Friday, March 11, 2016

Hearing God - March 10, 2016

As I was going to wait upon the Lord, I was extremely tired and have been, why?, I do not know, but, anyway, I was also extremely giddy and excited to come and hear from Him... as I was heading to my room to meet with Him I heard this song, I think the Holy Spirit was singing and as He was singing we were giggling as we sang together...this song:

"He is high and lifted up and His train fills the temple, He is high and lifted up and His train fills the temple, He is high and lifted up and His train fills the temple...He is the Lord...He is the Lord...He is the Lord..." and we were giggling quietly as we began to wait and get quiet, then I heard:

What you think upon, you become.

I am opening your eyes dear one.  You shall see and hear many wondrous things.  Oh, the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard all the wondrous things that I have prepared for My people.

I enjoy showing you the Kingdom.  I enjoy when you hear and believe from My other children, as they share their own testimonies of what I've shown them and what they've experienced.

Beloved, think it not strange when you begin to hear and see many strange and wondrous things.  For you know in part and see only in part.

I am not the norm, for I cannot be put in a box and neatly wrapped with a bow.  I am not simple, I am complex and you shall spend your time constantly learning of and growing up in Me.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Hearing God - March 9, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Yea, I shall rescue and protect all who trust in Me.  Think it not a little thing to declare and decree My words.

For as you verbalize My words you are activating My POWER and AUTHORITY to dispel all darkness and evil.

I have given many Truths in My word, seek them out, highlight them, circle them, underline them, write them out, memorize them, and above all BELIEVE them and SPEAK, VERBALIZE, PROCLAIM them from your own mouths, for in so doing, you are using your AUTHORITY that I have GIVEN you.

I have  given you My word, dear ones, but, it will do you no good, if you do not use it.  Seek out the Truth, dig, dig, dig and in so doing you shall find treasures, you shall find weapons, you shall find armor, you shall find strength, you shall find faith, you shall find courage.

My word will steady you as the ground beneath you shakes.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hearing God - March 8, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, I asked a question "Who is speaking to me in these times together, the Father, Jesus, or Holy Spirit?" this is what I heard:

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, WE are one child and We all speak to you at different times.  Right now, it is I the Holy Spirit speaking in you.

Beloved, you are so loved, for you give your whole heart to US in love and you also love others.

You see through the eyes of the Spirit which allows you to see much Truth.  You see for WE have opened your eyes of understanding so as to allow you to perceive Truth.  I have also opened your ears so that you may hear US clearly.

Dear one, WE have not opened your eyes to the spirit realm completely, for it is not yet time.  You are growing in your understanding and WE are well pleased with thee.

You have battled much in your mind over these past few weeks, hold on beloved, for in this experience you are prevailing much now.  My dear one, I have need for you to endure these trials, for in so doing they make you stronger.

Your light affliction is purifying you, and pushing you deeper into Me.  For I am your help.  I see you, dear one, I know what you need.  There is no distance between us, My love.  You are one with US.

Remain steadfast and unmovable.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hearing God - March 7, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, cast all your cares and your thoughts upon Me.  I can handle it, don't try to hold it all in, share it with Me.  I am the good shepherd, and I care for My sheep.  Stay with Me dear one.  Do not move out before I give you your marching orders, for I shall lead, and you shall follow.

Do not charge out ahead of Me, dear one.  For the wolves are out, roaming and wish to destroy and devour you.  For your words from Me are bringing hope to many captives, and these bread crumb trails are leading many seekers to Me, and I am well pleased with thee, My dear one.

For you must fight these thoughts that are barraging you, cast them down, for they are not your own.  They are sent to deceive you into thinking they are your own, and to cause strife, and division in your home, and if possible destroy your home.  You must stand in your authority and cast these thoughts down.  Do not dwell on things of the past.

Focus on Me, I make all things new.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Hearing God - March 6, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

When you pray in tongues you allow My spirit to pray My perfect will.  You may not have any idea what you are praying for, but I do and I hear and receive these perfect prayers that rise in a perfectly beautiful incense of My perfect will.

At other times you may be focused intently on a specific desire and start praying in tongues while you are focused on what you desire to pray for.  Both of these types of prayers are powerful, for they allow Me to guide you in how to pray.

