Friday, April 18, 2014

Hearing God - June 16, 2013

You are on the path of enlightenment.  Nothing will be hidden from you as you progress in Me.  Nothing is by chance.  Everything you discover, everything you learn from this point is from Me.  I place things in your path to teach you and help you progress in Me.  The wisdom you attain is by My power.  Keep seeking Me.  Stay alert and awake in the battle.   You are learning much now, and your wisdom will serve you well.  You are wise to press into this new level.

  It is true, Christians do have demons.  It is true, you need to be doing self deliverance daily.  It is true the back pain was a demonic manifestation.  It is true your reaction to your situation was a demonic manifestation of the infestation I told you about.  These things must be stirred up and revealed to you so that you learn by experience, how to cast them out, how to reverse the curse, how to cast out all abominations in you to Me.  I have told you, I am doing a great work in you.  You must do your part as I reveal these things to you.  If I do not reveal them nothing changes.  But, as I cast My light and reveal things, confrontation brings manifestation, which brings deliverance to you now.

I have told you, I desire to use you mightily in the coming days.  In the midst of your preparation, you are learning much, for I am revealing many, many hidden things to you now.  Stay focused on Me, My little one, I am your source.  I am your deliverer, I am your TRUTH, I am your strength.  I WILL, that you should prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.  Your soul prospers as it is brought into unity with your spirit.  There is much to learn, now be prepared to change as I guide and direct you.  Nothing will be held back from you.

 Take the good out of what I send you and do not JUDGE My servants, I will guide you, leave everything to Me, only I know all, only I can judge correctly.  I reveal different things to different ones at different times.  Just because you don't understand or see what they see, does not mean they are wrong.

  Bring all your concerns about everything you're learning to Me.  I am your true teacher.  I will show you what I want you to know at this time in our journey.  It is good that you are hungry for Me and more of Me each day.  That shows true growth My child.  That shows maturity.

Take each day and live in the moment of Me.  I am here, can you recognize Me in your day, pay close attention to the details.  I want you to come into the sixth sense of Me.

You have much to learn now, My little one, I am here.  I, your only Teacher will open your eyes and unstop your ears.  This is a season of awakening to Me, My Bride the time has come.  You are simple, stay simple.  Do not try to complicate what I am revealing to you.  Do not cloud the things I am revealing to you with your own carnal understanding.  Keep it simple, I will make all things clear to you.  Simply meditate and ponder what I reveal to you until it becomes clear.

 A willing and hungry heart I will reveal much to.  The more hungry you are, the more I will reveal to you.  The key is to stay hungry, to diligently seek Me out daily.  I am here, how much do you want Me.

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