Monday, March 2, 2015

Hearing God - March 2, 2015

***Note:  As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Oh My little one, do you not know how My refining fires work.  Little by little, the process is slow, for I am meticulously removing all of the impurities within you.   They can only be seen by you as you are seated in the fire.  As your pot begins to boil the impurities rise to the top and I am able to skim off the scum and impurities from within you.  You experience My refiners fire as you are rejected, ridiculed, slandered, etc.  from the people around you, the sting of a friend's betrayal and the rejection of loved ones cuts deep and allows you yourself to peer into your pot and see what's deep within.  When you experience these pains, trails, tribulations, bring them to Me, for they are My sufferings, for I am in you and you are in Me.  Did I not tell you that you would experience for yourself My sufferings.  Bring everything to Me in prayer, and release it all to Me, let Me bind up your wounds, let Me skim off the impurities and scum from your pot.  Do not try to tough it out, hold it in, or bear these burdens alone.  You were not created for this.  Bring every pain and sorrow to Me, for these are My sufferings.  Beloved, you are a work in progress, I have been with you every step of this journey.  No one escapes My refiners fire.  For it is needed to bring forth the beautiful treasures within you all.  The gold, the silver, the precious gemstones these are only seen and brought forth as you pass through My refiners fire.  Every trial, every difficulty is necessary to bring forth the true treasure within.  Do not run from the fire, rejoice in it, for Remember, I am in the fire with you all.


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