I bypass your mind and go directly to your heart and My Holy Spirit within you.  Even if you don't know how to pray or what to pray for I can pray through you, in tongues, or in the silence and stillness of the heart, or through your tears.  I view your prayers and intents of your heart as very precious and holy to Me.

No prayers are wasted.  All prayers are heard.  I answer all, in My time and purposes.  Do not become discouraged in your waiting, for I treasure the fruit of patience and endurance.

I see you, and I hear you, and I am with each of you.

Many doubt that their prayers are worthy to be heard by Me.  This doubt will delay and deter My answers from getting to you.  Cast down this doubt.  For I tell you the Truth, I hear every prayer.  I look continually upon the people of earth, to see who is seeking Me, who is thinking about Me, and who is reaching out to Me.  For I care deeply for each of you.

My love for you is like an ever widening river.  This river has no end, it goes on and on.  My love for you cannot be measured.  My heart sings and races in excitement when you draw near to Me.  For this shows Me your love and your longing for Me.

Oh, I am here to enter in with you in relationship.

My dear ones, I ask you to pray, pray, pray, always believing that I hear you, for I tell you the Truth, I hear all prayers.

Pray for people, beloved, pray for them.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hearing God - March 5, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, think it not strange these things coming up out of you, for as you pray in the spirit I am stirring and purging you of more of your filth and stain.  For you have spent a half a century here on earth and much filthiness from this world has attached itself to you.

As you are humbled before Me in prayer.  Praying in My Holy Spirit I have free reign over you.  I am moving within you now, My love and I am constantly purging you from all the attributes you have picked up of this world that do not reflect Me.

I am increasing in you and you are decreasing in you.

This world and its attributes have no hold on you.  For you, My love, are willing to give up everything and cling only to Me.  I am all you need.  You have given Me your whole heart and surrendered your desires for Mine.  This pleases Me, dear one.  This pleases Me much.

For you are secure and resting in Me.  I am all you need.  Many are not where you are for they are still attached to their own selfish desires.  They are still clinging to people, their spouses, their children, and things.  They do not see the futility of this.

For the very nature of man is self-centered, but, it was created to be God-centered.  The nature of man was turned upside down in the fall, when man decided to follow after his own way.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hearing God - March 4, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

In the beauty of holiness you shall see God.  For I am in the midst of thee.  But, only the pure in heart can see Me.  Those still lost in their sins have many veils and shadows separating them from My Truth.

The light is not of the darkness, and the darkness is not of the light.  The darkness cannot extinguish My light.  The darkness is so debased, and far from it's original position that it cannot comprehend the light.

For if you feed on fear, evil and negative things, you lose your ability to see, feel and understand goodness, purity, and love which are all found in the light.  All must grow up.  Some to everlasting light and some to eternal darkness.

Consider the armor I have asked you to wear as you travel through this life.  Each piece reflects living in the light.  For as you go about each day and subsequent night you are asked to consider your ways, by continually checking yourself.  Ask yourself 'Am I walking in the light?  Am I truly reflecting the light?  Is His Truth securely fastened about Me as a firm foundation as a belt?  Am I walking, talking, breathing and living in righteousness as He would have me to live to protect my heart and inward parts, like a breastplate?  Am I at peace knowing that My security comes only from Him and that is enough.  For in Him I find and have my peace, which is an anchor for Me, as shoes to secure my feet.  Do I know and believe in the God of all, the creator of all mankind, my savior and my best friend?  Do I truly believe and not doubt His undying love for me, as a helmet not to be taken off or discarded?  Do I have a firm grasp of His word, and can find solace in it to bare me up, as a sword when trouble comes?  Do I have faith, the True Faith that is felt deep within, as a shield around me.  The faith that will turn into substance and evidence?  Do I have what I need for today?

Ask yourself daily these questions, and if you can answer yes, then, My child, you are walking in the light.  If you find yourself lacking in some area, consider your ways and adjust yourself, so as not to live in the shadows, but, to ever walk in the light.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Hearing God - March 3, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Many things are falling into place, as My plans are being accomplished.  I cannot be thwarted.  What was planned from the beginning of time shall come to pass.  For I am not a man that I should lie.

My dear one, follow after love.  Follow after My peace.  Let love guide your steps.  Seek to think good about others, no matter what you see.  Always look for the good.  Many shall seem deadly, blind and evil, but, I ask you not to judge, only love and look for the good.  I shall trouble the waters, so as to stir up the hearts of men.

