Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hearing God - June 12, 2013

Your mind is everyplace except with Me.

 Be still and quiet yourself and focus on me.  I am here.

 I have given you ears to hear Me.  My ways, My thoughts, My desires for you are what is most important.  Behold, I come quickly, don't let Me find you sleeping.

 I need you strong in Me, so that I can use you. Flow with Me and let Me flow out of you.  Love is the Key.  Walk in love.   I am your source of love.  Go within when you feel threatened or your emotions are challenged.

 I will show you how to cast out all negative emotions, they cannot survive in an atmosphere of love.

Love is pure, love heals, love restores.  Love holds no record of wrong.  Love forgives, love grows and consumes all negative life forces.

 To win this war you need to walk in love.

My love is a covering, a part of your armour.  Put on your armour everyday, and put on love.

 If you do not have love, you are nothing, if you do not walk in love, you are nothing.  Nothing matters that you do if you do not walk in love you are nothing.  Nothing matters that you do if you do not do it in love. Love is the source of all things.  You must learn to love.  Let Me teach you how to love, I will show you the way.

Hearing God - June 13, 2013

No, My child you are not asleep.  I am watching you.  I am preparing you, great has been the battle in your mind, rage, malice, envy and distrust have set up an onslaught against you.  Recognize your enemy, these are not your thoughts.  These emotions are not yours.

Remember, where your peace is.  Dwell and abide in Me.  Sanctify a fast if necessary.  Cast down all of these vain thoughts and emotions.  Enter into My Rest.  Hear Me child, or I will take away your hearing.

 You are being tuned in your inward parts, by Me.  I will play you and you will have a beautiful melody for all to hear.  I am your source, I am your guide.  Draw close to Me, My little one and pay close attention to My instructions.  Enter into Me now, abide in, rest in, breathe in Me, breathe out Me, in and out.  I am here.  I never leave.  I am all in all.  You are sensing Me in everything now.  Pay attention to this for I am here.  You are developing rapidly now.

You are recognizing the enemy by smell and sound and their words.  You must NOW recognize Me in smell and sound and taste and sight and touch.  I have always been with you.  Recognize Me now in everything.  I am here with you.  I created everything.  Lean on Me when you don't understand.

Vision:  I lift up a rug and under it is a pile of dirty towels and a little dirty curly haired doll face down in the dirty floor.

Interpretation:  You are responsible for cleaning your own garments.  Don't think you can just sweep stuff under the rug.  Clean your own house and keep it clean.

It's the narrow path that leads to righteous living and home with Me.

Hearing God - April 19, 2014

It's a beautiful season that is upon you.  A memorial of what I have done for you all.  My sacrifice of love was done in love.  I am all you need.  I am your source of strength.  I am your source of hope.  I am your constant source.  Whatever you need, whatever you lack come to Me.  I will surely answer thee.  I have opened your eyes now and given you much understanding.  The more you study My truths the more understanding, discernment and enlightenment will come.  I am willing to teach you many things.

  Focus on Me, your relationship with Me is your main focus now.  Keep your eyes focused on Me.  I will guide and direct you with each step you take.  You are walking in your authority and this My child pleases Me.  As you begin to walk, and talk and do the things I do nothing shall be hidden from you.  No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

 Your understanding shall open many doors for you, for you are living in My Kingdom.  You are the head and not the tail.  I have given you the Keys to the Kingdom.  You must believe and receive them, do not doubt your power in Me.  You have no enemies, for they have already been defeated for you.  You now are Owning your authority.  You are now beginning to walk in majesty and awe for you have taken possession of what has been rightfully yours all along.  As you start demanding and commanding what is rightfully yours, all that has been stolen from you shall be restored.  Nothing shall hinder you child, for you are walking in My Kingdom.  As you yield and follow Me and imitate Me, do what I do, say what I say, see yourself commanding and demanding in My name.  Such as you have, freely give.  You have been given and open door.  Now you must go through it.  Nothing shall be impossible for you, for you understand and receive your authority.  You shall now wield your authority.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Hearing God - June 14, 2013

