He woke me up this morning whispering in my ear: "Oh, My Love"
I love you My dear one. You are precious to Me. For you hear and come quickly when I call. You are an obedient child. I love to watch you grow in me. As you rise to meet Me, I am here waiting for you. You have chosen to spend time with Me. You are giving Me the first part of your day, this is pleasing to Me. For it is our special time together. I am watching over you each and everyday. Do not worry or fret over the little things. Ask Me for help in everything. I have told you to ask. I am more than able to help. I see all. I know all. I am here. Listen, My dear one, to the birds, they are singing their praises to Me as they wait upon Me to give them their next meal. It's the simple day to day living that draws Me. I want to be included in all the little things as well as the big. For I love the details of everything. I love the story of your daily life, for it is our story now. It is the story of Us and Our journey together. Most of My children think of Me as far off and Mighty. I am Mighty, but I am not far off. I am as close as your breath. I am waiting and wanting to be invited in. Remember My word, I stand at the door and knock. A simple, gentle knocking. If you will hear Me and open the door of yourself (your heart) and ask Me to come in We can visit awhile. If you want, I can stay with you. If you want Me to help you, If you want Me to guide you, ask Me to stay. I can be a part time visitor, or a full time resident with you. It's your choice. I will not force Myself on you. But, know this, I WANT to be here, living in you and with you in your daily life. But, you have to make your own choice as to whether I stay or not. It is better to travel the road of life with a friend, than to go it alone. Alone you are unprotected. With Me, I have your back. I will love, protect, comfort and encourage you in your journey. Once you choose Me, your life will never be the same. I can do much with little. I love you My children. I always have. I want you My children, I always have. I am here, come, come My dear ones, I am waiting for you. I love you with all of My heart, I long to hold you in My arms. I want all of My prodigal sons to come home. I want all of My prodigal daughters to come home. My invitation has no "expiration day". But, if you don't come before you die, My invitation will "expire" when you do. Don't wait, come, come now. I'm waiting for you.
I love you My dear one. You are precious to Me. For you hear and come quickly when I call. You are an obedient child. I love to watch you grow in me. As you rise to meet Me, I am here waiting for you. You have chosen to spend time with Me. You are giving Me the first part of your day, this is pleasing to Me. For it is our special time together. I am watching over you each and everyday. Do not worry or fret over the little things. Ask Me for help in everything. I have told you to ask. I am more than able to help. I see all. I know all. I am here. Listen, My dear one, to the birds, they are singing their praises to Me as they wait upon Me to give them their next meal. It's the simple day to day living that draws Me. I want to be included in all the little things as well as the big. For I love the details of everything. I love the story of your daily life, for it is our story now. It is the story of Us and Our journey together. Most of My children think of Me as far off and Mighty. I am Mighty, but I am not far off. I am as close as your breath. I am waiting and wanting to be invited in. Remember My word, I stand at the door and knock. A simple, gentle knocking. If you will hear Me and open the door of yourself (your heart) and ask Me to come in We can visit awhile. If you want, I can stay with you. If you want Me to help you, If you want Me to guide you, ask Me to stay. I can be a part time visitor, or a full time resident with you. It's your choice. I will not force Myself on you. But, know this, I WANT to be here, living in you and with you in your daily life. But, you have to make your own choice as to whether I stay or not. It is better to travel the road of life with a friend, than to go it alone. Alone you are unprotected. With Me, I have your back. I will love, protect, comfort and encourage you in your journey. Once you choose Me, your life will never be the same. I can do much with little. I love you My children. I always have. I want you My children, I always have. I am here, come, come My dear ones, I am waiting for you. I love you with all of My heart, I long to hold you in My arms. I want all of My prodigal sons to come home. I want all of My prodigal daughters to come home. My invitation has no "expiration day". But, if you don't come before you die, My invitation will "expire" when you do. Don't wait, come, come now. I'm waiting for you.