I am the one who tests the hearts of men.  I see the depths of their hearts.  I hear the longing of their souls.  Beloved, I am the only judge.  My righteousness shall pour forth and My love shall conquer every enemy and law-less one.  

Fear not what you see.   For men shall behave badly.  But, it shall not harm you, for I am protecting you and your family.  Much is going to transpire now, beloved.  Stand still, and know I am with you in the midst of it all.

You are Mine and I will protect you and watch over you.  Beloved, I shall use you in this end-time outpouring.  For love, pure love shall flow through your earthen vessel, and the light of your countenance shall draw many to Me.  I love you child, and I have no doubt that you love Me too.  There is much work to be done now.


Shalom, Beloved, Shalom.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hearing God - March 2, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, I am here.  I love spending this one on one time with you, secluded in this quiet place where I can hear the whispers of your heart to Me and I can whisper back to you in the quiet. You draw near to hear Me.

For you fully expect to hear from Me and I reward your faith and expectancy.  Oh, the world is crumbling around you, My love, but, it shall not harm you, for I am protecting you and your family.

Beloved, I have done much today as you released My anointing.  The fruit of your diligence will only become apparent in eternity.  But, know this, My faithful dove, as you have joined yourself to Me, We are one, and we are doing many marvelous things to further My Kingdom.

We are joined and are working in unison now.  Your faith shall set many captives free.  Your light shall lead many out of darkness.  For the strong pull of your light shall draw men from afar.  Beloved, don't try to figure it all out, for it is I working in you.  My spirit manifesting through your earthen vessel.  Just breathe, My love, and let My spirit flow through you, and carry you on the wings of love.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hearing God - March 1, 2016 (second post)

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

I love you child.  Your beautiful spirit is full of enthusiasm as you learn more of how to walk with Me in your authority.  You are learning about quantum physics, and this pleases Me, for the more your understanding grows, the deeper your foundation goes.

You are also understanding your authority in Me.  As you are fully surrendered to Me and invested in Me, you are understanding My anointing and power is resting in you, and you, must let it out.

One way to let it out is to release My anointing where-ever you go.  Do it purposefully, focus on Me at all times and allow My power to flow through you as you release My anointing over your lives, your neighbors lives, homes, businesses, schools, churches, grocery stores, hospitals, Dr. offices and clinics, parks...etc..., everywhere, for when you do, I release My warring angels to fight and route the enemy from the people, places and circumstances.

This, My child, once you truly grasp this understanding, this shall be a great tool in your arsenal as you go forth in the battle.  Beloved, there is so much to learn, and I rejoice that you are eager to understand and stand in the gap for your brothers and sisters.

For We have conquered fear, and now, you draw near, ever closer, ready to engage and learn, it is a blessing to Me to see you sinking deeper into Me.  We are close, and I am going to baptize you with My Fuego fire, and the seven fold spirits of My Father.  For you shall be a  warrior bride for Me, and shall go forth to set the captives free.

I rejoice over your resolute determination to do all you can to help Me, this pleases Me daughter, this pleases Me much.  For I see your heart.  I see your trust in Me.  Oh, My beautiful one, you secretly rejoice as you steal away from all, to come and hear a word from Me.  Your eagerness to be in My presence, truly child, it warms My heart, and I feel and receive your love.  I am with you always and I know that I am ever on your mind, for you are safe and secure in Me, as I am your shelter in the midst of all that is going on in the world.

Pray for the people, dear one.  Not many take the time to pray for others, for all are feeling the pressures of life on earth now, and find it hard to focus on what is of the utmost importance-souls.  Pray for the people, release My anointing over the people, give Me an entrance beloved, share My heart, now, in these final hours, please ask Me for mercies for the people, pray and release My anointing over their lives.

Do not faint in well doing, My love.  For this is My heart, to draw all men to Me.  To love, to cover, to help, to grow together in unity of spirit. Beloved, stand with Me in this, and pray for your brothers and sisters.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hearing God - March 1, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

I have much to teach you child about quantum physics.  For you are going deeper into the realms of Truth.  Nothing shall be impossible for My true sons and daughters who have hearts to follow after Me, and know Me, and learn My ways.

