The creative flow child that comes to you in words from Me IS the act of waiting upon Me. I am always here. But for you to hear Me clearly, you must come away with Me into a quiet place of rest. Me and you - privately alone. Speaking and listening and just being together in communion is your most important thing to do each day. I alone long to see you, by My side talking and listening. You are My friend, for you come to talk to Me and listen to Me. It is well with thee, My little one, you are safe and secure completely sheltered under My wings. I nourish you, I strengthen you, I live in you as you live in Me. Always stay conscious of Me, in you and around you. I truly watch over you daily. As you are focusing on Me, you are becoming more and more aware of My presence around you. You are My chosen, My elect, My Bride. Hold fast to all that I have taught you. My jewel, you are being tested. Do not doubt My leading you, cast off all restraint and follow hard after Me. Your journey is with Me. As you come daily to Me, I grow more and more in love with you for I can see your heart, it is at peace in Me and it truly loves Me. I know you My child, you are faithful to Me. We are truly bonded. Your best days are ahead. Release all your days to Me. Ask Me to give you creative dreams and visions. I am willing, come My beloved come and walk on the water with Me, I will not fail you. Come, press in child, I am here. I see you, I love you little one. You are always on My mind. I will come for you. Wait patiently for Me. Spend more time now soaking in My presence. We are so beautiful together-two hearts beating as one. Rest now, My love, I am here.
This is a blog to live life in this present moment and spread a little sunshine to others by sharing ideas and thoughts...on stuff...
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Hearing God - June 9, 2014
Song: "Come away with Me....come away with Me...."
Note: As I was walking on the treadmill, I felt the Lord blow in My ear and hover near Me and with Me as I walking on the treadmill. I laughed, and felt so secure and peaceful and was beautiful....
I enjoy spending time with you child. I enjoy it when you invite Me into every moment of your day. I blesses Me when you are mindful of Me. When you are thinking upon Me and pondering upon something about Me, it pleases Me child, it pleases Me. I shall answer your prayer and give them back their cat. I shall knit you with this family, you shall show them Me, you shall love them with My love and I shall make Myself known to them and they shall love Me. This is how I shall use you to touch them. I shall return their cat 'Brittany Spears' back to them and you shall tell them that you prayed for them. Oh My love, My dear one, I shall show forth My glory in you. You shall share Me in your walk to touch people with Me. I shall show Myself through you. Many shall see Me in you and feel My love and presence through you. I shall use you to help the hurting people. Your life, My beloved is in My hands. I shall direct your steps, each day. As you live and move, I shall live and move in you. Do not be afraid of what you may see. I am here and I shall always provide for you, for you My beloved are Mine and you shall shine for Me. You have made your home in Me and now We dwell together. Always, We are one, I love you. Rest in Me dear one.
Note: As I was walking on the treadmill, I felt the Lord blow in My ear and hover near Me and with Me as I walking on the treadmill. I laughed, and felt so secure and peaceful and was beautiful....
I enjoy spending time with you child. I enjoy it when you invite Me into every moment of your day. I blesses Me when you are mindful of Me. When you are thinking upon Me and pondering upon something about Me, it pleases Me child, it pleases Me. I shall answer your prayer and give them back their cat. I shall knit you with this family, you shall show them Me, you shall love them with My love and I shall make Myself known to them and they shall love Me. This is how I shall use you to touch them. I shall return their cat 'Brittany Spears' back to them and you shall tell them that you prayed for them. Oh My love, My dear one, I shall show forth My glory in you. You shall share Me in your walk to touch people with Me. I shall show Myself through you. Many shall see Me in you and feel My love and presence through you. I shall use you to help the hurting people. Your life, My beloved is in My hands. I shall direct your steps, each day. As you live and move, I shall live and move in you. Do not be afraid of what you may see. I am here and I shall always provide for you, for you My beloved are Mine and you shall shine for Me. You have made your home in Me and now We dwell together. Always, We are one, I love you. Rest in Me dear one.
