I am calling you to a lifetime of fasting and prayer and waiting upon Me, for I need you strong. You are not where you should be in your strength by now. Do Not back off from your diligent search of Me child. You are seeking the Pearl of Great Price which is Me. I am love and that is what you are seeking now, to know how to love like I love. When you find Me and truly understand My ways, you will understand My love and it will grow and grow in you and expand and grow out of you to others. It is starting to flow from you now. It is a trickle now, but be patient and watch it grow.
When you truly abide in My love, and walk in My love, there is much strength in My love. My love governs everything. You are to live and abide in My love, you are to let My love govern your life, every word, every thought, every action, every intention needs to flow from My love. The thoughts that come upon you to make a card or bake some muffins for someone for no special reason just because...just because what? I will tell you, the just because is My love. The conversation you had with the Walgreen's cashier was spontaneous, it was My love, it touched her that you cared enough to ask about her. I sowed a seed, My seed of love, and it was beautiful. Do you see how easy My way is.
When you walk in honor, and are honoring and respectful to people, animals, everything, you are walking in My love. When you put others before you and humble yourself, you are walking in My love. Love does not demand it's own way. Love does not think more highly of oneself than others. Love encourages. Love is merciful. Love does not keep a record of the wrong others do to you, love forgives. Love is not angry, bitter, resentful, jealous, envious or vengeful. When you find yourself in difficulty walking in love or feel you are striving or forcing yourself to love someone, come to Me quickly child and ask Me why you can't or have no love for someone and I will show you what you are dealing with inside of you, it will always come back to you. When I show you, be quick to repent and allow Me to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Then love will flow. TRUST Me child. I will purge and cleanse you so that you can walk and live and abide in My love for this is a great and powerful Key to the Kingdom.
I am giving you the Keys to My Kingdom, and as you learn to use them, it will go well with you. My Kingdom is governed by love. Let love abide and your enemies will be scattered. Love is a beautiful and precious thing. I created the world in love. My desire for the world, and it's creatures and man was for them to abide in love. When you abide in love you are at peace. When you abide in love you live in harmony and unity which allows a beautiful melody to play out before Me.
But, your world is cursed and the evil one is trying to quench all love from the earth, from it's creatures and from man. That is why the love of many is waxing cold. I am love and that is why the evil one is trying to remove it, because it is a reflection of Me. This is why it is so important to walk and abide in love, this is your power source for I am always present in love. My desire for you My child, My love, My little dove is to abide in love and therefore you will be constantly abiding in Me, for I am love. Your heart is pure and clean. Always come to Me to examine and judge you, and reveal if there is anything that has entered into your heart to defile you and make you unclean. When you come to Me, I will show you and you can repent and I will purge and cleanse you, My Way is easy child, My burden is light. Endeavor to live according to My Way, for My Way is love. Be kind and tender hearted, be compassionate and do good. Live in Me and you will live in love. My love will carry you through everything in life.
Never put yourself first, put Me first, then others, then yourself. For this is true humility and love. Love is strong and it does no harm. I am with you and in you child. You are Mine and I love you. It pleases Me that you want and are diligently seeking to walk in My love. As you journey deeper into Me, you will experience a deeper revelation of love, soon, very soon you will be transformed into My image and you My child, My precious one will be walking in My perfect love. Separate yourself from others and focus in on My love. Do Not be drawn into the negative emotions, thoughts or words coming from your husband, daughters, mom, sisters, or anyone else, they will be sent to draw you away from abiding in My love. These are their heart issues, not yours, for you are called to abide in love and as you submit to My love, all will be well for you. Many people are ruled by emotions, they get angry and stay angry, they become hateful and mean to one another, they are blasphemous with their words, they curse others with no thought to how their words will play out in their own life and in the life of others. Words spoken: "Idiot", "I don't care"...are powerful and creative. By their own words they have unknowingly set into motion curses on themselves and the ones they are speaking to. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. If they knew the power of the spoken word, they would be very careful, how they spoke. You must be more careful with your words as well. Your eyes are open now to this reality and you are required to walk in knowledge. Do not speak idly child. Keep a guard upon this "mouth" gate. Let your words be few. Think carefully, before you agree with someone speaking, or say something carelessly in a conversation. I remind you of your words to Tyler about the select ball coaches, you said "They are all crazy" this is not truth. Some are good and some are bad and since your words are untrue you have lied (unknowingly), but, now I reveal it to you, and you now know. Walk in My truth child, let Me be your guide, follow Me in the paths of righteousness and peace. I will never lead you astray. For I want you with Me always, I will lead you home. Are you willing to follow Me?
