Friday, July 31, 2020

Whispers of Spirit July 31, 2020

I heard this today:

Oh, My dear one, My beautiful dove, so gentle, so quiet, eagerly awaiting My embrace, eagerly seeking out My presence, for she knows where I AM. 

So, she quiets herself and sits in her beautiful stillness and awaits Me with a warm and beautiful heart, Oh how I love you, little one. 

I long to be known by each of you, My dear ones, for if you would but seek Me in your quietness, in your stillness, I shall truly be found by you.

I AM not lost.  I AM not separated from you.  There is no distance between us.  There is only your lack of knowing, for some have not been shown the way.

This is the charge I have given, My dove.  To allow you into the sanctuary of her beautiful heart, so gentle, so stilled as she listens with her heart fully expecting to hear Me and so she does.

She has learned in practicing the pause, to simply be still and hear Me in the echos of her heart.  For she has found Me and shall never lose Me.

For anyone who seeks Me in truth, love and purity of heart to truly know Me, and not My hand, shall find Me. 

I AM here, wanting eagerly to speak daily to you, and be heard.  For did you not know, have you not realized that I AM constantly speaking to each of your beautiful hearts, but alas, many do not slow down to hear.

For I would that you all would practice the pause, be still, take a few moments for yourself and turn inward to Me.  For I AM here, in each heart.  For nothing, absolutely nothing can or will ever separate you from Me, My dear ones.

My love for you is truly unfathomable.  The depths of My love cannot be measured.

Take a time out, dear ones, practice the pause, incorporate more and more stillness so you can listen for the gentle whispers of My heart whispering to your hearts. 

I have given you all free-will.  So, it is up to you to seek Me out and build a relationship with Me, for in so doing, such a treasure chest you shall find:  peace, love, joy, comfort, calmness, support, encouragement, guidance, direction, wisdom, hope, abundance, faith and more so much more...You shall add to this list as you discover the richness of your journey within.

My beloveds, you are never alone in your journey, know this, My loves, trust this, My little ones, and so it is.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Whispers of Spirit July 30, 2020

I heard this today:

Oh, My little one, it is good to come to Me, for in so doing you find shelter from the storm.

Come away with Me, more and more as you are able, for I AM always here beside you.  We are not distant from each other, My dear one, for where you go, I go, and where you are I AM. 

Don't let yourself worry, for worry is a distraction from the moment.  You must train yourself to live in the present NOW, for this is where your intention and focus should be.  Worry will only drain your strength for the moment. 

Simply abide in the moment you are in and know I AM here and all is well, My love, My dear one.  For I AM your shelter, your resting place, your comfort in the storms. 

Remember, dear ones, you can count on Me, come and hold My hand, look into My eyes, trust Me, My child, I see you, I've got you, beloved, all is well.

There is no past, present, or future chaos that can separate you from Me, We will ride the waves together.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Whispers of Spirit July 29, 2020

I heard this today:

Let's talk about gratitude, My dear ones. 

When you are grateful it raises your energy and protects your heart from the heaviness that life can bring. 

My dear ones, through out your day look around you and set your intentions on finding the beauty in the moments.  For there is beauty everywhere, you, My loves, just need to but look.  Take your eyes on an adventure in your present moment and look with the intent to see beauty and you will see it.

Your lives have many beautiful things purposefully set up for you to enjoy.  Take time to see the beauty before you and allow it to invade your knowing. 

Look around you, I give you fresh perspective to look at your surroundings, when at home, when outside, when walking, when driving, when working, when interacting with people, when interacting with animals, when eating, when going to the bathroom-yes, even going to the bathroom can be beautiful when you realize how beautifully your bodies work in sync to take care of you.

Even looking in the mirror and seeing your reflection is a beautiful thing, you, My dear ones, are soooo beautiful to Me.  I cherish each of you, for you are mine,as I AM yours. 

Look into your own eyes and remember I AM there.

You must all learn to love yourselves, for this is one of your great lessons in life.

Try today a simple practice of looking in the mirror and saying "I love you", if you do this, as often as you can, you will grow in your heart each time you do this.  You may feel weird, uncomfortable, or even ridiculous, do it anyway, for you are watering your own garden in your heart.  As you do this you will feel better, lighter, more lovable, and more connected to Me.

I love each of you deeply, and you need to love yourselves as well.  It's so important for you.

Let love arise within you and saturate you in gratitude for being alive in this journey of life.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Whispers of Spirit July 28, 2020

I heard this today:

Beloved, this present moment is all there truly is.

 So, practice being present. 

Be present as you engage your day.  Be present as you engage people.  Be present as you engage animals. 