My child, My child don't listen to the enemy.  The strife is coming from the evil one and not yourself.  You must fight in the spirit.  Don't let your guard down for a moment in this battle.  The war is here in your own back yard.  The battle rages everywhere now, in every heart.  You must abide in Me, dwell in Me, Rest in Me.  Come before Me in fasting and prayer and I will do the rest.  I will take care of the little fox's that spoil the vine.  You pray and TRUST Me and I will do the rest.  The end is before you.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I will deliver them out of them all.  TRUST Me child, TRUST only Me.  Your life is in My hands.  Don't listen to the enemy, shut him down now.  You are in a war, I place people in your life to test you.  Don't fail this test, use this test to press into Me, and I will take care of the rest.  I will deliver you out of this strife.  TRUST Me child, I am well able to deliver you.  Repent, Repent of the hardness of your heart, come before Me with Thanksgiving for delivering you, before I deliver you.  Believe, all things are possible only believe.  My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Your daughter will be the head and not the tail in all things, you have been praying for this, now believe Me for it.  I will cover her and provide for her always.  She is Mine, Trust Me child, all things are coming to a head now.  My Kingdom come, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  TRUST Me child, Trust only Me.  Stay focused on Me.  Your life is in My hands.  The battle in your mind must be won.  Stay in there, and keep fighting.  Cast down every evil imagination.  I go before you.  I have already made a way and delivered you from this, you must Trust Me, My little one.  I am here, I am with you.  You are never alone.  Keep on the path that I have set before you.  Focus on Me.  Focus on Me, do not play into the enemies hands.  The snares of the enemy are before you, entangling you in a web of deceit and hate.  You must fight in this battle, take control over your enemy.  You are more than a conqueror in Me.

Hearing God - June 16, 2013

You are on the path of enlightenment.  Nothing will be hidden from you as you progress in Me.  Nothing is by chance.  Everything you discover, everything you learn from this point is from Me.  I place things in your path to teach you and help you progress in Me.  The wisdom you attain is by My power.  Keep seeking Me.  Stay alert and awake in the battle.   You are learning much now, and your wisdom will serve you well.  You are wise to press into this new level.

  It is true, Christians do have demons.  It is true, you need to be doing self deliverance daily.  It is true the back pain was a demonic manifestation.  It is true your reaction to your situation was a demonic manifestation of the infestation I told you about.  These things must be stirred up and revealed to you so that you learn by experience, how to cast them out, how to reverse the curse, how to cast out all abominations in you to Me.  I have told you, I am doing a great work in you.  You must do your part as I reveal these things to you.  If I do not reveal them nothing changes.  But, as I cast My light and reveal things, confrontation brings manifestation, which brings deliverance to you now.

I have told you, I desire to use you mightily in the coming days.  In the midst of your preparation, you are learning much, for I am revealing many, many hidden things to you now.  Stay focused on Me, My little one, I am your source.  I am your deliverer, I am your TRUTH, I am your strength.  I WILL, that you should prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.  Your soul prospers as it is brought into unity with your spirit.  There is much to learn, now be prepared to change as I guide and direct you.  Nothing will be held back from you.

 Take the good out of what I send you and do not JUDGE My servants, I will guide you, leave everything to Me, only I know all, only I can judge correctly.  I reveal different things to different ones at different times.  Just because you don't understand or see what they see, does not mean they are wrong.

  Bring all your concerns about everything you're learning to Me.  I am your true teacher.  I will show you what I want you to know at this time in our journey.  It is good that you are hungry for Me and more of Me each day.  That shows true growth My child.  That shows maturity.

Take each day and live in the moment of Me.  I am here, can you recognize Me in your day, pay close attention to the details.  I want you to come into the sixth sense of Me.

