Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hearing God - May 12, 2013

I am come to give you life, and life more abundantly.  I am here child, do not fear.  I am always here.  I was testing you.  I have been molding and transforming you, day by day change comes.  It's a process.

 The more you live and abide in Me, the more you see of Me and the less you see of you.  I am taking over all of you now.  I must increase, and you must decrease.  Yes, you still have much to learn, but you are learning and growing rapidly.  You have not been faithful in reading My word, and you are starving the Holy Spirit in you, you MUST read My word everyday to feed My Holy Spirit in you.  Everything I have asked you to do works together.  Waiting on Me, prayer, communion, and eating and drinking Me in My word.

You should not put the Holy Spirit on a forced "fast", it is not good for you, and it will not go well with you.  Repent, and get back to what you have been doing, do not skip two or three days, you MUST feed on My Word daily.  This is not a game.

 I need you strong, the battle rages now, and you will be found lacking if you start skipping steps.  Repent and get back in line on the path.  DO NOT stray from this path.  Reading My word feeds the Holy Spirit.  It is a very necessary thing for you child.

 You must not come out from under the shelter of My wing.  These days are filled with danger, and evil lurks on every corner, it is encircling every house on the planet now.  It has not touched you, because I have not allowed it to.  You hinder it around you in others, only because you have made yourself strong in Me.  But, you will become weaker when you stray off the path.  Get back on the path and READ My Word daily, this is not a suggestion, it is an ORDER.  Time is short, DO NOT stray from My path, I have placed you on.  I am not pleased with you in this.  I need you strong in Me.  Make yourself strong in Me child.  Behold, I come.  Stay prepared and ready.  Do not slip away from Me child, even for a moment now.

(long pause...)

Oh, My child, My precious one, you have repented and I forgive and cleanse you, now go and sin no more.  Behold, I come, in an hour you think not, I come.

Hearing God - May 13, 2013

I am disappointed in you child, you must put Me first.  I must be your priority.  I will give you as much of Me as you allow Me to give you.  You need Me now more than ever child.  Do not slip off the path. Many traps and snares have been placed to deceptively lure you off the path.  Do not allow yourself to be deceived My child.  I am calling for complete separation from all the things of this world.  Give Me all of you.  I will be Lord of ALL, or not Lord at all.  My eyes see all.  Nothing is hidden or goes unnoticed to Me.  Do not allow yourself to be deceived.  My word is a lamp unto your feet.  Keep Me as your first love.  Keep Me as your priority.  Keep Me ever before your eyes.  Behold I come.  Stay alert, stay ready.  Be vigilant in your pursuit of Me.  Do not back off.  I am a rewarder of them that diligently seek Me.  

Hearing God - May 14, 2013

I am here.  Listen to Me, let Me speak into your heart and guide you today.  I love you and I love to speak to you and show you more of Me.  I am your God, I am your source of life itself.  Do not doubt My love and provision for you.  I am your Almighty God.  I am limitless.  I am the God of "I'm Possible".  Nothing is hidden from Me.  Each new day you come I fill you more and more with Me.  I fill you with My oil.  I fill you with My love.  I fill you with My spirit.

 Now you must feed My spirit everyday often to make yourself strong in Me.  You should feed My spirit more than once a day.  Stop through out your day and feed on My word.  As often as you normally feed your body, you should be feeding on Me more and more.  This is how you make yourself strong in Me.

 No weapon formed against you shall prosper as long as you abide in Me.  Stay close child.  You should shadow Me, there is no shadow in Me, but you should try to stay close to Me like a shadow, this is how you abide in Me.  Increase your prayer time.  Keep Me ever present on your mind.  As you do your daily tasks count it all joy to come into My presence with praise and thanksgiving.  Pray in My Spirit more and more this will strengthen and build you up in your spirit and soul.

 You are a spiritual being, housed in a fleshly temple.  Your body is My temple that I choose to dwell in as you allow Me access.  You must stay clean and holy, there must not be any sin in your life or body.  I will only dwell in holy, yielded vessels.  Be ye holy for I am holy.  Only the righteous and holy will see me.

My clarion call is going out through out the earth for ALL to prepare for My coming.  For truly I come, and truly I have been calling, but few are willing to hear.  Bend your ear, pray to Me to hear what I am saying, if you want to hear, if you want to see, you must come to Me and ask Me to open your ears, and ask Me to open your eyes so that you can see and hear what I am saying to you.

 I am not a respecter of persons.   I will reveal Myself to all who truly seek Me with their whole heart.  I am willing to reveal Myself if you are willing to diligently seek Me.  I love you child.  I will come for you soon.  We will be together soon.  Stay strong.  Hold on to what I have revealed to you.

SSSShhhhh...Focus on not get distracted by the noise going on around you.  I am here.  Listen to My still small voice.  I will direct your path.  Lean into Me in everything you encounter in your day.  I am here.  Allow Me to live BIG in you today.  TRUST ME child, I am here.  I will never leave you or forsake you .  You are precious to Me.  Stay strong, stay clean, stay pure.  For behold, I come.  Stay prepared and ready.  Behold, I come quickly.

 Wait on Me often.  Heed My voice, obey quickly when I tell you to do something.  Do not hesitate, do not waiver, do not be double minded.  Stay the course.  I am wrapping things up, things are coming on this world now in a rapid pace.  Stay strong!  Do not doubt My provision.  I will always provide for you.

 It's just a little while now child, and I will come to take you home with Me.  Do not fear.   For I am here with you.  You are never alone in anything you encounter, I am here with you.  Remember, I test, test, test, and the teacher is quietest in the test. But, you can ask Me for help and guidance in any part of your test, lean on Me in everything.  I will show you the way to succeed in the test, but Remember, you MUST ask for My help, if you ask for My help I will surely give it.  If you do not ask for My help, then you are operating in Pride and your flesh.  Remember child, yield to Me, ask for Me to help you endure and persevere in your test, ask Me for wisdom in how to yield in your tests, I am here.  Ask for My help, it is My pleasure to always help you, but I won't just do it, you must ask.

 Also, Remember to praise and thank Me in the test, glorify Me in your tests, and I will glorify you and great shall be your reward.  You are Mine, you are greatly beloved, and you shall be tested and tried.  Take up your cross and follow Me.  I will lead you in all your circumstances.  Remain strong, do not lose focus.  I am here, you are not alone.  Your life is in My hands.  I love and provide for all of My children.

 I am pleased with you, My child, My love, My dove.  Humble yourself more under My hand.  As you humble yourself more you allow Me to form more of My character in you.  My likeness is humble, meek and lowly.  My likeness is merciful and Kind, gentle and patient.  Allow My Father to create in you My character in it's fullness.  Let My precious Holy Spirit the Ruach Ha Kodesh light your countenance with My presence, as your oil lamp is filled you will reflect My glory, you will glow.  Do not be alarmed by this, you already glow in the spirit and the spiritual world sees My power in you, you do not see it, but it's there .  Soon you shall see my power manifested outwardly in you, for you will glow as My glory is tangible.  You will not be operating in your own power.  You will be operating in My power and authority.

