Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hearing God - March 8, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, I asked a question "Who is speaking to me in these times together, the Father, Jesus, or Holy Spirit?" this is what I heard:

The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, WE are one child and We all speak to you at different times.  Right now, it is I the Holy Spirit speaking in you.

Beloved, you are so loved, for you give your whole heart to US in love and you also love others.

You see through the eyes of the Spirit which allows you to see much Truth.  You see for WE have opened your eyes of understanding so as to allow you to perceive Truth.  I have also opened your ears so that you may hear US clearly.

Dear one, WE have not opened your eyes to the spirit realm completely, for it is not yet time.  You are growing in your understanding and WE are well pleased with thee.

You have battled much in your mind over these past few weeks, hold on beloved, for in this experience you are prevailing much now.  My dear one, I have need for you to endure these trials, for in so doing they make you stronger.

Your light affliction is purifying you, and pushing you deeper into Me.  For I am your help.  I see you, dear one, I know what you need.  There is no distance between us, My love.  You are one with US.

Remain steadfast and unmovable.

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