Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hearing God - June 13, 2013

No, My child you are not asleep.  I am watching you.  I am preparing you, great has been the battle in your mind, rage, malice, envy and distrust have set up an onslaught against you.  Recognize your enemy, these are not your thoughts.  These emotions are not yours.

Remember, where your peace is.  Dwell and abide in Me.  Sanctify a fast if necessary.  Cast down all of these vain thoughts and emotions.  Enter into My Rest.  Hear Me child, or I will take away your hearing.

 You are being tuned in your inward parts, by Me.  I will play you and you will have a beautiful melody for all to hear.  I am your source, I am your guide.  Draw close to Me, My little one and pay close attention to My instructions.  Enter into Me now, abide in, rest in, breathe in Me, breathe out Me, in and out.  I am here.  I never leave.  I am all in all.  You are sensing Me in everything now.  Pay attention to this for I am here.  You are developing rapidly now.

You are recognizing the enemy by smell and sound and their words.  You must NOW recognize Me in smell and sound and taste and sight and touch.  I have always been with you.  Recognize Me now in everything.  I am here with you.  I created everything.  Lean on Me when you don't understand.

Vision:  I lift up a rug and under it is a pile of dirty towels and a little dirty curly haired doll face down in the dirty floor.

Interpretation:  You are responsible for cleaning your own garments.  Don't think you can just sweep stuff under the rug.  Clean your own house and keep it clean.

It's the narrow path that leads to righteous living and home with Me.

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