Saturday, August 1, 2020

Whispers of Spirit Aug 1,2020

I heard this today:

Don't worry little one, or allow the thoughts that you will not find Me today, or that I may have nothing to say.  For, I always have something to say.  I speak on your earth plane constantly in this exact frequency that you are hearing Me through.

My dear child, I speak, I AM here in the midst of you all, but, so few tune in to hear.  So few, will practice the pause, and sit in stillness, listening to hear and receive a message from Me.

But, you, My dove, have been willing to hear, and so, as you take the time to listen, you hear, and so it is.  Oh, My dear ones, draw closer to Me now, seek guidance as your world rolls and tumbles into more chaos.  Spend more time in the peaceful abode of My presence, within each of you.

Allow yourselves to be bathed in My love and My comfort.  Turn off the news, and dwell with Me in your heart center.

For the external world shall reel in pain and anguish, but, not so for the wise ones.  For they shall be still and abide in Me.

The waves come now, but, you, My beautiful ones, shall ride the waves with Me. 

Remember, do not fear the changes, for change must come, to set the captives free.

Come away with Me now, My doves, into a quiet place within your earthen vessels.  Allow Me to quiet your minds and warm your spirits now, in these present moments.

You were each created for such a time as this.  My dear ones, allow yourselves to Remember who you are.  The veils are thinning rapidly, you're sensing something new.  But, I tell  you the truth, it is not new, it has been here with you all along.  It's just that now you are beginning to see.

Let the unveiling begin on My beloveds.l


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