I am here child. I know you. You are Mine. Do not be deceived for whatsoever a man sows, that he shall reep. If a man is lazy then his life will be in ruins. If a man is diligent then he will be provided for. This works in the physical and the spiritual realms. I am willing to be known by all, but only a few, like you, are diligent in their pursuit of Me. If anyone truly seeks for Me, they will find Me.
You must examine your heart daily and repent of any thoughts, words or actions that have entered into you to defile you. You must be diligent in your pursuit of holiness. You must be diligent in removing all spots, blemishes, and wrinkles. Your spiritual garment must be kept clean. Do not neglect the small and little things, it's the little foxes that spoil the vine. You must be diligent in your searching out sin. You are responsible for examining yourself and removing any sin and repenting so that I can continually wash you and cleanse you. This is a spiritual continual process. That you need to be mindful of and diligent, for whom much is given, much is required.
You must be willing, to go where I tell you, and do only as I tell you to do. I will not lead you astray. your path is leading you straight home to Me, but there will be much for you to do for Me before your journey is done. Do not fear. Keep your eyes and focus on Me at all times. I will direct your steps. Trust Me child. You are Mine and I will never let you go. I love you. Much is coming, but I am preparing you for it. I will provide and protect you through it all. Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
As the deer pants for the water, your soul pants after Me, and I will never disappoint you. Stay strong in Me child. Stay close. Dwell in Me and live in My peace. Take My peace with you wherever you go. I am with you child.
You must examine your heart daily and repent of any thoughts, words or actions that have entered into you to defile you. You must be diligent in your pursuit of holiness. You must be diligent in removing all spots, blemishes, and wrinkles. Your spiritual garment must be kept clean. Do not neglect the small and little things, it's the little foxes that spoil the vine. You must be diligent in your searching out sin. You are responsible for examining yourself and removing any sin and repenting so that I can continually wash you and cleanse you. This is a spiritual continual process. That you need to be mindful of and diligent, for whom much is given, much is required.
You must be willing, to go where I tell you, and do only as I tell you to do. I will not lead you astray. your path is leading you straight home to Me, but there will be much for you to do for Me before your journey is done. Do not fear. Keep your eyes and focus on Me at all times. I will direct your steps. Trust Me child. You are Mine and I will never let you go. I love you. Much is coming, but I am preparing you for it. I will provide and protect you through it all. Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
As the deer pants for the water, your soul pants after Me, and I will never disappoint you. Stay strong in Me child. Stay close. Dwell in Me and live in My peace. Take My peace with you wherever you go. I am with you child.