My dear child, focus on Me till you can hear Me clearly. I am here. Be still and know that I am God. I am your Elohim. I am pleased when you come before Me and wait on Me. I will be first. You shall have no other God's before Me. Listen only to Me. I alone will direct your path.
Repent, and remove all bitterness. I can only use clean vessels. You must endeavor to walk in holiness. You must take captive every thought and bring it into submission to My perfect will. You must choose to walk in love and kindness. For that is My way. My ways are higher than your fleshly ways. I see every heart, you don't.
I love all of My people. You are all at different stages. You must be patient with everyone. You have not "arrived." You must cast down all pride. Pride should have no place in you. Humbleness and humility is preferring others above yourself.
Be ye gentle, patient, kind, tenderhearted, and long-suffering towards one another, for this is My way. Love forgives, love moves on and forgets the sins of the past and in doing so, love grows. Love is the greatest weapon you have - Love will permeate even the most difficult and hardened heart. Love builds bridges. Love abides peacefully. Love covers the sins of others. Love does not gossip or hold grudges. Love never keeps an account of wrongs done to it. It forgives and moves on. My love must be allowed to grow in and through you.
Remember every encounter with someone is a test. How you react to others is being watched and recorded. You must pass these tests child, to move on and up in Me. Do not let satan have a foothold in you, cast him down and out, drop kick his butt out of your being, when his ugly head rears up in your thoughts and feelings say "No, you have to go" and drop-kick his butt OUT !
You have much to learn child, but what you have learned you must start using, stand your ground in Me, ask Me to step in and help, don't allow satan to block Me out, Remember, I am here. Call upon Me in the midst of your encounters with people, and in the midst of your conversations. When you feel something not quite right inside, or that is not loving or kind, call upon Me and ask Me to help.
Life can be simple child, lean into Me and Trust Me to guide you through it. I am always willing to help. Remember, I prune, I pluck, I root out anything that I deem necessary to produce My likeness and character in you. The layers are deeper now. You must yield and continue to allow Me total access to all of you. I am doing a great and powerful work in you.
My Bride loves. You , as My Bride must be filled with love. You must act like Me, talk like Me and love like Me. There is no other way. You are learning child, I discipline all of the ones that I love and I truly love you child. I am removing spots, blemishes and wrinkles as things bubble up in you. Your job is to yield, and Repent when I show you things. I will do the rest.
TRUST Me child, when you don't understand, TRUST ME, when you can't see the path.
Repent, and remove all bitterness. I can only use clean vessels. You must endeavor to walk in holiness. You must take captive every thought and bring it into submission to My perfect will. You must choose to walk in love and kindness. For that is My way. My ways are higher than your fleshly ways. I see every heart, you don't.
I love all of My people. You are all at different stages. You must be patient with everyone. You have not "arrived." You must cast down all pride. Pride should have no place in you. Humbleness and humility is preferring others above yourself.
Be ye gentle, patient, kind, tenderhearted, and long-suffering towards one another, for this is My way. Love forgives, love moves on and forgets the sins of the past and in doing so, love grows. Love is the greatest weapon you have - Love will permeate even the most difficult and hardened heart. Love builds bridges. Love abides peacefully. Love covers the sins of others. Love does not gossip or hold grudges. Love never keeps an account of wrongs done to it. It forgives and moves on. My love must be allowed to grow in and through you.
Remember every encounter with someone is a test. How you react to others is being watched and recorded. You must pass these tests child, to move on and up in Me. Do not let satan have a foothold in you, cast him down and out, drop kick his butt out of your being, when his ugly head rears up in your thoughts and feelings say "No, you have to go" and drop-kick his butt OUT !
You have much to learn child, but what you have learned you must start using, stand your ground in Me, ask Me to step in and help, don't allow satan to block Me out, Remember, I am here. Call upon Me in the midst of your encounters with people, and in the midst of your conversations. When you feel something not quite right inside, or that is not loving or kind, call upon Me and ask Me to help.
Life can be simple child, lean into Me and Trust Me to guide you through it. I am always willing to help. Remember, I prune, I pluck, I root out anything that I deem necessary to produce My likeness and character in you. The layers are deeper now. You must yield and continue to allow Me total access to all of you. I am doing a great and powerful work in you.
My Bride loves. You , as My Bride must be filled with love. You must act like Me, talk like Me and love like Me. There is no other way. You are learning child, I discipline all of the ones that I love and I truly love you child. I am removing spots, blemishes and wrinkles as things bubble up in you. Your job is to yield, and Repent when I show you things. I will do the rest.
TRUST Me child, when you don't understand, TRUST ME, when you can't see the path.