Much that seems hidden, is now being revealed, for as you seek Me, I shall reveal more and more.  You are drawn to the creative power of words, for you can see the tangible in the midst of the invisible.  Your heart yearns to know My Truth in this.  You have always been careful of your words, for you do understand the power they hold.  Now you seek to understand the creative power of your thoughts.

This is where your focus shall come into play, beloved.  As you are training yourself to focus on Me, this is training your mind, your mouth, and your faith to intertwine and be as one, unshakable, unstoppable.

You shall come forth on the field of faith, and shall be a force to be reckoned with, as I move My end-time army out.  I shall lead you and you My dear ones shall follow.

Nothing shall be impossible to My Chosen, My Elect.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Hearing God - February 29, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, this too shall pass, for as you see sickness once again touching your family, stand firm, beloved, for this too shall pass quickly from you.  Many shall be troubled now, for much has been released in the air, in the water, and in your food.  Trouble is bubbling up, much despair for those who are not anchored in Me.

I am your shelter from the storms.  You are being kept as you abide inside My gates.

Pray, keep praying for the people, My dear one.  For the Nyquil is causing you to disengage from Me in prayer, it is a distraction, try not to use it.  Pray, pray, pray this is a high calling for you and must become a quest for you.  As you petition Me for others, I see your heart, and I shall move on their behalf.

It pleases Me when My children pray and care for others.  For I love and care for each of you so dearly that I share My heart with you for others.  There is much I am doing that you cannot see.  Don't pray for THINGS, NO, pray for people, only people, this is My goal, to save people.

Pray children, pray.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hearing God - February 27, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

There are many precious people in My family, My child.  I am drawing you together and connecting you in a spiritual chain.  Pay attention, My dear ones to the ones I am drawing you to.  For these are the people I am trying to connect you with, you shall strengthen and encourage each other as I place you together.

Pay attention to My unctions of who is causing you discord in your spirit, this is a time of great separation.  If I move someone or something out of your life, do not try to hold on to it, let it go.  Peace, peace be unto you, let it go, and cling more tightly to Me and Me alone.

I and My Father are one, and you are our child.  We are cutting, shaping, burnishing, and branding you into our image.  This pruning process can be quite painful, but, trust Me in this process, it shall produce much in your transformation.

Beloveds, count everything as a loss, if need be to find your true purpose in Me.  Many are being tested now, and great difficulties lie ahead.  Prepare to shape their hearts as needed, by sharing the words that I give you.

Judge no one, remain humble, consider yourself a servant of all, and I shall be able to do much in you to further My Kingdom, dear one.  Your life is now in Me.  I lead, you follow, I cut and prune your life, and you, beloveds, must be willing to let it go.   You see only a small portion of My picture, but, I tell you the Truth, My love, I see it all.  I've got you, My little ones.  Stay the course.  Hold fast to Me now.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Hearing God - February 26, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, whenever you slow down and focus on Me, you can hear Me.  I am with you constantly.  I am near you all.  You all are constantly on My mind.

Though you each face different challenges, know this, I am with you, I am for you.

I travel this path with you.  Think of Me, focus on the reality that I am here with you.

I may be invisible or I may be visible.  I may be quiet or I may be heard.  I may be in the form of a dove, lion or the wind.  But, I tell you the Truth, I am always here with you.  Look for Me in every situation, for I am in it with you.

Many of your lessons come in the challenges you each face.

With Me, nothing shall be impossible for you.  Let Me help you.  Ask Me when you are not sure or are troubled.  Ask Me for the information that you may be seeking.

Come, and let us reason things out together.  I welcome your inquiries.  For as you turn to hear Me and draw close, I shall open to you and reveal Myself.  For My heart longs to draw each of you to Myself.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hearing God - February 24, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, you have My heart, I love you, My dear one.  It pleases Me that you come before Me in earnest, fully expecting to hear Me.  As you believe, My dear ones, you shall receive.  For I am love in abundance.  A refreshing drink to quench and satisfy your thirsty souls.

