I have called you out of darkness into My marvelous light. Yea, were Oklahoma's tornadoes yesterday bad, but you have seen nothing yet, this is nothing compared to what is coming, but fear not child, stay sheltered in Me, I am your only hope, I am your refuge. Remember, what I've told you in My Word, men's hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming upon the earth. I am not a man that I should lie. I have already told you before it happens, so that when it happens you will not be taken over by fear and you will know that I speak Truth only.
You must TRUST me only child. Nothing, absolutely nothing is stable on this earth now. I am bringing everything down. I will be exalted, I will topple every idol. I alone am the Most High and everyone will now see the TRUTH.
I will expose every heart, I will expose every desire, I will give "ALL" the desires of their hearts. The good, the bad, and the ugly. All the evil that people thrill over, Behold, I will give them a double portion, all the good and holy things that My people thrill over, Behold, I will give them a double portion. I will give "ALL" their hearts desires. Woe to those who are not right with Me. I know ALL. I am not a respecter of persons. I am a rewarder. I will bring recompense to "ALL". The good, the bad, and the ugly.
It is My hearts desire to bring everyone into My sheepfold and watch over them and protect them. For I am the good shepherd. But, not everyone is Mine. I will only protect My sheep, the one's My Father has given Me. Only the sheep of My fold will be protected. My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they know Me. They know My voice and they will follow Me Only. A stranger they will not follow. Do not fear, My love, I am here.
I heard you yesterday. I heard what you told our enemy and it pleased Me child. You are recognizing the enemies voice now and will not follow him or allow him to trample and run rampant in your mind, this is very good, My dear one. Stay close to Me. Stay alert. Be vigilant for your enemies are prowling around you, seeking an open door. Stay prepared, keep praying, keep your armour on, keep pleading the blood, keep taking communion, keep eating and drinking from My Well, keep waiting on Me. Keep your focus on Me child. Do not take your eyes off of Me, as you see things unfolding on the earth.
Do not allow fear to reign in you. Trample fear with My word. Keep your mind stayed on Me. I will protect you, for you are Mine. You are sheltering in Me. I will not leave you. I am here My love. Make yourself strong in Me, read My word to feed My spirit in you, pray in tongues to release My power through you. Believe Me in all I tell you for surely I will bring all to pass that I have spoken. For I am not a man that I should lie.
Remember, you are being tested. I test, test, test My dear ones. I am purging the dross out of you, as you have asked Me to. I am placing you in the refining fires, as you have asked Me to purge you and bring My fire, as you have asked, that I am doing. I am pleased with you, My dear one, stay yielded, humble, and submitted to Me. Repent constantly as I reveal things to you, your repentance allows Me to cleanse quickly. I will restore you. You will have no lack. Keep your oil lamp full and trimmed as you wait patiently for Me. Keep your garments clean and white. Keep yourself pure before Me. Stay alert and prepared, for Behold, I come quickly.
Do not be distracted by the cares of this world. Keep your focus on Me. Lean into Me. Learn all you can about Me. TRUST no one but Me. I am your light. I see your struggles. Come to Me and give Me everything that burdens you. My child, My little one all will go well with you, for you are Mine and you shelter in Me now. I alone am your source of shelter. No matter what befalls the earth, you shall be protected, for you are sheltering in Me. The world has been in the calm before the storm, but now they shall get a glimpse of My power.
I am the all powerful one, there is none like Me. I am Great and Mighty, I shall not be ignored. Everyone will know that I am the God of ALL. They shall concede that I am REAL and they shall bow and acknowledge that I alone am God. They shall realize that they are nothing. Apart from Me, they are nothing. I am the creator of ALL. I will be acknowledged and exalted above all.
Everyone has had time to prepare, everyone has had time to repent and seek Me. I will now harvest My fruit, My "first fruits". I have separated you from the world. I have brought you into the sheepfold, now shelter in Me, while I recompense the world with the desires of their heart, great fear will grip their hearts now. Great terror will come upon everyone who is not found in Me.
All shall not be lost, all shall not be destroyed. I will bless and protect My own sheep. I have separated My sheep from the goats. I will feed My sheep, I will provide for My own. Nothing shall befall you child that I do not allow. I will go with you in everything you have to encounter. Strengthen yourself in Me. I alone will carry you through all that you must endure. You are never alone. I am here, I see you.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord God will deliver them out of them all. I am limitless. Trust Me in everything. Carry Me with you, invite Me into your daily life to participate with you and help you. Listen to all My instructions. Obey Me in all things. I love you, I am here. Have no fear.