You have much to learn now, My little one, I am here.  I, your only Teacher will open your eyes and unstop your ears.  This is a season of awakening to Me, My Bride the time has come.  You are simple, stay simple.  Do not try to complicate what I am revealing to you.  Do not cloud the things I am revealing to you with your own carnal understanding.  Keep it simple, I will make all things clear to you.  Simply meditate and ponder what I reveal to you until it becomes clear.

 A willing and hungry heart I will reveal much to.  The more hungry you are, the more I will reveal to you.  The key is to stay hungry, to diligently seek Me out daily.  I am here, how much do you want Me.

Hearing God - June 17, 2013

note:  started Esther fast today - 3 days of no food or water

Song:  "He's the mighty one of Israel, He's the mighty one of Israel..."

Song:  "Father we love you, we worship and adore you, hallowed be your name..."

As the sun rises I am, as the sun sets I am.  I alone will always be.  I am the source of everything.  I created all good and evil, nothing happens that escapes Me, nothing.  Nothing will thwart or stop My plans.  Many will try, but it's ridiculous, I laugh at their efforts, I will confuse their minds.

Wait for it, sssshhhhhhh, wait

I am here, I did not leave, you must stay focused on Me or you will lose your connection and have to start over.  AS you focus on Me you draw close to Me, as you begin to hear Me, We - you and I are drawing closer together.  Our relationship is interdependent on you and your effort to pursue Me.  I will not force Myself on you.  I wait for you to pursue Me, then I reveal Myself to you and I come and sup with you as often as you allow Me in.  It's really up to you how much or little you want of Me.  It is My desire that you be completely filled with Me.  I desire to dwell big in you and talk to you constantly.  I desire to lead you and be in charge of your life, and every step you take each day.  I am here, but you must enter in.  Each new day is an opportunity to draw closer to Me.

  Great are the rewards of those WHO truly seek Me out and diligently want to know Me.  I will reveal Myself to My true children.  My child this Esther fast that you are on has a three fold cord of blessing.  1 - for My Tabernacle, 2 - for My 144, 000, 3 - for your child's needs you've been praying about.  Much is happening in the unseen world in the fast, many spiritual things are broken and breakthrough answers come quickly.

 Do not hesitate to come to Me in prayer in the fast.  The fast makes you stronger in the spirit, the fast makes your prayers more powerful and your answers come quickly, take note of the answers now, write the happenings down to remember for a testimony of My almighty hand of deliverance.

 She (your daughter) will be the head and not the tail this year.   TRUST ME - so be it.

Hearing God - July 20, 2013

It has been a long time since We have met My child, this ought not to be so.  You need the strength I give you in these times of refreshing.  You must make an effort to draw away into Me.  I am your source, I am your strength, I am your deliverer.  I will guide your every step, if you will allow Me to .  I am willing and able to help you, but you must ask for My help.  In this way you show Me that you are trusting in Me and in so doing, I will never let you down.  I am here with you always.

  I breathe, you breathe, I breathe, you breathe, we are one My love.  You were created for Me, in My likeness, to show forth My glory on the earth.  I must increase and you must decrease.  As I pour more of My spirit into you, My love flows through you to all you encounter in your circle of influence.  Love is the key to everything child.  Do not stop the flow of My love, let love grow and grow in you and let it flow and flow in a continual stream out of you.  This is the circle of life in Me.  Without Me (for I am love) you are nothing, you can do nothing.  But with Me (My love) nothing shall be impossible to you.

 You have entered into My dwelling place, and I have entered into your dwelling place.  We are married and I dwell in you.  Do not allow others to influence your peace.  My peace must be your constant.  When you "lose" your peace - STOP - focus on Me "Breathe in", "Breathe out", I alone am your peace.  I am here child, I do not stray from you.  I keep you ever before Me.

