Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hearing God November 17, 2013

I love that you are eager to hear.  I love that you are hungry for Me.  Do not fear My manifestations in your life.  I do not want you to be afraid of Me.  You are stronger now.  You are more stable in your faith.  You fully TRUST Me.  I know the supernatural side of life makes you uncomfortable.  I know you do not seek after a sign.  You are content to hear Me and feel Me.  But My Child you were created spiritual, and you will do and see many impossible things.  I am the I'M POSSIBLE God.  I can do anything.  I Am the one who has created all things.  Everything comes from Me.  You know how when your house gets dirty like the bathroom or refrigerator and you can only stand it for so long and then you HAVE to clean it.  This is how i feel about My earth and the people in it.   It is time to clean it.  A thorough job is needed.  I will cleanse My earth and the people in it.  I will no longer allow it to continue on the destructive path it is on.  I have come to recover and restore all things.  I am Holy and the earth once again shall be holy and the people of the earth shall be holy.  No one shall escape My shaking.  Everyone will know for sure with No doubts that it is I God who comes.  To deal with each one individually.  Judgement shall be swift, Behold I have already started.  I enjoy spending time with you.  You are My Beloved dove and your mind is always upon Me.  You are aware that I am here.  You now look for Me in everything you are doing.  As you go about your daily tasks you are constantly looking for Me.  This is what you should be doing.  Trusting Me in everything.  Looking for Me in everything.  Inviting Me into every moment of everyday.  This is how you should live.  This pleases Me child, this pleases Me.  You KNOW that I am always here with you.  You talk to Me constantly and ask for My help constantly.  This is the way to My heart.  You are on the path of complete surrender to Me and this My child pleases Me.  You are able to submit and yield to correction.  You are able to bear My rebuke when it is necessary, and you yield in humble repentance and allow Me to cleanse, shape, and change you more and more daily into My image and likeness.  My light in you GLOWS.  The spirit realm can see you from a great distance.  People and animals can sense you are mine.  They sense you have My presence in you child.. Do not be afraid when you literally start glowing for it is I in you.  I MUST INCREASE in you and you must decrease.  You are seeing your reflection in the mirror changing.  There is a radiance exuding from you My Beloved.  DO NOT FEAR the change for I am here.  Stay on this path you are on.  Do not stray to the right or the left, for  all roads do not lead you home to Me.  I am your provider and protector.  Nothing shall harm you My dove.  I will guard you and watch over you every moment.  Stay close to Me My child.  Dwell and abide in Me.  I am your peace.  I am your resting place.  I am your shelter.  Do not fear what I have told you is coming upon the earth, for it will surely come to pass.  Rest in Me for nothing shall be allowed to harm you.  you are a treasure to Me, you are dear to My heart and I love you.  You are mine and nothing shall pluck you from My hand.  You travel in a circle of armed gaurds.  My angels go with you wherever you go.  Remember to move when I tell you to.  Listen and obey Me child.  Do not hesitate.  I am with you.  Your life is a living witness of Me.  Your life is watched by many and your influence is far in the lives of many.  They see your acts of kindness, they see how you have handled the loss of your two mothers.  They hear your words.  you My dear one are a reflection of Me and all eyes that see you see Me.  You are destined to touch others for Me, and you already are but you don't know it.  Your very life is a strong witness for me.  Many have tried to take you out, but they have not and will not be able to succeed.  For you are mine.  you are My Martyr and My Witness and My Watchman.  You see much unfolding now.  Pray, My dear one, for the lost, for the lukewarm and for all your family and friends.  Pray that they will make the right choice and follow Me whereever I lead them, pray that they will yield to Me, repent of the things I correct them about and allow Me to cleanse them and shape them into My image.  The Mercy gate is closing.  The hour of being able to hear Me is almost over.  Time is up.  Change is upon you now My children, come, come to Me I am your only refuge from the massive storms that are coming.  I desire to protect each one of you, but you must come to Me, each one of you is important to Me.  I desire none to be lost.  I desire holiness.  Come, come now My children.  Listen to My voice, heed My call, come, before it is too late.  I desire all of you to come.  I can and I am able to cleanse you and heal you and protect you and provide for you.  But I force no one.  I invite you all to come, before the hour of testing is fully upon you.  I will cleanse the earth and the people, many people and animals will die soon.  When your life is over where shall you be, with whom shall you live.  This life is but for a moment, it's a vapor a wisp and then you shall see the truth.  Yield to Me before it's too late.  I am your only hope.  Yield children, yield, for the whipping many shall endure is beyond words.  I shall give you what you think you shall want - but it shall be bitter gall to you.  HEAR ME !!!

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