Friday, January 16, 2015

Hearing God - Jan. 16, 2015

Oh, My child, your eyes are constantly upon Me now.  You are relying on Me and dwelling with Me in the secret chambers of your heart.  Oh, the joy of your soul is beautiful to Me as you rest and abide with Me now.  Do not worry or be anxious to know everything I will require of you, for you are to only Trust, and abide in Me, succumbed to gently following Me in quiet trust and loyalty day by day.  I am revealing more and more of Myself to you, I shall instruct you in your duties in the days ahead, do not try to rush out ahead of Me.  Stay close, dear one, there is much happening in the spirit now and you, My love, are exactly where I want you, by My side, abiding, resting and growing into your fullness now.  These days we are sharing are precious to Me, for in this time you share with Me our love grows deeper and more beautiful.  Oh, My lovely one, you are seated with Me, far above all principalities and powers and rulers of this world.  For you have conquered your flesh in your submission to Me, you have learned to recognize your old flesh when it trys to rear it's ugly head, but, it only lasts for a moment now, as you crush it under your feet as I've shown you to do.  All shall be in submission to Me.  You, My love, have submitted all that you can, but there is more to surrender child.  I simply ask you to obey in My leading, as I require you to set aside things whether it be activities, people, conversations, Remember child, when you choose to do as I lead you, you are taking up your cross and following Me.

  The world has many things to tempt and entice you with to draw you away from Me, but, Remember, I am here, I see you, all you have to do is turn inward to find Me.  I am not distant from you, My beloved.  Your main goal for now is to keep Me at the front of your mind and follow My leading.  You are on the narrow road, this path leads to everlasting life, love, peace, victory, and rest.  This is a sacred path, that few endeavor to tread.  For it requires a humble heart, one who is ready to set aside all that is in this world and ascend to Me, to reach higher than your fleshly bands that bind you, and look within, not externally, but into the spirit ,for in the spirit within is where your freedom lies.  This is a great lesson you have learned.  To be able to recognize the pull of the flesh against the pull of the spirit.  To choose the spirit over your flesh, over and over is where true life is.  You are coming to an end in the journey, as the flesh no longer has a pull on you.  Yes, you still live in your flesh in this world, but, really, you are living in the spirit in My Kingdom.  Soon, you shall recognize you have no limitations now, and you shall discover many amazing things you can do in Me, for as I live, so shall you.  Live in the spirit, My love, for in the spirit is where your soul longs to be.  I am spirit and so are you.  You are strong, My love, you are strong.  The longer you abide in Me and I abide in you, the stronger you shall be, in the spirit and in the physical.

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