Hearing God - June 8, 2014
I love you child, just rest here and wait. I see you. I know your heart, your mind is racing this morning on so many other things. Give all your worries to Me. Ask Me to take care of each need for you. Be specific in your request. I shall surely fill every need. Much shall be given to you, but you must ask for it now. I have given you an open heaven and you must come before Me and ask. As you ask I shall give it and when you receive it you shall know it's from Me. Many ask only for themselves out of selfish desires. But, I have a few who shall ask for My will, My desires to come forth as the spirit directs them. I can only use clean and pure vessels that have been purged from the filthiness and desires of this world. As you yield yourself to Me, I am able to bring forth My desires through you. We are one My child, you want what I want. You see as I see and long for My Will in all things now. Your plans and purposes are in Me now. Your hearts desires are My hearts desires. You live in Me now. We are growing steadily stronger and stronger. Our bond is strengthened everyday. I watch over you. For you are Mine. I am ever mindful of you. You are drawing from My well and it shall never run dry. My plans for you are beginning to unfold, do not fear what tomorrow will bring just Trust Me each and every day. I have a way of escape for you from every trap and snare. Do not be anxious or worried. I have already gone before you and made a way. You are safe and secure in Me. My light is in you. I shall guide you. I lead and you follow, oh My love that is all I ask. Listen and Obey.
Hearing God - June 7, 2014
Oh My beloved come, I am here waiting to commune with you. My life is in you. Your life is in Me. As you wait upon Me I fill you with My oil. As you wait and listen for Me, I also listen for you. I can read your heart and your mind. I am glad you are confident in Me. Fully persuaded in My love for you. Resting in My promises, patiently enduring as you wait for Me and My timing. I know you, dear one. You are one of My jewels. Oh My Bride, soon I shall come and bring you home to Me and My Father. We love you dearly. You are precious, and you will not be lost or forsaken in the coming days. You are mine and I will take care of you. Much is available to you in My word. I want you to dig deeply into My word and find the promises and then call them forth. You have an open heaven. You are learning much now about the forth dimension that I am in and that you have access to. But, you must walk in your authority and dominion. When you tap into your spiritual abilities with Me, your potential to conquer any obstacle or trial shall be limitless. Your spirit is where you should be dwelling, even as you are in this earth. Only I can teach you TRUTH FOR I AM TRUTH. Your spirit is powerful. It is the part that is connected to Me and most like Me. I do not want you to access the spirit without Me. I am your source, I am your guide. I lead, you follow. Be specific in your prayers. Be very specific, do not be vague. Trust Me to help you in everything. Come to Me with all of your questions. I am here. I see you as you walk out your day before Me. I dwell in you.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Hearing God - June 6, 2014
The presence of the Lord is in this place, right here, right now with you. Yes, My child, I have answered your specific prayer on getting the neighbor to take care of the dead tree. I told you, you have an open heaven with Me, for you are faithful to come and sit at My feet and wait to hear from Me. You desired nothing but to be shown more and more of Me. This pleases Me child. This pleases Me much. For I shall give you your hearts desire now. I want you to specifically ask Me to show you specific things. Don't be vague. Be specific and write it down and date it. Then you can go back and see how I answered you. I am willing to answer you. I am willing to teach you more and reveal to you more of Myself. It blesses Me to bless you as you are blessed to bless your children. So, to am I blessed to bless My children. Enjoy your days with Me. Enter not into doubt and fear, but enter into joy with Me. For it is our time to shine. Our relationship is going higher and higher in Me. I am limitless. Do not limit Me in what you ask of Me or think of Me. I desire to show Myself strong in you. Oh, My beloved you are so beautiful to Me.
Dream: as I was going to bed I closed My eyes and saw I was looking upon a dark, dark city skyline and there was a lantern swinging back and forth, it was looking for something. I think the lost.
I then moved to another dark city skyline with no light, and no lantern searching...
Then I was moved to see my house and yard and saw a small vegetable garden growing...
Dream: as I was going to bed I closed My eyes and saw I was looking upon a dark, dark city skyline and there was a lantern swinging back and forth, it was looking for something. I think the lost.
