Friday, April 12, 2013

Hearing God 2-14-13

This is what I heard while I was waiting on the Lord on 2-14-13:

Song started playing in my head "You are my souls desire...I want to thank you, thank you, thank you"

Oh, wake up My child I have so much to tell you about this world.   I love you, I love you, I love you
You are My hearts desire, I pant after thee, I long for thee, I will have thee for My very own.  I will bring thee into My garden and eat My choicest fruits, for we are one My Beloved, we are one
Time is short, I need thee Oh I need thee
These moments are precious to Me, and I will not let you be deceived, for you are Mine and I am yours.
We were meant for each other.
I love you
The time has come for Me to show forth My Power on the earth, so many souls going their own way, they do not know Me, they do not listen and soon they will be no more, sad really.  This doesn't have to be this way.  But, free-will has consequences.  I warned everyone, I sent My word, I sent My prophets, but, they are deceived, My church is deceived, they look upon Me as a God of Grace who doesn't mind their sin, once saved, always saved is an abomination from hell.  Why would I call them out of darkness into My marvelous light, to have them still live in darkness = madness I tell you - I said in My word "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, don't they know who I am.  I am the righteous and just judge.  I see all, and I will repay all, ALL I tell you will be lost if it is not focused and centered on Me.  many will say "Lord, Lord, we are yours.  We love you, we are saved", But, I will HAVE to say "Depart from Me, ye workers of iniquity, ye workers of LAW-LESS-NESS, you never knew ME, So, I never knew you.
Sin, man full of sin cannot stand in My presence, I am an all consuming fire, My fire purges out the sin from your life - IF you repent before Me and ask Me to purge you, I will gladly do it.  When I am ever present before you, you will walk carefully before Me, not willing to get stained by sin, not willing to wear the mark of sin, because you know I see all, you know I am there with you and you do not want to disappoint Me.
You must walk humbly before Me, I am your God Almighty, I am the Holy One, the God Most High, I am your deliverer.  I will always protect you.
Always come to Me in the Secret Place
Wait on Me, it pleases Me, and surely I will come, the trying of your faith worketh patience, and you must let patience have it's perfect work in you, your fruit is developing My Beloved, and it's beautiful.  It's a sweet smelling aroma to Me.
The sacrifice of Waiting on Me will never go unrewarded or unnoticed
You are Mine My Love, You are Mine
So many times I've called to you, but, you did not answer.  But, now you eagerly leap to answer.  You eagerly run to Me to hear.  You eagerly long for Me, and pant for Me as a doe pants for water, it blesses My heart.  It refreshes My spirit, it lifts Me up and makes Me want to dance, come My Beloved and dance with Me.
We are going to be together forever, We are just, we are pure, we are one, you and I.  Let the world go away, as we are sinking deeply into our love.
Did you know love grows and changes us and our circumstances.
Where does love come from?  It comes from Me, I am the source of all love.  My light emanates the glow of love.  Love is a bond that links our hearts together, the mortar that will stand the test of time.  Love is a gift, love is strong, love endures great testing and great trials.  True love never dies or grows cold.  True love is Truth and it grows, it comes from the very heart of God and is linked to Wisdom.  It will protect you, it will warm you, it will enlighten your heart with it's presence.
Let love flow out of you.  Love is a gift, freely you have received and freely you will give.
My love is deep, who can fathom it, I love that you love Me.  I love that you make time for Me.  I love that you start your day with Me.  I am coming for you My dear, My darling, My precious one, stay strong, stay on your knees, love Me, Obey Me, hear Me, fear Me, Keep your heart clean, keep watch at the gates guard your heart, stay ready, the enemy wants to come in and defile your temple, he wants to try you, to sift you, to make you fall, he is crafty and deceptive, come to Me and I will lead you out of his traps, his snares and his devises.
Anna was right, My dear sweet Anna, look for Me with your spiritual eyes for I am coming for you in the spirit and then in the physical.  Don't look for Me to come in the flesh just yet - I will call you in the spirit, I will come to you in the spirit.  You will see Me, If you look, seek with your whole heart.  I need you, I love you.
I must tell you of the days ahead, no time to delay.  The days are perilous now, and many difficulties are coming upon this world.  But, you walk in My light, you shelter in Me, My presence will protect you.
You will live in the land of Goshen, plagues all around, but, it will not come nigh you.  Darkness across the land, but, you will have light, famine and pestilence everywhere, but you will remain strong, and have plenty to eat.
Don't think of your husband, think of Me, I am your source.  I am your all sufficient one.  I take care of My Own.  I will never leave you or forsake you.
When you have to go to the bathroom while you are waiting on Me, go, for I am cleansing you.
I will lead you daily if you ask Me to.  I walk before you, I am your shepherd and you are My lamb, I love you.  Let the world go away, focus on Me, My love, i will never lead you astray.  Keep walking in My love.  Keep coming back to Me, I am the well that never runs dry.  I am the bread of life - Eat Me, Drink Me, get your fill, I will daily load you with My benefits, for you are Mine, My precious one.
Wherever you go, I Go, whoever you talk to, I talk to.  Bitter and sweet water cannot come forth out of the same mouth, therefore choose life to come forth out of your mouth only, it refreshes the soul.  Let no evil dwell in you.  I am before you.  Praise Me child, for My Mighty Works.  Change is coming, many changes.  The hour of testing is upon us.  Those who will stand for Me, will stand !  These are My True Warriors.  These are My True Children.  These are My True Sons.  Those who are not True, will fall by the wayside - they have no root in them and will be lost.  Hope will depart from the world, but it will not depart from you - it will grow for all those who trust in me.  Gross darkness is enveloping the earth, but, My light is growing stronger and stronger in you, I will illuminate you, My light will break forth in your life, in your body, in your spirit, in your soul, My light will illuminate you, everything about you and your life will be covered and enveloped in My light.  I have set you apart from the world.  You are Mine, My Beloved, you are Mine.
I am your strong tower.  My banner over you is LOVE.  Walk out each day before Me in total submission and love.  Live in My Perfect Will for your life and I will sustain you.  I require obedience rather than sacrifice.  You must go, get ready for your day, I will talk to you soon, I love you.

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