Thursday, August 6, 2020

Whispers of Spirit August 6, 2020

I heard this today:

Beloveds, NOW is the time to set your intentions.  For much is allowed to come forth in your lives at this time in history.

Be positive, loving and kind in your intentions.  Do not be selfish, or stingy or even small minded.  For NOW is the time to think big, bigger, even what you may think is impossible.  For I tell you the truth much shall be given to the pure in heart.  For they shall create with Me a new world.  A beautiful abode.

Imagine in your heart a place of love, a place of laughter, a place of peace and calm where all are cared for, fed, and clothed, where there is no sickness, there is no war, for I tell you the truth, My dear ones, if you can dream it and set your intentions to see it, it most surely with come to you.

Oh, My dear ones, imagine heaven on earth coming to you NOW.  Whatsoever things are pure and just, if there be any virtue, if there be anything praise worthy think on these things. 

My little ones, you are creating with Me NOW.  You are so loved, and so cherished.  Oh, My loves, I AM here with you NOW.  You are never alone. 

Think big, allow yourselves to dream once again, for all is not lost.  Beloved, before you is a brand new reality, can you see it. 

Don't limit yourselves in your ideas, dreams and intentions.  Get a journal and write, write, write.  Set the intention in your heart, in your mind, say it out loud if you want. 

It's not crazy to dream.  You're not crazy to want to live in peace and harmony.  You're not crazy to want to live in beauty and love, for that is what I dream of for you as well.

Dream children, it's time to dream again of a brand new world, full of wonder and possibility.

I tell you the truth, My dear ones, nothing shall be impossible for you, dream, My dear ones, dream.


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