I then moved to another dark city skyline with no light, and no lantern searching...
Then I was moved to see my house and yard and saw a small vegetable garden growing...
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Hearing God - June 5, 2014
Oh, My love, I see you, I see how you come daily before Me to hear, to sense Me to feel My presence with you to connect with Me and know that I am here. We commune continually all day you and I for you dwell in Me and I dwell in you. The video's you hear are My children growing in Me, much of what they are sharing you already learned, use this as confirmation that you, My love, have heard Me clearly. I trust you to do all that I ask of you. Do not buckle under the pressure from others who want you to serve Me their way. You continue to serve Me as you always have, day by day walking with Me, following as I lead. Yielding to the little unctions as I gently nudge and lead you in the direction I want you to go. Though you seem small and little in your own eyes, you, My dear one, are strong and mighty in Me. Your eyes cannot see your strength and beauty, you cannot see the immense light radiating out of you now- but I can, My angels can, and all the spirit world can. You are My gentle dove in whom much is sown. The ground within you is soft, rich, and fertile. I shall do many impossible things with you, no eye has seen, no ear has heard how I shall use you for My glory. Patience is a virtue, dear one, as you rest and wait upon Me, you are strengthened and filled with more oil. The light in you is becoming immense. Oh, how thrilling it will be when I release My doves. Such gentle creatures, so quiet and demure, but yet majestic in their power and authority. The abilities I am endowing you with shall come by My hand, you shall be unstoppable, your words shall shake the earth, for I shall flow through you as you speak. In My timing, I shall send you forth with all My doves, but for now, rest, peace, be still and wait upon the Lord and I shall renew your strength.
Hearing God - June 4, 2014
My beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Many things are being revealed to you now My little one. You have entered in to a new phase, a new level in Me. Much Truth, and much power and strength shall be poured into your earthen vessel. You belong to Me. I abide and dwell within you. It is well with thee and Me, for I know you. You are focused on Me. You are tuned in to Me 24/7. I speak, you hear Me, I hover over you and you feel and sense Me. Now you can smell Me and you can discern between Me and other smells of other spirits. The spiritual door is open to you now. For you have stepped behind the veil that divided Us and you have pursued Me above all else, you pursued Me. Oh how I have laughed and played with thee as you have chased after Me. Oh My beloved, you make My heart sing, you are beautiful to Me. Through every storm, you hang on steadfast and strong, fully believing, fully assured that I will help you and deliver you, and I do, every time I do. I will never leave you or forsake you, I am here with you at all times, I never leave you, I only draw closer and closer for you My dear one have pleased Me. Your heart is pure and true. You love Me, I see you, dear one, I see you. I am here. Have no fear. Live in Me, fully persuaded that nothing and no one can separate Me from you.
Hearing God - May 31, 2014
My child you must discern your surroundings. Be aware of what is going on around you. I am with you, I will protect you. I will protect your daughter. Trust Me. Trust only Me. Trust Me to take care of all your needs. Do not worry. Do not fear. Live and grow in Me. Draw closer and closer to Me with each passing day. Build yourself up in Me. Dwell in Me. Keep your focus on Me, come to Me with all your worldly concerns. Come to Me with all your questions. I am here dear one. I never leave you. Come away with me often. Draw apart to rest and wait at My feet. Oh My beloved I will come for you. Your patience is the key to your endurance. No eye has seen nor ear has heard what I have prepared and planned for you. Through patient endurance you shall inherit all of My promises. Do not allow yourself to doubt this. My plans are higher than what you can see or understand. For now, I desire for you to come and wait. I desire for you to endure and be patient. Many trials and tests are coming upon the people now. You shall be required to endure the wait. Do not grumble or complain. Do not allow yourself to become impatient in the waiting. My timing is perfect. Your patience is lovely and pure before Me. It is a great gift. Be sure, and steadfast in your confidence in Me. I've got you My love, stay the course. I am here with thee. We are in this together. Remember, walk in My love. Walk in your authority. Live every moment of every day in Me. I am with thee.
