Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hearing God - March 7, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, cast all your cares and your thoughts upon Me.  I can handle it, don't try to hold it all in, share it with Me.  I am the good shepherd, and I care for My sheep.  Stay with Me dear one.  Do not move out before I give you your marching orders, for I shall lead, and you shall follow.

Do not charge out ahead of Me, dear one.  For the wolves are out, roaming and wish to destroy and devour you.  For your words from Me are bringing hope to many captives, and these bread crumb trails are leading many seekers to Me, and I am well pleased with thee, My dear one.

For you must fight these thoughts that are barraging you, cast them down, for they are not your own.  They are sent to deceive you into thinking they are your own, and to cause strife, and division in your home, and if possible destroy your home.  You must stand in your authority and cast these thoughts down.  Do not dwell on things of the past.

Focus on Me, I make all things new.

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