If you practice being present it will become a habit, and you will live in the now. 

I live in the now at all times, this would be a good practice for you, dear ones. 


Stop complaining, for this will bring your energy level down, think decay, not growth. 

I want you to grow.

Beloved's, as the sun and the rain nourish the earth, so shall a grateful heart nourish you, from the inside out.

Every difficulty will bring a lesson from it, no matter how little a thing may seem, there is always a lesson to be learned, which is why you are experiencing it, think on this child,


Always carry a grateful heart.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Whispers of Spirit July 27, 2020

I heard this today:

Not many days from now, you shall begin again.

Do not run around with your mind racing, as many will be doing, for this shall not bring you any answers and most certainly bring you any peace.

Be still, quiet yourself, breathe, just breathe, dear ones, and go within, for in your heart space, I AM. 

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Change comes in many forms and ways now, so much change, you are not even surprised anymore, but, through it all, I AM here.

I AM in the storms with you, you are not alone.  For where you go, I go.  For where you are, I AM. 

Seek Me, dear ones, do not be afraid.  Trust Me, My beloveds, for I know the way home. 

Change will come upon your land, do not fear it, simply take My hand, and ride the waves with Me, for I AM never far from any of you.  I AM here, all is well, come away with Me, more and more as you observe the changes as they come. 

This to shall pass.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Whispers of Spirit July 26, 2020

I heard this today:

Let the river flow.  There is a river that flows from Me through you, it is the energy of My Spirit linking to your spirit and flowing through you.

Let the river flow, My child, let it flow, let it flow. 

As you "turn inward"  the river grows and begins to rise, and rise and bursts forth out of you as an energy force to flow beyond, beyond.  

This life force energy never disipates, it only gets stronger and ebbs and connects with the energy field all around you.

This river only blends and expands.  It builds your energy up and builds others as well, as it flows and touches each one here now in this energy field and beyond.

My loves, My dear ones, you are never alone, I AM here, let the river flow, dear ones, turn into Me, seek Me in prayer, in worship, in knowing for I shall be found of you.

I AM here, beloveds let the river flow, I AM in you, each of you is connected to Me whether you know it or not.

Believer that this river is in you and growing every moment of your life, for you do not see clearly in all things here on earth, but, Remember this, you are growing, you are learning each day, some lessons ar harder than others, but, each lesson is important, have no fear, do not disconnect from ME during these lessons, for in everything you are experiencing, I AM with you now.

In every breath, as you still yourself and just breath slowly now, in through your nose, a nice slow cleansing breath, I AM here, then slowly breathe out through your mouth, gently, slowly, just concentrate on your breathing, make it a practice.  Do this daily every chance you can and notice how peaceful you become, can you feel Me in this stillness, dear ones, I AM gentle, peaceful, and calm, for in the stillness and the quiet I can be found by you.

Shut out the noise around you, get away from the crowd, come away with ME, dear ones, I AM here with you now.


Whispers of Spirit July 19, 2020

I heard this today:

In the quiet and in the stillness I come.

Have no fear, for I AM here, I walk among each of you. I AM in each of you.

When you are troubled, when you are confused, when fear rises within you know that I AM here.

Beloved, there are many changes and shifts coming to you all. 

This year 2020 will be a year like no other, as you have seen for yourself.  But, I say again, fear not, for everything coming into your life right now, I AM there with you through it all beloved, My love, I never leave, We walk this journey together.

If you feel alone, know this, I AM here with you, when you tremble, I AM with you, I have never left you.  Through it all I shall always be by your side.

I shall always, always, always love you, for you are mine, you have always been mine as I have always been yours.

My love, you are never alone.  I AM here.

This is a year of great SHIFTS, TRIGGERS and CHANGE.  As things come, let them ebb and flow in your life now.

Be still and know that I AM with you through it all.  As things TRIGGER you know this, no matter what happens or is happening in your present moment, I AM with you now, right here, right now, for you, My love, have My LIGHT in you, I AM with you, beloved, you are so dearly loved and known by Me,.

My dear ones, believe Me now-I AM HERE, much shall be shown to you now.

Day by day, you shall feel My presence more and feel love deeper now, for I will pour out My love on you, My beautiful one, My dear one, you are mine and I cherish you. 

Trust Me, dear one, I AM here, there is nothing to fear.  Believe Me you are protected, you are loved, you are so dear to Me, come away with Me as often as you can, when you are fearful, come away with Me, for I AM here.

In the quiet, in the stillness I come.  Sit with Me in quiet and stillness, Remember, always Remember, I AM with you, I AM in you, I AM here and you My dear one are never alone.