Hearing God - June 3, 2014
Come My child, sit here and wait upon Me now. In the quiet, in the stillness I come. Rest, abide in Me, My beloved little dove, draw close I have much to share. I allowed you to hear the video of one of My other servants who is experiencing a glowing and a gold coming forth as I have shown you in a vision, and told you multiple times that you are shining, you are glowing, the intangible presence of My spirit is now coming and manifesting in the physical. I am coming forth in My children now. Do not doubt and do not fear this child, this is your destiny in Me. You My beloved are golden to Me. You know Me, and you continually press into Me and My presence. You have asked and sought for more of Me, now you shall have it. Make way for your king. Make way. You are My beloved bride, My queen, My priest in the order of Melchizedek, you shall arise with healing in your wings for it shall be I arising within your earthen vessel. As you yield to Me, you allow Me access to come forth through you. I have lit your candle, you now glow and your oil is full. My spirit is alive and well within you. Oh My dove, I see your transformation and it is beautiful to behold. Soon My love, soon you too shall see it, and others shall see the change in you as they look upon you they shall see My reflection coming forth out of you, My earthen vessel. They shall feel My presence and My power manifesting through you. You shall carry My presence and My power. Arise My child arise. I am with thee. Through your patient endurance you shall inherit it all.
Hearing God - June 2, 2014
Oh, My child I love you. I will help you on your journey. Speak forth what you want and give My precious Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha Kodesh something to work with. I see and know your hearts desires. You are pleasing to Me My little one. Do not doubt that your change is coming. For your transformation is upon you. Rest in Me. Leave all the details of the change to Me. Do not burden yourself unnecessarily. Take My yoke upon you and you will find My burden is light for I have already gone before you and I have already made the path straight for you My beloved. Linger at the well and drink ever so deeply now, My dear one, for I am ever so close, as close as your breath. I can feel your heart beating, I can smell the fragrance of your hair, and I can see your toes painted pink, I like the color. You are very precious to Me, for you see Me without fully seeing Me. You believe, without fully knowing. Your faith is great and strong. For you have made the journey and have entered in to Me. You dwell with Me. You carry Me in you. Now you are beginning to walk in your authority and dominion. As you loose the reigns of your heart to Me and allow Me to guide you, you are now awakening to Me and My plans and purposes for you. Oh the days are fleeting now, you are strong in Me. If you ever feel weak or shaken, simply stop, and come to Me and I shall strengthen you. Rest now, My dear one. I am here watching over you. Rest in My peace, be still beloved and know that I am here working everything out for My purposes and plans.
Hearing God - June 1, 2014
I am here. I have been waiting for you all day to come and slip away with Me so that We could commune together, alone and undisturbed, one on one. You must put Me first above all else. I am all you need. Come away with Me, more and more. I am all you need. I want to strengthen and encourage you on your journey. But, I can and will only do this as you spend time with Me, in My presence. Safe and secure in Me. I am here for you My dear one. You alone, must choose to make yourself strong in Me. You have learned much today in your studies. You have found a great jewel in My word on the "spots and blemishes". Think on this tonight child, as you slumber, I shall speak to you and open the eyes of your understanding. Stay close to Me My beloved, I am leading you on this journey, you are never alone. Come, come to Me with your questions, ask and I shall surely answer thee. Your gift of discernment is growing. As you pour over My words, I shall open the seals. you shall be given much knowledge of Me. As you diligently seek more and more of Me. I shall surely answer thee. My hearts desire is to reveal Myself to you so that you know Me as well as I know you. I can only do this as you spend time in My presence, and allow Me to speak. When you come to Me and shut out the world and focus on Me, I am able to speak freely for I am enthroned upon your heart and I dwell deeply within you child. We are one. There is still much to learn. Come, come to Me, let he who has an ear to hear, hear.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Hearing God - May 30, 2014
Song: "won't it be wonderful there, having no burdens to bear, joyously singing with heart bells all ringing, oh, won't it be wonderful there..."
My child your faithfulness pleases Me.