 You must discipline your flesh once again to draw close to Me now.  Pull away from the world and drink and dwell deeply in Me now.  You must be prepared for all things coming into your life now.  I am going to take you higher in Me.  I have given you your wings, do not fear, yield to My Spirit, yield to My guiding hand, I go before you and I walk beside you, you are never alone.  Follow after My peace.  Make yourself strong in Me.

  You should be taking communion daily.  You should be reading My word constantly now.  I have much to say, and you are now ready to hear.  You have chosen the good path, it is not an easy road, but it is the best one for you now.  On it you will grow in all spiritual wisdom, I am willing to reveal much to you now My child, if you are willing to receive.

 Remember, the mountain I showed you in the vision.  You and I are ascending together once again, do not look down, do not look back to your old ways of following Me.  This is a new day, this is a new ERA for you in Me.  Your destiny is opening before you now.  Live BIG in Me.  The weight will rapidly fall off of you now, this is a sign of the weights of the world falling off of you, these are tethers that have held you down to earth, but now you will soar on eagles wings with Me, for My Kingdom is alive in you, My love, My little dove.

 My light is shining brightly in you now, and My glory is resting upon you.  I have chosen you, and I will work through you, much will be required of you now but, do not fear, I am here.  You are in My hands and My perfect will.  Stay with Me child, do not go off course.  I will make all things new.

Hearing God - Aug. 19, 2013

My child, My child where have you been.  I have been waiting for you.  My heart longs to tell you many things, but, you have been distant from Me.  Now is not the time to draw back, now is the time to stay close and come even closer to Me.  Draw close to Me now.  Enter into My Elects time of visitation.  You are My portion and I will never let you go.  You are Mine, but it is up to you how close you want to dwell with Me.

  I am pouring out My Spirit on all flesh, but most are unwilling to receive it.  Listen to and learn from My prophets daily, but do not forsake Our time together.  You need Me.  You can have as close a relationship with Me as they do, I am not a respecter of persons, I love all, I do not favor one over the other.  I an the Invincible God and there is NO other.  Learn My ways and walk in them.  I am your light.  I will lead you and guide you into the promised land.

 In Me you have peace. Trust in nothing else.   I alone am your source.  Many things are shifting in your world.  But I alone remain the same.  I do not change.  I am real.  I am the I AM.  I love you My little one.  Do not fear change.  Change is necessary, life is a constant process of change.  You must move through time now with your sole focus on ME.  My ways should be your ways.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord God delivers them up out of them all.

Many run to and fro seeking Me, or a word from Me, they are deceived.  Be still, and know that I am God.  Be silent and quiet before Me and I will reveal Myself to each one in My own special way.  Time is an illusion a temporary box I have placed you in.  I am not bound in time, I move freely, without restraint in and out of time.  You, My child, My little one will move in and out of time with Me as well.  You have heard Me in times past talk to you about transporting people from one place to another by the spirit, you have heard testimonies of this in your lifetime.  I have mentioned this in My word several times, seek it out and you will see it's true.  It is time to come out of the box.

  Remember, My dear one, you dwell in Me and I dwell in you.  You and I are one.  I go with you everywhere.  Live big in Me and allow Me to live BIG in you and through you.  There is much to do and much to learn.  Draw into Me, My beloved little dove.
I love you.
I am here.
Be still and know !

Hearing God - April 18, 2014

Song:  "We believe in God the Father, We believe in Jesus Christ, We believe in the Holy Spirit, We believe in three in one..."

Yes child, I have three distinct parts.  Each one can operate separately and individually, but also stay connected.  I am a very intricate and diverse being, there is nothing to compare to Me.  It will take you forever to learn all there is about Me, but I promise you dear one, you shall not be bored.  I shall allow you to see more of My attributes as you press in to seek My face.