  Abide in me child.  Stay close.  your destiny is unfolding before you.  Step by step, abide in Me.  I will guide you.  Let love abide in you mightily now.  Love is the Key to unlocking mysteries in My Kingdom.

Hearing God - May 15, 2013

My love for you knows no bounds, for it pleases Me that you have taken My Holy days seriously.  The Shavuot is very special to Me and should not be taken lightly or forgotten.  The giving of My Torah to mankind was on the Shavuot, the Holy Spirit given to men at Pentecost was on the Shavuot, King David was born on the Shavuot and he died on the Shavuot.  This is a very special time of consecration to Me child.  I see you, I see all you have done today and you shall be blessed and filled for your diligence.

  As you humble yourself before Me and seek My face along with your prayers and fasting it honors Me, it strengthens you, and We are bonded tighter together My love.  You shall soar upon the high places with Me.  Wherever you go, I go with you, I am as close, closer really than your breath.  I shall lift you up on eagles wings, as you abide in Me We shall journey together My love.  I will take you with Me soon.  I will manifest Myself to you more and more.  Keep seeking Me, My beloved Dove, for I am here.  I long to cover you with kisses.  I long to dance and twirl you around in My arms, for We shall be one in unity and love.  As you yield to Me, I become bigger in you.  I will show forth mightily through all My earthen vessels that have yielded themselves to Me.
spoken at 4:21pm

I am sad that you put that before Me, but I am happy you are quick to come back.  I can feel your heart as it beats, yearns and longs for Me, you pant after Me child and that pleases Me.  You are lovelier by far, the more you search for Me.  Your heart glows with anticipation of hearing from Me you can't bear to be without Me now, for you are deeply, irrevocably in love with Me, your Lord and Savior, Yuhushua Ha Mashiach.  My dear child, this is how My Father and I feel about you.  The feeling is mutual.  Love never dies in My Kingdom, it only grows, for nothing is for nought in My Kingdom, there is a purpose for everything.

 My ways are not your ways, My ways are higher than your ways.  Rely on Me to meet your every need My dear one.  Do not allow yourself to worry or fret over things,just bring all to Me.   I will supply every need you have.  I am your Father, your perfect Father and it is My good pleasure to bless you child.  Rejoice, for your light has come.  Rejoice for you are Mine.  My beloved, I and My Father are one.  I love that you include Me in your day to day affairs.  You carry Me with you and it pleases Me, so I am not silent.  For you have invited Me into your life.  You call upon Me and My Ruach Ha Kodesh to help you moment by moment and this pleases Me.

 You are fascinated with Me, and your mind is constantly on Me.  I love, love, love you My child, My little dove.  You are showing My character in you.  Rejoice, My child for you are greatly loved.  Rejoice My dear one for I feel very loved by you.  I love how you love Me and want to serve Me.  you have developed a true servants heart.

 Read My word, study the passages of My giving the Torah and also the passages of My giving My precious Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.  I have much treasure laid up for you there.  Enjoy My word, eat your fill and rejoice for I have come nigh to you, My dear one.  I will reveal Myself to you.  For you have proven yourself worthy, and I am a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me with their whole heart.  Seek Me child seek, search the depths of My word now, enter into My storehouse now and take your fill.  I am limitless, take all that you can hold.

My dear one, you are lovely, you are fair, you are Mine and you will dwell with Me in Zion.  Come hungry child, I must increase more in you, as you humble yourself and decrease, you will reflect Me, not yourself-ME!  I am what the world will see as a result of your spending time in Me.  Abiding in Me is your life's goal.

 You will be nourished, rested and protected as you shelter in Me.  No one can pluck you off My path child, for I hold your hand, the only way to come off of My path is if you willingly remove yourself from it.  Stay strong, don't back off, the race is almost finished.  You must trust Me, do not be shaken when I start removing more people from you, for this is My WILL for you.  Steady yourself in Me. SSSShhhhhhh, do not ask Me who, at this time I will not reveal it, trust Me day by day, My grace is sufficient day by bay.  I love you.  TRUST ME.
spoken at 4:28pm and finished at 4:58pm

Hearing God - April 24, 2014

Breadcrumb trails.  These words that I speak to you shall bring hope to many desperate and hurting people in the days ahead.  What seems personal to you, shall be an open invitation to all who read these to enter in and seek me out for themselves.

 You know Me, dear one, but many shall come to know Me by these messages.  I will use these messages to kindle a fire in the hearts of many lost and hurting people.  I shall use these words to increase their faith and restore their hope in Me.  I love how you love Me.  This in as excellent way to show by example how easy it is to talk to Me and listen to Me.  It shall show the importance of waiting on Me.  It shall show the reality of who I am.  I have awakened you to Me.  Now I WILL, to awaken others to Me through you.  Much is being accomplished through these messages now.  You are just a small part in My plans.  Only in heaven shall you see the results of how I used these words to bring forth My Kingdom.

I am pleased that you are studying your authority.  This shall increase your faith and ability to serve Me.  The more you know, the more you grow.  As you spend time meditating on your authority, you begin to manifest it in your life.  As you believe, you are.  This is faith.  As you yield and submit to My Truths you grow in Me and I see more of My Reflection in you.  My Kingdom is within you and is now breaking forth.  I am here.  I shall not be denied.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord God shall deliver them up out of them all.  Only Believe, Only Believe, all things are possible, Only Believe.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hearing God - May 16, 2013

I am pleased with you child, your prayers and devotion come before Me in ever increasing faith, and so now I will send an abundance of rain, I will shower you with blessings My child, My little one, for your heart is pure and clean and you are continually drawing closer to Me now.  There are still many, many trials and tests to come for you, BUT count it all joy for I will deliver you up out of them all.  Hold fast to Me now, for the battle will become more fierce.  Keep your focus solely on Me, for I am your great reward.  I will bring you into My peace in the midst of the storms.  Do not lose heart, no matter what you face now, for I am here and nothing will come your way that I do not allow.

 You must trust Me now in everything.  Do not doubt My provision.  DO NOT hesitate to do what I have given you the unction to do.  Your unctions to show kindness are not your own desires they are from Me, obey Me child, recognize Me in these little unctions, this is how you sow seeds of love, My love, in the hearts of others.  One sows, another waters, and love grows.  Remember, I am love, and I am to be sown into the lives of people.