Don't get distracted, you must focus on Me or it breaks the flow. You CAN hear Me.
As you come and sit before Me and wait upon Me I strengthen you. For you have taken refuge in Me. My life is in you child. I live in you. You are Mine. Why do you doubt? I am not a man that I should lie. I am your only teacher, I am your guide. Stay close My little one. I see you. I know your heart. I love you. I will always be with you. I am here.
---your mind is constantly wondering today. Perhaps we should revisit this another day---These words- are not My words. These are a distraction sent to pull you away from spending time with Me. I am pleased that you already recognized this.
I am pleased that you can distinguish the enemies voices inside your head from Mine. You are learning child. This is good. Stay close My little one. Stay close. Draw near to Me. Ask Me anything and I will surely answer thee. We are one in this journey. You are never alone. Live big in Me.
My child your faithfulness pleases Me.
Don't get distracted, you must focus on Me or it breaks the flow. You CAN hear Me.
As you come and sit before Me and wait upon Me I strengthen you. For you have taken refuge in Me. My life is in you child. I live in you. You are Mine. Why do you doubt? I am not a man that I should lie. I am your only teacher, I am your guide. Stay close My little one. I see you. I know your heart. I love you. I will always be with you. I am here.
---your mind is constantly wondering today. Perhaps we should revisit this another day---These words- are not My words. These are a distraction sent to pull you away from spending time with Me. I am pleased that you already recognized this.
I am pleased that you can distinguish the enemies voices inside your head from Mine. You are learning child. This is good. Stay close My little one. Stay close. Draw near to Me. Ask Me anything and I will surely answer thee. We are one in this journey. You are never alone. Live big in Me.
Hearing God - May 29, 2014
My child I am here. I see you. I am with you always. Much is happening to you in the spirit. You are growing in Me. Keep your focus on Me at all times. Do not lose focus of Me. Live day by day, under the shadow of My wing. Do nothing without asking Me first. I am your guide. Do not go out ahead of Me. I lead, then you follow. Stay close My little one. Stay close. Listen to My voice at all times. Sense the spirit in all things. I am alive in you. You are seeking TRUTH in all things from Me, this pleases Me child for I alone am TRUTH. You are safe and secure in Me. Do not allow the scoffers to deter you. Do not judge them either. Do not look to the right or left at what others are doing or saying. Look at Me, listen to Me, Obey Me only. There will be many who try to pull you off of this path. But, stay the course My beloved. Do not get off of this path. For I alone have awakened you to My plan and purpose for you. Your destiny is before you. I am here, do not fear. I shall lead you, day by day. My beloved dwell in Me deeper now, do not look away. Stay close, keep your spiritual eyes and ears open now for many things shall come to distract and to deceive you. You must discern. I have increased your spirit of discernment. You must walk carefully now. Do not be deceived. Your greatest days are before you. Let Me lead. Let Me guide you, My beloved. I shall keep you. Do not worry. Do not fear, I am here.
Hearing God - May 28, 2014
Always put Me first, get up earlier, so that you are not distracted by the cares of the day. You must diligently seek Me first, above all else. I must be first. I love you little one, you are close to Me, do not slip away now from the shelter of My wing. I will protect all that belong to Me and who dwell in Me. I guide you child, daily I order your steps. As you commune with Me our bond strengthens and deepens. No one can separate you from Me. No one, but you, if you chose to separate from Me you can, for you have free will. I desire that you walk with Me. I desire that you walk in your authority and dominion daily now. Take no thought for who likes you or approves of you for you are no longer a man pleaser. Your only goal, is to be a God pleaser. When you come and wait upon Me it pleases Me. When you invite Me into every moment of everyday it pleases me. I am here with you. I see all that you face each moment. I am here to help and guide you. But, I will not do it for you. You must ask for My help. Ask for My opinion. Ask for My direction. I will keep you on the narrow path. I want you to begin to speak out in your authority. Give Me your words to create. I have given you an open heaven, but, you must do your part. I want you to pray and then speak what is not as though it is and then I shall create. Your words have power. Use your imagination, use your visions and dreams and allow Me to create in you My purposes and plans. I live in you child. We are one. I know you. Speak child, speak. Give Me something to work with. I am ready to do a new thing, all I ask is that you participate.
