I heard this today:
Beloved, whatsoever things are loving, whatsoever things are of a good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.
My dear ones, not every thought that pops into your head is yours. You must use discernment, allow yourself to be an observer of your thoughts, for you are not your thoughts.
You are a created to be a creator, did you know this.
Much is in you, dear ones.
Use discernment in your thoughts to show you the truth of them.
It's just a thought, at first, but, the more you dwell on the thought, the more it will stick with you and affect you in a negative or a positive way.
You must discern your thoughts, dear ones, if its negative, give it to Me, just pass it to Me to take care of it and transmute it for you, into something positive in its place.
Beloved, all thoughts that pop into your head are not yours, you are the observer of your thoughts, you are not your thoughts.
If you can grasp this, it will bring you much growth and understanding. You are all created with the most powerful attribute I can give you, the power to observe. The power of stillness.
You have been given six senses that you know of but there are more and they will come later. You can see things, you can hear things, you can smell things, you can touch things, you can taste things, and you can know things by your intuition or gut feeling.
Don't discount or ignore your intuition. For this is spirit speaking to you, pay attention, this is a powerful guardian I have given you, My dear ones.
Your intuition is your golden compass, it's your internal guidance system. It will never fail you.
Pay attention, My dear ones, for you will need to tune into your intuition more now than ever before. Pay attention, check in with how you're feeling in every situation. Your intuition speaks to you daily, to guide and protect you.
Think back to when you did not listen to your intuition and what happened? I tell you again, pay attention to your intuition, I gave this to you for a purpose and a reason.
This is important for each of you to understand. Pay attention to what you're sensing and feeling, daily, in every circumstance and follow your intuition. For it is a spiritual guidance system for each of you.
Oh, My beautiful ones, My heart embraces you now.
Breathe in, breathe out and KNOW that I AM here NOW with each of you, NOW, in this present moment. I AM not distant from any of you.
Think on this now.