Let Me be seen Big and Strong in you, I must increase and you must decrease now My love, My dove.  You are gentle, you are kind, you are reflecting Me now.  I am transforming you into My likeness and image.  Let My words flow through you to touch others.  You were created to serve.  Out of the abundance of your heart, My love grows.  It flows out of you and grows and grows.  People are refreshed and strengthened by My words coming forth out of you.  My love knows no bounds.  Let Me flow out of you to touch others.  Let the beauty of My holiness rest upon you now.  Let the grace of gentleness be your covering.  Let My peace be your portion child.  Rest in Me, all is well with you.  I love you, you are Mine, My love, listen to Me always.

 My call goes out in the earth, My eyes search out the lost, I am awakening My Bride now, for it is time to show forth My Glory.  Many will heed My call, but many will not hear My call, for they are not ready, they are not prepared to hear Me.  You must come and diligently seek Me, ask Me to open your ears to hear, ask Me to open your eyes and remove the veils so that you can see.  Behold, I come, don't let Me catch you sleeping.  My child, I have awakened you, do not fall back asleep now.  Stay vigilant, stay alert, Beware of the enemies schemes to make you comfortable in Me, to make you believe that you have "arrived" this is a deception, this is a lie!  I have awakened you, you have found Me, your one true love, you are hearing Me.  But, you must not back off in your diligent pursuit of Me.  Stay hungry, pursue Me My child, I have so much more to reveal to you, keep coming, keep seeking and the door shall be opened to you.  There are many Keys in My Kingdom.  Love is the greatest.  But, there are more and you must come to Me and seek them out.  I will reveal much to you in the days ahead My dear one.  Be diligent in your pursuit of Me.  How hungry are you for Me?  Let Me see it.

Hearing God - May 17, 2013

My love, I have enjoyed watching you today.  I do not want you to eat bacon anymore, obey Me in this.  I need you to focus on Me now, listen and heed all of My instructions.  I am Yahuah your God and Father.  I love you.  You are fair My dear one, you are fair, fairer than ten thousand.  Your heart flows with love for Me now and that pleases Me.  You are quick to curtail your "pop-up" thoughts, that pleases Me, you are quick to repent when you realize your error and that pleases Me.  You now invite Me into "everything" and that pleases Me.

 You have kept the guard on your mouth, you have slipped with your tongue, but you have adjusted, repented and again placed the guard on your tongue and that pleases Me.  You are in love with Me, your first love, and that pleases Me.  You are putting others ahead of yourself and that pleases Me.  You are expressing the characteristics of My Son and reflecting My Son's image and that pleases Me.  The more you humble yourself before Me and put Me first you glow.  You are one of My Chosen Vessels that I will pour My Spirit through.  I will reveal Myself through you, My love, yield to Me, surrender all of yourself to Me, for I am Yah and I will reign in you.  I will show forth Myself through your earthen vessel.

 Stay yielded to Me child, in everything.  Stay close to Me, stay sheltered under My wing, My little dove, you are Mine, My dear one.  Seek to know Me deeper now, for I come quickly now.  I will send My Son soon to collect His Beautiful Bride.  Keep your garments clean My child,  constantly yield to Me, My Son and the Ruach Ha Kodesh.  We alone are your protection, your provision, and your source.   We alone are your teacher.  Ask Me for wisdom and I will surely give it.  You have chosen wisely.  The path to Me leads ever upward, you are climbing the spiral staircase into My abode.  This journey together calls for you to remain courageous, steadfast and strong.

 Only with your eyes will you behold the reward of the wicked, but fear not My love it will not come nigh you.  For I am your shield and your rear guard.  I have placed you My dear one in the land of Goshen, no plague shall befall you or your own family.  I am your light and I have lit you up for your diligence in pursuing Me.  Oh My love I have so many wonderful plans for you, but you must yield and obey all that I instruct you, stay close, stay alert, focus, My love.

 I am here with you every moment, but Remember, you must invite Me into your moments.  If you call upon Me, I will come and help.  But, I will not barge in and take over, that is not My way.  You must submit your free-will.  You must call upon Me, you must ask for My help, if you ask I will help.  If you do not ask I will not help.

 Study My word, I have just revealed one of My ways and it involves your free-will.  Study how I interacted with the people, "What would you have Me do?", "Lord, if you be willing?", "I am willing", "Whatsoever you ask the Father in My name according to My Will, He Will do it", "Ask, Seek, Knock" your eyes, think about this, HEAR Me child.

 Take heed to My revelation that I have just revealed.  I do not help anyone who will not ask for My help.  You My dear, have always asked for My help continually in your life, so you live in My provision of abundance.  You are hearing Me clearly now, and yes I heard you, you will hear My shofars.

 It is My desire to give you the desires of your heart.  It blesses Me to bless you.  You have chosen to live your life as a living sacrifice to Me, and you have not gone unnoticed.  You were created by Me, for Me!  In Me, life is amazing.  Signs and wonders will follow you now child, for I am Big in you and as you decrease, I will show forth My glory in your earthen vessel, yield, I will use you My dear one, for you are worthy now, you are prepared, you are clean and you are righteous.  Yield, My Kingdom comes and My Will be done in you now, yield My child, My little one.  I will take you higher than you've ever gone before now.

 It's a new day My dear one.  It's a new day.  Blessed are they who receive My new day.  Only the ones who have prepared themselves can receive My new day.  You have prepared My child, and now I will take you to a new level in Me, do not be afraid for I am with you.  I see all, I know all, fear not My love, for I am here.  I love you.  It is your destiny to dwell in Me child.  It's your time to be with Me.  I will reveal much more now.  Stay Ready.

Hearing God - May 18, 2013

From before I created time I was.  There is nothing before Me.  There is no one like Me.  I am the limitless, invisible, all powerful one.  My name is Yahuah.  My son is Yahusha Ha Mashiach, He is My treasure and He comes out of Me.  We are One.  We have a precious Holy Spirit, His name is Ruach Ha Kodesh, He comes forth from Us.  We are three, but, We are One.  Without My son, Yahusha Ha Mashiach the world and everything you know would cease to exist, including you.  My presence on the earth is manifested by My spirit the Ruach Ha Kodesh.  I am omnipresent, nothing else is.  I see everything at the same time.  I can distinguish everything going on at once.  All conversations, all words, all thoughts, all sounds, all movement, all breath, all forms of life.  I see everything all at once, even the inner workings of the spiritual heart of each creature.  There is none like Me.  Nothing can ever be like Me or My Son.  Nothing can ever be like our Spirit.  We are Un-duplicateable !  Every word you can think of to describe Me falls short of Who I Am, but, it pleases Me when you try to express who I am, I am Yahuah, My breath is in My name.

