Friday, August 7, 2020

Whispers of Spirt August 7, 2020

 I heard this today:

Oh, My dear, there is so much to share with you on this journey.  Know this, My love, you shall miss nothing.  For in your searching for truth you shall find your treasure.

Your heart is pure and clean now, My love, for I have sealed it with My Spirit, and nothing shall disrupt our union, for we are one.

As you seek, you shall find, more and more as you are able to digest it and receive it into your spirit then heart then mind for these truths come to you as you are able to internalize them.

My dearest dove, all is well and I AM well pleased with your journey within.  For it is truly My delight to share My truth in our eternal internal kingdom.  

For nothing is separate.  Everything and everyone is conceived in union, one with another, for we are all connected, no separation.  We truly are all connected.  

The wisdom of the stars, the wisdom of the pyramids, the wisdom of the crystal skulls, the wisdom of all things shall now be revealed to all who seek to know Me and My truth.

For I AM willing to share it with all who are seeking to know the truth within themselves, as well as the truth outside of themselves in the world and in the universes, cosmos, dimensions, and to the heart of the Father, the Source of all.

For in your seeking with a pure heart, I shall expand your abilities to comprehend and absorb all that you seek out in your journey.  

This is not a race, My dear ones, this is a lifelong journey of a willing heart to find the light within and seek out the truth they know is within reach, but may be hidden for a moment, to stretch you, to strengthen you in your journey.  

Nothing is truly lost.  Nothing remains hidden forever.  It just patiently awaits in the stillness to be found by the seeker.

There are no stupid questions in this journey, and likewise there are no stupid answers.  But, to find the answers, you must first ask the questions.  

Let your intuition be your guides.

Remember, My dear ones, it all begins with the journey within.

Much love and light to all the seekers.


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