 I love how you seek Me.  It is well with thee, My beloved.  I am very pleased in your progress in putting up My messages to you.  I know it seems like a small thing to you, but know this, I am already using them to draw others to Me, I am woo-ing them with Our relationship.  I am provoking them to jealousy.  For they want what We have.  Isn't it wonderful My love, to know that our communication can be an eternal seed planted in the mind, and will reach the heart and take root and grow.  Oh, it shall grow, for I shall water these seeds Myself. Our relationship is true, intimate and very personal.  The reality of it will be a well-spring of HOPE to inspire others to press in and seek Me for themselves.  For the truth shall be shouted across the world that I desire a personal and intimate relationship with every soul.

"There's nothing special about you" (I heard this interjected into the flow of conversation I was having with Jesus.  I knew it was not Jesus, but the voice was very similar...)

WAIT !  Cast that thought down.  For that isn't Me! (now I had already cast this thought aside and Jesus knew I already did, but I think Jesus is wanting to show you how the enemy comes in disguised as Jesus, and tries to deceive you in hearing Jesus, this is one of the snares of the enemy, this thought process is in less than a second)

For you are very special and precious and dearly, dearly loved.  Each and every one of you.  Don't let the enemy sneak in and steal your hope, your faith and your belief.  I want to tell you personally how truly special and beloved each one of you are to Me, but you must come to Me for yourself.  Seek Me out while I may be found.  I am here.  Waiting for you.  I love you child.  Thank you for your obedience in putting these words on your blog.  In this world of nay-sayers, I need more of My children to step-up and reveal their relationship with Me.  I need more bread crumb trails.  These are a valuable resource to show the world My love.

 Each life has a story to share with others.  Each story is centered around their journey with Me and the process of getting to Me.  I love, love, love these stories.  It fills My heart with joy to write your story.  Each pain, each struggle, each tear, every laugh, everything about these stories is precious and valuable to Me.  I record all of your lives stories in My books in heaven, all the ones (people) that have gone before you are reading your stories.  Oh, the thrill of each chapter unfolding is a real page turner in heaven.  For they know they are reading truth not fiction as it is being lived out on earth, I tell you these stories are real page turners in heaven.  When you come and live with me in heaven you also will get to read all these stories for yourself.

 I have written upon you "beloved", I have etched Myself deeply into your story, the pages of your book are infused with me.  I am embedded deep within your DNA.

Your whole life glows now with My presence.  When you walk into a place, you change the atmosphere.  For you carry My presence with you everywhere.  You glow in the spirit and you are starting to glow in the physical.  You carry My peace.  You also are beginning to walk in My power and authority.  This is My plan and purpose for you.  I WILL  that you arise and Walk in your authority.  Your progression in Me is a process.  This is the next step in our journey, that you walk in your authority.  All power in heaven and earth has been given to Me and I freely give it to share with you.

 By faith you have to believe it and OWN it, do not doubt, do not struggle against it, receive it and OWN it, WALK  in it, in so doing, you shall set the captive free, in so doing child, you are reflecting Me.  My spirit is rising within you, this is the man-child that you have been endued with.  You are a living host of My power, walking, talking and breathing upon the earth, you are reaching full maturity in Me.  The man-child is you fully acting like Me, you walk, talk, and react like Me.  I am fully vested in you.  I am fully seen in you by all who view you.  Right now you are still developing your man-child, but soon he shall be birthed.  I shall transform you, completely, all shall see this in you and others, at the time of this total and complete transformation then My true children, the true sons of God shall walk the earth and no one and nothing shall hinder them.  Your body will be transformed, you shall be seen, but you shall be changed, and you shall not be confined any longer by time.

  The earth groans and travails for the true sons of God to come forth, soon child soon "SUDDENLY" shall be upon you.  Stay ready, keep your focus on all times on Me.

You are golden child, I see My reflection clearly in you.  It is well with thee My beloved.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hearing God - Aug. 20, 2013

It is good that you are taking care of your mom, but do not get distracted by all her problems, she is on her own journey to Me, her journey is not your journey.  You must not neglect your own journey with Me, to take care of others, I must be the most important to you.  Trust Me in everything, be thankful for everything, I am your light, I am your guide through life.  Your life is in My hands.  TRUST no man but Me.  I see all, your beginning and your end.