 I have created everything, and you know so very little of what I have done and am capable of doing.  You have much to learn My dear one.  I have joy in revealing Myself to you.  You honor Me when you wait upon Me.  You have trained your ear to hear Me, My still small voice inside of you.  You can hear Me when you are alone and separate, and now you are beginning to hear Me in the midst of a room with the TV on and your family talking.  This requires much focus, and time spent in practice, you have done well, and it pleases Me child, My dear one it pleases Me.  You need to keep training your ear to hear Me in a crowd, with much people, energy, spirits, and noise.  For when you can hear Me in the loud crowd, then I will use you in a mighty way.

  Much in the spirit is coming against you that you cannot sense or see, for as you draw close to Me and walk in My ways and imitate Me, you are kept by Me.  Nothing can harm you as you shelter in Me.  There are no doors open to give your enemies legal access to you.  For now you are walking with My Son, and abiding in our presence.  You My child, have been placed in Goshen.

 You will soar with Me, you will climb even higher now with Me.  For I know you, you are Mine.  You are walking in and expressing My love in abundance now.  Your heart is light, I have broken the chains of this world off of you.  I have heard your cry to teach you how to love, and now I have empowered you to love.  One of the beautiful mysteries in My Kingdom is Love.  I am LOVE.  Abide in My Love, express My Love, drink deeply from the well of My Love.  My Love never dies, it grows.  You are learning now of My Love, and I am etching you with My Love, it will never leave you child, as you cleave to Me We are becoming One.  You are manifesting My character and likeness now.  For you are learning how to receive My Love and flow in My Love, and now express My Love.

Song:  "I see the Lord...He is high and lifted up and His train fills the temple..."

Many shall come forth in pain and be drawn to you because of My Love.  Take courage child, it's not you they seek, (they think it's you, for they can't see the Truth, the Truth they seek is Me) you are not their answer I am.  You must endeavor to point them to Me.  Through My Love pouring through you, My Love is a Light, a beacon on a hill, shining forth out of darkness like a lighthouse, and those in the midst of a storm will see your light and be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.  They don't truly know Me, you must show them how to find Me, how to seek Me, how to wait on Me, how to patiently endure and persevere to get to Me.

 Tell them I am worth the Wait, tell them I see them as they wait, tell them I test, test, test each heart, and to not give up for I come to all who truly seek me, repent, and want to follow My ways.  I am the way of escape from their pain.  You should not live for yourself, the reward is empty.  You should live for Me, the reward is life, love, liberty and peace.  You must be wise in your choices,.  Day by day, night by night you are presented with choices.  I warn you child, everything that comes into your life is related to a choice you've made or a word you've spoken.  The good, the bad, and the ugly all come from choices you've made.

 Remember, My dear one, the curse does not causeless come.  Everyone is connected to the blood line of their ancestors that have gone before them, they are a part of who you are, and their choices in life do effect you.  I have trained you on how to break off these soul-ties that follow you from your ancestors, you My child are now connected to My blood line and protected through Me.  But, things that happen, even in childhood, even horrible things are connected to the choices that have been made by themselves or their ancestors. Nothing just happens by chance, All is connected by choices made.  Choose you this day whom you will serve.

You are protected for you are sheltering in Me, I alone am all you need, you no longer are ensnared or entangled by this world, for now you see Me, and I am your only desire.  You choose Me in everything now.

These are warfare revelations that I am releasing to you child.  The curse does not causeless come.  Someone has opened a door for the enemy of their soul to come in through legal access.  Choices have been made, and will need to be dealt with.

The life you now live child is because of the choices you have made, this applies to everyone.  You have chosen the wise path, you are choosing the narrow way everyday, all roads do not lead home.  Only My Way, Only My Path.

Hearing God - May 19, 2013

Song:  "SSSShhhhhhhh....Be still and knooooooow, Be still and know, I am God, I am God , sssshhhhhhhh, Be still and know.  Yerushalyon, Yitzrael, Yhhuah (I am not sure of how to spell these words but this is what it sounded like) is My name, I am God, I am God, sssssshhhhhhh....Be still and know..."

My beloved I am here, and it honors Me when you are here waiting patiently on Me.  I want you to meditate on this song child, it is given to you from Me, by the Holy Ruach Ha Kodesh yesterday in the heart of worship.  I am now releasing new things upon you, receive them My child, receive all that I place upon you now.  For you have developed in your persistence of Me, a true heart of worship, you are one of My true worshipers.  I will now reveal much more of Myself and My ways to you My dear one.  Beloved your journey is a beautiful one to Me.  You are unfolding under My care to be a beautiful Bride, spotless and white, hungry for More of Me.  Stay hungry, stay clean for this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.

 I am ever watchful of you.  You are a faithful servant.  Let the record show that she is faithful and persistent in her pursuit of Me, her first love.  I am pouring Myself into you as you are emptying yourself of you.  I am increasing in you, as you are decreasing in you, this pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  You shall turn many back to Me by your ways.  By your light, by your peace, by your joy.  I will bless you My child, My little one.  I am here and I will favor whomever I will to.  There is no end to My blessings child, for the ones that truly please Me.  I read every heart, I know every thought, I hear every word, I see every action.  Be still and know, I am God, Yahuah is My name and I alone shall be praised and worshiped.  There is no greater one.  I alone am the Great All Powerful  and Awesome Almighty God.  Nothing compares to Me.  You were created to be a blessing to Me, to fellowship with Me, to walk on the high places with Me, to be eternal like Me, to bring Me joy.  I love all of My creation.  It is My Will that ALL would come to know Me and actually have a real relationship with Me, to talk with Me, to listen and have a conversation with Me, to walk with Me and experience life with Me and in Me.  I have much to share, I have much to give.

 I long to fill each heart with My love and reveal Myself to each one.  I long to have a personal, intimate relationship with each person, I am not distant from anyone.  I am right here.  I never change.  But the way to Me is not your way.  You have to come to Me, and seek Me out, Wait on Me, call upon Me and show Me that you truly want to know Me, your creator.  If you are willing to come and seek Me, then I will reveal Myself to you.  I am Yahuah, the invisible God.  I cannot be found in statues or graven images or  crucifixes, man has made these things because they are lazy, and want to see "something" and then they will worship it.  This is not My way.  I am the "invisible" God.  I am hidden from "view" but I am here.  There is nothing like Me, so you cannot focus your view on any man made image, picture, or creature that I have created and look upon it as Me.  This is a false image, this is not who I am.  I am that I am.  I am the only God.  I am Real.  I Breathe.  I think, I eat, I walk, I talk, I see, I hear.  If you want to know Me, you will come and wait on Me, and I will come and reveal Myself to you.  It is your choice, your own choice to be distant from Me, or to be close and in relationship with Me.  I am a rewarder of those that diligently seek Me.  I am the source of everything, physical and spiritual.  Seen and unseen.