For you are spirit, and you need spiritual things that only I can give you.  You are all fascinating creatures that intrigue Me and make My heart sing.  For each of you manifest different attributes that I truly, truly find endearing.  I miss you, My dear ones, I miss the closeness we shared and I long for that closeness once again with each of you.  Oh, My beloveds, come to Me as often as you can and allow Me to pour out My love upon you.  I will pour out more and more of My spirit into each of you, My dear ones.  I love to look at you, I love to smell you, your fragrances are intoxicating.  I love to see you smile.  I love to hear you laugh and I love to see you love others as I love you.  Oh, this blesses Me and warms My heart.

For the beauty of a loving spirit indwelt in a living soul is incomparable for Me.  For I long to love and be loved, and I long to see each of you love.  For love, My dear ones is the key to life, now and in eternity.  A pure heart full of hope loves, it just loves, and in so doing, it reflects Me perfectly.  My mirror image is My goal for each of you, My precious children.

 Do you not understand how your earthly tests and trials humble you and give you compassion for others you see struggling, for you can relate to their pain, for you have experienced it in your own life.  Be it ever so humble, there is no better lesson for you than the life lessons you are learning.

Remember, always take the higher ground, rise up to Me and look from a higher perspective, you were not created to live on the ground like chickens, no, you were created to soar with Me like eagles.  Beloveds, you could fly.  Much of what you were created with has been hidden from you.  Oh, but, hold fast to Me, for everything is changing.  I am bringing back the former things.

You shall be endued with power, as I created you.  Each of you has special abilities coming your way.    Start seeking Me on what your abilities are.  As you seek Me for answers, I shall surely reveal these mysteries to you.  Oh, My loves, I so enjoy spending time with you, for you are My treasure.  I love each of you tenderly and mercifully.  I sing over you and I tuck all My beautiful memories of our times together into My heart.  For I treasure you.  I enjoy watching you grow and face your challenges.  Remember, you are never alone, you never face anything alone, I am here with you.  Reach out to Me.  Let Me council you, let Me help you.  Let Me rescue you.  I will never leave you alone, no, never.  You are too precious to Me.  I enjoy you and rejoice over you.

As you discover and explore My Kingdom, it blesses Me to reveal more and more to you, for this is what My soul longs for, to be with you, and experience your life with you.  My heart is full, so full of love for you My dear ones.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hearing God - February 23, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Many are not ready.  Many are not prepared.  For they have not taken the time to listen.  For I speak to all, but, few, take the time to listen and humbly receive My instruction, My encouragement, My discipline, and My love.  I would that all would come unto Me now and sit quietly before Me and listen.  I would that each would take this time now and draw close to Me to hear.

I am willing to engage you and speak to you, one on one, but, to do this, you must also engage Me and speak to Me, one on one.

There is so much to learn in this quiet place.  I would love to help each and every one of you on your journey.  Would you make room for Me in your full and busy lives?   OR  Would you rather I pass you by and move to another who is willing to make room for Me.

Oh, My dear ones, you were created to do many wondrous and beautiful things.  You were created to be powerful.  Much of your destiny has been stolen from you, and hidden away, so that you would not know who you truly are in Me.  Remember, you were created in My image, you were created to reflect Me.  You were created to expel the darkness with your light.

Dear ones, you are powerful and beautiful.  Now, you see through the glass darkly, but, soon, you shall see as you are seen, in transparency, nothing hidden, nothing to hide.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hearing God - February 22, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, do not fret over the funds that are not here yet for your daughter.  I will meet all of her needs, do not worry, do not be anxious, and do not fear, for I am here.  You must remain focused on Me, everyday, focus on Me.  Stay close now, do not allow the cares of this world to pull you away from Me and our time together.  My dear one, this is a critical time in the lives of My people, you all are growing antsy in anticipation of what is to come, you all can feel Me in the winds of change that are encompassing your doors.

Do not think to do something now, without asking Me first, I shall direct each of your steps.  Seek Me first in everything, so that you do not stumble and lose your way.  There are many lures and traps set to catch My people, but they cannot snare you as you remain focused on Me, and remain in My care. Do not move or go forth without asking of Me.  I lead, and you, My little ones, only need to follow.

 I am here, do not fear what you are seeing coming upon the earth.  For I have fore-warned you in My word, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of My return.  I have fore-warned you by my servants via T.V., radio and Internet that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be again in My return.  Study and meditate and ponder what was happening on the earth, in the days of Noah.  Read the book of Enoch, for I shall reveal much to you in this book.  The fallen ones have tried repeatedly to destroy, lose and hide this book, but, I will not allow it.  They have tried to repeatedly destroy, lose and hide the scrolls of My History, but, I will not allow it, for My plans and purposes are unfolding through the course of time, in linear details, for all to see.

