increase, and you must decrease.

 Listen carefully to My dear servant Anna, I am revealing much through her for you now. Press in harder now, pray for Me to give you understanding of all I am revealing through Anna and all of My servants now.  I desire for you to be immersed in My word.  I desire for your very breath to be filled with Me and My word.  My Truth will reign now in the hearts of all My beloved's.  My time is now!  Behold, I come.  I will reveal Myself through you.

 Watch, be careful, that you do not become entangled with the traps and snares of the enemies plan to thwart your progress with Me.  All are watching you.  My Father, My Angels, the fallen ones, all are watching you.  Do not fear.  I will protect and deliver you.  You will not be harmed.  Change is here.  You are going through the change in your natural body as an outward sign that change is here-just as I already told you.

 My plans and My Kingdom are unfolding as we speak.  My heart's desire is for you to be with Me and work with Me, through the course of history that we are transitioning through.  It is glorious.  It is a breathe of fresh air coming.  My wind has already started blowing.  My wind has left behind it destructin and chaos, but through it all, I will be glorified and exalted, for I am, the great I AM.  I am the invisible One, the One above all, and I will reign in the hearts of men.  My Kingdom come.  My will be done.

 Keep praying child, I'm listening.  I have you sheltered under My wing.  Do not doubt that I will show up and deliver you from all that you ask.  Your prayers are more powerful now because you are spending time with Me and I am growing big and strong in you.  Do not be alarmed or afraid in the tests and trials that you face daily now.  Only believe and TRUST that I hear your every prayer and I do not take them lightly, as you do not take My words lightly.  I will give you every prayer that you pray over your family members.  I will protect your family.  I will provide for your family.  I love your family.  Your family is My family, and you are all beloved to Me.  I have a divine plan and purpose for each one.  You are driven by Me.  You obey Me.  You get your instructions from Me.  I will always reward an obedient child.

 I will always watch over your daughter, she is My special one, a holy seed, I will use.  My child each person has to come to Me personally for instruction and purpose.  I will reveal My plan to everyone that comes to Me, I will direct each step, My hearts desire is to live big in every heart.  I desire yielded, willing vessels, consecrated unto Me.  I can only use pure and prepared vessels.

The journey is about to take a new direction, pray that you are ready, pray that you are worthy, seek Me now, while I may be found.  I am here child.  TRUST ME in everything that concerns you.  I have already made a way.  Follow the path that I alone have placed you on and it will go well with you.  Behold I come.

Hearing God - June 10, 2013

What you are experiencing in people's testimonies is the great deception.  They have been fed lies and shown a few tricks.  It's all about mind control, they manipulate through fear.  People are easily deceived.  Free-will is powerful, and much of what happens to people is because of their own choices and in the case of children their parents choices.

Contract, canceling contracts, free-will, implants these are used as forms of manipulation.  Twisting the scriptures to infiltrate the mind with seeds of doubt, and confound their belief system are forms of manipulation.  The enemy knows the truth and how to manipulate and twist it to suit his agenda's.  This is part of the great deception.

This is why you must KNOW the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free.  This is why you must be awake now.  This is why you must stay close to Me, and shelter under My wing.  This is why you must stay strong in Me and be alert.  Much is being revealed to you now.  I am showing you how the enemy works.  This is the time you have been placed in.  This is the season of Revelation.  You are strong in Me, My dear one.  Abide in Me daily, never stray from the paths I have placed you on.  Keep Me ever on your mind, speak My name often.  I am the only one who can help you and deliver you.  Keep your eyes open, stay awake.  Stay strong.

Hearing God - June 11, 2013

SSShhhhh, be still and know that I am God.  Besides Me there is no other.  Seek Me for everything.  Come to Me with all of your questions.  I am your teacher, I am your guide.  I alone can direct you home.  Love is a powerful tool.  I am love.  Love conquers all.  Love will win the battle.  Love is the way.  Keep your candle lit.  Keep your focus on Me.  Keep Me ever before your eyes.  You are on the right track with real whole foods.  They will make a difference in how you feel.  You are not sinning when you eat other things, but, the best forms of food for you is whole live foods and water.  I recommend you stop drinking soda and stop using sweet-n-low.  This is not a command, but you will feel much better.  Rest in Me, breathe, feel My peace, feel My love.  Nothing can by any means harm you here in My Rest, in My peace, in My love.  My love covers you and protects you.