 Your life and every life is made up of choices.  Choose you this day whom you will serve.  You choose who you will listen to and who you will obey.  I alone am the way to peace and everlasting life in joy and love.  I invite you ALL to come and allow Me to speak into you and reveal who I am.  I will not disappoint My true seekers.  I will reward them all.  I love you My child, I am here.  Trust no one but Me.  I will provide for you.  I will bless your life.  Take courage from Me, and do not fear anything.  Much trouble, difficulties, destruction, and evil is being unleashed upon the earth and its people, but you My dear one will be protected, all will go well with you as you shelter in ME, under My wing, safe and secure from all harm.  I love how you love Me, I love how you seek Me.  I will bless you now in abundance of peace, and meet all your needs.  Trust Me child, you are secure in Me.  Many will fall now, but you, My dear one, will stand.  Allow Me to bring you through the fires of testing.  Cling to Me, cleave to Me, My dear one, I will always deliver you out of everything.  Hold your tongue, more tests ae coming.  Keep that guard in place.

Vision:  I am talking to the principle at my daughters school, and I tell her, under no circumstance will I allow my daughter to be chipped or scanned, it they are going to do this tell me and I will remove her from the school.  Then I thought if it's a badge to scan then that is OK but not am implant.

Then I heard in my spirit "more scans are coming" ( I have no idea what this means)

Note:  a few months ago I had a dream of my daughters school chipping and scanning the children and I think everyone going into the school as teachers and staff were being chipped and scanned.  I don't think the parents were.  I remember arguing with them that my daughter was not getting chipped, and they were saying it was for her safety and protection and "mandatory" to go to this school...and now this vision.

Then the Lord spoke:  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord God Almighty delivers them up out of them all.

Hearing God - May 20, 2013

Behold your blessings come.  My beloved Bride keep yourself ready, keep yourself pure and clean.  Do not defile yourself with unclean things.  My dear one, whatsoever you gaze upon will leave a stain, even if it's just for a moment, repent often, look away immediately, keep guard at your eye gate.

  The world is constantly bombarded with the cares of this worldly life, the lusts of the flesh are encouraged here.  You are constantly being baited and lured.  You are being enticed to sin openly and secretly in your mind and heart.  Everything is being presented in such a sexual way now, to lure you into sinning against your own self, your own body, which is your temple, the temple that houses Me.

  I cannot and will not abide and dwell in an unclean temple.  I am holy, so you must be holy and remain holy for Me to dwell in you.  Clean and unclean cannot dwell together.  You have to choose what you want.  Remember, life is all about choices.  For you to live in Me and for Me to live in you, you must be clean and holy.  It's the only way.

 Be diligent to keep yourself in the word, for it will cleanse you and remove any hooks and snares that you may be entangled with.  You must continually ask Me for help in all things, for I will never lead you in the paths of UN-righteousness.  There are traps, snares, nets and sin set out to cause you to stumble and fall away from Me, these devices are everywhere now, TV, radio, Wal-mart, grocery stores, libraries, restaurants, cell phones, Internet, face book, pinterest, you tube...all can be used to trap and snare you.  Be Wise, Stay Alert, do not wander off of My path, stay close to Me, My little one, do not allow yourself to be drawn away from Me.  Remember, I have warned you, the battle rages all around you now, your enemy is constantly setting out traps for you.

 Do not put yourself in harms way.  Keep your guards at ALL your gates.  Keep your temple, wash yourself daily in My word, pray often, Repent constantly and allow Me to remove your stains constantly.  Take communion daily.  Worship Me, Praise Me, pray in tongues constantly, let My River flow through you.  Love constantly.

 Remember, I am here, never doubt Me or My ability to see you and to deliver you.  As long as you stay sheltered in Me, you will be protected and nothing formed against you shall prosper.  But that doesn't mean your enemies will stop trying to trap and ensnare you.  They will not go away.  They will just remain ineffective in you, upon you, and before you.  For I am in you and you are in Me.  I am greater than all your enemies.  I will protect you, as long as you stay on the path I alone have set you on.  I am your only constant.  I am your source in all things.  You are precious and beautiful to Me, and I will take care of you.  You My dear one, My daughter will walk on the high places with Me.  You will walk in My blessings.  I will reveal more and more of Myself and My plans to you as you come and wait before Me.  Time is not lost or wasted in Me.

 I will restore all to you.  Feed My Ruach Ha Kodesh, do not let My spirit go hungry and grow weak in you.  You must be strong in Me now.  I need you strong to overcome the tests ahead.  Yes, My child, My daughter, My special one, there are more tests ahead.  Prepare yourself, stay alert, keep Me ever on your mind.  I alone am your strength.  Shelter in Me, do not look upon sin.

 Fast often, did you notice that you stayed cleaner while you were fasting, you did not notice the sin all around you in everything.  You are in a "bubble" in the fast.  There is more covering and protection in the fast.  You are growing accustomed to fasting now, and now you are asking Me for your next fast.  This is because you were created to live a life of fasting and prayer before Me and you have yielded and surrendered your will to Mine, and now you are hungry to fast, it is a desire in you now, one that I have awakened, it has always been in you, dormant, till I awakened you in the "fast".

 There are many secret things in you, that I have not awakened yet, but in My timing I will awaken each one.  Wait patiently for Me to awaken each gift in you.  Our journey together is priceless and not to be rushed.  I am doing a new thing in you.  TRUST Me child, all is going well with you.  I am here.  I am working in you.  I am busy pruning and watering you.  I am busy removing the dross and purifying you in the fires of testing. This is becoming painless and easier to you now.  For you are Mine, you have given yourself completely to Me now.  You have surrendered all to Me and I can use you now more than I have before.  We are on this journey together and it is glorious.  Stay ready, stay humble, Rest in Me, My dear one.

Song:  "We've only just begun to live, white lace and promises...together..."

Deep calls unto deep now child.

Hearing God - April 23, 2014

You are My beloved dove.  I love you My little one.  Your faith is growing more day by day as you meditate on Me and My Word.  You are becoming strong in Me.  Child to hear Me clearly you must stay focused on Me.

Song:  "Yes Lord, yes Lord...from the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul I say yes Lord..."

You are beautiful to Me, My dear one.  I long to be with My Bride.  I will soon come for you, stay ready.  Keep putting these words up, you are doing well.  I am with you child.  I see all you do.  Keep praying for your family.  Keep praying for the lost.  Keep praying for the Lukewarm.  Keep praying for the church.  Keep praying for your government.  I am listening.  Be it unto you according to your faith. As you ask, as you believe, so be it.  Pray in tongues as much as you can now.  It will strengthen you.  Much is going on inside of you that you cannot see, but I see.  I tell you the Truth, it is well with thee.  Your life is in My hands, for you have yielded to Me and surrendered your will to Me.  Now I ask you to pray My will be done, so be it, so be it.  You are in the calm before the storm.  I will rescue you.  I am coming.  Stay Alert and Watchful.  Stay sheltered in Me, in My Ark of protection.  Stay close dear one.