This is a beautiful and glorious time to be alive, for much shall happen in your lifetimes that many who have gone before you, so wanted to see.

 My children are rising for they are hearing their King calling.  

The sounds of heaven are wafting through the airwaves, can you hear them?  Pay attention to the sounds you hear, ponder them, take notes, and seek Me about what you are hearing in the midst of thee.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Hearing God - February 21, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

My mercies kiss you daily, My beloveds.  For soon, very soon all shall be set into motion, the change is upon you now.  You can see the writing on the wall, My children.

Are you sheltered and snug in Me?  Have you drawn closer to Me, close as you possibly can?  Have you drawn and drank deeply from My well?  Are you abiding in Me and resting in My peace, My little ones?  If not, why?

There is no time to delay.  I see you and I know what is ahead.  I have prepared the path for you.  Keep holding My hand, My dear ones.  (note:  when He said keep holding My hand, I saw a vision unfolding, I will put it at the bottom of this page)  Let Me lead and you calmly follow Me home.

Beloveds, there is much coming to you now, much change, much progress, much love, for I shall pour out My love upon My waiting Bride.  I have you in position now, do not change course.  Stay close to Me, I lead, you follow.

Many would still have their own way.  So be it, but, I would rather lead and protect each of you, but, you must make your own choices, I love you all, I long for each of you to come home to Me and let Me care for you.

There is so much to teach you, I have so much to share with each of you, come and walk the path with Me.


***Vision:  I see a narrow path, it's white, like a well worn dirt path or a sidewalk I cannot tell, it is winding through a beautiful garden with greenery on both sides, and trees, and flowers, it's beautiful and lush.  The path seems to be one way, there seems to be a mountain or a large rocky area on the right side of the path, I think the path is slightly elevated and we are walking up, but, not sure, because I am not winded or struggling to walk it.  The path has room for two walking side by side.  Jesus is walking the path with me, holding my hand, His right hand is holding my left hand as I am observing this scene from a slightly elevated view I can see from the back of the two of us on the path.  Jesus is holding My hand gently, and we are quietly talking as we hold hands and are walking the path together.  He is wearing a long cream colored robe with a sash/belt on and sandals I think the sash is a dark color but I cannot tell and I think the sandals are brown, but not sure.  His hair is medium brown in color and a little longer than His shoulder area.  I can hear us talking, but, I am not sure what we are saying, we are smiling and I can see our face profiles and we are chatting away and smiling.

There is such a quiet peace here in His presence.  I can see this vision as He is speaking to me and I am writing it down.

Also, as I am seeing this vision I hear a song gently wafting through my mind as I take this all in, it's an old hymn we used to sing in church as a child "Peace, peace, wonderful peace, flowing down from the Father above, sweep over my spirit again precious Lord, in fathomless billows of love..."

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hearing God - February 20, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

I have told you before, beloved, that you are set apart for Me, and I will use you in the coming days, for war is ahead of you.

You are a part of My Bride, and you are one of the 144,000.  For these are My chosen vessels, My spiritual Israel, you shall go forth and rescue the perishing at the appointed time.  You have seen this as a child, and the enemy has tried to pull you from this pre-destined path you have always been on.

You have known poverty and lack, and you have known abundance.  You have never lived a day without feeling loved, for I have had My hand upon you, slowly watching over you, as you grew-up in Me, and now you sit here in My chambers as quiet as a dove, softly breathing as you receive these gentle words from Me, in the form of a gentle rain, showering upon your ears.

It is so easy to talk to you for you are willing and eager to hear.  I have shown you types and shadows of what is to come, so as to prepare your heart to have courage and stand in the midst of all that is to come to pass.

You, My beloved, are a chosen vessel to come along side of Me and move and breathe with Me, for there is much that I shall share with you.

The days are fleeting as I am wrapping things up on this age, for the earth as you know it, shall be no more, and the new earth shall be more glorious than the first.  Oh, so many beautiful things to come.

In the war that lies ahead, I shall send you to scour the land for survivors.  You shall lead many to Me in gentleness and humility.  I shall equip you with light and powers you do not know of.  I shall ignite the healing fire of your hands and you shall do signs and wonders for Me in the days ahead.