The dream you had this morning-where your purse-wallet, cell phone, keys, and laptop were stolen is a warning for you and you already know what it means don't you child? It means DO NOT PUT YOUR TRUST IN ANYTHING BUT ME, I alone am your source, I alone will provide everything you need. Do Not look to the world for anything now. I am what you need. I will always be here for you, keep your eyes on Me, keep your focus on Me and Me only. I am your way maker. I am your strong tower, the righteous run into and they are safe. Never look back to the past, keep facing forward looking to Me the author and finisher of the race. Persevere in everything, Do Not grow weary, stay the course. I am watching over you. I have placed My hand upon you My little dove and I will shelter, protect and provide for My Own, and you My beloved are Mine. Be Not afraid, Be Not conformed to anything in this world. Allow Me, Only Me to transform you into My image, I am the Potter, you are the clay, I will have My Perfect Way in you.
Make those cards, send those muffins and write those letters that I have laid on your heart. Send gifts and visit your neighbors. Spread My love, for as you interact with people you are carrying My light within you and you are spreading My seeds of Love. Sow My love child, be a diligent sower of My love. You were created to be a blessing to all in your sphere of influence.
Love deeply My child and listen to My voice carefully, when I tell you to remove someone who is not loving and dishonors you, you must obey. TRUST Me child, for I see more than you do. I will have to work out things in their lives that will be harmful to you. Do not open your door to just anyone child, let Me lead you in all things. Lean not on your own understanding. I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT. I see all and I know all, nothing is hidden from Me. Remember to keep the Passover, do not eat leaven for seven days, take communion often, read Exodus and the gospels of My sacrifice as your Passover Lamb and watch Jerusalem - this is where everything will be weighed in the balance and what happens here will affect the earth in Biblical Proportions. When they divide Jerusalem, I will divide their land!
I am not a God that can be mocked. I have eyes, I see. I have ears, I hear. I have a mouth, I am not mute, I speak. I have feet, I am not lame, I can walk, I have hands, I have emotions, I am a jealous God over My Beloved people and land. I do not sleep. I am the God of "I'm Possible", because nothing is impossible for Me. I created this world and everything else and I can take it out. No one controls Me. No one can conquer Me, I laugh at My enemies, they are no match for Me. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end there is no match for Me, but for some of you there will be an end. Some I will protect. I will protect My Chosen, My Bride, My Beloveds. But, the others I will have to purge, with My rod of correction. I am the Father and many are in need of a good old-fashioned whipping. After, the whipping some will be saved and I will bring them to live with Me in heaven and some will reign in earth in the millennial reign. But, others sadly, they will be sent to hell or outer darkness until they learn that there is no God, but the most High God. My judgement is being poured out now on the earth, My hand of protection is slowly lifting. Time is short, I will humble the proud. But to those that humble themselves before Me, and seek My face I will protect and save, but they must shelter in Me, under My wing. Walk humbly now child, I have given you the mantle of humility. Put on your armor daily.
Invite Me and the Ruach Ha Kodesh into your life daily, ask Me to go with you into your day, ask Me before you go to do something.
Plead the blood over yourself and your life daily and plead the blood over your family and others daily.
Take communion daily, often.
Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Press in, press into Me, My Beloved, My little dove, I am everything you need.