Hearing God - May 21, 2013

I have called you out of darkness into My marvelous light.  Yea, were Oklahoma's tornadoes yesterday bad, but you have seen nothing yet, this is nothing compared to what is coming, but fear not child, stay sheltered in Me, I am your only hope, I am your refuge.  Remember, what I've told you in My Word, men's hearts will fail them for fear of what they see coming upon the earth.  I am not a man that I should lie.  I have already told you before it happens, so that when it happens you will not be taken over by fear and you will know that I speak Truth only.

 You must TRUST me only child.  Nothing, absolutely nothing is stable on this earth now.  I am bringing everything down.  I will be exalted, I will topple every idol.  I alone am the Most High and everyone will now see the TRUTH.

 I will expose every heart, I will expose every desire, I will give "ALL" the desires of their hearts.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  All the evil that people thrill over, Behold, I will give them a double portion, all the good and holy things that My people thrill over, Behold, I will give them a double portion.  I will give "ALL" their hearts desires.  Woe to those who are not right with Me.  I know ALL.  I am not a respecter of persons.  I am a rewarder.  I will bring recompense to "ALL".  The good, the bad, and the ugly.

  It is My hearts desire to bring everyone into My sheepfold and watch over them and protect them.  For I am the good shepherd.  But, not everyone is Mine.  I will only protect My sheep, the one's My Father has given Me.  Only the sheep of My fold will be protected.  My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they know Me.  They know My voice and they will follow Me Only.  A stranger they will not follow.  Do not fear, My love, I am here.

 I heard you yesterday.  I heard what you told our enemy and it pleased Me child.  You are recognizing the enemies voice now and will not follow him or allow him to trample and run rampant in your mind, this is very good, My dear one.  Stay close to Me.  Stay alert. Be vigilant for your enemies are prowling around you, seeking an open door.  Stay prepared, keep praying, keep your armour on, keep pleading the blood, keep taking communion, keep eating and drinking from My Well, keep waiting on Me.  Keep your focus on Me child.  Do not take your eyes off of Me, as you see things unfolding on the earth.

Do not allow fear to reign in you.  Trample fear with My word.  Keep your mind stayed on Me.  I will protect you, for you are Mine.  You are sheltering in Me.  I will not leave you.  I am here My love.  Make yourself strong in Me, read My word to feed My spirit in you, pray in tongues to release My power through you.  Believe Me in all I tell you for surely I will bring all to pass that I have spoken.  For I am not a man that I should lie.

 Remember, you are being tested.  I test, test, test My dear ones.   I am purging the dross out of you, as you have asked Me to.  I am placing you in the refining fires, as you have asked Me to purge you and bring My fire, as you have asked, that I am doing.  I am pleased with you, My dear one, stay yielded, humble, and submitted to Me.  Repent constantly as I reveal things to you, your repentance allows Me to cleanse quickly. I will restore you.  You will have no lack.  Keep your oil lamp full and trimmed as you wait patiently for Me.  Keep your garments clean and white.  Keep yourself pure before Me.  Stay alert and prepared, for Behold, I come quickly.

  Do not be distracted by the cares of this world.  Keep your focus on Me.  Lean into Me.  Learn all you can about Me.  TRUST no one but Me.  I am your light.  I see your struggles.  Come to Me and give Me everything that burdens you.  My child, My little one all will go well with you, for you are Mine and you shelter in Me now.  I alone am your source of shelter.  No matter what befalls the earth, you shall be protected, for you are sheltering in Me.  The world has been in the calm before the storm, but now they shall get a glimpse of My power.

I am the all powerful one, there is none like Me.  I am Great and Mighty, I shall not be ignored.  Everyone will know that I am the God of ALL.  They shall concede that I am REAL and they shall bow and acknowledge that I alone am God.  They shall realize that they are nothing.  Apart from Me, they are nothing.  I am the creator of ALL.  I will be acknowledged and exalted above all.

 Everyone has had time to prepare, everyone has had time to repent and seek Me.  I will now harvest My fruit, My "first fruits".  I have separated you from the world.  I have brought you into the sheepfold, now shelter in Me, while I recompense the world with the desires of their heart, great fear will grip their hearts now.  Great terror will come upon everyone who is not found in Me.

All shall not be lost, all shall not be destroyed.  I will bless and protect My own sheep.  I have separated My sheep from the goats.  I will feed My sheep, I will provide for My own.  Nothing shall befall you child that I do not allow.  I will go with you in everything you have to encounter.  Strengthen yourself in Me.  I alone will carry you through all that you must endure. You are never alone.  I am here, I see you.

 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord God will deliver them out of them all.  I am limitless.  Trust Me in everything.  Carry Me with you, invite Me into your daily life to participate with you and help you.  Listen to all My instructions.  Obey Me in all things.  I love you, I am here.  Have no fear.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hearing God - May 22, 2013

As far as the East is from the West, I love you.  I created you to have fellowship = a relationship with Me.  I am your source, your all-sufficient one.  Great is your need for Me.  Behold, I come.  Be watchful.  Be watching for Me.  Be ready.  For the day approaches where I come to bring you home to Me, but for now, stay alert and ever mindful of Me.

I want to show you something in My word.  Pick up My word today and through it I will reveal Myself more to you.  There is much to learn about Me, My love.  You will never grow bored.  I have much to share with you.  Be alert, the hour approaches when the Bridegroom comes and you will have no more time to prepare.  That is why it is so important to prepare now, to be diligent in your pursuit of Me and be pleasing to Me alone.  For when I come, if I find you sleeping, I will pass you by, and when I shut the door to the Bridegrooms chambers, you will not be allowed in.

 Many are sleeping now, even though the hour is late, I have called, but, they have not awakened to Me.  I will have to pass them by.  But, you My dear one, have awakened to Me and now you come eagerly seeking Me.  You are hungry to hear from Me and you shall hear.  You shall be filled with abundance.  I watch over you My child, for you are Mine and I take care of My own.

 More sinkholes are coming, more calamities, more terrorists attacks, utter chaos will ensue, DO NOT FEAR these things must come to pass.  I have warned you ahead of time so that you will not fear.  Aliens are here on earth and in your atmosphere now, do not fear.  They are revealing themselves more and more, do not interact with them, command them to go in My Name and they will flee.  Your enemies are many and they are afraid of you, for you have the power of Me = God inside of you and it is coming forth.  Let God = Me arise in you and your enemies will scatter.