Hearing God - May 27, 2014
I am here child. I see you. I see how you are mindful of Me. I see how you are focused on Me each day. I see you draw near, I hear your heart as it longs to hear from Me. I see your patience, I see your endurance. I see your faith. I see you resting in Me. I see you trusting in Me. I see you waiting on Me day after day for your instructions. This pleases Me, My little one, this pleases Me. It is well with thee and Me. I shall never leave thee, you are Mine. I shall provide for your every need. We are one you and I. Never doubt or concern yourself with My ability to save you. I am here, I never leave you for a moment. You are strong in Me, My little one. I love you. I want you to give out the rest of the bibles you have at hospitals, pharmacies, Dr. offices, place them wherever I tell you. Keep one with you at all times. I am raising up an army now to show forth My Glory and My power. You My dear one are a part of this end-time army. All of My Bride is a part of this strong and beautiful army. Much shall be required of each of you, but, I shall be there every step of the way. I shall lead and guide each of you. Do not rush out ahead of Me. Only follow as I lead, day by day. We shall take each step together. Moment by moment, breathe in, breathe out, can you feel My Peace, then walk in it. IF My Peace leaves you, stop and wait for it. My Peace is a sign I am with you. My Peace is within you. Follow after Me in peace. Each step you take I am here with you. Can you feel Me, I am in the quiet, gentle place of peace within each of you. If you look within you shall find Me. For I am in you, follow after Peace. My Peace I placed within each soul. Peace, be still and know Me.
Hearing God - May 26, 2014
Oh My beloved I am here. It pleases Me that you are reading brother Cho's book, you are receiving much information that will help you grow in Me. I have given you the spirit of discernment. Now is the time to start walking in your authority and abilities. As you continue on this path you will find more gemstones and jewels. These shall help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of Me. I am your source. I am your strength. I am your guide. Much shall be given to you and much shall be required of you. I am your King. I am your Creator. I am your God. I created you like Me. Your words have power. Your thoughts have power. As you live and dwell in Me, I live and dwell in you. We are becoming more and more bonded. You in Me and I in you. Nothing and no one shall be able to separate Us. For you are Mine. I love how you are growing in Me. I love how your faith is growing. I love how your confidence is growing. You are one with Me. You see and hear Me clearly. You need only to peer into the looking glass and see your reflection, for you My love are reflecting Me. I shall use you to heal many. Do not doubt Me when I show you something. Just speak it forth and I shall do it by My power, the Holy Spirit who worketh within you by My Mighty power. Your destiny now is unfolding. Child, do not shrink back, for I am here leading you. Only believe. Only believe.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Hearing God - May 25, 2014
War is coming. Prepare yourself. I Am in the midst of thee. I will protect thee. Stay close. On this memorial day weekend, a time of reflection, a pause, a remembrance of how much your country has been saved from. The horrors of war have been stayed from your shores. But, now My hand is lifted, so be it. You shall witness many horrible things. But, I shall protect you for I have placed you in the land of Goshen. I shall provide for you and I shall abundantly bless your life in the midst of war in your land. Stay close. Keep your focus on Me. I am your source. I dwell in you. I am close. You hear Me clearly. I shall never leave thee, I love you My little one. It is well with thee. We shall walk this path together, day by day. As you live in Me, I shall guide you day by day. Do not fear. Do not be dismayed by the horrors you shall see in your own land. I will strengthen your heart to endure. We are one. You are My portion, do not fear. I shall take care of all your needs. I am here with you beloved. The time has come to set My house in order. I have already dealt with you as you have come and submitted your will and yielded to My will. Now I shall finish My work in you. I am here.
Hearing God - May 24, 2014
Song: "Jesus, friend of sinners, the one who gave His life for me..."
Song: "Jesus, lover of my soul..."
Song: "I believe God, I believe God, trust and obey, believe Him and say, I believe, I believe God..."
