Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Whispers of Spirit August 9, 2020

 I heard and saw this today:

I see you, My child, I see you.

Look what do you see?  

(I answered: The Lions Gate is open.)

What do you see?  

(I answered:  I see a lion in the sky with stars.  I see a swirl of stars and mist to my upper left)

What do you see, oh My heart, My beautiful heart ?  

(I answered:  I see the lion roaring "I send out light and love to all who will receive it...Receive My light...Receive My love...)

What do you see My child ? 

 (I answered:  I see Jesus, in a white robe with a blue sash, standing next to the lion in the sky-it's dark, I can see the stars, the lion is roaring next to Jesus, Jesus has his hand on the lion and saying 'Can you hear Me NOW?  Come, it is NOW time to come and ask, ask of Me, ask big, be bold in your request, beloved, I hear you.  Come NOW, be bold, for I AM here.  I dwell among you.  I walk in the midst of My people.  You are not alone, beloved, be bold, come, ask of Me.  What do you want-this is the time-great change is upon you NOW, embrace the change, flow with Me NOW, let the river flow, let the river flow.  Beloved, I AM here with you.)

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