Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hearing God - Jan. 29, 2014

I awoke at around 2:00am and I kept hearing my spirit singing "He turns my mourning into dancing", "Selah"

I prayed awhile and fell back to sleep.  Upon waking I am hearing my spirit singing "There's a sweet, sweet sound in my spirit"

Oh My dear one, it blesses Me when you come, I love our time together.  You are a faithful Bride.  You shall enter into your rest soon.  Nothing shall delay My return.  I have been steadily working on My plan for you and the others.  You must not lose step with Me.  Stay close and listen as you hear Me, I shall guide you.  It is very important that you hear Me.  You shall have to rely solely on hearing Me for your direction, protection, and very survival.  You shall hear Me tell you where to go and who to talk to.  Do not do anything without talking to Me first about it.  Much will transpire when you are not expecting it.  But as long as you stay close to Me and yield to My leading all will go well with you.  Your life is in My hands.  You shall have to Trust Me more and give Me everything to worry about and take care of.  I shall go before you and I shall be your rear guard.  Much shall occur this year.  Each day shall draw you closer to Me, we shall never be separated.  You are My beloved and I am well pleased with thee.  Great shall be your rewards as you journey with Me.  I shall always take care of My own.  You are fully surrendered to Me now and I can do much with a yielded humble vessel.  I am not a respecter of persons.  I am willing to help and provide for all who are willing to come to Me, repent of their sins and walk the narrow road with Me.

Many will die soon, for I must cleanse the land.  Stubborn hearts who will not yield to Me and change from their wicked ways will die soon.  I am not a man that I should lie.

VISION:  I am going to an airport and I see a bomb or something go off inside the airport, smoke and debris are coming out of it then I see it collapsing in on itself

I will protect what is yours, your family shall be sheltered under My wing as well.  you are wise My love, you are wise.  Many shall enter the Kingdom now through you.  Stay yielded to Me and you shall touch many with your life.  My words pouring through you shall be a healing balm for the masses looking for answers as their world is crumbling around them.  My children must be prepared in the spirit and in the mind for what is coming.  I shall secure your mind as you  spend time with Me.  You shall not lose your bearings as you endure the change.  Many will lose all hope, they shall cast away their confidence in Me and turn away from their faith.  The hour of testing has begun and many who call Me Lord, shall turn away from their faith.  They shall cling to the flesh of man to provide for them. Woe to these foolish children who willingly go into the pit of snares laid out for them.  Only those who fully put their trust in Me shall be saved and provided for.  i shall tests all hearts now as I have tested yours.  I will still test you as well My dear.  But, I have already purified you and tried you in the furnace of affliction.  You have been found faithful and endured each test.  Now you shall be strong as you go through this next season.  Do not fear My love, I Am here with you.  There are many stages in this journey you are on with Me.  Live out one day at a time, as I lead you through this day and night.  Yield and follow Me to the next and the next.  I will not tell you or show you everything.  It
is a daily process, one step at a time.  As I lead, you follow Me.  We are in this journey together.  I will never leave you.  Trust Me in All Things.
I love you all,

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