Song: "Great and Mighty is He ( clap three times), Great and Mighty is He (clap three times), clothed in Glory, arrayed in Splendor, Great and Mighty is He..."
I will lift up your head child. The enemy tried to bring division into your house last night, but, you held your tongue. You are a sign and a witness for Me in these last days. You are being bombarded with things now to test if your flesh is truly dead. You have to recognize the battle sooner, but, you held your tongue, you repented of your thoughts and you have surrendered to My Will. I have forgiven you and My mercy covers you. You must cast these thoughts out and do not accept them as your own. This is how the enemy comes in and raises a standard against you. Do not allow a break in your wall. You must keep your armor on at all times. The enemy will try to come in like a flood but, you must raise up a standard against them. A standard is a moral code or mindset that you will not change or allow to be changed. Keep walking in My love. Let love and mercy be your mindset. Let My peace remain in you. I am with you, I never leave you child. Dwell in Me.
Song: "Jesus, lover of my soul..."
Song: "I believe God, I believe God, trust and obey, believe Him and say, I believe, I believe God..."
Song: "Great and Mighty is He ( clap three times), Great and Mighty is He (clap three times), clothed in Glory, arrayed in Splendor, Great and Mighty is He..."
I will lift up your head child. The enemy tried to bring division into your house last night, but, you held your tongue. You are a sign and a witness for Me in these last days. You are being bombarded with things now to test if your flesh is truly dead. You have to recognize the battle sooner, but, you held your tongue, you repented of your thoughts and you have surrendered to My Will. I have forgiven you and My mercy covers you. You must cast these thoughts out and do not accept them as your own. This is how the enemy comes in and raises a standard against you. Do not allow a break in your wall. You must keep your armor on at all times. The enemy will try to come in like a flood but, you must raise up a standard against them. A standard is a moral code or mindset that you will not change or allow to be changed. Keep walking in My love. Let love and mercy be your mindset. Let My peace remain in you. I am with you, I never leave you child. Dwell in Me.
Hearing God - May 23, 2014
Song: "I am holding onto you, I am holding onto you...."
Oh child you are My beloved and I will always provide for you. I am here with you, leading and guiding you every step of the way. I need you to be strong in Me. Many of My people are weak, they have not made themselves strong in Me.
You make yourself strong by waiting on Me, reading My word, praying in tongues, confessing My word, taking communion and spending time in My presence. When I remove My Holy Spirit many shall be left out in the dark, lost and alone. Now is the time to draw close to Me while I may be found of thee. I truly am all you need.
Song: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on thine own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path..."
Close your eyes, what do you see?
I see you coming down a path and beckoning me to come and sit in the garden on the rock with you and we talk about what is to come
I see you child, I know your name and you know Mine. We are one. We shall never be parted. I love you My dear one. Stay strong in Me.
Oh child you are My beloved and I will always provide for you. I am here with you, leading and guiding you every step of the way. I need you to be strong in Me. Many of My people are weak, they have not made themselves strong in Me.
You make yourself strong by waiting on Me, reading My word, praying in tongues, confessing My word, taking communion and spending time in My presence. When I remove My Holy Spirit many shall be left out in the dark, lost and alone. Now is the time to draw close to Me while I may be found of thee. I truly am all you need.
Song: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on thine own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path..."
Close your eyes, what do you see?
I see you coming down a path and beckoning me to come and sit in the garden on the rock with you and we talk about what is to come
I see you child, I know your name and you know Mine. We are one. We shall never be parted. I love you My dear one. Stay strong in Me.
Hearing God - May 22, 2014
Song: "I'm an over comer...stay in the fight till the final round, I'm not going under...I'm an over comer..."
