Sunday, July 26, 2020

Whispers of Spirit July 26, 2020

I heard this today:

Let the river flow.  There is a river that flows from Me through you, it is the energy of My Spirit linking to your spirit and flowing through you.

Let the river flow, My child, let it flow, let it flow. 

As you "turn inward"  the river grows and begins to rise, and rise and bursts forth out of you as an energy force to flow beyond, beyond.  

This life force energy never disipates, it only gets stronger and ebbs and connects with the energy field all around you.

This river only blends and expands.  It builds your energy up and builds others as well, as it flows and touches each one here now in this energy field and beyond.

My loves, My dear ones, you are never alone, I AM here, let the river flow, dear ones, turn into Me, seek Me in prayer, in worship, in knowing for I shall be found of you.

I AM here, beloveds let the river flow, I AM in you, each of you is connected to Me whether you know it or not.

Believer that this river is in you and growing every moment of your life, for you do not see clearly in all things here on earth, but, Remember this, you are growing, you are learning each day, some lessons ar harder than others, but, each lesson is important, have no fear, do not disconnect from ME during these lessons, for in everything you are experiencing, I AM with you now.

In every breath, as you still yourself and just breath slowly now, in through your nose, a nice slow cleansing breath, I AM here, then slowly breathe out through your mouth, gently, slowly, just concentrate on your breathing, make it a practice.  Do this daily every chance you can and notice how peaceful you become, can you feel Me in this stillness, dear ones, I AM gentle, peaceful, and calm, for in the stillness and the quiet I can be found by you.

Shut out the noise around you, get away from the crowd, come away with ME, dear ones, I AM here with you now.


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