Listen to the beauty of the birds outside, they are singing praises to Me, they lift their voices to Me, Oh, how I love to hear their praises.
My, my do not quit now child, I have much to tell you. Oh, My child, I love you.
When you truly abide in My love, and walk in My love, there is much strength in My love. My love governs everything. You are to live and abide in My love, you are to let My love govern your life, every word, every thought, every action, every intention needs to flow from My love. The thoughts that come upon you to make a card or bake some muffins for someone for no special reason just because...just because what? I will tell you, the just because is My love. The conversation you had with the Walgreen's cashier was spontaneous, it was My love, it touched her that you cared enough to ask about her. I sowed a seed, My seed of love, and it was beautiful. Do you see how easy My way is.
When you walk in honor, and are honoring and respectful to people, animals, everything, you are walking in My love. When you put others before you and humble yourself, you are walking in My love. Love does not demand it's own way. Love does not think more highly of oneself than others. Love encourages. Love is merciful. Love does not keep a record of the wrong others do to you, love forgives. Love is not angry, bitter, resentful, jealous, envious or vengeful. When you find yourself in difficulty walking in love or feel you are striving or forcing yourself to love someone, come to Me quickly child and ask Me why you can't or have no love for someone and I will show you what you are dealing with inside of you, it will always come back to you. When I show you, be quick to repent and allow Me to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Then love will flow. TRUST Me child. I will purge and cleanse you so that you can walk and live and abide in My love for this is a great and powerful Key to the Kingdom.
I am giving you the Keys to My Kingdom, and as you learn to use them, it will go well with you. My Kingdom is governed by love. Let love abide and your enemies will be scattered. Love is a beautiful and precious thing. I created the world in love. My desire for the world, and it's creatures and man was for them to abide in love. When you abide in love you are at peace. When you abide in love you live in harmony and unity which allows a beautiful melody to play out before Me.
But, your world is cursed and the evil one is trying to quench all love from the earth, from it's creatures and from man. That is why the love of many is waxing cold. I am love and that is why the evil one is trying to remove it, because it is a reflection of Me. This is why it is so important to walk and abide in love, this is your power source for I am always present in love. My desire for you My child, My love, My little dove is to abide in love and therefore you will be constantly abiding in Me, for I am love. Your heart is pure and clean. Always come to Me to examine and judge you, and reveal if there is anything that has entered into your heart to defile you and make you unclean. When you come to Me, I will show you and you can repent and I will purge and cleanse you, My Way is easy child, My burden is light. Endeavor to live according to My Way, for My Way is love. Be kind and tender hearted, be compassionate and do good. Live in Me and you will live in love. My love will carry you through everything in life.
Never put yourself first, put Me first, then others, then yourself. For this is true humility and love. Love is strong and it does no harm. I am with you and in you child. You are Mine and I love you. It pleases Me that you want and are diligently seeking to walk in My love. As you journey deeper into Me, you will experience a deeper revelation of love, soon, very soon you will be transformed into My image and you My child, My precious one will be walking in My perfect love. Separate yourself from others and focus in on My love. Do Not be drawn into the negative emotions, thoughts or words coming from your husband, daughters, mom, sisters, or anyone else, they will be sent to draw you away from abiding in My love. These are their heart issues, not yours, for you are called to abide in love and as you submit to My love, all will be well for you. Many people are ruled by emotions, they get angry and stay angry, they become hateful and mean to one another, they are blasphemous with their words, they curse others with no thought to how their words will play out in their own life and in the life of others. Words spoken: "Idiot", "I don't care"...are powerful and creative. By their own words they have unknowingly set into motion curses on themselves and the ones they are speaking to. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. If they knew the power of the spoken word, they would be very careful, how they spoke. You must be more careful with your words as well. Your eyes are open now to this reality and you are required to walk in knowledge. Do not speak idly child. Keep a guard upon this "mouth" gate. Let your words be few. Think carefully, before you agree with someone speaking, or say something carelessly in a conversation. I remind you of your words to Tyler about the select ball coaches, you said "They are all crazy" this is not truth. Some are good and some are bad and since your words are untrue you have lied (unknowingly), but, now I reveal it to you, and you now know. Walk in My truth child, let Me be your guide, follow Me in the paths of righteousness and peace. I will never lead you astray. For I want you with Me always, I will lead you home. Are you willing to follow Me?