Perils are coming to many, you shall see and behold much with your eyes, but, it shall not come nigh you.  For you are called to be a watcher and observer of Me, to witness that all that I say is True.

I call you My friend, for you have entered into relationship with Me.  The more I speak, the more you hunger for more of Me, I am your hearts desire.  Beloved, this pleases Me, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

It saddens Me, beloved, for many are still in the world.  They are blind, or are pretending to be blind in this hour.  They do not know or discern the wickedness that is coming in to catch them unaware.  Oh, but, you know, you see, for you have entered in and bolted the door.

Many shall run to and fro trying to find safety in the destruction coming, but, you shall not run, you shall go out only when I send you, and you shall be un-afraid, for I shall go with you.  None can truly fathom what is about to take place, but, I know.

I shall secure the walls of My servants, and there shall be no breaches.  For I have prepared all that they shall need.

I shall use you to teach My fallen ones a lesson.  Fear not, My little one, for I am with you.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Hearing God - February 19, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Peace, peace I speak to you child, shhh, be still in My presence.  I SHALL heal your child, she shall be made well and strong, do not worry or fret over her.  Rest in Me, My dear one.

Beloved, I am surrounding the earth and her atmosphere with My presence.   For there are many voices trying to distract My beloved children from Resting and Trusting in Me.  Oh, My dear ones, do not listen to the noise of this world, there are many voices, but, you must focus your attention on My voice.

You must train your ear to hear Me above the noise of the land.  Many are fearful now, for they are listening to the voices crying out among them from the T.V., from the radio, from the Internet, many are fearful of what they are hearing, seeing and experiencing.  But, I tell you the Truth, all who Trust in Me shall not need to fear, for I shall shelter you, I shall dislodge all fear from My little ones, for fear is trespassing on holy ground.

I have sealed you, My beloveds.  The days indeed are growing in darkness and violence is invading the land.  But, Remember, I am here, I walk among you and I live in you.  You shall face nothing alone.  For I shall be with you in every difficulty.

No fear, beloveds, No fear, draw nearer to Me when you are troubled.  Allow Me to dissipate your fear and strengthen your courage.  Be bold now, dear ones, Rise up and cast off the fearful thoughts.  Shut off the radios, T.V., and Internet, if it is invoking fear into you.

Sing of My nearness, sing of My goodness, sing of My name.  Let your thoughts be drawn and linger on whatsoever things are good, and kind and loving.  Let your mind dwell on these things.  Spend your time soaking in these thoughts.  Perspective is everything, let your mind rise to a higher perspective, My dear ones.

I have already gained the victory in all things for you.  Think on this, and drink deeply from My well. Read something inspired by Me.  Write something inspired by Me.

Be purposeful in your thoughts, at all times, day, night, working, or sleeping, let your mind drift back to Me, keep Me in your focus.  I am not far from any of you.  Believe and you will see.

Much reflection now is needed to bring you back into My peace.  When you find yourself anxious, pressured or stressed, these are red flags, warning sirens to you, for I am meek and humble, kind and loving, and oh so gentle and patient with each of you.  I am quiet, I do not need to shout.  I do not control you with anger or accusations, no, that is not My way.

You can recognize the voices of the world by paying attention to what they are saying to you.  Are they yelling?  Are they pressuring you to perform?  Are they rushing you?  Are they condemning you?  There are many voices.  Are they telling you that you are better than others?  Are they telling you to harm others or use others to make it better for you?

You must discern My voice, for I do not speak this way.  Lean on Me for discernment.  I will lead you down the path of Truth.

Little ones, speak My name "Jesus" for in so doing, it will call forth good to you and expel evil.  For I have been given the name above all names.  Speak My name, let My name be upon your lips, speak of Me, one to another.

Plead My blood upon your door posts and your lintels, upon your cars, and your bodies, upon your finances and your properties, upon your neighborhoods and streets, upon your stores and food and water supplies.  Plead My blood upon your families and your animals.  My blood has protective power.  My blood is fresh and new and never loses it's power.  Remember, life is in the blood.

Beloveds, I need you to pay attention to these words, heed My instructions and live in My abundant peace.  As the world is in chaos, My children shall have abundant peace.