 Much is coming to pass now, in rapid succession.  Be not alarmed, be not worried, for what you are called to endure, I will help you endure.  I will be with you.  My light will guide you ever homeward.  Trust in Me, I alone will lead you home.  Behold I come, I stand at the door and knock, will you open to Me?  Don't allow your emotions to rule you in the middle of your tests, be still and know, listen, hear Me in the storm, pay attention to My still small voice, I will comfort you, I will guide you, Trust Me child, I will not let you fall, for you are Mine.

 Pay attention to Memorial Day.  Much will be revealed to you.  There is not much time left.  Whatever you're going to do for Me, do quickly.  Love everyone, do not hold a grudge against anyone for any reason.  Forgive all, and walk in love, love is the Key in My Kingdom.

Hearing God - May 23, 2013

I love you My child, I am here.  I will heal your body.  I go before you and I am here beside you in your journey.  It pleases Me when you make time for Me.  Trust Me, the Lord, with all your heart now child, and lean not on your own understanding.  Keep seeking Me, keep doing what you're doing in your pursuit of Me, for it pleases Me.  Your life is in My hands and I will not allow you to fall or be plucked out of My hand.

 Great shall be your reward if you continue on course with Me.  I see you and watch over you My beloved, behold We come quickly.  I will take My Bride.  As you have just read in Deuteronomy I will come in My glory.  Dark, clouds, fire, thunders, hail, behold I come and it shall not go well with the inhabitants of the earth who are not Mine.  My presence is Holy and My fire will consume all that is not holy, it is time to set everything in order now.  I will rule My land, the earth is Mine and everything in it.  I will rule with a rod of iron now, therefore come quickly to Me, My dear one, shelter in Me.  Rest in Me.  I am here.

 The whole earth will see My power and My coming, everything, will tremble in fear before Me.  All who are not Mine shall drink of the cup of trembling, many, many things are being unleashed now.  Chaos will ensue, do not fear child, for I cover you with My feathers and under My wings you are safe.  Shelter in Me as things unfold.  Be not dismayed or afraid by what you see happening on the earth, in the people or the animals.  The demons in them are rising up.  I have told you I will give them the desires of their hearts, and now they will manifest what is in their hearts.

  You must be ready to engage in the battle.  You must stand in your authority = My Authority, I have given you.  Use My Name, Use My Word, Use My Hand.  You have always known this was coming, this is why you were born, this is your destiny, to engage the enemy at the gates, to drive back the evil and to show forth My power, My Mercy, My Love.  I will deliver many through you.  The days of reckoning have begun.  Do Not shrink back from the battle.   Keep your armour on, stand firm and fight.  Do Not Run Away.  Live for Me, yield to Me, let Me manifest in you and through you now, My little one.  Much is coming against you now.  But stand firm, I will deliver you out of all your troubles.  I am your strength.  Draw close to Me child.  Come near to hear and I will reveal much to you.

Hearing God - May 24, 2013

It begins now, My child.  Your faith shall be tested.  Trust Me, trust only Me for I alone am your source, I will provide everything for you.  Do not doubt My provision, and do not fear.  Stay close to Me your source, your all sufficient one.  I will make a way for you in all your circumstances.  You must listen carefully and follow all of My instructions as I lead you day by day.  Keep your tongue, do not release the 'Crackin', just because things pop into your mind to say, does not mean it's your own thoughts, it's the enemy sowing seeds of strife, hate and division, you must recognize and fight and cast down these thoughts.  This is where the battle rages most.  Only when you release them with your mouth do they become a part of you.

 You must desire to fight the good fight of faith.  You must keep your guard up and be vigilant at all your gates.  I need you to stay strong in Me so that you are prepared for every battle.  Remember My word that says My people are not able to be offended.  Look it up and meditate on it, let it sink in, live in it now.  You must be full of My word to stand in battle as a soldier in My army now.  I need you strong in Me.  There will be more tests coming in rapid succession.  Remember, the battle rages in your mind, and everywhere you go the battle rages, the enemy is lurking everywhere.  They are constantly setting snares and traps for you.  You must be vigilant of all their devices.

 Everywhere you go now you pick-up something, it attaches to you and tries to gain entrance into you.  BE aware, you must cast off constantly, ask Me to remove any uncleanness from among you at all times constantly, be diligent in your pursuit of holiness.

Watch carefully your words.  Watch carefully who you listen to.  Watch carefully where you go.  Raise up the standard of righteousness and holiness as your banner to live under.

You must put your pursuit of Me above all else.  There is much danger and difficulties coming your way, stay close to Me, My little one, I have already gone before you, and now I will hold you by the hand and lead you through every trap and snare.  Listen only to Me.  Separate yourself from all uncleanness.  The wolves are at the door, wolves in sheep's clothing.  Beware, test every spirit.  All are not from Me.  Guard yourself, My dear one, much is coming.  Stay sheltered in Me.  I alone am your source, I alone am your protection.  Do not stray from the path I have placed you on.  Do not wander off.  Look to Me in all things.  Trust Me child, I will protect you.

Hearing God - May 25, 2013

I am yours and you, My beloved, are Mine.  I see you My dear, I see you.  Trust in Me for  everything.  I will Keep you in everything. You are Mine, you are righteous before Me.  I am pleased with your heart, you have come through many tests rapidly last night, My dear one, you are learning to recognize Me in the midst of the battle.  I know who you are, I know what's in the inside of you, better than you do.  I have been actively cleaning you and delivering you from all unrighteousness.  My dear one I know your heart and trust Me, you are dearly loved.  You must endure every test and trial now, you are a soldier in My army now, you must be prepared for battle at all times.  The enemy is constantly trying to gain entrance into you now, you are a prime target for attack now, but, do not fear, for I am here and I have equipped you with everything you will need.  Stay close My dear one, keep your focus on Me.  You are in My eyesight now, you will be used by Me to set many captives free.  Believe everything I tell you.  Trust no one but Me, I alone am your source.  I alone am all you need.  Only believe, all things are possible, only believe.

Hearing God - April 22, 2014

Song:  "Bless the Lord oh my soul, ooooooooooooh my soul, worship His Holy Name, sing like never before ooooooooooooh my soul, worship His Holy Name...and I will worship His Holy Name..."

Sing, sing, sing to Me child.  I can hear your heart, I can hear your soul singing to Me.  It blesses Me when you come.  It strengthens you when you come.  Many children do not come for they are asleep, they know not the lateness of the hour.  Only the wise, only the awakened ones are coming to draw from Me.  As you come and draw close you find My peace and rest.  In Me, in My Ark you are safe and secure, do not venture out of the Ark.  Stay sheltered in Me daily.  I am unleashing much upon the earth to awaken the sleepers.  I am doing a new thing.  Can you not see it.  Do you not know.  I am here in the midst of you all.  Now is the time to draw close, closer if you can.  Be aware I am watching all of you.  Nothing is hidden from Me.  I know your deeds and I will recompense all.  I keep accurate books.  I am a rewarder.  I am the just judge.  I am the All Mighty God.  Be aware, "SUDDENLY" is about to be upon you.  I will reveal much to My Chosen, and Elect.  My Bride is awake and watching.  Oh, but the sleepers need to arise and awaken to Me and prepare.  Behold, I come quickly.  Do not let Me find you sleeping.  Do not judge others.  Prepare yourself, look to Me to help you prepare.  All must take inventory of themselves, not others.  This is an inward journey, one on one. 

