Thursday, August 27, 2020

Whisphers of Spirit August 22, 2020

 I heard this today:

Quiet, quiet, quiet, beloved, quiet yourself now, for in the stillness I come.  

Many questions and many answers shall come to you in your stillness.

The vast greatness of My Kingdom and My knowing shall be yours, My dear one.

In your quietness now, questions shall arise within your stillness, just observe them and let them flow.  In so doing you become the observer of your thoughts not the participator, there is a difference, can you not see this, My love?  

As you allow the questions to come from within you, just observe them as they ebb and flow and observe the answers as they arise within you that you may not understand the why of, just be patient and allow the flow.

You will learn much in your stillness, My little one.

All is well, My love, all is well.  

For in the quiet, in the stillness, I come forth.  

I AM always here with you, quietly observing you.   I AM truly all around you and within you, for we are one.


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