As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:
Beloved, you have My heart, I love you, My dear one. It pleases Me that you come before Me in earnest, fully expecting to hear Me. As you believe, My dear ones, you shall receive. For I am love in abundance. A refreshing drink to quench and satisfy your thirsty souls.
For you are spirit, and you need spiritual things that only I can give you. You are all fascinating creatures that intrigue Me and make My heart sing. For each of you manifest different attributes that I truly, truly find endearing. I miss you, My dear ones, I miss the closeness we shared and I long for that closeness once again with each of you. Oh, My beloveds, come to Me as often as you can and allow Me to pour out My love upon you. I will pour out more and more of My spirit into each of you, My dear ones. I love to look at you, I love to smell you, your fragrances are intoxicating. I love to see you smile. I love to hear you laugh and I love to see you love others as I love you. Oh, this blesses Me and warms My heart.
For the beauty of a loving spirit indwelt in a living soul is incomparable for Me. For I long to love and be loved, and I long to see each of you love. For love, My dear ones is the key to life, now and in eternity. A pure heart full of hope loves, it just loves, and in so doing, it reflects Me perfectly. My mirror image is My goal for each of you, My precious children.
Do you not understand how your earthly tests and trials humble you and give you compassion for others you see struggling, for you can relate to their pain, for you have experienced it in your own life. Be it ever so humble, there is no better lesson for you than the life lessons you are learning.
Remember, always take the higher ground, rise up to Me and look from a higher perspective, you were not created to live on the ground like chickens, no, you were created to soar with Me like eagles. Beloveds, you could fly. Much of what you were created with has been hidden from you. Oh, but, hold fast to Me, for everything is changing. I am bringing back the former things.
You shall be endued with power, as I created you. Each of you has special abilities coming your way. Start seeking Me on what your abilities are. As you seek Me for answers, I shall surely reveal these mysteries to you. Oh, My loves, I so enjoy spending time with you, for you are My treasure. I love each of you tenderly and mercifully. I sing over you and I tuck all My beautiful memories of our times together into My heart. For I treasure you. I enjoy watching you grow and face your challenges. Remember, you are never alone, you never face anything alone, I am here with you. Reach out to Me. Let Me council you, let Me help you. Let Me rescue you. I will never leave you alone, no, never. You are too precious to Me. I enjoy you and rejoice over you.
As you discover and explore My Kingdom, it blesses Me to reveal more and more to you, for this is what My soul longs for, to be with you, and experience your life with you. My heart is full, so full of love for you My dear ones.
Beloved, you have My heart, I love you, My dear one. It pleases Me that you come before Me in earnest, fully expecting to hear Me. As you believe, My dear ones, you shall receive. For I am love in abundance. A refreshing drink to quench and satisfy your thirsty souls.
For you are spirit, and you need spiritual things that only I can give you. You are all fascinating creatures that intrigue Me and make My heart sing. For each of you manifest different attributes that I truly, truly find endearing. I miss you, My dear ones, I miss the closeness we shared and I long for that closeness once again with each of you. Oh, My beloveds, come to Me as often as you can and allow Me to pour out My love upon you. I will pour out more and more of My spirit into each of you, My dear ones. I love to look at you, I love to smell you, your fragrances are intoxicating. I love to see you smile. I love to hear you laugh and I love to see you love others as I love you. Oh, this blesses Me and warms My heart.
For the beauty of a loving spirit indwelt in a living soul is incomparable for Me. For I long to love and be loved, and I long to see each of you love. For love, My dear ones is the key to life, now and in eternity. A pure heart full of hope loves, it just loves, and in so doing, it reflects Me perfectly. My mirror image is My goal for each of you, My precious children.
Do you not understand how your earthly tests and trials humble you and give you compassion for others you see struggling, for you can relate to their pain, for you have experienced it in your own life. Be it ever so humble, there is no better lesson for you than the life lessons you are learning.
Remember, always take the higher ground, rise up to Me and look from a higher perspective, you were not created to live on the ground like chickens, no, you were created to soar with Me like eagles. Beloveds, you could fly. Much of what you were created with has been hidden from you. Oh, but, hold fast to Me, for everything is changing. I am bringing back the former things.
You shall be endued with power, as I created you. Each of you has special abilities coming your way. Start seeking Me on what your abilities are. As you seek Me for answers, I shall surely reveal these mysteries to you. Oh, My loves, I so enjoy spending time with you, for you are My treasure. I love each of you tenderly and mercifully. I sing over you and I tuck all My beautiful memories of our times together into My heart. For I treasure you. I enjoy watching you grow and face your challenges. Remember, you are never alone, you never face anything alone, I am here with you. Reach out to Me. Let Me council you, let Me help you. Let Me rescue you. I will never leave you alone, no, never. You are too precious to Me. I enjoy you and rejoice over you.
As you discover and explore My Kingdom, it blesses Me to reveal more and more to you, for this is what My soul longs for, to be with you, and experience your life with you. My heart is full, so full of love for you My dear ones.