Hearing God - May 28, 2013

Many choose not to listen to Me, they hear Me, but still, they choose not to listen and obey.  I speak to all, but only a few are willing to hear Me.  That is the way it has always been.  If you are willing to hear Me, then you will hear.  If you are not willing then you will not hear.  If you are willing to see, then you will see, if you are not willing to see then you will not see.

 I alone am God, I alone am your source, I alone am the only one you should be listening to and trying to please.  You should be daily working on your relationship with Me.  You should be daily growing deeper and developing in Me.  I should be your only concern, do not be distracted by your family or the cares of this world.  Focus on Me daily.  The most important thing you should be concerned with now is your relationship with Me.  You are growing and developing in Me, your spirit is getting stronger, your heart is now discerning where the battle is and where the attacks are coming from.  Your discernment is getting stronger and you shall not be easily deceived now.

  Stay the course, stay alert, be on guard, listen only to Me, keep your guards up and in place.  Recognize the tactics and schemes of your enemy.  Do not get talked into believing his lies.  These thoughts are not your own, they are his, sent to undo you and cause you to fall and draw you away from Me.  You must keep resisting him and keep battling him.  Your battle in the mind is fierce.  Stay alert, stay focused on Me, give no thought to the evil thoughts trampling through your mind, your enemy wants to cause you to take his thoughts as your own.  He is realizing that you are recognizing his tactics, thoughts and schemes.  He has not given up trying to deceive you My dear one.  But he will not succeed.  You must persevere and overcome all of his attacks, do not grow weary in the fight.

 Stay covered under My wing, stay clean before Me, Repent quickly, lean on Me, call on Me often.  I am here, you are not alone.  Remember, I test, test, test.  I am teaching you about love.  Love is the key.

  The world will soon be in chaos and raging now in the uncertainty of their lives, but you My child, My dear one, My daughter have been placed in Goshen.  I will send many things upon the earth now.  Many afflictions have been set in motion, but it will not come nigh you.  I will deliver you.  Only with your eyes will you behold the reward of the wicked.  Only those who truly trust in Me, will be spared.  Only those who are truly Mine, will go untouched.

  You must be obedient in all things I tell you to do.  Do not shrink back.  There is much I still need to do in you and to deliver you from.  Keep repenting and asking for Me to examine you and cleanse you daily and often through out the day.  I am doing a mighty work within you.  You are Mine, My dear one and I will never let you go.  Soon We will be together forever.  Behold, I come.   Hold fast to what I have taught you.  Do not listen to another teacher.  I am all you need.  Watch for me, Wait for Me, for surely I come, do not let Me find you sleeping child.

 Stay ready, keep your lamp filled.  Keep Me ever before your eyes, Keep your focus on Me.  My light in you must be your guide.  You were created to be a living epistle of My word.  The word come to life.  As the world sees you, they should see Me in you, for you are called to be a reflection of Me.  Walk out your days reflecting Me your King.  I must increase and you must decrease.  I will give you as much of Me as you are able to take.  Your life is hidden in Me.  I am your covering.  I am your way maker, light your world with Me.  Keep your focus on Me.  I will direct your steps, I will show you who to talk to and what to say.  Ask Me to lead you through your day.  The light of the world is in you now, My dear one, let Me shine, for all to see, and you will draw others to Me.

 Time is short My beloved little dove, do not allow yourself to be drawn away from Me.  Stay close, even closer than you have been before.  I will guide you through the darkness, I alone can lead you home.  Trust Me child.  Trust Me in everything.   I will provide for you.  I will take care of you.  I love you My child, My dear one.  Home is closer now, but, there is still much work to be done.  Will you enter in with Me?  The best is yet to be.  Light your world.  Let Me shine forth in you.  Greater am I that is in you, than he that is in the world.

 Trust no one but Me.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hearing God - May 29, 2013

I love you My child.  I am growing in you mightily now.  My Ruach Ha Kodesh is flowing strong in you, but, do not neglect feeding My Ruach or he will become weak.  Remember, make yourself strong in Me by praying in tongues and reading My word daily, daily, daily.  Do not neglect the little things.  Remember, it's a simple daily walk with Me child.

 Do not deviate from the path I have placed you on now.  Do not get too busy with the cares of this life and neglect Me.  I want My portion first.  I will be first.  Do not push your time with Me aside and think I don't notice.  Show Me how much you love Me, show Me how much you want to have communion with me, show Me where your heart is.  

What is your true desire, My dear one I see you, I see all.  I am watching you.  When you think upon Me, when you come to Me, when you quiet yourself and be still and wait upon Me, it pleases Me child, it pleases Me.  I don't want to quench your desire for Me.  I want your desire to grow, I want you over hungry for more of Me.  I want you to long for more of My revelations, secrets and presence.  I am the invisible God.

Why have you neglected to get rid of that picture.  I have already warned you about.  Take care of it today.  I require absolute obedience, I will have no slackers in My company, My army is vigilant, determined, and quick to obey.  You have asked Me to be a part of My end-time army, well, do your part, be obedient, and be quick about it.  You must truly hear Me and then obey Me, My daughter everything is a test.  You must realize that by now.

 My eyes are upon you all the time.  I read every thought and I watch you in the battle, some battles you win, and some you lose, you lose when you take your focus off of Me and onto your flesh.  You win every time when you keep your focus on Me and recognize Me in the battle.  I am always here watching.  Remember invite Me into your day often and I will step in to help, but I must be invited.  I love you My little one, stay the course, stay strong in Me.  My plans for you are amazing, stay with Me, the best days of your life are before you.  Keep yourself sheltered under My wing.  Stay strong in Me.  

Hearing God - April 21, 2014

My child you are dear to Me, very dear.  I love you and I will always take care of you, for you are faithful to Me.  As you come and draw near to Me it blesses Me.  No one is guaranteed tomorrow.  That is why I call all to come to Me today.  Now is the time to come to Me while I may be found.  Much change is to come, all must be ready to meet their maker.  Many will die soon and it will be too late.  I am here for all who wish to draw near.   Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow is not guaranteed.  I love you all, but you must come to Me quickly while you still have today.  Seek Me now, while I may be found.  So be it.  "Suddenly" is about to be upon you all.