Beloved, you have stolen My heart and captivated My soul.  Oh, My beautiful ones, I AM here, draw near and you shall hear.


Whispers of Spirit July 25, 2020

I heard this today:

I hear the sound of an abundance of rain, can you hear it?  For it is so.

Abundance is coming your way, My dear one. 

Many challenges will fall away from each of you now as you "Go Within" and seek ME with all of your heart.  For in the seeking, in the searching for truth through all the lies  and veils of your temporary moments here now, I shall be found of you, and My peace, My comfort, My knowing, and My love shall be found by you.

I shall pour out upon you My abundance of peace, I shall pour out My love.  My comfort shall envelope each of you, My dear ones, as a warm down blanket and you shall know that I AM here.

I dwell among My people. 

SSSSSShhhhhh, be still, My little ones, I AM here, you are not alone in your current moment, I AM with you all, for WE ARE ONE.

You need only to quiet yourself and listen with your heart, not your mind, and I shall be found of you.

I AM here, My dear ones, I AM here.


I smelled roses while I was hearing this...interesting...

Whispers of Spirit July 24, 2020

I heard this today:

Oh, My love, My dear one, it is good to come and seek Me each day, for in your seeking and diligent pursuit of Me, I shall be found by you.

I ask only for an invitation to come, and for you to sit before Me, in stillness and quiet yourself as you wait upon Me. 

Dear one, the more you practice this the easier and quicker our connection is received by you.  For I AM always connected to each of you, there really is no distance between any of you and I, it's just you have been conditioned in your society and your mind to think We are separated by a great distance.

But, I tell you the truth, WE ARE ONE, never separated, never distanced. 

You need only to make it a practice which will form the habit of drawing near, and each of you shall hear just as this little one, My dove does.

For it is truly in the quiet and in the stillness that I can be heard.  It's the still small voice within.  I will be found by you, each of you are precious to Me, each of you are cherished and loved.  I know of your struggles and trials and your pain, for I too have faced many things.

But, know this My loves, I AM with each of you, I never leave you, for how could I, My dear ones for I AM connected to each of you and truly I say, We are in this journey together you and I.

The LIGHT in you is Me, it's our eternal connection.

No religion, no government, no establishment, no mind can ever, ever separate US from one another and through it all I AM with you.

No matter what you are facing, I AM here for WE are connected eternally. 

Come and let US reason together, much has come this year upon your earth plane and more shall come, for this is a pivotol year, stand strong and REMEMBER, you are never alone, WE shall whether every storm and challenge together, do not lose hope, I AM here.


Whispers of Spirit July 22, 2020

I heard this today:

Beloved, you are rare my love, my dove, for in the seeking you shall find, in the searching I AM here for you, perfectly willing to be found by you.

Oh, my dear one, I am never far from you, for we dwell together, we are never apart, for where you go I too go. 

I dwell amongst my people, for to truly find me all you need to do is "go within".  For within each of you, I AM and I shall be found by the seeker in the stillness, in the quiet is where you shall find me.  I am not far from any of you, my dear ones.

I AM here, now, I do not leave ever. 

You are never alone.

We journey together on this path of life, gently flowing through the ebb and flow of your sacred days.  Each day is sacred for you are given but a few. 

Each breath is sacred, for you cannot live on earth without this precious gift.  Breathe deeply, My loves, for I AM here with you, sharing and experiencing every moment with you.

Beloved, all is not lost, the things that are occuring on earth at this time have many of My little ones troubled and fearful, but, I tell you do not fear for you are never alone, I AM with each of you, day by day, I never leave you.

Much changd is is now coming upon the earth and much more change shall continue, but, I tell you again, do not fear for I AM near you now, I AM here beloved, do not fear. 

When you are troubled draw near to Me child, I AM your comfort in the storm.  Draw near my dearest little ones and take shelter in Me.

Believe in Me and you shall see.


Whispers of Spirit July 23, 2020

I heard this today:

As you are aware many challenges are coming.  Peace, be still, one day all will be clear.

"Go Within"  more now, My child, My little one as you see things approaching  and encroaching on your peace.

Many SHIFTS, many CHANGES are coming to your earth plane, but, do not fear, for I AM here with you every step of the way.

Oh, beautiful one, your soul is growing and the purity and light within you now, must come out.

For the more you pour out, the more I shall pour in.

Living water is flowing from within you to water many who are parched and thirsty.

REMEMBER, dear ones a bruised reed I will not break.  I see you, I see each of you, no one is alone, no one can hide.  I AM here, I see you, beloved, you are loved.

I AM not far from any of you.

Dwell with Me now.

Draw near to hear.