Come to Me with all your questions or concerns, I am here for you.  Do not allow yourself to fret and worry over your daughter, she is on her own journey with Me.  Each one of My beloved creations has a unique individual journey to Me.  You must focus on Me and your journey to Me alone, do not be concerned with the others, focus on Me, I am the way. Fear no one but Me.  Trust Me in everything.

 Do not look to the right or the left, stay focused on Me alone, I alone will lead you home.  I am changing everything now, and you shall cross time, the time dimension means nothing to you now.  Seek Me out I am here.  Seek Me child, I am near.  I know your beginning and your end.  I am your source in everything.  Trust Me child and do not fear.  Let My light flow through you.  I must increase and you must decrease.  Stay close to Me now My little one, and do not stray My love, My dove.

Now go start your day.  All things are possible in Me.  I long to bring you unto Me in My Father's house.  It won't be long now, My dear one.  Wait, patiently, you have much to learn and do for Me your King !  Follow My lead, you are almost home.
Trust Me child, I am here.

Hearing God - Aug. 21, 2013

Do not let your thoughts dwell on the past negatives.  All roads do not lead home.  Focus your thoughts on Me and what I am teaching you.  Your main purpose should be how to function in Me.  I alone am the only one that matters.  How I see you or your daughter or anyone, is the only thing that matters.  Live your life in Me.  Dwell deeply in Me.  My plans for you are marvelous and eternal, lean not on your own understanding, hold My hand and let Me lead you.

 I am Trustworthy and True.  I am Faithful.  I am your Forever God.  I do not change.  I go before and behind you.  We walk side by side you and I.  Keep your focus on Me and Me alone.  Look not to the right or left, do not follow another, follow Me for I am the narrow road and all roads do not lead home.

 Focus on Me, My Truths, My Light .  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I will deliver you up out of them all.  Keep My Sabbath.  Draw close to Me child.  Do not be afraid to speak what you are learning, you will have persecution for this, but this is the narrow road you are on, and it is the only one that will lead you home.

My heart is heavy on what is about to be unleashed on your earth.  I am Holy and My Holiness is coming to cleanse the earth.  Stay ready My child My little one, My dove.  Look for Me daily, commune with Me daily, I will prepare you with more oil.  Keep your lamp trimmed, repent daily.

 This is the narrow road.  Your life is in My hands.  Remember, I have plans for you dear one, I will reveal My plans in My timing and not yours.  Dwell in Me, stay close, do not stray from this path.  I am as close as your breath.  Life as you know it is changing.

Trust Me child.

Hearing God - Aug. 22, 2013

I love you, oh how I love you.  You're beginning to look like Me now.  I can see Myself in you.  I want you to focus on Me more than ever before.  I should be your soul purpose.  I am in you child.  Let Me arise in you.

  Focus on hearing Me, your mind is wandering on the cares of this world.  I am here.  Keep your heart and your mind stayed on Me.  I am your peace.  I have given you My peace.  Dwell in My peace.  Live in Me.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord God will deliver them up out of them all.  I will deliver you.  I will steady you in the coming storm.

Abide in My peace, do not stray from it.  I am ever near you.  You are Mine, and I will not abandon you, or let you fall away from Me.  Stay the course with Me.  I have much to show you and reveal to you.  Cast off all bitterness, guile and unforgiveness.  Walk in Me now, let My light go forth from within you.  We are one, wherever you go, I go.  All who see you, see Me.

Hearing God - Aug. 23, 2013

OK, you're thinking about other things you are not focusing on Me.

