Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hearing God - June 8, 2014

I love you child, just rest here and wait.  I see you.  I know your heart, your mind is racing this morning on so many other things.  Give all your worries to Me.  Ask Me to take care of each need for you.  Be specific in your request.  I shall surely fill every need.  Much shall be given to you, but you must ask for it now.  I have given you an open heaven and you must come before Me and ask.  As you ask I shall give it and when you receive it you shall know it's from Me.  Many ask only for themselves out of selfish desires.  But, I have a few who shall ask for My will, My desires to come forth as the spirit directs them.  I can only use clean and pure vessels that have been purged from the filthiness and desires of this world.  As you yield yourself to Me, I am able to bring forth My desires through you.  We are one My child, you want what I want.  You see as I see and long for My Will in all things now.  Your plans and purposes are in Me now.  Your hearts desires are My hearts desires.  You live in Me now.  We are growing steadily stronger and stronger.  Our bond is strengthened everyday.  I watch over you.  For you are Mine.  I am ever mindful of you.  You are drawing from My well and it shall never run dry.  My plans for you are beginning to unfold, do not fear what tomorrow will bring just Trust Me each and every day.  I have a way of escape for you from every trap and snare.  Do not be anxious or worried.  I have already gone before you and made a way.  You are safe and secure in Me.  My light is in you.  I shall guide you.  I lead and you follow, oh My love that is all I ask.  Listen and Obey.

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