Friday, March 4, 2016

Hearing God - March 3, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

Many things are falling into place, as My plans are being accomplished.  I cannot be thwarted.  What was planned from the beginning of time shall come to pass.  For I am not a man that I should lie.

My dear one, follow after love.  Follow after My peace.  Let love guide your steps.  Seek to think good about others, no matter what you see.  Always look for the good.  Many shall seem deadly, blind and evil, but, I ask you not to judge, only love and look for the good.  I shall trouble the waters, so as to stir up the hearts of men.

I am the one who tests the hearts of men.  I see the depths of their hearts.  I hear the longing of their souls.  Beloved, I am the only judge.  My righteousness shall pour forth and My love shall conquer every enemy and law-less one.  

Fear not what you see.   For men shall behave badly.  But, it shall not harm you, for I am protecting you and your family.  Much is going to transpire now, beloved.  Stand still, and know I am with you in the midst of it all.

You are Mine and I will protect you and watch over you.  Beloved, I shall use you in this end-time outpouring.  For love, pure love shall flow through your earthen vessel, and the light of your countenance shall draw many to Me.  I love you child, and I have no doubt that you love Me too.  There is much work to be done now.


Shalom, Beloved, Shalom.

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