 I am your only concern.  Dwell deeply in Me My little one.  Follow hard after Me.  I see your heart.  My eyes are always upon you, for you are Mine and I will uphold you with My mighty right hand.  No evil shall befall you.  Trust and stay close to Me.  Rejoice for your redemption draweth nigh.  I am God and there is no other.  My ways are unsearchable, but I have revealed much in My book.  Delve deeply into the layers.  I will reveal Myself to you more and more each day.  Your life's goal is to know Me.  Draw close child and learn of Me.  In the night season I send you many dreams.  In the day season I speak with you heart to heart.  I hear your prayers, I see your heart.  You are never distant, I see you child, I see you.  Much is available to you now.  Reach out and take it.  Ask and ye shall receive.  I am Almighty God and I do as I please.  I want to show you many things and I will, but you must keep your focus on Me.

Study My Peace, I have given you My peace - so walk in the Shalom of God.  I love you child.  Study Peace.

Hearing God - Aug. 28, 2013

My child there are many things troubling you.  Focus on Me, I alone am your source.  I am the way, the truth and the light.  I will deliver you.  Trust Me, your greatest hour is before you.  Yield to Me, follow as I lead.  Focus on Me.  Trust Me as I lead you down the path in your journey with Me.  You are Mine, My beloved, and I will never let you go.  Stay strong in Me.  Keep your focus on Me daily.  Do not look to the right or to the left, but straight in front of you.  I will lead you.  You follow Me, My little lamb.

Bring your concerns and questions to Me, let us reason together.  Do not fear, what you hear.  Do not fear what you see.  Do not fear what is happening on your earth right now, all must come to pass in My timing, everything is within My control.  I am God, and I alone am in charge of your future.

I will never leave you or forsake you.  I watch over you and I shield you with My mighty right hand.  No evil shall befall My chosen few.  Stay close to Me, My little one.  Stay tucked away, under the shadow of My wing.  I alone will protect you for you are mine and I will never let you go.  Peace, peace be unto you My child.  Daughter, arise and walk in My peace.  Do not get so focused on your mom that you put her before Me.  She has her own journey with Me.  You walk before Me in My peace.  Carry My peace with you into every circumstance.  You and I are bound together in covenant, and I will never let you go.  Trust no one but Me.  Seek Me constantly now, keep Me ever before your eyes. I will lead you if you Trust Me.  Do not doubt.  Do not fear - TRUST ME child.  Your best days are ahead of you.
Lord Yeshua

Hearing God - Aug. 29, 2013

Close your eyes.  Turn your eyes upon Me child for I am here.  I am your waymaker.  I am your stream in the desert.  I am your water in a dry and thirsty land.  I am the I am, you have need of no other.  Come to Me more often child for strength and encouragement.  I have much to say and teach you.  Draw away from your present situation and Rest in Me.  Your current stresses are but for a moment and then vanish, do not fear, each one of you is precious to Me and the journey you are on is fitly tailored just for you, no one can do your journey for you.  Each of you has to come to Me on your own.  Each one must seek Me on their own, while I may be found.

Bitter and sweet water should not come out of your mouth.  Remember, you choose how to live in Me, in faith, or trusting in another.  I am the only one you can count on.  Trust no other.  Fear not for I am here, I will protect you and shield you in the coming days.  I go before you and make a way for you.

Note:  this thought came into my head "God is good all the time, and all the time God is good", I think it was the holy spirit.

I love you, My little one, My dove, this world will pass away, but you will not, you are Mine and I will carry you away with Me, soon.  Hold fast to Me now child, as your world crumbles, hold fast to Me.  I will lead you out of any situation and hardship.  I am your source.  Come to ME with your questions.  I am faithful, I will not fail you child.  You are Mine, and I will protect and provide for My own.  Walk before Me, holy, clean and righteous.  Live in My love, never doubt My love or My ability to save.  Trust Me in all things, My dear one.  I am here.  I will provide for you.  Keep your armour on.  Be ready, for in such a time as you think not I come.

Behold, I come quickly.