Listen to the birds My love, My dove. They sing to Me, they lift their voices in praise and worship. They rely fully on Me to meet all their needs. You also arise and sing My praises. You also rely fully on Me to meet all of your needs. This pleases Me. Today and everyday you must walk in love. I shall be with you in all that you do. Fear not. You are an over comer. Pay attention to My words. My instructions will bring life and health to you in the days ahead. I am here. I never leave you alone. Much is about to happen My little one. Stay close. Stay resting in Me. I've got you. I will lead you through each task. You are secure in Me. Many shall run in fear. But, you My child, stay, do not leave your area, there shall truly be no safe places on earth for anyone, except My chosen few, for My chosen have been, and will be protected in the midst of great suffering and calamities. I have placed you in Goshen.
You shall be in the midst of much suffering all around you. But, you shall be safe and secure in the midst of it all. For I have already judged you and you have yielded and submitted to My cleansing. You are right with Me, My love, stay the course you are on. DO NOT run out in fear. Stay close to Me. Talk to Me constantly as things come up. Ask Me for direction and help. I shall speak to you. Listen to Me. Heed My voice only. Trust Me, I shall never leave you. When I am silent do not change anything. I am testing you. Only believe. All things are possible, only believe.
You are on a great mission for Me, I shall be the one, the only One to send you out. Stay with Me child. Hold fast to Me in everything. I am here. I shall lead, instruct and direct you. Change nothing, unless I tell you to. You must remain laser-focused on Me each day. Lift up your head, lift up your eyes, lift up your heart to Me only. I shall never leave you alone. For you are My beloved dove, in whom I am well pleased.
When I call you, you shall come away with Me into a quiet place of rest. I shall send you, but I shall go with you every step of the way. You shall be used of Me in My timing. Soon My Bride, soon We shall dance at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Then We shall speak face to face of what you are to do for Me. Walk in love with all men.
I have given you a spirit of discernment, use it, you shall need much discernment in the days ahead. As I live, you shall live in Me with no limits. For I live in you and I am limitless. Blessed are those who have not seen, YET they believe. How beautiful they are to Me. I shall reward all My true followers with their hearts desire of more and more of Me. Behold, I come.
Listen to the birds My love, My dove. They sing to Me, they lift their voices in praise and worship. They rely fully on Me to meet all their needs. You also arise and sing My praises. You also rely fully on Me to meet all of your needs. This pleases Me. Today and everyday you must walk in love. I shall be with you in all that you do. Fear not. You are an over comer. Pay attention to My words. My instructions will bring life and health to you in the days ahead. I am here. I never leave you alone. Much is about to happen My little one. Stay close. Stay resting in Me. I've got you. I will lead you through each task. You are secure in Me. Many shall run in fear. But, you My child, stay, do not leave your area, there shall truly be no safe places on earth for anyone, except My chosen few, for My chosen have been, and will be protected in the midst of great suffering and calamities. I have placed you in Goshen.
You shall be in the midst of much suffering all around you. But, you shall be safe and secure in the midst of it all. For I have already judged you and you have yielded and submitted to My cleansing. You are right with Me, My love, stay the course you are on. DO NOT run out in fear. Stay close to Me. Talk to Me constantly as things come up. Ask Me for direction and help. I shall speak to you. Listen to Me. Heed My voice only. Trust Me, I shall never leave you. When I am silent do not change anything. I am testing you. Only believe. All things are possible, only believe.
You are on a great mission for Me, I shall be the one, the only One to send you out. Stay with Me child. Hold fast to Me in everything. I am here. I shall lead, instruct and direct you. Change nothing, unless I tell you to. You must remain laser-focused on Me each day. Lift up your head, lift up your eyes, lift up your heart to Me only. I shall never leave you alone. For you are My beloved dove, in whom I am well pleased.
When I call you, you shall come away with Me into a quiet place of rest. I shall send you, but I shall go with you every step of the way. You shall be used of Me in My timing. Soon My Bride, soon We shall dance at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Then We shall speak face to face of what you are to do for Me. Walk in love with all men.
I have given you a spirit of discernment, use it, you shall need much discernment in the days ahead. As I live, you shall live in Me with no limits. For I live in you and I am limitless. Blessed are those who have not seen, YET they believe. How beautiful they are to Me. I shall reward all My true followers with their hearts desire of more and more of Me. Behold, I come.
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