The dream you had this morning-where your purse-wallet, cell phone, keys, and laptop were stolen is a warning for you and you already know what it means don't you child? It means DO NOT PUT YOUR TRUST IN ANYTHING BUT ME, I alone am your source, I alone will provide everything you need. Do Not look to the world for anything now. I am what you need. I will always be here for you, keep your eyes on Me, keep your focus on Me and Me only. I am your way maker. I am your strong tower, the righteous run into and they are safe. Never look back to the past, keep facing forward looking to Me the author and finisher of the race. Persevere in everything, Do Not grow weary, stay the course. I am watching over you. I have placed My hand upon you My little dove and I will shelter, protect and provide for My Own, and you My beloved are Mine. Be Not afraid, Be Not conformed to anything in this world. Allow Me, Only Me to transform you into My image, I am the Potter, you are the clay, I will have My Perfect Way in you.
Make those cards, send those muffins and write those letters that I have laid on your heart. Send gifts and visit your neighbors. Spread My love, for as you interact with people you are carrying My light within you and you are spreading My seeds of Love. Sow My love child, be a diligent sower of My love. You were created to be a blessing to all in your sphere of influence.
Love deeply My child and listen to My voice carefully, when I tell you to remove someone who is not loving and dishonors you, you must obey. TRUST Me child, for I see more than you do. I will have to work out things in their lives that will be harmful to you. Do not open your door to just anyone child, let Me lead you in all things. Lean not on your own understanding. I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT. I see all and I know all, nothing is hidden from Me. Remember to keep the Passover, do not eat leaven for seven days, take communion often, read Exodus and the gospels of My sacrifice as your Passover Lamb and watch Jerusalem - this is where everything will be weighed in the balance and what happens here will affect the earth in Biblical Proportions. When they divide Jerusalem, I will divide their land!
I am not a God that can be mocked. I have eyes, I see. I have ears, I hear. I have a mouth, I am not mute, I speak. I have feet, I am not lame, I can walk, I have hands, I have emotions, I am a jealous God over My Beloved people and land. I do not sleep. I am the God of "I'm Possible", because nothing is impossible for Me. I created this world and everything else and I can take it out. No one controls Me. No one can conquer Me, I laugh at My enemies, they are no match for Me. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end there is no match for Me, but for some of you there will be an end. Some I will protect. I will protect My Chosen, My Bride, My Beloveds. But, the others I will have to purge, with My rod of correction. I am the Father and many are in need of a good old-fashioned whipping. After, the whipping some will be saved and I will bring them to live with Me in heaven and some will reign in earth in the millennial reign. But, others sadly, they will be sent to hell or outer darkness until they learn that there is no God, but the most High God. My judgement is being poured out now on the earth, My hand of protection is slowly lifting. Time is short, I will humble the proud. But to those that humble themselves before Me, and seek My face I will protect and save, but they must shelter in Me, under My wing. Walk humbly now child, I have given you the mantle of humility. Put on your armor daily.
Invite Me and the Ruach Ha Kodesh into your life daily, ask Me to go with you into your day, ask Me before you go to do something.
Plead the blood over yourself and your life daily and plead the blood over your family and others daily.
Take communion daily, often.
Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Press in, press into Me, My Beloved, My little dove, I am everything you need.
Listen to the beauty of the birds outside, they are singing praises to Me, they lift their voices to Me, Oh, how I love to hear their praises.
My, my do not quit now child, I have much to tell you. Oh, My child, I love you.