Hearing God - Aug. 30, 2013

Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to hear and obey all I command.   Your life is in My hands. I know your comings and your goings.  Stay close to Me now, closer than you've ever been.  Press into Me, ask Me to show you things.  Things that you have never seen before.  I have much to teach you My little one, My dove.  My arm is mighty to save.  Do not worry or concern yourself with what is happening to and with others.   Each one has their own journey.  Your focus is on Me and should be on Me alone.  I am your way maker.  You are Mine and I will deliver you.  You have much to learn, seek Me child and I will reveal mysteries that you do not know about.  Trust Me, I am here and I go with you in this journey.

Hearing God - Aug. 31, 2013

You are My child and I love you.  I will always be here for you.  Listen to My still small voice.  I am here child, I am always here.  Peace is a beautiful and powerful thing.  The more you learn about My peace, the more you will walk in it, and carry it with you.  Do not worry over others, they have their own journey with Me.  I will make a way for you and your family.  Every concern you have I will take care of.  I will provide for you My love, My little dove.  Trust Me in everything, and lean not on your own understanding.  You are beautiful to Me.  I will never leave you or forsake you.  I cover you with My wing.  My child, your brother has his own journey to Me.  I will not turn away anyone, but, they must come to Me on their own and seek Me for themselves.  Each person needs to find Me for themselves.  I am not far from anyone.  I am examining every heart and testing for purity, truth and love.  I know every heart.  I know every thought.  Nothing is hidden from Me.  I love and care for each of My children individually.  Trust me child, I am here.

Hearing God - Sept. 1, 2013

And so it begins, the days of woe.  Much is coming now.  The hour is late.  Stay close to Me child, I alone will protect you.  Do not be dismayed by what you see coming across your land, all must come to pass.  It is time.  Do not fear, the end is near for this sinful world, but also a new ERA, a holy reign is coming to this earth and it will be beautiful.  I am a consuming fire, I am Holy, I am Righteous.  Repent often, do not delay in this, when I show you any errors in your ways, stop and repent so that I can cleanse you immediately of all your unrighteousness.  You must always strive to be holy for I am holy. I will shield and protect you child, but you will see and experience many things now.  Do Not Doubt that I am here, or My ability to provide for you, or to protect you.  TRUST Me child in all things, no matter what happens, TRUST Me, I am here with you in every step of the way.  I know your beginning and your end.  Keep yourself clean and pure before Me.  Sin cannot stand in My presence.  My fire will consume all sin and rebellion to Me.  I am God and there is no other.

Hearing God - Sept. 2, 2013

I am here child, I am here.  Do not worry or fret over your mom or brother.   Everything is in place and in order for their journeys with Me.  I am in control.  Follow hard after Me.  Do not step off of the path, I have placed you on.  You are My beloved dove and I will always take care of you.  Trust me.  In all things trust Me.  You are safe with me.  I keep you every day.  I alone am your source.

 You are responsible to Me and Me alone.  The only concern you should have is if I'm pleased with you.  You must now reflect Me.  I will shine through you for all the world to see.  Enter into My Rest.  Live and dwell within Me.  Let Me feed you and shelter you.  Abide child.  Abide in Me everyday.  My peace is strong and powerful.  You walk in My peace.  Seek Me everyday!  Every time you draw close to Me, you gain new strength and assurance in Me.  I am your refuge from any storm that comes your way.  I am the I am and nothing is impossible for Me.  I love you, My little one.
Daughter be strong in Me.

Hearing God - Sept. 3, 2013

The Lord showed Me this today:

Rosh Ha Shana is the first day of the Jewish new year.  A high, holy day.  In it it has ten days of repentance these ae the first ten days of the Hebrew month, beginning on Rosh Ha Shana and culminating on Yom Kippur.

Rosh Ha Shana begins on Sept. 4 at sunset and continues through nightfall Sept. 6 (followed by Shabbat)

Days of Awe-Rosh Ha Shana in essence is when We crown God King of the Universe

True Authority - is absolute, it commands not advises.

On Rosh Ha Shana we devote two days to the search for the voice of authority.