Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hearing God - April 18, 2015

***Note:  Yesterday as I was just spending time with the Lord, I saw something in My minds eye, I saw white glowing angels stationed around my yard, property lines and home, but my mailbox is outside of my property line a few feet and I believe I was told to be careful when going outside of this protected zone.  The vision only lasted a few moments, and I have been pondering over it yesterday and last night.  Then I believe I got confirmation this morning about what I saw yesterday.

As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, this is what I heard:

Do not worry, My love, about the coming changes.  These things must play out.  You shall be protected by Me.  I shall be by your side through every change.  It shall be very difficult to watch, but, know this, you are where I want you to be, do not move unless I move you.  I have stationed My angels all around you, and your home and your family.  I shall bring all of your family through this great time of testing.  Stay humble, My love, keep your face forever turned to Me now.  Keep repenting and allowing Me to cleanse you from all the stains you receive daily, due to the thick layer of sin circling around the earth.  This is why you must continually repent before Me and allow Me to cleanse you.  This is a daily assignment.  You are becoming more diligent in what you are allowing into your eye gate and ear gate.  This pleases Me child, this is another level of growth for you.  You are My beloved dove, quiet, gentle, meek and lowly.  This is where you need to be in the days ahead.  My heart longs to remove you, but, it is not time yet.  But, know this, soon, very soon I shall take you to Me, not very long now.  Remain strong and steadfast in Me.  Lead by example.  As you are, simply following as I lead you, others are watching you and beginning to follow your example.  As you follow Me, your bread crumbs are left scattered on the trail, and shall feed many as they come and seek Me for themselves.  You see child, nothing is lost or wasted in your journey.  I use everything to draw all men to Me.  This is a sacred journey, My love.  I am so glad to be on this journey with you.


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