***Note: As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:
Beloved, I hear you, I hear your prayers, do not let your heart be troubled. I will protect you and rescue you from every storm. I will draw your family unto ME, all of them. Each one has their own journey to ME. I know every heart. Continue to pray for them and thank Me for drawing each one to Myself. Change is here. It is upon you all and cannot be denied. But, remember, I am with you all. Cast all your cares upon Me. I am your keeper. I am your provider. I am your shelter. Focus on Me. Do not become distracted by the world and the things going on in the world. No, focus on Me and our relationship. Ask Me if there is anything displeasing in you, and wait for My instructions, then make the adjustments each day as necessary. My ways are not your ways. You all must come into My narrow way. There is much you can do in this world to please yourself, but, this is not My Way. You must choose who you are willing to please: yourself or Me. Your future, your destiny is being shaped by the choices you make here on earth. This life you live right now is just a vapor, a mist, a jot, a tittle. The life you choose to live in ME shall prepare you for your future. I have prepared a beautiful life for you with Me, you can start entering in now, behind the veil, by seeking Me with your whole heart. You must focus all of your attention on Me and you shall find Me. I am not far from any of you. The Kingdom of God is within you. Seek Me now while I may be found of you. You must shut out the noise of this world and listen for Me, I am speaking, dear ones, are you listening. He who has an ear, let him hear.
Beloved, I hear you, I hear your prayers, do not let your heart be troubled. I will protect you and rescue you from every storm. I will draw your family unto ME, all of them. Each one has their own journey to ME. I know every heart. Continue to pray for them and thank Me for drawing each one to Myself. Change is here. It is upon you all and cannot be denied. But, remember, I am with you all. Cast all your cares upon Me. I am your keeper. I am your provider. I am your shelter. Focus on Me. Do not become distracted by the world and the things going on in the world. No, focus on Me and our relationship. Ask Me if there is anything displeasing in you, and wait for My instructions, then make the adjustments each day as necessary. My ways are not your ways. You all must come into My narrow way. There is much you can do in this world to please yourself, but, this is not My Way. You must choose who you are willing to please: yourself or Me. Your future, your destiny is being shaped by the choices you make here on earth. This life you live right now is just a vapor, a mist, a jot, a tittle. The life you choose to live in ME shall prepare you for your future. I have prepared a beautiful life for you with Me, you can start entering in now, behind the veil, by seeking Me with your whole heart. You must focus all of your attention on Me and you shall find Me. I am not far from any of you. The Kingdom of God is within you. Seek Me now while I may be found of you. You must shut out the noise of this world and listen for Me, I am speaking, dear ones, are you listening. He who has an ear, let him hear.