Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hearing God - April 6, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Love covers a multitude of sins, for it forgives and always thinks and hopes for the best in a person.

Beloved, as you are careful to walk in love, the path shall remain open and clear for you.  I see your needs and I will meet your needs.  You are right where you are supposed to be, fully trusting in Me.

Your hope has been restored and you are full of expectancy and vigor as you face each day.

My love covers you and rests upon you and your family.  Do not worry, I will meet your needs.  You stand in faith, stedfast and strong, fully expecting your answer.  I shall shower you with abundance, My love.

Declare and Decree that all your needs are met today.  My love, as you are faithful to release your words, your words shall spring forth as seeds of abundance.  You shall have no lack.  As you declare and decree a thing it shall be done for you.  Do not back off in your pursuit to push back darkness and rule in your authority.

As you are ruling, you are also reigning with Me.  This is how you manifest the Kingdom Age.

My dear one, as you are faithful to record these words, they are also being recorded in your book in heaven.  Nothing goes unnoticed in My Kingdom.  I use all of your life to reveal My glory.

Each life is precious and valuable to Me.  For in every yielded vessel I can reveal My glory through them.  But, only if they are yielded to Me.  The glory can only be manifested through holiness and humility.

These two character traits are apparent in all who rule now and in the days to come.  You shall train many in this.  For I shall raise you up from the hidden place and set you before many now to share how to rule and reign with Me as a yielded vessel.

These breadcrumb trails have many travelers on them.  They are coming behind you in humbleness, seeking truth and they shall find Me.

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