Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hearing God - April 26, 2014

I asked a question:  What would you like to talk to Me about today Lord?

He answered:  As much as you love your child and prepared for her birthday, I love you more and I have prepared a beautiful mansion for you to abide in with Me.  I have prepared a beautiful feast.  Soon My child, soon We shall be together.  I shall take you to My home.  But, for now patient endurance is required of thee.   Abiding in the vine, drinking and feedin on My words, praying for your family, friends, the lost, the lukewarm, the church, your government, the world, praying in tongues, communion, living solely in Me, focusing solely upon Me, Resting in Me, staying safely tucked under My wing is your quiet abode now.  I shall tell you when I want you to change.  I shall lead you, but for now, My dear one, TRUST Me, stay tucked away in Me.  Breathe in Me, Breathe out Me.  I am here.  Dwelling and abiding in Me.  Getting to know Me, My Heart, My Ways, this is your purpose right now.   My light dwells within you and shines out of you piercing this present darkness.  My love flows through you child.  Stay clean, keep your garments clean, guard your gates:  Eyes, Ears, Mouth.  Keep in step with Me.  Stay close, do not lag behind.  I lead, you must follow.  Do not run out ahead of Me.  Stay close.  Shelter in place now.

Close your eyes:

Vision:  I see the night sky with me looking up through the tops of the trees that are silhouetted by the moon light.  It is a full moon and the sky is clear, no stars or clouds, just the moon shining...then I see what looks like a cross coming out of the side of the moon sideways, as I'm looking at it, it begins to stretch out and turn into a sword that stretches itself out to touch the is lit up like the moon...

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