Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hearing God in the morning - July 1, 2014

As you come and make time for Me you are strengthened for your journey.  Your pineal gland is opened and you are beginning to experience more of what you were created to dwell in.  Nothing that you are being exposed to comes naturally.  This is My plan and purpose to bring you into your destiny with Me.  I am here, shaping and molding you inside and out.  I am working with you as you sleep as well.  Nothing is wasted, everything has a purpose in My divine plan for your life as you endeavor to seek Me out.  I endeavor to reveal more and more of Myself to you.  For you have chosen well the path of sanctification.  As you are growing and maturing in Me you glow.  Your countenance is taking on a glow from the embers and raging fire within you.  I am a consuming fire.  You have been through My refining fire and you are pure and clean.  You are beautiful and sparkling in your wedding garments as you await My return.  I shall reveal more to you as you wait upon Me, Oh My beloved I have you in the palm of My hand.  I hold you close to My heart for you truly love Me.  I will instruct you when it is time to do something different.  But, for now just stand firm and wait upon Me.  I shall lead you further into Me, for this is your destiny.  Never allow doubt to linger in your mind.  Cut off the head quickly and cast it far from you, for truly dear one I am here.  I speak and caress your heart.  Stay Ready.  For in such an hour as you think not I come.  Stay on guard, stay alert, for your Bridegroom shall swiftly come.  Only observe, as the final act unfolds.  Oh, the places you shall go in Me.

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