Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hearing God - March 12, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Beloved, it pleases Me when you spend your time thinking on Me, dwelling in My presence, and listening to others expound to you about who I am and My word and My Kingdom.

Can you feel yourself stretching My child.  I can see you growing in your understanding.  I can see you soaking in My presence as you receive answers and understanding to things you have pondered over for years.

The revealing of My word is open to you, My love.

For the wealth and riches that you have stored within you shall be revealed to you now, for I am an open book to you, My dear one.  Much shall be revealed to you now, for you have filled yourself with Me, all of your moments now you spend in awareness of Me.  We are one, connected and dwelling together.

I am downloading much information into you now, for the time of manifestation is coming, where My true sons and daughters shall manifest My glory, and I shall fill you with My fire.

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