Quiet your mind. SSShhhhh, be still, I am here. I love you My dear little one. You are a treasure to Me. I enjoy our time together. Waiting on Me is the most important thing you can be doing right now. I see you. I know you. You are determined to live in Me and for Me. It will go well with you, for it pleases Me. I have heard your cries to search you and reveal any hidden sin or iniquities in you, I have searched you and you are clean child. Each day you ask Me to search, I look and I reveal to you your sin, you are now quick to repent. You have learned a huge lesson My dear one. You no longer argue with Me or try to deny your sin, or blame someone else. You have learned humility. You have tendered your resignation to self and humbly bow to Me and My observations of your own heart. I have given you a heart of flesh. I am molding you into My image with each passing moment. Many tests have come your way. Many more will come. These tests and trials are My tools. I use these tools to shape and mold you into My likeness. You are dear to Me, for you are yielding to Me. Do not make any decisions without talking to Me first. Yield to My leading and unction through out your day. Focus on hearing Me. Let My spirit and words flow through you. I created you to do what you're doing. Spending time with Me, this is your higher purpose. I live in you child. Let Me live big in you now. You must decrease and I must increase. Let Me take over your vessel in a way you have not known before. I will show Myself strong in you. I have increased your faith. I have increased your love. In your weakness, I am made strong. You are an earthen vessel, but you are also an eternal spirit. We will live forever together. To understand a bed of affliction is a powerful thing. I can do so much in affliction. Total surrender is key to your development in affliction. I use everything to teach, train, restrain and correct My children. The child that yields to Me and My correction will have a seat at My table. I desire all to come and wait upon Me as you are doing. But, few, sadly see the value in it. In these times of waiting on Me, I see your heart, I refresh and renew your spirit, I strengthen your body and soul. I fill you with My oil, I trim your lamp. I cleanse your garments. Much is accomplished in this time together. Our time together is precious to Me. For I know you truly love Me and want to know Me. You My child, My love, My little dove are seeking My face, and this pleases Me child, this pleases Me. So, you shall be given much. You shall be allowed entrance into My secret chambers. you shall know Me as I surly know you. Be not afraid. I am here.
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