Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hearing God - February 20, 2016

As I was waiting on the Lord, this is what I heard:

I have told you before, beloved, that you are set apart for Me, and I will use you in the coming days, for war is ahead of you.

You are a part of My Bride, and you are one of the 144,000.  For these are My chosen vessels, My spiritual Israel, you shall go forth and rescue the perishing at the appointed time.  You have seen this as a child, and the enemy has tried to pull you from this pre-destined path you have always been on.

You have known poverty and lack, and you have known abundance.  You have never lived a day without feeling loved, for I have had My hand upon you, slowly watching over you, as you grew-up in Me, and now you sit here in My chambers as quiet as a dove, softly breathing as you receive these gentle words from Me, in the form of a gentle rain, showering upon your ears.

It is so easy to talk to you for you are willing and eager to hear.  I have shown you types and shadows of what is to come, so as to prepare your heart to have courage and stand in the midst of all that is to come to pass.

You, My beloved, are a chosen vessel to come along side of Me and move and breathe with Me, for there is much that I shall share with you.

The days are fleeting as I am wrapping things up on this age, for the earth as you know it, shall be no more, and the new earth shall be more glorious than the first.  Oh, so many beautiful things to come.

In the war that lies ahead, I shall send you to scour the land for survivors.  You shall lead many to Me in gentleness and humility.  I shall equip you with light and powers you do not know of.  I shall ignite the healing fire of your hands and you shall do signs and wonders for Me in the days ahead.

Perils are coming to many, you shall see and behold much with your eyes, but, it shall not come nigh you.  For you are called to be a watcher and observer of Me, to witness that all that I say is True.

I call you My friend, for you have entered into relationship with Me.  The more I speak, the more you hunger for more of Me, I am your hearts desire.  Beloved, this pleases Me, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

It saddens Me, beloved, for many are still in the world.  They are blind, or are pretending to be blind in this hour.  They do not know or discern the wickedness that is coming in to catch them unaware.  Oh, but, you know, you see, for you have entered in and bolted the door.

Many shall run to and fro trying to find safety in the destruction coming, but, you shall not run, you shall go out only when I send you, and you shall be un-afraid, for I shall go with you.  None can truly fathom what is about to take place, but, I know.

I shall secure the walls of My servants, and there shall be no breaches.  For I have prepared all that they shall need.

I shall use you to teach My fallen ones a lesson.  Fear not, My little one, for I am with you.


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