Monday, April 1, 2013

Hearing God 2-8-13

Hello There,

This is what I heard:

February 8, 2013

I started hearing "Come to Me My Beloved" at 3:00am,  I got up at 4:30am when I heard a child call out "Marse", this is not my name, but I knew they were calling for me.  ( I have heard this child call out for me before....a long time ago)

God said "Ask Me something?  I have many plans for you, secrets to reveal.  I am filling you with My oil, with My Presence, because your heart is clean and pure before Me.  I have known you before the foundations of the world, you are mine.

I will always take care of you, come to Me, come to Me quickly when I call.

You are My Beloved and you shall have no other gods before Me.  Put Me first.  Focus on Me, I will lead you to the paths of still waters for your soul, still waters run deep

This time of consecration is very precious to Me.  Greater is He that is in Me than he that is in the world

This is not a time to pray (I was praying), it is a time to come before Me and train your ear to listen.  Do Not be distracted, for I am here.

You are a gift to Me, a presence I can feel

Howdy, Shaloam

It's sketchy, but you will hear Me better as you come

Cast down all idols, trust Me

From before time began, I knew you, you are so beautiful to Me.  I'm courting you.

Come to Me all who are thirsty and I will give you drink

Come to Me all who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest

Come to Me

You are not going to sleep (I was getting sleepy) Wait on Me, I am here, I have much to say, are you willing to hear

My time has come, I will soon come back to the earth and collect My Bride.  Do you want to be part of the Bride?  Then you must eat Me and drink Me, prepare yourself, put the word in your mouth and speak it aloud

I am coming back for a Bride spotless, with no blemishes, that comes when I call, that listens and obeys My voice.  I am the head and you are the body, follow Me, I will never lead you astray.

I am the vine you are the branches, I prune and pluck as I choose, as I see fit, for My plans for you

All will be revealed shortly, Wait on Me, abide in Me, love Me, call upon Me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you know not of

Where your heart is there your treasure is also

My Kingdom come, My will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

I desire for all to know Me, All, not some

Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.  I am wrapping things up, stay ready, be ready, for I come in an hour that you think not.  I want you strong in Me, pray in tongues often.  I will give you the interpretation as I see fit.  Love Me with all your heart, soul and mind

The flowers bloom and fade but My love for you will never fade.  I like purple.

I am coming, for in such and hour as you think not I come.  Be ready, stay alert.  The enemy comes as a roaring lion seeking whom He may devour.. Lift Me up, praise Me, for I am about to do great things

I love you with and everlasting love.  Keep My commandments.  Don't be stubborn.  My soul longs to be with you.  We are one in spirit, love knits us together, love knits everything together.  Behold, I stand at the door and knock, open unto Me My Beloved, come quickly when I call

You are Marse

He who shelters in the Most High has nothing to fear.  Focus on Me, not on what's happening in the world.  Make Me big in you, and everything else will melt away.  The hills melt like wax at the presence of the Lord.  The hills melt like wax at the presence of the Lord.

Who am I to judge? you said, you said it well, for no man can judge rightly, I will judge in My Father's house.  Live humbly, be pure and undefiled before Me.  Take communion it's important.

You're not Focusing on Me ( my mind is drifting, and thoughts are crowding in), Focus on Me.  Listen with your heart, do you hear Me?  I am near, I am right here.  Behold, I come quickly Be ready, lest you fail and I have to leave you for a time of testing

Live in Me, Live for Me, no greater sacrifice than a man lay down his life for Me.  Are you willing?  Are you faithful to Me"  Will you endure testing?  We shall see.

Look up for your redemption draweth nigh.  I often look upon you in wonder, your beautiful and lovely, fairer than 10, 000 to My soul.  Will you marry Me?

VISION:  ( I see a jewelry store and you (Jesus) have walked in with a small Indian girl  ( I think she's me) you tell her to pick out any ring she wants, she picks out a blue ring.  You put the ring on her and kiss her neck, back, shoulders, intimately.  You love her and want to marry her ( I could feel every kiss and every caress).......

I want you to know Me.  The deep hidden things about Me.  I want to show you many things.  You are wise My child, and I will lift you up.  Stay humble, stay pure, be clean before Me.  Stand firm in the sifting process.

My eyes search to and fro on the earth looking for someone who loves Me.  I have found you My love, and I will never let you go, hold tightly to Me in the days ahead, you will be protected and provided for, you are greatly loved and I cherish you and our time together.  Love generously, love freely.

It is not time to think of anything else right now just Me, focus on Me, keep coming back and focusing on Me (my thoughts are drifting).  You are training your ears to hear Me, you are training your mind to focus on Me and to follow Me, the road is steep, so follow close.  Even when you don't see, hear or feel Me, stay on the road, it will always lead you home to My sheltering arms, even when you feel alone, you are not I am here.  Remember it's a test.  I test, test, test to find My truly faithful ones.  Be faithful to the end My friend.

You are beautiful to Me, I love you, I need you, I want you My child, I have always wanted you.  My plans for you are great, I will use you as My vessel to purge others. ( I asked (How?) he said " I will tell you more later"

I see you,  I have searched you.

VISION:  (I see oil coming out of me from my head and hands and green stuff=Mercy?)

***This is what I heard Him tell me***

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