Friday, April 12, 2013

Hearing God 2-15-13

This is what I heard while I was waiting on the Lord on 2-15-13:

I'm here child, I was testing you,
Yesterdays test was great, You passed
I love you, you are letting go of your fleshly desires and focusing on Me and pleasing Me, that's good.  Keep your focus on Me and you will not go astray.  Life is short and filled with many tests, Remember tests build character.  Relationships take time, ours is just beginning to bloom.  Our relationship will deepen and grow as you come to Me and Wait on Me, a submitted heart is all I ask.  I can only use clean vessels.  You are Mine My Beloved and I am yours.  I make all things new.  A renewed mind is the beginning of wisdom.  In Me is nothing hidden.  I see all.  I judge all.  I am in all.  In Me all creation exists, including your creation purpose.  I am filling you with My love.  You will pour out My love on others as a drink offering to Me.  I am constantly looking for who is looking for Me, who is seeking Me, I treasure My remnant and you, I found you ! You are part of My remnant, My little sheep I am leading you into My sheepfold and I will show you My love.  Focus on Me, train your ear to hear Me, train your mind - I am all you need, I will supply.  You are beautiful to Me.  My hearts desire is that you grow in Me and I grow in you.  Living in Me is the only way to be, after all I created you, so I know what you need, I am your source.  You are a shining star.
Song played in my head "You make all things work together for My good."
another Song is playing in my head "Great and Mighty is He, clothed in Glory arrayed in splendor, Great and Mighty is He..."
My holy spirit is a witness to who I am, he chimes in and praises Me often and directs you to praise ME.  Obedience is key to Me above all else.  When you submit to My will by denying your flesh and getting up early and waiting on Me, it allows Me to work on you and in you.  I am pouring My oil upon you, and you will be filled, you will need this oil to sustain you in the coming days.  I am releasing My love, it's a new season.  Let My love capture you and overtake you.  Don't be consumed with the negative side of what's coming on the world.  It's the fruit of their own sin, their lusts are coming to fruition.  Don't be alarmed or afraid.  You are in the world, but you are not of the world.  My light will sustain you.  The land of Goshen is very different from the land of Caanan.  Study will strengthen you.  No plague shall befall you.  Darkness will not come nigh your dwelling.  My angels are protecting you.  My spirit dwells in you.  Let faith arise.  Let My love grow for True love grows and grows.
(My thought:  "Jesus in me, the hope of glory")  Never lose hope in Me.  I am here, I am always here.  I will reveal My ways to you, as I find you faithful, My Beloved.  You must listen to Me, I will be talking constantly to you now that you are willing to hear.  Many will come against you, but don't lose heart, stand therefore in the power of My might and I will take you thru every difficulty.  Be gentle and kind ALWAYS, walk humbly before Me.  Let My Truth envelope you, meditate on My precepts incline your ears to My ways, turn your eyes to Me, I am your hiding place.  My peace I leave with you, My hope dwells in you, I am enlarging Myself in you today.  Let love abide, let My love dwell in you and exude out of you.  My life is meant to overtake your life, you are an extension of Me.  As, you walk in My ways, My character is being formed in you, people will begin to see Me in you.  Do Not compromise with the world.  Obey Me and live.  Let Me flow thru you, My love, My dove.  Our love is sweet, Our love is clean.
Do not let your heart be troubled by anything you see happening or coming in the world.  My plans are unfolding.  It's beginning to rain.  The rain of My Spirit, the rain of My love, the rain of My Oil, the trumpets are sounding.  The wedding is fast approaching, Oh, My love, My dear One, how I long for this union with you.  You are My Beloved.   I have many secrets to share, are you willing to come and hear?  We shall see.  Make yourself strong in Me.
Focus on Me -
Guard your words, for out of them flow the insides of your heart, as a man thinketh and speaketh so is he.  Remember, the evil spirits and frogs are words spewing forth...If your words do not glorify Me, or edify and encourage others then don't speak, remain silent.  When you murmur and complain you have evil spirits and frogs coming out of you and you are now have spots and blemishes and need to be cleansed.  Remember - bitter and sweet water cannot come out of the same vessel - don't be deceived.  Cast out the devils from your heart - and don't let the devil have entrance to your temple - you will know if he has breached your walls by the words of your mouth - that's a "tell", or a sign to you.  Guard your temple, set a guard upon your gates, do not let any evil seed take root and develop, bitterness, resentment, jealousy, offense, hatred - these are all evil spirits and breed the frogs.
Listen to peoples words, you will be able to discern what is in their temple.  Picture evil spirits and frogs, a plague of frogs coming out of your mouths - This is a Wake-Up Call !!!
You should always do self - deliverance.  Get the leaven out, and keep it out.  Be diligent in this, keep your temple pure.  I can only dwell in clean vessels.
Everything leaves an imprint, what you see, what you hear, will effect how you think and how you speak.
Remember, the battle rages - you have been warned!!!  This is what "keeping your heart is all about", you have to work at being like Me.  Life is not easy its full of tests, it builds your character, and you have a great part in how you handle things and how you let them effect and influence you.  You are always in the battle, this is how your armour helps you, it deflects the assaults of the enemy upon you.  Never walk around naked, stay clothed in My armour and My robe of righteousness.  Call upon Me and I will help you discern these tests, and i will help you overcome all.

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