I heard this today:
As you align with Me, My dear one, your heart grows bigger with more of Me, and you light grows stronger and brighter with My light assisting you.
I strengthen My beloveds, with every breath, the divine of My presence exudes through your being.
For you become a much needed channel for My spirit, light, and love to flow through.
Did you know, your presence on earth is needed and serves a great purpose for Me? For you are an anchor of My light on this earth plane. You are an anchor of great and powerful light on earth at this time.
For this is one of the reasons you came to earth at this pivotal time in history. You don't have to do anything to be this, your very existence is all that is required.
But, you, My dove, have chosen to be a seeker of My truth, and in so doing you have chosen to align with Me and in so doing, much shall be given to you in this journey.
For you are of spirit and I AM of spirit.
At this present moment you are in an earth plane clothed in a physical vessel that was created just for you, to house your spirit, and My spirit, for We are one, your physical vessel also houses your soul, your energetic fields, your aura... You, My dear one, have many, many layers, as do all humans.
I will reveal them to you in due time, this process of knowing in your intuition cannot be rushed, for this beautiful journey we are on, has a natural rhythm, does it not?
Pay attention, My dear one, to the ebb and flow of each day, take notice of the signs all around you, for you are in My company, fully aligned and NOW fully teachable as the illusions that kept you distant from Me have been shattered.
For truth, My beloved dove, is yours NOW.
As you peer deeply behind the veils, remember, nothing is impossible. What you see NOW, may or may not be explainable. But, know this, all things have a bit of truth to them.
Remember, the fairy tales, remember the legends of old. Not so long ago, as time is irrelevent.
You shall begin to see many of My Kingdoms NOW, for it is time to reveal to you, things that were hidden and veiled, only to be revealed to those with a pure heart.
My love, My dove, your heart has been purified in My fire and you are pure and clean. It is My great pleasure to reveal My Kingdoms to you.
As you see these things, write them down in this blog, it does not matter if some call you crazy, or say you've gone off the deep end...For beloved, you already know that you are living in the deep end of the pool. For this My child, is where your freedom lies.
You, My dear one, are called to write the visions you see, and put it out there in the collective field, for remember, dear heart, We are creating a bread crumb trail, for others who have lost their way.
Dear one, I AM the ONE who does impossible things. I AM the source of "I'm possible".
For if you believe in your heart, you shall receive, and nothing shall be withheld from you, My love, follow your intuition, do not question your knowing, for it will never lead you astray.
Beloved, the path is unfolding for you day by day, it does not have to be clear in its future, for in the present moment it shall be revealed. Remember, dear one, its an ebb and flow. Just stay in the flow.
Remember the dream/vision that has haunted you for so long, the meaning of this shall be revealed in 12 yrs. time.
I shall activate you for this when it is time. For there shall be many activation's for you, NOW, My dear one. Trust Me in the process of it all. Nothing shall be lost, or hidden, or beyond your reach NOW. For My Kingdom is within you-alive and activated for this present moment, and you shall see many wondrous and beautiful things, that many cannot see, but, this bread crumb trail, shall draw many into Me, and I shall set them free, just as I have for you, My beloved dove.
This journey we are on is beautiful, is it not? So, don't try to rush this process of your life's journey. Let it ebb and flow. Breath, dear one, just breath, all shall come to pass in it's time.
Your adventure is just beginning, let it flow, My little one, don't try to overthink it, just let if flow.
I love you, dear one, I love you.
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